CH0001: Fundamental Aspects of Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH0001
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L3
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Sankar Meenakshisundaram
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces basic descriptions of elemental properties and the periodic table, solid and molecular structures and bonding, and relates these to the electronic structure of atoms. The mole as a unit is introduced so that a quantitative treatment of stoichiometry can be considered. Practical work introduces the use and handling of basic chemical equipment, and illustrates the behaviour of simple chemical substances.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


a) describe the basic physical and chemical properties of elements, compounds, mixtures, substances;

b) define the relative molecular mass and molar mass of elements and compounds and the concept of stoichiometry in chemical reactions;

c) recognise the classification of the elements in the periodic table, and be aware of the general trends across a period and down a group;

d) identify the fundamental particles in an atom and recall how each one was discovered;

e) label the quantum numbers in an atom and reproduce the electronic configuration of atoms using the aufbau principle;

f) describe the different types of bonding between atoms and molecules;

g) identify the different structures of solid materials;

h) describe how VSEPR can be used to predict shapes of molecules.


a) carry out basic calculations on moles and molarity, and solve problems based on concentrations of masses in solutions;

b) manipulate and balance simple chemical equations;

c) predict the chemical reactivity of the elements based on their position in the periodic table;

d) demonstrate how the aufbau principle can be used to predict reactivity;

e) distinguish between ionic and covalent compounds;

f) predict properties of compounds based on an understanding of intra- and intermolecular interactions;    

g) assess the role of hydrogen bonding for influencing the properties of simple molecules.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

8 x 1h asynchronous lecture recordings, 8 x 1h synchronous lectures, 8 X face-to-face problem sessions 1 x 4.5h laboratory work.

Skills that will be practised and developed

The student should be able to:

a) carry out simple chemical calculations, including molar concentrations, percentage yields and conversions from grams to moles (and vice versa);

b) follow written chemical instructions and report results in an appropriate style;

c) carry out simple laboratory experiments, including titrations and gravimetric analysis.

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (1 h) will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. The coursework (workshops and assignments) will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to judge and critically review relevant information.  Practical skills will be assessed via a series of laboratory-based exercises.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content


Introduction to chemistry – physical/chemical properties of substances. Law of chemical change, atomic mass/relative molar mass. The concepts of the mole, molar mass and Avogadro’s number. Equations and the mole. Concentration and molarity. Titrations and standard solutions.

History and features of the Periodic Table. Groups and rows, trends in the Table. Formulae of binary compounds. Introduction to atomic structure, Dalton’s atomic theory. Electrons, atomic nucleus, nucleides and isotopes.

Introduction to the Bohr model of the atom, Quantum numbers, shapes of atomic orbitals, orbital energies. Electronic configuration of atoms – exclusion principle, Hund’s rules, aufbau principle. Periodicity of physical and chemical properties, atomic radii, ionisation energy, electronegativity. Trends in chemical properties.

Bonding in compounds - ionic and covalent. Ionic lattices, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle. Valency. Covalent bonds as electron “sharing”, covalent bonds as overlapping atomic orbitals. Concept of dipoles in binding and van der Waals interactions. Nature of hydrogen bonds.

Covalent bonds, polarity.

Characteristic properties of covalent, metallic and ionic compounds.

Predicting Lewis structures and 3-dimentional shapes of simple molecules (VSEPR) and assessing whether molecules have permanent molecular dipole moments. Multiple bonds and hydrogen bonds.

 Practical Work & Workshops

Assembling and using glassware (a video demonstration), titrimetric exercises including use of burettes and pipettes (measurement of errors and standardisation of HCl solution), precipitation titrations including determination of relative molecular masses of unknown substances, analysis of properties-bonding relationships for a series of unknown compounds and finally prediction of molecular shapes using VSEPR (via Internet resource material).

CH0002: Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Equilibria

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH0002
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L3
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Alison Paul
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module provides the basis for a quantitative understanding of (i) the kinetic theory of gases (which is developed to consider the nature of liquids and solids); (ii) equilibria and the concepts of the equilibrium constant and of pH; (iii) energy changes in chemical reactions and the fundamental principles of thermodynamics; (iv) the rates of chemical reactions and the concepts of the rate determining step and the activation energy.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


a) explain the concept of dynamic equilibrium and define an equilibrium constant;

b) extend the concept to sparingly soluble salts and acid dissociation;

c) state Le Chatelier’s principle;

d) describe Brønsted’s theory of acids and bases and the concept of pH;

e) state the empirical laws of Gay-Lussac, Avogadro, Boyle and Charles, and their summary in the Ideal Gas Law; recognise Graham’s law;

f) be aware of intermolecular forces and how these give rise to non-ideality in gases and liquids;

g) state Dalton’s law of ideal mixtures; Raoult’s law;

h) explain enthalpy changes and use Hess’s law.


a) calculate equilibrium constants from titration results;

b) manipulate the equation for an equilibrium constant to derive concentrations;

c) predict the effect of changes to a chemical system at equilibrium;

d) understand the principles of buffer solutions;

e) explain the concept of absolute zero and the Kelvin temperature scale;

f) discuss the assumptions in the Ideal Gas Law and describe the conditions under which it is valid, and use it to calculate gas properties;

g) calculate standard enthalpy changes and rate constants;

h) understand the factors that affect reaction rates and recognise an order of reaction.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

16 x 1h  lectures, 5 x 1h seminars, 3 x 2h workshops, and 2 x 3h practicals.

Skills that will be practised and developed

On completion of the module rhe student should:

a) be able to interpret experimental observations in terms of molecular properties of the system;

b) have an appreciation of the requirement for accuracy and precision in obtaining, recording and reporting experimental measurements;

c) have experience in using experimental data to calculate constants.

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (1 h) will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. The coursework (workshops and assignments) will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to judge and critically review relevant information.  Practical skills will be assessed via a series of laboratory-based exercises.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content


Equilibria and pH:

The concept of a dynamic equilibrium, the equilibrium constant, Le Chatelier's principle. The solubility constant for sparingly soluble salts. Bronsted's theory of acids and bases, the concept of pH. The acid dissociation constant, pH titrations and buffer solutions.

The Kinetic Theory of Gases:

The gas laws of Gay-Lussac, Avogadro, Boyle, Graham and Charles. Absolute zero and the Kelvin temperature scale. The ideal gas law. Non ideality in gases and liquids. Types of intermolecular forces. Dalton’s Law of ideal mixtures.

Liquids and Solids:

Intermolecular forces, vapour pressure, surface tension, Raoult’s law, phase changes.

Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions:

The concept of enthalpy. Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Hess' law and simple Born Haber cycles.

Rates of Chemical Reactions:

The concept of rate. The law of mass action, the order of reaction, the rate equation and the rate constant. Comparing experimental data with the integrated rate equations. The rate determining step. The effect of temperature on reaction rates, the Arrhenius equation and the concept of the activation energy. Catalysis.

Practical work & Workshops

These sessions provide experience in acquiring, recording and interpreting experimental data as well as reinforcing, through application, the concepts taught in the lectures. There will be a mixture of practical work in which the aim is to make and record accurate observations and ‘dry’ experiments in which the emphasis is on calculation and interpretation.

CH0003: Chemistry of Organic Compounds

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH0003
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L3
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces the main types of organic compounds by reference to simple systems and to specific compounds of industrial, biological and medical importance. The more important reactions of each of these types are described, and are explained in terms of the electronic structure of the functional groups involved. The practical work illustrates the basic techniques involved in the preparation, isolation, and purification of organic compounds.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Demonstrate awareness of the structures, properties and reactions of common classes of organic compound.
  • Describe how organic compounds can be separated and analysed.



  • Predict and represent chemical reactions of common functional groups in organic chemistry.
  • Perform basic laboratory procedures, chemical calculations and reporting.



  • Retrieve and communicate chemical information.
  • Act upon written and oral instructions to achieve objectives under time pressure.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (16 x 1 h across half a semester). This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading. There will be 5 x 1 h seminars which will include problem solving in organic chemistry to consolidate knowledge and give practice related to the first “Acting” learning outcome.


Workshops (2 x 1 h, formative) will be used to illustrate how organic compounds are separated and analysed (“Knowing” and “Acting” Learning Outcomes). A further workshop (3 h) will involve information retrieval and communication.


Laboratory sessions (2 x 3 h) will give practical experience in procedures and reporting.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry specific skills will include:

  • safely using corrosive and volatile chemicals;
  • purification of organic compounds by crystallisation;
  • following written chemical instructions and reporting results in an appropriate style;
  • drawing chemical structures;
  • mole and yield calculations;
  • predicting reactions of common functional groups.


Transferable skills:

  • Searching for chemical information and evaluating its reliability;
  • Presenting and reporting in written form;
  • Working under time pressure.

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment: A written exam (1 h) will test the ability to demonstrate the “Knowing” learning outcomes and to apply these to previously unseen problems (“Acting”). Laboratory practicals will assess the ability to follow instructions, perform procedures, report on findings and work under time pressure. A workshop will involve searching for, retrieving and communicating chemical information in writing.




Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (1 h) or submit additional written coursework during the Resit Examination Period. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content

Mandatory content:

Structure and bonding in organic compounds.

Representing organic molecules.

Nomenclature of simple organic compounds.

Organic functional groups.

Stable molecules vs. reactive intermediates (carbocations and radicals).

Double bond equivalents.

Organic reactivity – nucleophiles and electrophiles.


Structures, reactions and applications of common classes of organic molecules:

Hydrocarbons – alkanes and alkenes (addition reactions).

Haloalkanes – substitution and elimination.

Alcohols – physical properties, dehydration to alkenes, reaction as a nucleophile.

Amines – bases, conversion to amides. Amino acids.

Aldehydes/ketones – colour tests (DNPH, Tollens’, Fehling’s), oxidation and reduction.

Carboxylic acids – acid/base chemistry, hydrogen bonding, structure of carboxylate anion, natural occurrence.

Acid chlorides and anhydrides – use for making esters and amides.

Esters – synthesis, hydrolysis, polymers, natural occurrence.

Amides – synthesis, structure – planarity, polymers, natural occurrence (peptides and proteins).

Aromatic compounds –delocalisation, substitution reactions with Brand nitration.


Techniques and methods in organic chemistry – practical preparative procedures with basic glassware. Recording and interpreting experimental results.

Separation techniques – filtration, solvent extraction, distillation, chromatography and recrystallisation. Melting point as an indication of purity. Calculation of percentage yield.

Basic principles of organic structure determination (IR, UV and NMR spectroscopy, CHN analysis, mass spectrometry). 

CH0004: Inorganic and Redox Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH0004
External Subject Code 101043
Number of Credits 10
Level L3
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Emma Richards
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module introduces the idea of periodicity in the properties of elements and covers a general range of topics. Some basic chemistry of hydrogen and selected elements from the periodic table is discussed. Simple coordination chemistry of metal ions in solution and the ideas of oxidation and reduction in relation to oxidation state changes and electron transfer are addressed. The principles and practice of quantitative analysis are also explored.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Define oxidation states for a wide variety of chemical species.
  • Calculate and use moles and concentration terms.
  • Describe trends in the periodic table and outline characteristic traits of each block of elements.
  • Define oxidation number, ionisation energy, electron affinity, effective nuclear charge, covalent and ionic radii.

Outline the general chemical and physical properties of elements in each group and provide details of how these react with a variety of species.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

The topics laid out in the syllabus will be introduced through 16 x 1 hour lectures. The lectures will be supplemented by 5 x 1 hour seminars in which the application of the knowledge acquired to problem solving will be emphasised.


Students will also take part in 3 x 2 hour workshops in which they will be perform problem solving activities.


Practical laboratory skills will be developed in 1 x 4.5 hour laboratory sessions.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will be expected to refer to the literature to build on the knowledge acquired in this module. The skills practised include the application of knowledge to solve previously unseen problems. Maintenance of a safe working environment will be particularly underlined during the laboratory sessions.


Transferable skills include following instructions/procedures correctly, making observations and recording results. Working as a team and management of time will also be practised.

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Two workshops will be assessed formatively with written or oral feedback being provided. This is to provide practice in the application of acquired knowledge to solve problems.


Summative assessment:

A written exam will determine the level of knowledge, understanding of concepts and ability to apply this in the solution of problems. A workshop session will test the ability to understand, manipulate and interpret data. The practical sessions will assess the ability to carry out laboratory experiments and grasp the significance of the results.





Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (1h) during the Resit Examination Period.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content

The module introduces a range of general topics all of which are required for completion of the module. These are:


Ionic and covalent bonding.


Chemical formulae.


Oxidation states and rules for definition. Reduction and oxidation processes, half-reaction, and overall stoichiometry.


Types of chemical reaction. Application of redox reaction – electrochemistry (Galvanic cells) and corrosion.


Quantitative analysis and estimation and treatment of errors.


Acids, bases and pH.


Introduction to the periodic table and the trends in properties. Ionisation energies, electron affinities, effective nuclear charge, ionic/covalent radii.


Chemical and physical properties of Group 1 and 2 elements, their reactions with water and oxygen and the solubilities of their sulphates and carbonates.


Introduction to the properties of transition metals and d-block elements. Complex formation, ligands, coordination number, chelate effect and the origin of coloured species.


Introduction to the p-block. Elements of Groups 13 and 14. Covalency of bonds formed and the occurrence of allotropes. Group 16 and 17 and the reactivity of halogens with hydrogen. Noble gases and their non-reactivity.


Laboratory work will include studies of Group 1 and Group 2 elements and redox titrations to determine the purity of iron.


Workshops will focus on the use of titration results for chemical analysis.

CH0005: Introduction to Green and Sustainable Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH0005
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L3
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Sankar Meenakshisundaram
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces the problems associated with greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, plastic contamination, feedstock availability. After introducing the challenges, this module presents the concept of green chemistry, role of chemistry in addressing the above-mentioned challenges; metrics associated green chemistry, and sustainable production of chemicals and fuels from renewable feedstock such as waste biomass including the differences between linear economy and circular economy. This module further introduces catalytic methodologies as a greener alternative to conventional chemical synthesis. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to


a) describe the challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, CO2emission, waste generation;

b) identify specific issues associated with using conventional feedstock for producing chemicals and energy;

c) define the metrics such as E-factor and Atom Economy used in green chemistry;

d) appreciate the importance of catalytic processes against reactions using stoichiometric reagents;

e) identify sustainable alternative feedstock to produce chemicals and fuels;

f) appreciate the difference between linear economy and circular economy;


a) calculate the E-factor and Atom Economy for simple chemical reactions;

b) between two reactions identify which one is greener using the above metrics

c) identify sustainable and renewable feedstock;

e) identify environmentally benign waste products and hazardous waste in a given chemical reaction; 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

8 x 1h asynchronous lecture recordings, 8 X 1h synchronous lectures, 1 x 3h group presentation .

Skills that will be practised and developed

The student should be able to:

a) carry out simple calculations, including molecular weight, E-factor calculation and atom economy calculation;

b) classify a reaction’s greenness using the above metrics;

c) differentiate a catalytic process from a non-catalytic process involving stoichiometric reagents

How the module will be assessed

A written exam will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. The coursework (workshops and assignments) will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to judge and critically review relevant information and present. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 60 Exam - Introduction to Green and Sustainable chemistry 1
Written Assessment 40 Coursework workshop N/A

Syllabus content


Introduction to Green Chemistry and concepts of Sustainability. Source of environmental contamination including greenhouse gases and solid and liquid pollutants. Carbon capture and utilisation.

Society’s demands on chemicals and energy. Current and alternative sources of energy. Energy storage, batteries and hydrogen economy. 

Biomass and circular economy. Concept of zero waste. 

Introduction to life cycle analysis and sustainability. Measure of sustainability including the concepts on E-factor and atom economy. 

Introduction to homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis and how catalytic processes are environmentally benign compared to reactions involving stoichiometric reagents.  ,.

Assignment & Workshop

In this, students will be given an opportunity to choose a real world problem, relevant to green and sustainable future, analyse the problems and come with a possible solution for this problem. The solution will be presented to their peers along with the staff members. This gives the students an opportunity in problem solving, teamwork and communication skills.  

CH0006: Introduction to Forensic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH0006
External Subject Code 100388
Number of Credits 10
Level L3
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Mark Elliott
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces the fundamental concepts of forensic chemistry. It will explain some of the key concepts relating to the chemical analysis of forensic evidence, for a range of trace and contact evidence such as DNA, body fluids, drugs, fingerprints and gunshot residue. A range of modern analytical methods will be covered.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing(these are things that students will need to be able to do to pass the module)

Demonstrate awareness of the types of forensic evidence and how they can be used to lead to criminal convictions.

Describe how chemical analysis can be applied to forensic problems for a range of types of evidence.

Describe the application of modern instrumental methods to the resolution of chemistry problems of a forensic nature.


Acting(performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

Appreciate the relevance of the different chemical methods to forensic problems, and understand (at an appropriate level) the molecular basis of forensic science.

Propose plausible investigation routes for the evaluation of a range of crime scene evidence covering a range of scenarios.


Being(performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

Research and assess examples of forensic evidence as obtained from specific crime scenes, and to communicate the results of a forensic investigation in a critical manner.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (16 h across one semester). This will address the ‘Knowing’ and ‘Acting’ learning outcomes, while guidance in the retrieval of information will address the ‘Being’ learning outcome.

Workshops (4 x 2 h, two formative, two summative) will be used to deliver practical skills, analytical skills and to reinforce key principles.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will focus on developing an appreciation of molecular structure (drugs, substances of abuse, biological molecules), and how this relates to methods for chemical analysis.

An appreciation of the social importance of forensic chemistry (and hence chemistry in general) will be developed through examination of case studies.

Analytical and numerical skills will be practised by application of quantitative analytical methods to toxicological problems.

This module develops a number of transferable skills, such as problem-solving, information retrieval and numeracy, all of which are important for enhancing employability.

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Two of the four workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided, either orally or in written form.

Summative assessment: A written exam (1 h) will test the students’ ability to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and application of the syllabus content. Two workshops will be assessed summatively, assessing aspects such as information retrieval and analysis and numerical skills.


Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic year will set an examination (1 h) during the Resit Examination Period.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 60 Intro to Forensic Chemistry 1
Written Assessment 40 Coursework workshop N/A

Syllabus content

An introduction to forensic science and how chemistry is key to the success of this field. Brief introduction to drugs – cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD and barbiturates.

Identification of the drugs of abuse: schemes for identification of trace and bulk samples. Sampling techniques, presumptive tests, thin layer chromatography and instrumental techniques (GC, IR, GC-MS, GC-IR). Drug quantification.

Introduction to toxicology. Factors affecting toxic dose – carcinogenic and mutagenic substances, age and size, state of health, history of exposure, paradoxical reactions. Chemistry of poisoning; mode of action of poisons, ingestion, metabolism and excretion. Schemes for identification.

Contact and trace evidence. Amounts of material transferred and persistence of material. Recovery of trace materials. Characterisation and comparison of glass, fibres, paint and hair.

Analysis of body fluids. Description of blood and its components. Composition and analyses/tests. Semen; saliva.

Modern analytical instrumentation. GC/HPLC, MS, GC-MS, FTIR. Description of each technique and the merits and disadvantages of each.

CH2112: Forensic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2112
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Mark Elliott
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces the fundamental, theoretical and practical concepts of forensic chemistry. It will explain some of the key concepts relating to the classification of drugs, toxicological investigations, trace and contact evidence, body fluid analyses, and the use of modern analytical instruments in forensic chemistry.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing (these are things that students will need to be able to do to pass the module)

Demonstrate awareness of the types of forensic evidence and how they can be used to lead to criminal convictions.

Describe how to apply fundamental chemical principles to forensic problems for a range of types of evidence.

Describe the application of modern instrumental methods to the resolution of chemistry problems of a forensic nature.


Acting (performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

Appreciate the relationship between structure and function for a range of molecules found in crime scene evidence.

Propose plausible investigation routes for the evaluation of a range of crime scene evidence covering a range of scenarios.


Being (performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

Research and assess examples of forensic evidence as obtained from specific crime scenes, and to communicate the results of a forensic investigation in a critical manner.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (16 h across one semester). This will address the ‘Knowing’ and ‘Acting’ learning outcomes, while guidance in the retrieval of information will address the ‘Being’ learning outcome.

Workshops (4 x 2 h, two formative, two summative) will be used to deliver practical skills, analytical skills and to reinforce key principles.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will focus on developing an understanding of molecular structure (drugs, substances of abuse, biological molecules), and how this relates to methods for chemical analysis.

An appreciation of the social importance of forensic chemistry (and hence chemistry in general) will be developed through examination of case studies.

Analytical and numerical skills will be practised by application of quantitative analytical methods to toxicological problems.

This module develops a number of transferable skills, such as problem-solving, information retrieval and numeracy, all of which are important for enhancing employability.

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Two of the four workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided, either orally or in written form.

Summative assessment: A written exam (1 h) will test the students’ ability to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and application of the syllabus content. Two workshops will be assessed summatively, assessing aspects such as practical forensic chemistry, information retrieval and analysis.




Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic year will set an examination (1 h) during the Resit Examination Period.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 FORENSIC CHEMISTRY 1
Written Assessment 20 Workshops and Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

An introduction to forensic science and how chemistry is key to the success of this field. Brief introduction to drugs – cannabis, heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD and barbiturates.

Identification of the drugs of abuse: schemes for identification of trace and bulk samples. Sampling techniques, presumptive tests, thin layer chromatography and instrumental techniques (GC, IR, GC-MS, GC-IR). Drug quantification.

Introduction to toxicology. Factors affecting toxic dose – carcinogenic and mutagenic substances, age and size, state of health, history of exposure, paradoxical reactions. Chemistry of poisoning; mode of action of poisons, ingestion, metabolism and excretion. Schemes for identification.

Contact and trace evidence. Amounts of material transferred and persistence of material. Recovery of trace materials. Characterisation and comparison of glass, fibres, paint and hair.

Analysis of body fluids. Description of blood and its components. Composition and analyses/tests. Semen; saliva.

Modern analytical instrumentation. GC/HPLC, MS, GC-MS, FTIR. Description of each technique and the merits and disadvantages of each.

CH2115: Chemistry of the Cosmos

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2115
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will look at the origins of the elements from the Big Bang onwards including nuclear synthesis within stars and supernovae. The formation of the first elements and the beginning of chemistry will be followed by an examination of the abundances of the various elements in both stars and planets, including a look at the atmospheric compositions of planets with emphasis on the Earth and our solar system.  We will then take a look at how life may have evolved from the pre-biotic soup on ancient Earth (or elsewhere) and examine just what life *is* and how it may have come about with a discussion on current theories on how life may have first evolved and how early life forms may have manifested.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing(these are things that students will need to be able to do to pass the module)

·      The origins of the elements in the universe and the processes that formed them.

·      The nucleosynthesis processes that occur in stars to create the elements.

·      The Goldilocks principle – why is Earth so ideal for its chemistry to sustain long-term development of life.

·      The plausible prebiotic pathways for the formation of carbohydrates, amino acids, membranes, nucleobases 

·      Key driving forces in prebiotic chemical synthesis

·      The essence of the “RNA world” hypothesis (and its alternatives)


Acting (performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

·      Explain the relative abundances of the elements in the universe, the solar system and in planets, including their distributions in earth’s core, crust and atmosphere.

·      Explain the chemical evolution of planetary atmospheres.

·      Compare and contrast the biological and prebiotic pathways for the formation of life-essential chemicals

·      Explain the chemical principles that govern all fundamental biochemical reactions. 

Being (performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

·      Research and assess experimental techniques and findings that driven the generation of the theories for elemental origins, distribution and chemical evolution on Earth’s surface, including prebiotic chemistry.

·      Appreciate the relationship between experiment design and theories/hypothesis

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

16 × 1h Lectures plus 5 x 2hr workshops

Skills that will be practised and developed

On completion of this module, a student will be able to:

  1. State the fundamental make of atoms and understand how atomic nuclei are formed;
  2. Understand the stability of nuclei, when and how they were formed and relate this to their natural abundances;
  3. Understand an overview Earth’s planetary atmosphere and how this has evolved since its formation;
  4. Understand what constitutes a lifeform and give an overview of modern theories on how life evolved from the fundamental chemicals present on the ancient earth.

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (1 h) will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. The coursework (workshops and assignments) will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to judge and critically review relevant information. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 CHEMISTRY OF THE COSMOS 1
Written Assessment 20 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

  • Overview of the relative abundances of the elements.
  • The Big Bang and formation of 1H, 2H, He, Li.
  • Stellar nucleosynthesis – from He to Fe.
  • Supernovae and creation of the heavier elements.
  • The beginning of chemistry, formation of atoms, molecules and ionic compounds.
  • Elemental abundances on planets.
  • Overview of the Earth’s chemical make-up – core, mantle, crust and atmosphere.
  • The Goldilocks principle – the effects of the moon, the magnetic field, CO2and water on the Earth’s environmental stability – is Earth ‘just right’?
  • The prebiotic atmosphere of the ancient earth.
  • What constitutes a life form? The fundamental parts of a living cell.
  • Membranes, nucleic acids and proteins – polymers of simpler units.
  • Biochemical reactions are just a subset of ordinary chemical reactions.
  • Simple metabolism – extracting energy from the Sun and from fuel molecules – simple biosynthesis and coupling of the two.
  • Storage and replication of genetic information.
  • Theories on the origin of early biomolecules – getting the chemistry of life underway – The Miller-Urey experiments.
  • The DNA-protein paradox – was early life an ‘RNA-world’?
  • Possible origins of biotic redox chemistry, the oxygen catastrophe and the transformation to modern life.

CH2117: Environmental Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2117
External Subject Code 101045
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Andrea Folli
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


In this module, we discuss the fundamental chemistry of the natural environment. You will encounter three sections focussed on the chemistries of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere. Here, you will engage with the chemical reactions and equilibria of the constituents along the atmosphere strata, as well as with the physical and chemical properties of planet Earth’s natural waters and soils. The knowledge delivered in this module will give you a chance to understand and appreciate to a much greater extent many of the natural phenomena and Earth dynamics that we ordinarily take for granted but that are at the core of our weather, seasonal changes, and indeed responsible for sustaining life on Earth. You will also examine how the finely tuned chemistry and physics can be unbalanced by anthropogenic (from the Greek ànthrōpos, human + genesis, origin, i.e., human-made) activities, as we will devote particular attention to the causes and effects of pollution in the environment, such as smog, acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution, and the methods used for pollution control. In covering all these aspects, we will introduce important fundamentals of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry that you will further develop in Year 2 and above. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • List the different strata, or layers, of the atmosphere and describe their main physical properties. 

  • Describe the light-induced radical chemistry occurring in the atmosphere and list a few examples of radical reactions. 

  • Describe the structures of soil and rock components such as silicates and aluminosilicates and the physical-chemical properties of soil, including weathering and erosion of rocks, distribution/uptake of inorganic salts, and related indicators. 

  • Recall and describe the threats to healthy soil. 

  • Present the main physical-chemical properties of water and relate them to the occurrence and characteristics of hydrogen bonding. 

  • Discuss knowledge of solution chemistry in light of pH, solvation/coordination, and redox to describe the differences in the chemical composition of sea vs fresh water and the fundamentals of water pollution. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered as a blend of face-to-face lectures and digital learning which will also be used to enhance the classroom learning experience, provide in-depth analysis of some of the Learning Outcomes, and provide support and feedback. 

The module comprises 10 weeks of 2 1-hour lectures (2 hours of face-to-face lecturing per week), three 2-hour workshops, and 1 online test.  

The final workshop will consist of group presentations on subjects chosen by you and your peers relevant to the chemistry of the natural environment; the climate emergency; sustainability; or any relevant aspects of the module that you feel passionate about and would like to go into further details. This formative exercise will be peer assessed. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Whilst studying this Module, you will practise and develop the following skills. 

Academic skills that will be assessed formally and included as Learning Outcomes: 

  • Describe the principles of atmospheric photophysics and photochemistry, including atmospheric radical chemistry. 

  • Describe the fundamentals of hydrogen bonding. 

  • Present elements of inorganic chemistry associated with ionic species in solution, including fundamentals of coordination and redox chemistry. 

  • Presents the main causes of air, soil and water pollution and propose remediation technologies. 

Soft and transferrable skills that are fundamental for your future employability and professional development, whether you remain in a Chemistry-related field or not: 

  • Demonstrate intellectual curiosity and engage in the pursuit of new knowledge and understanding. 

  • Consider your personal and professional ethical, social and environmental responsibilities. 

  • Be mindful of the Climate Emergency and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

  • Deliver, accept and act on constructive feedback proposed by your lecturers or peers. 

  • Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, and exercise critical judgement in evaluating sources of information. 

Collaborative skills that will be practised during the group presentations and that are aimed at enhancing your team working capabilities and employability: 

  • Contribute positively and effectively when working in a team, having an impact from the outset. 

  • Demonstrate enthusiasm and the ability to motivate yourself and positively influence your peers in meeting agreed responsibilities. 

  • Be respectful of the roles of others and acknowledge the limits of your own skills/experience. 

  • Develop presentations and web-based resources for communicating scientific concepts and ideas. 

Further transferrable skills that you will be practised during the online test as well as the final exam: 

  • Identify and articulate your knowledge and understanding confidently and in a variety of contexts. 

  • Discern spurious information from the correct one. 

  • Analyse critically data and numeric information. 

  • Use web-based assessment resources. 

How the module will be assessed


The module will be assessed via an online test, accounting for 20% of the final mark, plus a written one-hour exam, accounting for 80% of the final mark. 

The online test is formulated to assess your ability to discern spurious information from corrected one and provide you with an opportunity to test, prior to the final examination, your data analysis skills and some of the fundamental Learning Outcomes for this module. These include stratification and physical-chemical properties of the atmosphere; solution chemistry, including quick and easy calculations of solution pH; and soil properties. There are 30 questions in this assignment, 10 from each section of the module (i.e., atmosphere, hydrosphere and chemistry of the soil), with each question worth one point. 

You can use your lecture notes and any textbooks. You have 2 hours to complete this assignment, and you have only one attempt. You need to answer all the questions presented. 

The final exam is intended to evaluate your academic skills, knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the Learning Outcomes more generally and in full. In addition, the exam will also assess your transferrable skills related to the critical analysis of data and your ability to articulate, confidently, your knowledge and understanding in a written form. There 4 questions in the exam, one from each section of the module (i.e., atmosphere, hydrosphere and chemistry of the soil), plus a mixed one combining two out of the three sections of the module. Each question accounts for a maximum of 20 points. You need to answer 3 out of 4 questions during the exam. 

The transferrable and soft skills that are not assessed by the online test and/or final exam will be practised during the group presentations, which are not summative, and constitute a formative, although particularly important, piece of work. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme. If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme. You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

The reassessment is in the exact same format as the original assessment, and it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assessment      Contribution    Title                                                                               Duration   Approx. date of Assess.

Online Test                        20                          CH2117 Environmental Chemistry Online Test    2 hours 

Final Written Exam           80                          CH2117 Environmental Chemistry Exam             1 hour 


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 1
Written Assessment 20 Workshops and Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

A descriptive outline and summary of the topics that will be covered during the module are as follow.  

Atmospheric chemistry 

Structure and composition of the atmosphere; photochemical processes; photochemistry of the stratosphere and the ozone layer; chemistry and metereology of the Antarctic ozone hole; chemistry and photochemistry of the troposphere and inorganic pollutants; photochemical smog; acid rain; global warming. 

Chemistry of sea water, fresh water, and properties of the hydrosphere 

Hypotheses on the origin of water on Earth; Global water cycle; chemical composition of sea water; conservative and non-conservative properties; salinity. Physical and chemical properties of water; solvation and coordination; pH and buffers; redox properties; effect of dissolved carbonate and carbon dioxide and pH-dependent speciation; redox and pH dependent speciation of chemicals and Pourbaix diagrams; chemical pollution of natural waters; eutrophication; water purification. 


The lithosphere 

Structures of minerals; silicates and aluminosilicates; weathering/erosion chemistry of rocks and minerals; physical and chemical properties of soils; humic substances; cation exchange capacity; reactions with acids and bases; salt-affected (salinated) soils; soil erosion and contamination; threats to healthy soils. 

The above represent the mandatory content of the module and it is completely covered during the in-person lectures delivered by the module lecturers. In addition, we will provide you with the opportunity to choose areas and topics related to environmental chemistry, sustainability, pollution, to develop yourself and present during the group presentations. 


CH5101: Foundations of Physical Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5101
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Stefano Leoni
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The aim of this module is to present the essential physical background needed to explain key concepts in physical chemistry. This includes the essential mathematical treatments and machinery required to understand the key concepts in this field. The module aims to provide the student with an understanding of how properties and events at the atomic level lead to changes and processes at the macroscopic level. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

By the end of this module you will be able to:

1.  Explain the concepts of molecularity and order of a reaction, the effect of concentration and temperature on reactions, and relate these to reaction mechanisms and energy barriers.

2.  Explain the ways that electromagnetic radiation may interact with molecules to yield spectroscopic transitions, and the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in which these may be observed. 

3.  Understand the properties of gases based on ideal and non-ideal behaviour and the kinetic behaviour of constituent molecules. 

4.  Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts in chemical thermodynamics, including enthalpy, entropy, free energy and equilibrium constants and their inter-relations. 

5.  Understand the properties of ionic solutions in ideal and non-ideal cases, and those of electrochemical cells. 

6.  Explain the interaction of X-rays with crystalline solids, interpret the resulting diffraction patterns, and describe the band structure of major classes of material. 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback. 

40 x 1 h lectures, 4 x 1 h tutorials and 4 x 1 h workshops. Lectures will deliver the core course content, addressing all learning outcomes. Formative workshops and tutorials will selectively address learning outcomes, with emphasis on problem solving and forging links between topics.

Skills that will be practised and developed

ntellectual skills:

  • Ability to link formal theory with the observed behaviour of molecules, solids and radiation. 

  Chemistry-specific skills:

  • Interpretation of experimental observations in terms of the molecular properties of the system; 

  • Use of measurements of quantities such as heat, composition and pressure to determine thermodynamic parameters, and to construct simple phase diagrams; 

  • Use of integrated rate equations, initial rates and half-lives to determine reaction order, activation energy and pre-exponential factor from experimental data; 

  • Interpretation of electronic, vibrational and rotational spectra; 

  • Obtaining information on molecular properties such as bond length and bond strength from spectroscopic measurements; 

  Transferable skills:

  • Use of qualitative arguments to develop a theoretical model of a process; 

  • Use of quantitative measurements to verify or disprove theoretical models. 

How the module will be assessed

Small-group tutorials will provide formative feedback, allowing students the chance to assess their competence. Formative workshops will be used to enhance this process. A January class test will provide 20% of the credit, and will allow students the chance to assess their progress and calibrate their performance.  A final exam at the end provides the bulk (80%) of the summative assessment. 

Tutorials and formative workshops will train students in problem solving associated with the syllabus, and incorporate material being taught at the time.

The January class test will address learning outcomes 1–3, with the end of module exam addressing all the learning outcomes. 

Both elements of summative assessment – the examination and the class test – consist of a variety of questions which test a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of concepts, and their ability to deploy those concepts on unseen problems.  The portfolio of question parts is constructed so that some parts can be answered with a basic level of knowledge and understanding, and other parts support the demonstration of deeper understanding and capability.  The overall balance of these aspects is designed such that candidates can demonstrate satisfaction of the learning outcomes at a basic level and receive the pass mark. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Type of assessment          Contribution     Title                                                                    Duration  (if applicable)        Approx. date of Assessment 

Class Test                       20                                 Class Test                                                        1 hour                                        January 

Exam                                80                                 Foundations of Physical Chemistry            2 hours                                     May Exam Period 


Exam                                100                               Foundations of Physical Chemistry            2 hours                                     August Exam Period 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Jan Class Test N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Foundations of Physical Chemistry 2

Syllabus content

  • Spectroscopy: nature of light (wavelength, frequency and wavenumber). Atomic spectroscopy: electronic spectrum of H atom, Bohr theory, atoms with many electrons. Molecular spectra: vibrational spectroscopy, harmonic oscillators and anharmonicity effects, classification of molecules in rotational spectra (symmetric tops, spherical tops, asymmetric tops), Raman effect. Electronic transitions: photo-electron spectroscopy, absorption spectroscopy, Beer-Lambert law. Electron paramagnetic and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies.  

  • Chemical Kinetics: experimental aspects, rate of reactions, rate laws and rate constants, determining the rate law of a reaction, integrated rate laws, half-life of a reaction, method of initial rates, temperature dependence of reaction rates  

  • Properties of Gases: ideal gas, mixtures of ideal gases, real gases, equations of state, intermolecular forces, liquefaction of gases, properties of gases at the molecular level, kinetic theory of gases, distribution of molecular speeds, diffusion, effusion. 

  • Thermodynamics: open/closed/isolated systems; state functions; sample and molar quantities. Energy: internal energy, work, heat and the first law; ideal gas; heat capacity; constant-pressure conditions and enthalpy; standard states. Entropy: spontaneity, disorder and the second law; third law; variation of entropy with temperature; entropy of environment and Gibbs free energy; chemical potential; equilibrium. Mixtures: variation of free energy, chemical potential and equilibrium constants with composition. 

  • Electrochemistry: Gibbs free energy and electrical work for reversible cells; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation; solutions and solubility products; activity, ionic strength, Debye-Hückel limiting law; Redox potentials, electrochemical potentials, Nernst Equation. 

  • Solid state physical chemistry: X-ray diffraction, Bragg's Law, Miller indices and lattice planes, powder X-ray diffraction, band structure of insulators, conductors and semi-conductors. 

CH5102: Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5102
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Rourke
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module starts with a description of atomic structure from a quantum mechanical point of view and introduces electron energy levels (atomic orbitals) from that viewpoint. This leads to through to the background to the periodic table, its structure, and its use. Trends in elemental properties are reviewed. 

Simple models of bonding in small molecules are developed and then expanded to include metal complexes. Crystal field theory is introduced, and the discussion broadened to include ligand field theory, leading to a basic understanding of the splitting of the energies of d-orbitals. 

The common crystal forms, including close packing descriptions of metallic and ionic solid-state structures are introduced. Lattice energies of ionic solids and Born-Haber cycles, radius ratio rule, Madelung constants and the Kapustinskii equation are covered, as is the relationship between lattice enthalpy and solubility and stability of ionic solids.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Understand the nature of atomic structure, work out electronic configurations and understand the origins of trends within the periodic table; 2.

  2. Derive MO diagrams for homonuclear diatomics (s- and p-block)and use them to predict basic properties 

  3. Define electronegativity 

  4. Understand the fundamentals of ligand-metal interactions and hence the thermodynamic stability of complexes; 5.

  5. Outline the use of crystal field theory 

  6. Understand how close-packing of spheres leads to hexagonal and cubic close packing; 

  7. Visualise 3-dimensional aspects of shape and structure and establish the geometries of metals and ions in solids;

  8.  Understand the nature of lattice enthalpies, and the use of Born-Haber cycles in the calculation of lattice, solvation and formation enthalpies.

How the module will be delivered

40 x 1 h lectures, 6 x 1 h tutorials and 4 x 1 h workshops. 

 Lectures will deliver the core course content, addressing all learning outcomes. Formative workshops and tutorials will selectively address learning outcomes, with an emphasis on problem solving and learning outcomes 2,4,6–8. 



Skills that will be practised and developed

Academic Skills:

  • Apply theoretical frameworks to observed properties. 

  • Extrapolate from the fundamental principles and examples given in lectures to related but unseen examples. 

Chemistry-Specific Skills:

  • Construct MO diagrams for both simple diatomic molecules as well as metal complexes. 

  • Derive the properties of complexes and molecules from an understanding of electronic structure. 

  • Use simple models of atomic level packing to predict solid-state properties. 

Transferrable Skills:

  • Use qualitative arguments and quantitative measurements to discuss a theoretical model or framework. 

How the module will be assessed

Tutorials throughout the module (3 in each semester) will provide formative feedback, allowing students the chance to assess their competence. Formative workshops will be used to enhance this process. 

A January class test will provide 20% of the credit, and allow students the chance to assess their progress and calibrate their performance. A final exam at the end of the module provides the bulk (80%) of the summative assessment. 

 Tutorials and formative workshops will train students in problem solving associated with the syllabus, and incorporate material being taught at the time. 

 The January class test will address learning outcomes 1-4, with the end of module exam addressing all the learning outcomes. 




Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

The reassessment takes the form of a single synoptic exam paper which covers all the learning outcomes of the module. 

Type of assess                        Contribution     Title                                                          Duration    Approx. date of Assess.

Class Test                             20                              Jan Class Test                                       1 hr             Jan 

Exam - Spring Semester    80                              Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry  2 hr             May 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Jan Class Test N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry 2

Syllabus content

All aspects are compulsory 

Atomic and molecular structure 

Electronic structure of the atom (qualitative treatment of wavefunctions, hydrogenic atomic orbitals, quantum numbers, many electron atoms, Aufbau principle, Hund’s rules, the Pauli principle, energies of orbitals in many-electron atoms – described in terms of effective nuclear charge, penetration and shielding). 

Chemical bonding: covalent vs. ionic vs. metallic bonding vs. H-bonding; Lewis structures, resonance, valence bond theory and its limitations.  Hypervalency. 

MO theory: bonding and antibonding orbitals, energy level diagrams of H2 and 1st row diatomics (homo- and heteronuclear). 

Introductory periodicity and main group chemistry 

The periodic table (link to atomic structure) 

Ionisation energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, atomic and ionic radii 

Periodic trends in chemical and physical properties of the elements 

Bond energies and non-metal chemistry 

Lewis acids and Lewis bases (link to coordination chemistry) 

Prediction of molecular structure by VSEPR 

Chemistry of the s-block elements (Groups 1 & 2): systematic survey; trends based on increasing size and mass; liquid ammonia, crowns and cryptands (link to coordination chemistry) 

Introduction to the transition elements and coordination chemistry 

Transition element chemistry 

Electronic configurations of neutral atoms; dn configurations of cations (and atoms in molecules) 

Variation of thermodynamically most stable oxidation state with conditions (cf. main group metals) 

Solution equilibria and electrode potentials; ΔG = −nFE; use of electrode potentials to estimate relative stability of oxidation states (Latimer diagrams), outcome of redox reactions; disproportionation 

Trends in oxidation state stability across the series and down the groups 

Redox equations 

Coordination chemistry 

The coordinate bond 


Coordination numbers and geometries; isomerism 

Classification of ligands: anionic, bidentate, chelates; s- and p-bonding 

Stability constants: chelate and macrocyclic effect; Irving-Williams series 

HSAB classification 

Crystal Field Theory 

Crystal field splitting for an octahedral complex, Δo the crystal field splitting parameter 

Crystal field splitting for a tetrahedral ML4 complex, Δt 

High/low-spin e-configurations, spin-only magnetic moment 

Spectroscopic consequences of d-orbital splitting: empirical treatment of factors affecting Δ; spectrochemical series 

Thermodynamic consequences of d-orbital splitting: contribution of crystal field stabilisation energy to lattice energy, hydration energy, stability constants, etc. 

Structural consequences of d-orbital splitting: ionic radii 

Ligand field theory, MO description of simple complexes, pi acceptor and donor ligands, trans influence and effect 

Structure of Simple Solids 

Close packing descriptions of metallic and ionic solid-state structures. 

Radius ratio rule. 

The ionic model: lattice energies and the Born-Landé and Kapustinskii equations; use in calculations of other thermodynamic parameters, e.g. electron affinity; thermal stability of carbonates & nitrates 

The solubility of ionic salts and the hydration energies of ions 

Lattice energies and Born-Haber cycles 

Madelung energy and Kapustinskii equation 

Crystal Structure prediction based on electrostatic models 

Relationship between lattice energy and solubility 


CH5103: Foundations of Organic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5103
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Louis Morrill
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module provides learners with the foundation of knowledge required to be able to understand the chemical behaviour of organic molecules and their relevance to biological systems. It deals with the structure, shape, and reactivity of organic compounds towards different classes of reagent. General principles are used to identify systematic patterns of reactivity and the influence of structure on the properties of compounds.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Demonstrate awareness of the methods and conventions used to describe the shapes and bonding in organic molecules. 2.

  2. Describe reaction mechanisms in terms of the overall change (substitution, elimination, addition), electron-availability and curly arrow convention.  

  3. Describe the general characteristics and reactivity of a range of saturated and unsaturated organic compounds. 

  4. Relate structure and stereochemistry to reactivity for a broad range of organic chemical reactions. 

  5. Predict the outcome and mechanistic course of a reaction by analysis of substrate structure and reaction conditions. 

  6. Plan the synthesis of simple structures based on the reactions covered in the syllabus content. 

How the module will be delivered

Face to face lectures, workshop sessions and tutorials will be used for learning support and feedback. 32 x 1 h lectures, 4 x 1 h formative workshops, 4 x 1 h formative tutorials. Lectures will deliver the core course content, addressing all learning outcomes. Formative workshops and tutorials will selectively address learning outcomes, with an emphasis on problem solving and learning outcomes 4–6. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Academic Skills: 

  • extrapolate from the fundamental principles and examples given in lectures to related but unseen examples. 

Chemistry-Specific Skills: 

  • understand and use the conventions for representation of molecular structures.  

  • name structures, including the use of stereochemical descriptors. 

  • apply the fundamentals of organic chemistry to a range of situations, including some extension to previously unseen cases. 

  • draw mechanisms for organic reactions covered within the syllabus. 

  • plan an organic synthesis, to choose appropriate strategies, reagents and reaction conditions for the chemistry covered at this level. 

  • link theory and experimental practice in synthetic procedures.  

Employability Skills:  

  • apply logical reasoning to an unseen problem. 

How the module will be assessed

Tutorials throughout the module (2 in each semester) will provide formative feedback, allowing students the chance to assess their competence. Formative workshops will be used to enhance this process. Tutorials and formative workshops will train students in problem solving associated with the syllabus, and incorporate material being taught at the time.  


A January class test will provide 20% of the credit and will allow students the chance to assess their progress and calibrate their performance. A final exam at the end of the module provides the bulk (80%) of the summative assessment. The January class test will address learning outcomes 1-3, with the end of module exam addressing all the learning outcomes. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme. If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme. You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

If a student fails this module, they will have the opportunity to sit a synoptic examination during the resit period, counting for 100% of the module. 


Type of assessment                Contribution     Title                                                          Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Class Test                               20                               Foundations of Organic Chemistry   1 h               January

Exam – Spring Semester     80                               Foundations of Organic Chemistry   2 h               May/June 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Foundations of Organic Chemistry N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Foundations of Organic Chemistry 2

Syllabus content

Organic structure, bonding and reactivity (Autumn semester):

Fundamentals: Structural notations – different representations of organic molecules. Nomenclature of organic compounds. Functional groups, including Nature’s building blocks. Isomers. Electronegativity and bond polarisation. Double-bond equivalents. Bonding in organic compounds – bond lengths, angles and strengths. Hybridization and molecular orbital theories of bonding. Oxidation levels in organic chemistry.  

Shape and Stereochemistry: Conformations of alkanes. Newman projections. Conformation of cyclohexanes, cyclopentanes, including some fused systems. Structure and isomerism of alkenes. Classification of isomers (constitutional, configurational, enantiomers, diastereoisomers). Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules (R/S stereochemical descriptors). Stereochemical representations of organic compounds (flying wedge and Newman projections). Strategies for separation of enantiomers.  

Bonding and Reactive Intermediates: Conjugation and resonance. Delocalisation of π-electrons – resonance and representation of resonance. Definition of aromaticity. Molecular orbitals for ethene, butadiene. Hyperconjugation. Shape, structure and stability of carbocations, carbanions and free-radicals. Acids and Bases: pH, pKa (making connection with carbanions).  

NMR Spectroscopy: Introduction to chemical shift, integration and coupling patterns in the context of NMR spectroscopy.  

Describing Organic Reactions: Homolytic vs heterolytic bond breaking; bond dissociation energy; enthalpy and DH; entropy and DS; Gibbs free energy and DH; equilibria; thermodynamics vs kinetics; rate laws; activation energy (Ea), the Arrhenius equation; free energy diagrams; intermediates and transition states; the Hammond postulate; nucleophiles and electrophiles; use of curly arrow to represent electron movement; curly arrows for nucleophilic attack / substitution, loss of a leaving group / elimination, proton transfers and carbocation rearrangements.  

Substitution reactions: SN1 and SN2: rate laws; free energy diagrams; curly arrow pushing mechanism; molecular orbital analysis; intermediates and transition states; regioselectivity; stereoselectivity; factors that determine mechanism (substrate, nucleophile, solvent and leaving group). Synthetic analysis and strategy – how to predict which type of substitution mechanism will dominate under a given set of conditions.  

Elimination reactions: E1, E1cB and E2; rate laws; free energy diagrams; curly arrow pushing mechanisms; molecular orbital analysis; intermediates and transition states; regioselectivity; stereoselectivity; factors that determine mechanism (substrate, nucleophile, solvent and leaving group); Synthetic analysis and strategy – how to predict which type of elimination mechanism will dominate under a given set of conditions.  

Introduction to functional group chemistry (Spring semester):

Alkene Chemistry 1: Addition of HX to alkenes. Bromination of alkenes, including stereochemical and regiochemical consequences. Simple hydration of alkenes. Examples including cyclohexenes. Epoxidation of alkenes. Consequences of conjugation, including UV-vis spectroscopy.  

Alkyne chemistry 1: Addition to alkynes – halogenation, reduction, simple hydration. Formation and reaction of acetylide anions.  

Aromatic Chemistry 1: Molecular orbitals of benzene. Electrophilic substitution (nitration, bromination, sulfonation, Friedel-Crafts), following from alkene addition, highlighting the mechanistic similarities. Regiochemical outcome of reactions, relating to the common theme of carbocation stability and resonance.  

Carbonyl chemistry 1: Types of carbonyl group, oxidation level and structure, bonding and infrared spectroscopy. Oxidative synthesis of aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. Addition reactions to aldehydes and ketones, including Bürgi-Dunitz trajectory, molecular orbital analysis and formation of stereocentres (racemates). Formation and addition of Grignard and organolithium reagents. Formation of acetals, ketals, imines and enamines. Hemi-acetals and relationship to sugars. Formation and hydrolysis of carboxylic esters and of amides. Enzymatic hydrolysis of esters and amides. Hydride reduction of aldehydes, ketones, esters and amides. NADH as Nature’s hydride, highlighting aromaticity as driving force, and relevance to typical biological reaction conditions. The reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alkanes: Wolff-Kishner reaction.  

Carbonyl chemistry 2: Enols, enolates and pKa. Typical reactivity and molecular orbital analysis. Aldol and Claisen condensations. Redox disproportionation of non-enolizable aldehydes. 


CH5108: Introduction to University Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5108
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Rourke
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This Module aims to excite and enthuse students in the field of Chemistry, while gently introducing them to university life. It will form the first two weeks of the first year and serves as a transition from school style teaching and acts as a prelude to the more formal teaching that follows. 

This Module provides an introduction to some of the fundamental skills, learning resources and techniques students need for their future study. Laboratory work will be introduced, and safety aspects and skills will be developed. With a heavy emphasis on teamwork the Module will foster a sense of community and belonging, enhancing student engagement and commitment. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  1. Navigate the Cardiff Campus, and locate all key teaching and social spaces. 2.

  2. Use Learning Central and SIMS to access key information. 

  3. Use the library and online resources to access subject specific information 

  4. Understand the legal aspects of safety in the laboratory environment 5.

  5. Make a basic safety assessment of laboratory work/ chemical hazards 

  6. Assemble and use laboratory glassware correctly 

  7. Operate IR and UV/vis spectrometers and record simple spectra  8.

  8. Present scientific data in an appropriate form, with uncertainties and errors recorded correctly 

  9. Develop Maths skills: basic algebra; density/yields/moles/purity calcs; Sig figs, Units (micro, nano etc) and converting between 

  10. Understand how to make accurate notes and to begin to think about structuring essays/reports and how to reference within the essay/report 11.

  11. Present information as part of a group to a large audience. 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of large-group learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback. 

The module will be delivered through a combination of lectures, tutorials, practical lab sessions, group exercises, individual assignments and whole class presentations. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual Skills:

  • Locate physical and on-line resources for study at Cardiff University. 

 Chemistry-Specific Skills:

  • Retrieve, record and structure chemical information from different sources (lectures, on-line, library). 

  • Safely perform basic laboratory operations in chemistry. 

 Transferrable Skills:

  • Group work, notemaking, notetaking, presentation, networking skills. 


How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment for the module will be provided via recapping feedback sessions from the module leader and personal tutors.  Peer feedback discussions will enhance the students’ self-awareness. Summative assessment will be provided through two multiple choice computer-based assessments (learning outcomes 4–5 and 9), a lab report (learning outcomes 8–9) and a final group presentation (learning outcome 11) covering all aspects of what the students think they have learnt. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Reassessment will be in form similar to the original assessment 


Type of assess:    Contribution   Title                                                                        Duration      Approx. date of Assess.

MCQ                        33                          Safety in the University Laboratory                    N/A               Wk 1 

MCQ                        33                          Algebra, numbers, errors and uncertainties   N/A               Wk 2 

Report                     34                          Laboratory report                                                  N/A               Wk 3 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 33 Safety in the University Laboratory N/A
Class Test 33 Algebra, numbers, errors and uncertainties N/A
Report 34 Laboratory report N/A

Syllabus content

Introduction to Cardiff 

            Student support 

            Students’ Union 






            Careers service 

            Societies (ChemSoc) 

Personal and professional development 

            Journey through the degree. Differences BSc/MChem (mark requirements), Placements 

            Personal tutor (who will explain Ex Circs) 

            Communicating with staff and students (email too) 

            Being part of an International Scientific Community (breadth of learning)  

Practical Chemistry 

            Safety – PPE, correct clothing, COSHH 

            Simple glassware assembly (reflux, distillation, filtration) 

            Choosing glassware of appropriate scale. 

            Weighing, measuring volumes (making up a standard solution) 

            Critical reading of script (not blind following) 

            Reproducibility of measurements (leading to errors) 

            Run IR, UV/vis, spectra 


            Basic algebra 

            Density/yields/moles/purity calculations.   Significant figures 

            Units (micro, nano etc) and converting between 

Study Skills 

            What a lab/lecture/tutorial/workshop is (and expectations of time commitment) 

            notetaking/notemaking (and the difference between the two) 

            lab notes and reports 

            LC/Sims/turnitin/submission of work 


            Time management 

            IT resources (Office, Chemdraw) 

            Exams/past papers/adjustments 

            Use of the Library to retrieve information (books only at this stage 


            Expectations of staff 

            Module evaluation 

            Staff/Student Panel 

CH5110: Year 1 Chemistry Foundation Practical

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5110
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Guto Rhys
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Laboratory chemistry is central to a thorough appreciation for the subject as a whole. This module delivers practical and interpretation skills spanning the whole range of chemistry. Experiments covering the areas of organic, biological, inorganic, physical, analytical chemistry and spectroscopy will be carried out. The experimental outputs (samples, datasets, spectra) will be interpreted and analysed. Experimental results will be linked with the appropriate theory and mechanism to deliver a coherent and holistic view of the subject.

Various pre-lab activities, including some teaching of spectroscopy and chromatography, will support the in-lab and related activities.

There will be an emphasis on safety and correct working practice.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Understand the function of, and safely use, a broad range of laboratory equipment and chemicals.

Access and understand risk assessment documents, and handle chemicals and equipment following the safe handling instructions.

Undertake a range of synthetic chemistry transformations and physical chemistry investigations that are directly relevant to the material covered in taught modules at this level.

Recognise the fundamental link between experiment and theory in the development of chemistry.

Interpret experimental data and hence determine the outcome of a particular experiment.

Present the results of experimental work in a structured and rigorous manner, showing a clear appreciation of the context of the work.


How the module will be delivered

Prior to each laboratory session, students will be required to engage with online resources to fully prepare them to undertake the practical work and to demonstrate an appreciation of safety.

Students will carry out a structured series of experiments, working closely with experienced demonstrators who will be responsible for the supervision and assessment/feedback on the experiment.

Following each experiment or group of experiments, discussion and feedback will be provided so that students can develop and practice key skills relating to the understanding and interpretation of experimental data.

Content that is closely allied with experimental work, specifically spectroscopy and chromatography, will be delivered to further cement the link between experiment and theory.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual Skills

  • You will learn how to assess the risks associated with the use of chemicals and laboratory apparatus. At this level, risk assessment documents will be prepared by academic staff and provided.
  • Use a theoretical model of a physical system to interpret experimental data.

Chemistry-Specific Skills

  • You will learn and practise basic techniques that are used across the breadth of the experimental chemistry curriculum.
  • You will carry out experimental work in synthetic chemistry, preparing chemicals which are then purified using common procedures.
  • You will assess the purity of compounds you have prepared using a range of analytical and spectroscopic methods.

Transferrable Skills

  • You will accurately record measurements and observations from experiments.
  • You will learn to consider and deal appropriately with errors in experimental data.
  • You will prepare rigorous reports that describe and discuss the outcome from experimental work.
  • You will use appropriate software (including specific chemical drawing and analysis software) to produce reports of a high standard.

How the module will be assessed


Formative feedback will be delivered on all aspects during the laboratory sessions by academic supervisors and demonstrators. At the end of each experiment, experimental data and/or samples will be evaluated for summative assessment, with immediate feedback given. The overall quality of working and output will contribute to the ‘Lab Work’ component of assessment.

Formative feedback will be delivered during a session after completion of each experiment by all groups. This will then feed into two submissions of data interpretation and analysis, one per semester.

At two points in the module, you will submit an extended experimental write-up, as part of a portfolio of assessment, covering one synthetic chemistry and one instrumental chemistry experiment. Experiments will be written up in a style designed to develop professional standards of reporting. Each of these portfolios will be summatively assessed, with feedback on the first portfolio able to be used to improve the second portfolio. All learning outcomes will be covered, with a focus on learning outcome 2.

Students are required to pass each individual component of this module. All assessments will contribute to the delivery of all learning outcomes.



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period.

Students who do not pass the ‘Practical Work’ component of this module will be required to resit as an internal student during the next academic session.

Students who do not pass one or more of the ‘Portfolio’ components will be provided with a resit opportunity over the summer following the academic session.

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session.



Type of assessment    % Contribution   Title                     Duration    Approx. date of Assess.   Qualifying Mark

PSA                               60                         Lab Work                               Oct-May                                40

CW                                40                         Lab Write Ups                        Nov-May                               40

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical Skills Assessment 60 Lab work N/A
Written Assessment 40 Lab write ups N/A

Syllabus content

All aspects are mandatory.

Introductory skills covering techniques such as setting up glassware for experiments and associated procedures such as recrystallisation, distillation, accurate measurement of instrumental data.

Preparation, purification and characterization of a range of organic and inorganic compounds (e.g. amides, esters, transition metal compounds, interhalogen compounds).

Interpretation of spectroscopic data (UV, IR, NMR) relating both to compounds prepared and to more general interpretation.

Acquisition of data, including choosing conditions and settings; collection and accurate recording of data. 

Understanding of the terms “accuracy” and “precision”.

Reporting of and dealing with errors in the analysis of data.

Using theoretical models of physical systems to interpret data. 

CH5116: Mathematical Methods for Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5116
External Subject Code 100403
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Colan Hughes
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The aim of this module is to provide the students with an understanding of the mathematical techniques underpinning the chemistry degree course. It will enable them to follow the application of these techniques within other modules and to use these techniques where required. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to


Students should be able to use of trigonometric, exponential and log functions, including algebraic manipulations and applying the sine and cosine rules. 

Students should be able to differentiate common functions, including applying the rules for combinations of functions and partial differentiation. 

Students should be able to integrate common functions and apply integration by parts and by substitution. 

Students should understand the uses of different coordinate systems. 

Students should be able to use vectors and matrices, including the use of matrices to transform vectors, and should understand the principles of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 

Students should understand the principle of complex numbers, should be able to perform algebra involving complex numbers, find complex roots to quadratic equations and use Argand diagrams. 

Students should understand the principles of probability, including the use of the binomial distribution. 

Students should understand the statistical applications of the normal distribution, including the central limit theorem and confidence intervals. 


How the module will be delivered

10 × recorded 1 hour lectures with exercises, 10 × 1 hour problem classes.  

Additional online exercises will be made available. 

Revision session before the exam. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

The students will develop and practice skills fundamental to the rest of their chemistry degrees. These skills will allow them to make all the required calculations related to carrying out laboratory work as well as allowing them to understand the mathematical content of other modules.  


How the module will be assessed

Formative feedback will be provided for all the problem classes, through both marking of the submitted work and addressing difficulties during the classes. Emphasis in the feedback will be placed on how the questions covered in the classes relate to the class test and exam. 

The module is assessed via one summative class test (20%) and a final exam (80%). 

The summative class test will assess the learning outcomes from the first semester and will allow the students to assess their progress. The final exam will assess all the learning outcomes. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assessment          Contribution                                  Title                                                               Duration                   Approx. date of Assess.

Class Test                           20                                                           Class Test                                                   1 hour                       January

Written Exam                       80                                                           Mathematical Methods for Chemistry    2 hours                     May Exam Period 

Class Test Resit                 20 (if required)                                     Class Test                                                  1 hour                       August Exam Period

Written Exam Resit             80 or 100 (if class test not resat)    Mathematical Methods for Chemistry     2 hours                   August Exam Period 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Jan class test N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Mathematical methods for chemistry 2

Syllabus content


Functions: Trigonometric, exponentials and logs. 

Calculus: Basic principles, differentiation and integration of functions, rules for differentiation, integration by parts and by substitution, partial differentiation. 

Coordinate systems: Two- and three-dimensional Cartesian, polar and spherical. 

Vectors and matrices: Lengths and angles, matrix transformation, eigenvectors and eigenvalues. 

Complex numbers: Principle, algebra, solutions to quadratic equations, Argand diagrams. 

Probability: Expected values, the binomial distribution 

Statistics: The normal distribution, central limit theorem and confidence intervals. 

CH5130: Introduction to Drug Development

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5130
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Fabrizio Pertusati
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module gives an overview of the process of drug development from selection of therapeutic area through to use of a drug in patients. The different stages of the pharmaceutical pipeline will be explored, including the challenges faced at each one and strategies for overcoming these, with consideration given to scientific, technical, financial and legal hurdles. You will become familiar with pharmaceutical industry terminology used to refer to different aspects of drug development, the diverse skills necessary to bring a product to market, and the employment opportunities available in the pharmaceutical industry. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Give examples of different types of therapeutic area and associated drugs. 

  • Describe the stages of development of a new drug. 

  • Outline the stakeholders in drug development and the interactions between them. 

  • Analyse and present the challenges that could be encountered during development of a drug and strategies that have been employed to overcome these. 


How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered through 16 x 1 h lectures and 2 x 2 h formative workshops and one summative workshop. Students will have the opportunity to research an aspect of drug development and careers in pharmaceuticals and to present their findings. The workshops will provide a forum for students to explore and discuss the opportunities and challenges in bringing a new drug to the clinic.  


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry Specific Skills 

Identify the areas of chemistry and other sciences that are applied throughout drug development. 

Identify job roles and career pathways for chemistry graduates within drug development. 


Intellectual Skills 

Balancing multiple potentially conflicting requirements and views of different stakeholders in a drug development project. 


Transferable/Key Skills 

Work in a group. 

Consult books, reports and on-line sources for information and opinion and evaluate their reliability and objectivity. 

Present facts and arguments in written and oral form. 


How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Workshops will provide the opportunity for formative feedback through presentation and discussions with staff and peers. 

Summative assessment: A written examination will test the student’s knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content. The summative coursework will provide an opportunity to research and analyse an aspect of drug development and to present these findings in written form. 



Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic year will sit an examination (1 h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assessment   %          Title                                                    Duration (if applicable)      Approx. date of Assessment 

EXSP                            80         Introduction to Drug Development     2 h                                        May 

CW                               20        Coursework                                         500 words                            Spring 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Coursework N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Introduction to Drug Development 2

Syllabus content

Mandatory content 

Types of drug and therapeutic areas. 

History of drugs and drug development. 

Role of different stakeholders in pharmaceuticals – patients, healthcare providers, regulatory agencies, investors, insurance companies, companies (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, contract research, manufacturing and services), academic researchers. 

The processes involved at key stages of drug discovery, and the associated terminology will be introduced (therapeutic area, drug targets, medicinal chemistry, QSAR, patenting, hits and leads, ADMET, formulation, manufacturing, ethics, clinical trials, regulatory approval). 

Interdisciplinarity of pharmaceutical research and the interplay between chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology. 

Career opportunities in pharmaceuticals – types of employer, job roles and skills required. 

Optional content 

Students will have the opportunity to research a topic of their own choice in drug development.  


CH5150: Introduction to Green and Sustainable Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5150
External Subject Code 101045
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Sankar Meenakshisundaram
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module introduces the challenges associated with greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, waste generation, plastic contamination, fossil-fuel based feedstock and sustainability. This module further introduces the difference between linear economy and circular economy and the necessity to transform from the current linear society to a circular society. After introducing the challenges, this module discusses the principles of green chemistry, metrics to assess the greenness of chemical and fuel production processes, life-cycle analysis, role of chemistry and catalysis in addressing the above-mentioned global grand challenges. Finally, students will be introduced to the current developments in the sustainable production of chemicals and fuels from renewable feedstock such as waste biomass and CO2. Emerging novel greener alternatives to conventional chemical synthesis methodologies will also be discussed.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to


a) Understand the challenges such as climate change, environmental pollution, CO2 emission, waste generation; 

b) Identify specific challenges associated with using conventional fossil-fuel based feedstock for producing chemicals and energy; 

c) Define the metrics such as E-factor and Atom Economy used in green chemistry; 

d) Appreciate the importance of catalytic processes against reactions using stoichiometric reagents; 

e) Identify sustainable alternative feedstock to produce chemicals and fuels; 

f) Appreciate the difference between linear economy and circular economy. 


a) calculate the E-factor and Atom Economy for simple chemical reactions; 

b) Application of these metrics to identify a green and sustainable route between two routes to produce a chemical. 

c) Identify sustainable and renewable feedstock for producing chemicals and fuels; 

e) Identify green and sustainable methods to run a chemical reaction.  

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered as follows:

10 x 1h face to face lectures 

10 X 1h lectures and worked examples,  

1 x 3h group presentation (continuous assessment) 

Skills that will be practised and developed

The student should be able to: 

a) carry out simple calculations, including molecular weight, E-factor calculation and atom economy calculation; 

b) classify a reaction’s greenness using the above metrics; 

c) differentiate a catalytic process from a non-catalytic process involving stoichiometric reagents 


How the module will be assessed

A written exam will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes.  

The coursework (group presentation) will allow the student to identify a green chemistry problem and employ the tools discussed in the module and arrive at a solution to the problem. This exercise will help the students to develop problem solving skills.  

Marking criteria is provided as a separate document on the Learning Central. Feedback and marks on this presentation will be given immediately after the presentation session.  



The assessment methods for the Module should be detailed here (both formative and summative), including any distinctive features (e.g., major project work).  


You should explain how each assessment will enable all students to demonstrate achievement of the Module learning outcomes, indicating which learning outcomes are addressed in each assessment task.   


In addition, you must append a specific marking criteria to this Module description for each assessment e.g., coursework, group work, presentation etc..  It is the marking criteria which distinguishes the level of achievement and differentiates between satisfactory, good, and excellent student performance in the module assessment.   


Students must have the opportunity to understand how their assessment will be marked and how the feedback corresponds directly to the marking criteria. 

Any academic or competence standards which may limit the availability of adjustments or alternative assessments for disabled students should be clearly stated in line with guidance provided in the Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure 




Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period.

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  


If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assessment:        % Contrib.   Title                                                                                            Duration     Approx. date of Assess.

Exam – Spring Semester     80                  Exam - Introduction To Green And Sustainable Chemistry         1h 

Group Presentation             20                  Group presentation (continuous assessment)                            N/A 



Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Presentation 20 Group Presentation N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Introduction to Green and Sustainable Chemistry 1

Syllabus content


Introduction to Green Chemistry and concepts of Sustainability. Source of environmental contamination including greenhouse gases and solid and liquid pollutants. Carbon capture and utilisation. 

Society’s demands on chemicals and energy. Current and alternative sources of energy. Energy storage, batteries and hydrogen economy.  

Biomass and circular economy. Concept of zero waste.  

Introduction to life cycle analysis and sustainability. Measure of sustainability including the concepts on E-factor and atom economy.  

Introduction to homogeneous, heterogeneous, and enzymatic catalysis and how catalytic processes are environmentally benign compared to reactions involving stoichiometric reagents. 

Assignment & Workshop:

In this, students will be given an opportunity to choose a real world problem, relevant to green and sustainable future, analyse the problems and come with a possible solution for this problem. The solution will be presented to their peers along with the staff members. This gives the students an opportunity in problem solving, teamwork and communication skills.   

CH5153: Cemeg Organig Sylfaenol

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5153
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 20
Level L4
Language of Delivery Welsh
Module Leader DR Heulyn Jones
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Mae’r modiwl yma’n darparu dysgwyr gyda’r gwybodaeth sylfaenol sydd ei angen i allu ddeall ymddygiad cemegol moleciwlau organig a’u perthnasedd i systemau biolegol. Bydd strwythur, siâp ac adweithedd cemegion organic tuag at adweithyddion gwahanol yn cael eu crybwyll. Bydd egwyddorion sylfaenol yn cael eu defnyddio i adnabod patrymau adweithio ag effaith strwythur ar briodweddau cyfansoddion. Bydd tiwtorialau yn cael eu cynnig yn ddwyieithog i siaradwyr Cymraeg.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Dangos ei bod yn ymwybodol o’r dulliau a’r confensiynau sy’n cael eu defnyddio i ddisgrifio siâp a bondio moleciwlau organig.
  2. Disgrifio mecanweithiau adweithiau yn nhermau’r newid cemegol (amnewid, dileu, adiad), argaeledd electron a saethau cyrliog dwyben.
  3. Disgrifio priodweddau cyffredinol ac adweithedd ystod o gyfansoddion dirlawn ac annirlawn;
  4. Cysylltu strwythur a stereocemeg gyda adweithedd ar gyfer ystod eang o adweithiau cemeg organig.
  5. Darogan canlyniad a chwrs mecanweithiol adwaith drwy asesu strwythur yr adweithyddion ac aomdau’r adwaith.
  6. Cynllunio synthesis strwythurau syml yn ôl yr adweithiau a gyflwynwyd yn y cwrs.

How the module will be delivered

32 x 1 awr o ddarlithiau, 12 x 1 awr o weithdai, 6 x 1 awr o diwtorialau.

Bydd darlithoedd yn ymdrin â chynnwys sydd yn berthnasol i bob canlyniad dysgu. Bydd rhain yn cael eu ategu gan waith tiwtorial, a fydd yn cynnwys adborth wedi’i deilwra i’r myfyrwyr.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Sgiliau academyddol

  • Allosod o egwyddorion sylfaenol ac esiamplau tebyg a gyflwynir yn y darlithoedd at esiamplau o’r newydd;


Sgiliau Cemeg

  • Deall a defnyddio confensiynau ar gyfer darlunio strwythurau moleciwlaidd;
  • Enwi strwythurau, yn cynnwys disgrifio stereocemeg 
  • Defnyddio egwyddorion cemeg organig mewn amrywiaeth o sefyllfaoedd, yn cynnwys mewn esiamplau na welid o’r blaen;
  • Darlunio mecanweithiau ar gyfer adweithiau cemeg organig a gyflwynwyd yn y sylabws;
  • Cynllunio synthesis organig, dewis strategaethau priodol, defnydd synhwyrol o adweithyddion ac amodau adwaith ar gyfer y lefel yma o gemeg;
  • Cysylltu theori ag arbrofion ymarferol.


Sgiliau trosglwyddadwy 

  • defnyddio rhesymeg i gwblhau problemau na welir o’r blaen.

How the module will be assessed

Bydd sesiynau tiwtorial trwy gydol y modiwl (3 pob semester) yn rhoi adborth i alluogi’r myfyrwyr i fesur eu lefel deallusrwydd.

Bydd yr arholiad yn Ionawr yn cyfrannu tuag at 20% o gredydau’r modiwl, ac yn galluogi myfyrwyr i asesu eu cynnydd a’u lefel deallusrwydd. Bydd y prif arholiad yn cyfrannu tuag at 80% o gredydau’r modiwl.

Bydd sesiynau tiwtorial a gweithdai yn hyfforddi myfyrwyr i allu datrys problemau sy’n gysylltuedig â’r sylabws, a rhoi’r deunydd o’r darlithoedd ar waith.

Bydd yr arholiad dosbarth yn Ionawr yn ymdrin â chanlyniadau dysgu 1-3, a bydd y prif arholiad yn ymdrin â phob canlyniad dysgu.


Cyfleoedd ar gyfer ail-asesiad

Bydd myfyrwyr sydd â chaniatâd gan y Bwrdd Arholi ar gyfer ail-asesiad yn y modiwl yn cael eu gofyn i gyflwyno adroddiad ysgrifenedig a chyflwyniad ar lafar wedi’u addasu yn ystod yr un flwyddyn academaidd. Bydd hwn ond yn digwydd mewn achosion lle mae asesiad gan y goruchwylydd yn dderbyniol, ond lle mae amgylchiadau esugusodol wedi effeithio ar pharatoad yr adroddiad gwreiddiol. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Cemeg organig sylfaenol N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Cemeg Organig Sylfaenol 2

Syllabus content

Strwythur, bondio ac adweithedd cemeg organig (semester Hydref)

Cysyniadau Sylfaenol Darlunio strwythurau – cynrychiolaethau gwahanol o foleciwlau organig. System enwi cyfansoddion organig. Grwpiau gweithredol gwahanol, yn cynnwys blociau adeiladu Byd Natur. Isomeredd. Electronegatifrwydd a polareiddio bondiau. Cyfwerthau bondiau dwbl. Bondio mewn cyfansoddion organig – hyd, onglau a chryfder bondiau. Hybrideiddio orbitalau moleciwlaidd a theori bondio orbital moleciwlaidd. Lefelau ocsideiddio o fewn cemeg organig.

Siâp a Stereocemeg: Cydffurfiadau alcanau. Darluniau Newman. Cydffurfiadau cylchohecsanau, cylchopentanau, yn cynnwys systemau wedi’u asio. Strwythur ac isomeredd alcenau. Dosbarthiad isomerau (cyfansoddiadol, ffurfweddiadol, enantiomerau, diastereoisomerau). Rheolau Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (disgrifyddion stereocemegol R/S). Cynrychiolaethau stereocemegol cyfansoddion organig (bondiau tywyll/dotiog a darluniau Newman). Strategaethau ar gyfer gwahanu enantiomerau.

Bondio a Rhyng-gyfansoddion adweithiol: Cyseniedd a chyfunedd. Dadleoliad electronau-π – cyseinedd a chynrychiolaeth cyseinedd. Diffiniad aromatigrwydd. Orbitalau moleciwlaidd ar gyfer ethen, biwtadeuen. Gor-gyfunedd. Siâp, strwythur a sefydlogrwydd carbocationau, carbanionau a radicalau rhydd. Asidau a Basau: pH, pKa (a’r cysylltiad â sefydlogrwydd carbanionau).

Sbectroscopeg Cyseiniant Magnetig Niwclear: Cyflwyniad i symudiad cemegol, integreiddio a phatrymau cyplu yng nghyswllt sbectroscopeg CMN.

Disgrifio Adweithiau Organig: Torri bondiau heterolytig/homolytig; egni daduniad bond; enthalpi ac entropi; egni rhydd Gibbs; ecwilibria; thermodeinameg a chineteg; rheolau cysonyn; egni actifadu (Ea), hafaliad  Arrhenius; diagramau egni rhydd; rhyng-gyfansoddion a chyflyrau trosiannol; rhagdybiad Hammond; niwcleoffilau ac electroffilau; defnydd saethau cyrliog i ddangos symudiad electronau; saethau cyrliog ar gyfer ymosod niwcleoffilig / amnewid, colli grŵp gadael / dileu, trosglwyddiad proton ac ad-drefnu carbocationau.

Adweithiau amnewid: SN1 a SN2: rheolau cyfradd; diagramau egni rhydd; mecanweithiau saethau cyrliog; dadansoddiad orbital moleciwlaidd; rhyng-gyfansoddion a chyflyrau trosiannol; detholedd rhanbarthocemegol; ffactorau sy’n effeithio ar fecanwaith adwaith (swbstrad, niwcleoffil, hydoddydd a grŵp gadael). Dadansoddiad a strategaeth synthetig – sut i rhagdybio pa fath o fecanwaith amnewid sydd yn dominyddu o dan amodau penodol.

Adwaith dileu: Rheolau cyfradd E1, E1cB a E2; diagramau egni rhydd; mecanweithiau saethau cyrliog; dadansoddiad orbital moleciwlaidd; rhyng-gyfansoddion a chyflyrau trosiannol; detholedd rhanbarthocemegol; ffactorau sy’n effeithio ar fecanwaith adwaith (swbstrad, niwcleoffil, hydoddydd a grŵp gadael); Dadansoddiad a strategaeth synthetig – sut i rhagdybio pa fath o fecanwaith amnewid sydd yn dominyddu o dan amodau penodol.

Cyflwyno cemeg grwpiau gweithredol (semester Gwanwyn)

Cemeg Alcen 1: Adiad HX i alcen. Bromineiddio alcenau, yn cynnwys goblygiadau stereocemegol a rhanbarthocemegol. Hydradiad alcenau. Esiamplau yn cynnwys cylchohecsanau. Epocsideiddio alcenau. Goblygiadau cyseinedd, yn cynnwys sbectroscopeg UV-vis.

Cemeg Alcyn 1: Adiad i alcynau – halogeniad, rhydwythiad, hydradiad. Ffurfiad ac adweithedd anionau asetylid.

Cemeg Aromatig: Orbitalau moleciwlaidd bensen. Amnewid electroffilig (nitradiad, bromineiddio, sylffadiad, adweithiau Friedel-Crafts), yn dilyn adiad i alcenau, gan gyfeirio at eu tebygrwydd mecanweithiol. Canlyniad rhanbarthocemegol yr adweithiau, gan gyfeirio at sefydlogrwydd carbocationau a chyseinedd.

Cemeg carbonyl 1: Mathau o rwpiau carbonyl, lefel a strwythur ocsideiddio, bondio a sbectroscopeg is-goch. Synthesis ocsideiddio aldehydau, cetonau ac asidau carbocsilig. Adweithiau adiad i aldehydau a chetonau, yn cynnwys ongl adweithio Bürgi-Dunitz, dadansoddiad orbital moleciwlaidd a ffurfiad canolfannau cirol. Ffurfiad ac adiad adweithyddion Grignard ac organolithiwm. Ffurfiad asetalau, cetalau, iminau ac enaminau. Hemi-asetalau a’u perthynas i siwgrau. Ffurfiad a hydroleiddiad esterau ac amidau. Hydrolysis ensymatig esterau ac amidau. Rhydwythiad hydrid aldehydau. NADH yn ymddwyn fel hydrid Byd Natur, trafod pwysigrwydd aromatigedd i wthio adwaith, a’r perthynas i amodau adweithiol arferol biolegol. Rhydwytho aldehydau a chetonau i alcanau: adwaith Wolff-Kishner.

Cemeg carbonyl 2: Enolau, enoladau a pKa. Adweithedd arferol a dadansoddiad orbital moleciwlaidd. Cyddwysiadau Aldol a Claisen. Redocs anghyfartal aldehydau di-enoleiddadwy.

CH8117: Environmental Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8117
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L4
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Andrea Folli
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module discusses the chemistry of the environment, including the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Particular attention is devoted to the causes and effects of pollution in the environment, such as smog, acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution, and the methods used for pollution control.  Furthermore, the physical and chemical properties of water and soils are examined in detail, with particular emphasis on their environmental impact.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

describe the physical properties of the atmosphere and the differences in chemical composition of various layers;

describe the photochemistry of stratosphere;

describe ozone chemistry and the Chapman cycle;

discuss the of meteorology of the Antarctic ozone hole;

describe inorganic pollutants of the troposphere, with reference to climate change;

discuss case studies associated with photochemical smog and acid rain;

describe chemical emissions from volcanoes, and related sulfur chemistry;

describe the Miller-Urey experiment and discuss it in the context of volcanic emissions;

describe the global water cycle and the chemical composition of sea water;

discuss and compare conservative and non-conservative properties of sea water;

describe the interaction of the atmosphere with sea water and discuss its consequences;

describe the properties of the hydrosphere;

describe the properties of the lithosphere;

describe the physical properties of solis used for classification;

discuss how the chemical properties of soils can be influenced by atmospheric conditions;

explain the key chemical and physical threats to soil that have a negative environmental impact;

plan, conduct and report on an individual research assignment;

present a critical argument through a written piece of work;

plan and present a group presentation on a chosen environment-related subject.

How the module will be delivered

16 x 1h lectures, 5 x 2h workshops

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills

On completion of this module student will be able to:

  1. apply an understanding of radical chemistry to the photochemistry of atmosphere;
  2. apply an understanding of radical chemistry to elucidation of the anthropogenic pollution of the troposphere;
  3. apply of knowledge of solution chemistry to understanding the chemical composition and physical properties of sea and fresh water.

Transferable skills

This module will also:

  1. introduce and develop the use of web-based resources;
  2. develop skills in the critical analysis of data;
  3. develop essay-writing skills;
  4. develop experience of group work and presentational skills.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Environmental Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Atmospheric chemistry

Structure and composition of the atmosphere; photochemical processes; photochemistry of the stratosphere and the ozone layer; chemistry and metereology of the Antarctic ozone hole; chemistry and photochemistry of the troposphere and inorganic pollutants; photochemical smog; acid rain; global warming.

Chemistry of volcanoes

Volcanic emissions; sulfur chemistry; Miller-Urey experiment - the origins of life?

Chemistry of sea-water

Global water cycle; chemical composition of sea-water; conservative and non-conservative properties; salinity; interaction with atmosphere: gases in sea-water.

The hydrosphere

Physical and chemical properties of water; gases in water; redox properties; buffers, pH; effect of dissolved carbonate and carbon dioxide; pollution of natural waters; eutrophication; water purification.

The lithosphere

Structures of minerals; silicates and aluminosilicates; weathering/erosion chemistry of rocks and minerals; physical and chemical properties of soils; humic substances; cation exchange capacity; reactions with acids and bases; salt-affected (salinated) solis; soil erosion and contamination.

CH3299: Organic Chemistry for Visiting or Exchange Students

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3299
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Yi-Lin Wu
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Coursework N/A

CH4203: Further Organic and Biological Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4203
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on the concepts introduced in year 1, and provides a coherent mechanistic overview of many key organic functional groups, including both their synthesis and reactivity. After an overview of advanced carbonyl group chemistry, the synthesis and reactivity of aromatic, heteroaromatic and heterocyclic systems, which are key building blocks for the preparation of all materials with importance to society, will be described. The final section of the module presents an introduction to understanding stereochemical control in organic synthesis, i.e. controlling the 3-dimensional organisation of atoms in a molecule.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Describe reaction mechanisms using curly arrow convention to predict and rationalise the outcome of organic reactions.
  • Describe the general characteristics and reactivity of a range of saturated and unsaturated organic compounds including alkenes, carbonyls, aromatics and heteroaromatic compounds.
  • Understand the fundamental principles by which a reaction can be stereoselective, and the energetic basis for stereoselectivity in a range of selective organic transformations.


  • Apply fundamental principles of organic reactivity to predict and rationalise the outcome of organic chemical reactions.
  • Use mechanistic reasoning based on known reaction pathways to deduce the likely mechanisms of unknown, but similar, reactions.
  • Experimentally prepare, purify and identify a range of simple organic compounds.


Plan and design the synthesis of a target heterocyclic compound using material covered in CH4103 (1st year organic chemistry) and the syllabus content of this module.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

33 x 1-hour lectures, 27 (5 x 3 + 3 x 4) hours of laboratory work, 2 x 1 hour class test sessions (test + feedback) 4 x 1-hour workshops, 4 x 1-hour tutorials. Lectures will be used to deliver content and problem solving, addressing all three categories of the learning outcomes. Laboratory work will allow students to gain experience and address the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes. The summative class test, workshop, tutorials and formative workshops will be used to provide guidance and feedback on progress towards the learning outcomes.

Skills that will be practised and developed

  1. apply the fundamentals of organic chemistry to a range of situations, including some extension to previously unseen cases;
  2. draw mechanisms for organic reactions covered within the syllabus, and extrapolate the fundamental principles to related but unseen examples;
  3. apply logical thinking to the planning of an organic synthesis, to choose appropriate strategies, reagents and reaction conditions for the chemistry covered at this level;
  4. understand and use the conventions for representation of molecular structures;
  5. set up laboratory apparatus for handling organic compounds and carry out a range of preparative and qualitative analyses of typical organic compounds;
  6. link theory and experimental practice in synthetic procedures.

How the module will be assessed

Written coursework and examinations will comprise problems based on lecture material, which are extended to previously unseen molecules and reactions to enable a student to demonstrate achievement of a combination of knowledge, understanding and intellectual learning outcomes. Learning outcomes relating to chemistry-specific practical skills will be assessed through laboratory work.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 60 Further Organic and Biological Chemistry 3
Practical-Based Assessment 10 Autumn semester practical N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 10 Spring semester practical N/A
Written Assessment 10 Autumn semester workshops N/A
Written Assessment 10 Spring semester workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Further Functional Group Chemistry (Autumn semester)

Carbonyl Chemistry 3: Further examples of enols and enolate chemistry: Crossed aldol, Knoevenagel and related condensations. Mannich reaction. Dianion chemistry. Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates (as silyl enol ether formation). The Wittig reaction and commonly-used variants. Enolate-type chemistry of sulfoxides, sulfones and sulfoximines. Reductive amination reactions.

Alkene Chemistry 2: Hydroboration and epoxidation of alkenes. Ozonolysis of alkenes. Dihydroxylation and oxidative cleavage of diols.

Rearrangements: Migration to electron-deficient nitrogen and oxygen (Baeyer-Villiger, Beckmann, Curtius and related rearrangements – Hofmann, Lossen, Schmidt). Carbocation rearrangements. The pinacol and semi-pinacol rearrangement.

Conjugation: Conjugate addition to alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. Organocuprates and malonate-type nucleophiles (including Robinson-type annulation reactions). Baylis-Hillman reaction.

Aromatic Chemistry 2: Other reactions of aromatic systems. Nucleophilic substitution (SNAr). Hydrogenation and other reduction methods in aromatic systems (Birch reduction). Diazonium salts (Sandmeyer reactions). Formation and reactivity of benzyne. Introduction to cross-coupling functionalized benzenes with a focus on synthetic applications.


Formation & Reactivity of Rings and Stereoselectivity (Spring semester)

Aromatic Heterocyclic Synthesis: Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis of aromatic heterocyclic systems – pyridine, pyrrole, furan, oxazole, thiazole, imidazole and some of their benzo-fused analogues. Emphasising links with carbonyl chemistry. This will also include examples of non-aromatic heterocycle synthesis using the same mechanisms.

Aromatic Heterocycle Reactivity: Electrophilic substitution in heteroaromatic systems, including Vilsmeier-Haack and Pictet-Spengler reactions. Nucleophilic substitution of halogenated heteroaromatic systems. Emphasizing difference in basicity and reactivity of pyridines, pyrrole, indoles and imidazoles.

Ring-forming reactions: Shapes of cycloalkanes, focusing on medium sized rings, and the role of conformational and orbital effects in ring-forming reactions. Diels-Alder reaction. 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with a few examples of non-aromatic heterocycle synthesis. Baldwin’s rules for ring closure.

Molecular Origins of Stereoselectivity: Introduction of fundamental criteria for stereoselective reactions. Energy profiles for reactions that can proceed via diastereomeric transition states. Substrate-controlled stereoselective reactions: Reduction of cyclohexanones, epoxidation/cyclopropanation of cyclic allylic alcohols. Cram/Felkin-Anh model for stereoselective addition to carbonyls. Zimmerman-Traxler transition states for diastereoselective aldol reactions (relating to enolate geometry).


Laboratory work (Autumn and Spring semesters)

Building on skills introduced in CH4103 (1st year organic chemistry), prepare and purify compounds using a range of synthetic techniques. Acquire and analyse experimental data, particularly spectroscopic data, and determine the outcome of a reaction.

CH4203: Further Organic and Biological Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4203
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on the concepts introduced in year 1, and provides a coherent mechanistic overview of many key organic functional groups, including both their synthesis and reactivity. After an overview of advanced carbonyl group chemistry, the synthesis and reactivity of aromatic, heteroaromatic and heterocyclic systems, which are key building blocks for the preparation of all materials with importance to society, will be described. The final section of the module presents an introduction to understanding stereochemical control in organic synthesis, i.e. controlling the 3-dimensional organisation of atoms in a molecule.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Describe reaction mechanisms using curly arrow convention to predict and rationalise the outcome of organic reactions.
  • Describe the general characteristics and reactivity of a range of saturated and unsaturated organic compounds including alkenes, carbonyls, aromatics and heteroaromatic compounds.
  • Understand the fundamental principles by which a reaction can be stereoselective, and the energetic basis for stereoselectivity in a range of selective organic transformations.


  • Apply fundamental principles of organic reactivity to predict and rationalise the outcome of organic chemical reactions.
  • Use mechanistic reasoning based on known reaction pathways to deduce the likely mechanisms of unknown, but similar, reactions.
  • Experimentally prepare, purify and identify a range of simple organic compounds.


Plan and design the synthesis of a target heterocyclic compound using material covered in CH4103 (1st year organic chemistry) and the syllabus content of this module.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

33 x 1-hour lectures, 27 (5 x 3 + 3 x 4) hours of laboratory work, 2 x 1 hour class test sessions (test + feedback) 4 x 1-hour workshops, 4 x 1-hour tutorials. Lectures will be used to deliver content and problem solving, addressing all three categories of the learning outcomes. Laboratory work will allow students to gain experience and address the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes. The summative class test, workshop, tutorials and formative workshops will be used to provide guidance and feedback on progress towards the learning outcomes.

Skills that will be practised and developed

  1. apply the fundamentals of organic chemistry to a range of situations, including some extension to previously unseen cases;
  2. draw mechanisms for organic reactions covered within the syllabus, and extrapolate the fundamental principles to related but unseen examples;
  3. apply logical thinking to the planning of an organic synthesis, to choose appropriate strategies, reagents and reaction conditions for the chemistry covered at this level;
  4. understand and use the conventions for representation of molecular structures;
  5. set up laboratory apparatus for handling organic compounds and carry out a range of preparative and qualitative analyses of typical organic compounds;
  6. link theory and experimental practice in synthetic procedures.

How the module will be assessed

Written coursework and examinations will comprise problems based on lecture material, which are extended to previously unseen molecules and reactions to enable a student to demonstrate achievement of a combination of knowledge, understanding and intellectual learning outcomes. Learning outcomes relating to chemistry-specific practical skills will be assessed through laboratory work.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 60 Further Organic and Biological Chemistry 3
Practical-Based Assessment 10 Autumn semester practical N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 10 Spring semester practical N/A
Written Assessment 10 Autumn semester workshops N/A
Written Assessment 10 Spring semester workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Further Functional Group Chemistry (Autumn semester)

Carbonyl Chemistry 3: Further examples of enols and enolate chemistry: Crossed aldol, Knoevenagel and related condensations. Mannich reaction. Dianion chemistry. Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates (as silyl enol ether formation). The Wittig reaction and commonly-used variants. Enolate-type chemistry of sulfoxides, sulfones and sulfoximines. Reductive amination reactions.

Alkene Chemistry 2: Hydroboration and epoxidation of alkenes. Ozonolysis of alkenes. Dihydroxylation and oxidative cleavage of diols.

Rearrangements: Migration to electron-deficient nitrogen and oxygen (Baeyer-Villiger, Beckmann, Curtius and related rearrangements – Hofmann, Lossen, Schmidt). Carbocation rearrangements. The pinacol and semi-pinacol rearrangement.

Conjugation: Conjugate addition to alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. Organocuprates and malonate-type nucleophiles (including Robinson-type annulation reactions). Baylis-Hillman reaction.

Aromatic Chemistry 2: Other reactions of aromatic systems. Nucleophilic substitution (SNAr). Hydrogenation and other reduction methods in aromatic systems (Birch reduction). Diazonium salts (Sandmeyer reactions). Formation and reactivity of benzyne. Introduction to cross-coupling functionalized benzenes with a focus on synthetic applications.


Formation & Reactivity of Rings and Stereoselectivity (Spring semester)

Aromatic Heterocyclic Synthesis: Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis of aromatic heterocyclic systems – pyridine, pyrrole, furan, oxazole, thiazole, imidazole and some of their benzo-fused analogues. Emphasising links with carbonyl chemistry. This will also include examples of non-aromatic heterocycle synthesis using the same mechanisms.

Aromatic Heterocycle Reactivity: Electrophilic substitution in heteroaromatic systems, including Vilsmeier-Haack and Pictet-Spengler reactions. Nucleophilic substitution of halogenated heteroaromatic systems. Emphasizing difference in basicity and reactivity of pyridines, pyrrole, indoles and imidazoles.

Ring-forming reactions: Shapes of cycloalkanes, focusing on medium sized rings, and the role of conformational and orbital effects in ring-forming reactions. Diels-Alder reaction. 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition with a few examples of non-aromatic heterocycle synthesis. Baldwin’s rules for ring closure.

Molecular Origins of Stereoselectivity: Introduction of fundamental criteria for stereoselective reactions. Energy profiles for reactions that can proceed via diastereomeric transition states. Substrate-controlled stereoselective reactions: Reduction of cyclohexanones, epoxidation/cyclopropanation of cyclic allylic alcohols. Cram/Felkin-Anh model for stereoselective addition to carbonyls. Zimmerman-Traxler transition states for diastereoselective aldol reactions (relating to enolate geometry).


Laboratory work (Autumn and Spring semesters)

Building on skills introduced in CH4103 (1st year organic chemistry), prepare and purify compounds using a range of synthetic techniques. Acquire and analyse experimental data, particularly spectroscopic data, and determine the outcome of a reaction.

CH4253: MCemeg Organig Pellhach a Chemeg Biolegol

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4253
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery Welsh
Module Leader DR Heulyn Jones
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Disgrifiad i ddod

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Disgrifiad i ddod

How the module will be delivered

Disgrifiad i ddod

Skills that will be practised and developed

Disgrifiad i ddod

How the module will be assessed

Disgrifiad i ddod

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

Disgrifiad i ddod

CH5201: Further Physical Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5201
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor David Willock
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on the concepts introduced in CH5101, Foundations of Physical Chemistry with new material in the topics of Symmetry and Group Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics, Soft matter and Chemical Kinetics.  

Symmetry and Group Theory covers the ideas of symmetry elements and operations used to quantify molecular shape into point groups. You will learn how to use a basis to analyse molecular vibrational modes using character tables with examples showing how this helps understand the selection rules for IR and Raman spectra. This will allow you to use spectra to classify geometric isomers.   


Quantum Mechanics will discuss the quantum nature of electrons including wave-particle duality, postulates of QM, the uncertainty principle. After introduction of the Schrödinger equation model Hamiltonians examples will be used to show how boundary conditions lead to quantisation and energy levels. Extension to many electron atoms will consider electronic Coulombic and exchange interactions, spin-orbit coupling, the Russell-Saunders scheme and term symbols. The topic will also introduce the Pauli principle and look at applications in atomic spectra. 


Spectroscopy is concerned with the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. In this topic the focus will be on commonly used laboratory scale spectroscopy using microwave, infra-red and visible light. You will cover the origin of the spectroscopic effects including selection rules.  


In thermodynamics the relationships between equilibrium, free energy and chemical potential will be introduced. You will consider the importance of thermodynamic relations in the description of the thermodynamics of gases, liquids, solids and interfaces. You will also discover the statistical basis of thermodynamics and work with model systems to understand how the collective behaviour of molecules results in the bulk properties of chemical systems. 


Soft matter includes an introduction to colloids, surfactants, micelles, microemulsions and particle suspensions. You will learn how to apply thermodynamic concepts to understand the interaction of surfactants with liquids and the phases that can be formed. 

Chemical kinetics will be concerned with rate equations for complex reactions, steady-state and equilibrium approximations; enzyme kinetics; chain reactions. Polymerisation, photochemistry and non-linear systems will also be discussed. The importance of surface kinetics in understanding adsorption and desorption from solid surfaces will also be covered and used to understand data from experimental temperature programmed desorption results in conjunction with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterisation. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Apply symmetry and group theory to: 

  • Assign any molecular structure to the correct point group. 

  • Use the concepts of group theory to analyse a basis representing a particular set of bond vibrations and use the reduction formula to arrive at the corresponding irreducible representations. 

  • Use standard point group tables to identify infra-red (IR) and Raman active modes of vibration. 

  • Apply symmetry analysis to predict the number of IR or Raman bands to expect for a particular isomer in experimental spectra. 

Use the concepts of quantum mechanics to: 

  • Explain the role of quantisation in chemical and spectroscopic phenomena. 

  • Find solutions to Schrodinger equation for model Hamiltonians and determine whether trial functions form acceptable wavefunctions. 

  • Derive term symbols for electron configurations of atoms. 

Work with the ideas of spectroscopy to: 

  • Predict spectroscopic properties of atoms and molecules on theoretical grounds. 

  • Sketch diagrams of rotational, vibrational and electronic energy levels, with appropriate quantum labels; 

  • Calculate physical properties of the molecule from spectral data. 

  • Calculate the wavenumber of resonant transitions. 

  • Understand the origin and importance of the Frank-Condon principle in determining the probability (and resulting intensity of spectral lines) for electronic transitions. 

  • Calculate dissociation energies of diatomic molecules in the ground and excited states; 

  • Sketch suitable Jablonski diagram to indicate absorption and emission processes and describe the role of quenching on lifetimes and quantum yields. 

Develop the statistical basis of thermodynamics enabling the student to: 

  • Understand how classical entropy is related to statistical likelihood; 

  • Be familiar with the concepts of configurations, microstates and statistical entropy; 

  • Be able to calculate entropy for small systems based on combinatorial considerations; 

  • Understand from a statistical viewpoint the thermodynamics of mixing in ideal mixtures of fluids; 

  • Understand, without detailed derivation, the origin of the Boltzmann distribution; 

  • Be able to compute Boltzmann factors, and relative populations, for states and levels, with application to the estimation of equilibrium constants; 

  • Understand how internal energy and heat capacity arise from the Boltzmann distribution; 

  • Be able to rationalise observed heat capacities of gases and solids. 

Apply thermodynamic concepts to soft matter to: 

  • Understand the links between intermolecular forces and surface tension. 

  • Describe thermodynamic models for surfactant adsorption and micellisation and use these to calculate thermodynamic parameters from experimental data. 

  • Discuss the role of free energy in micellisation and the formation of microemulsions. 

  • Explain how physical interactions lead to the stability, flocculation or precipitation of colloidal particle dispersions. 

Use chemical kinetics to: 

  • Obtain rate equations for complex chemical reactions with more than one elementary step. 

  • Apply steady state and equilibrium approximations to simplify differential equations. 

  • Analyse a variety of example cases such as enzyme catalysed reactions, chain reactions, polymerisation and non-linear systems. 

  • Analyse data from reactions taking place at interfaces including adsorption, desorption and reaction on surfaces. 

  • Apply to interpretation of relevant experiments such as temperature programmed desorption. 

  • Inter-relate kinetic and materials characterisation data including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. 

How the module will be delivered

The module content will be delivered via face-to-face activities supported by on-line video content showing further detail and examples of ideas introduced in lectures. The material will also be supported by formative self- assessment tests introduced at regular points in the delivery schedule.  

The module will consist of 43 x 1-hour lectures and 6 x 1-hour tutorials divided evenly between topics. The tutorial format will be a mix of small group discussion and larger group problem solving workshops.  

In this dual semester module, three topics will be delivered in the first semester and three in the second with topics delivered sequentially. The week-by-week delivery schedule and timing of formative tasks will be described in the module map.   

Skills that will be practised and developed

This module will develop subject specific skills across important areas of Physical Chemistry. Students will 

  • Learn and apply the concepts of group theory to predict the vibrational spectroscopy from molecular structure. 

  • Describe theoretical treatment of wave properties of matter within the quantum mechanical approach. 

  • Appreciate how solutions of the Schrödinger equation are found for model systems, and recognise the physical and chemical significance of these solutions; 

  • Explore the statistical basis of thermodynamics working with model systems to understand macroscopic phenomena.  

  • Apply prior learning of fundamental thermodynamics to simple colloidal systems. 

  • Understand the use rate equations to describe chemical reaction rates in solution and on surfaces. 

In a general sense this will enable students to:  

  • Appreciate the use of mathematical descriptions of simplified models to understand the behaviour of complex systems. 

  • Better understand the application of logical thinking to practical problems including mapping a problem onto abstract concepts. 

  • Gain insight into physical systems based on statistical analysis. 

These skills will be used to encourage independent critical thinking. Formative assessment will allow for collaborative working and enable you to communicate your ideas with your peers within the timetabled tutorial sessions and during your independent learning time. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessments will include: 

Topic specific self-assessment exercises introduced alongside lecture material. Formative assessment will allow students to monitor their own understanding of the topics studied as the topics development. Solutions and feedback on the self-assessment exercises will be provided and reviewed during lectures so that students can self-mark their attempts. Full engagement with the self-assessment exercises will build confidence with the material delivered and prepare students for the summative assessment components of the module. 

Summative assessment will consist of a January Class Test, covering topics delivered in the Autumn semester and an end of year exam covering all module content.  


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess.     Contribution     Title                                        Duration     Approx. date of Assess.

Class test               20                             Class Test                              1 hr              January 

Exam                      80                             Further Physical Chemistry   3 hr              June 

Resit Exam            100                            Further Physical Chemistry   3 hr              August 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Jan Class Test N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Further Physical Chemistry 3

Syllabus content

Symmetry will be introduced using a range of examples to illustrate the symmetry elements and operations used to classify molecules into point groups. The identification of equivalent operations will also be discussed to help understand the sets of unique operations defined for point groups. The idea of operations as matrices will then be used to introduce characters and character tables. Group theory ideas of reducible representations and the reduction formula follow with an emphasis on the analysis of molecular vibrations. This will lead to the mathematical basis of selection rules with applications in rotational, IR, and Raman spectroscopy. 

Spectroscopy will cover the concepts underlying a range of techniques. Microwave spectra probe molecular rotational motion and so requires understanding of the rotational energy levels of molecules in terms of their moments of inertia and angular momenta. The cases of diatomic molecules, rigid and non-rigid rotors will be introduced. For infra-red spectroscopy molecular normal modes of vibration are the important molecular property.  The role of anharmonic motion on relative energy levels, and the resulting allowed transitions, including fundamental and overtone transitions, are introduced. The mixing of vibrations and rotations leads to vibration-rotation spectra with P, Q, R branches, of IR spectroscopy. Visible and UV spectra arise from electronic transitions requiring concepts such as the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, electronic states, Franck-Condon factors, dissociation energies, and the model of Birge-Sponer extrapolation.  Electronic transitions to/from excited states are described through the Jablonski diagram with reference to energy transfer and the role of quenching in excited state lifetimes. 

Quantum Mechanics is concerned with the wave properties of matter: kinetic and potential energy, wave-particle duality, postulates of QM, Schrödinger equation, uncertainty principle. Applications of Schrödinger equation will emphasize the importance of boundary conditions and include particle in a box, barrier tunnelling, the harmonic oscillator. We will also consider orbital motion and angular momentum in the hydrogen atom, leading to hydrogen like orbitals. Extensions of basic theory will include many electron atoms (He), the Pauli principle and Hund’s rules, showing how this can be used to understand the structure of the periodic table. Electronic atomic spectra will be used to exemplify electronic wave functions, Coulombic interaction and term symbols, exchange and spin-orbit interactions, Russell-Saunders coupling and j-j coupling. 

Thermodynamics will begin with a reprise of classical thermodynamics, including 1st and 2nd laws, Gibbs energy and equilibrium. Thermodynamics of mixing within and beyond the ideal model. The molecular basis of thermodynamics will then be discussed leading to the Boltzmann distribution. Examples such as simple estimates of equilibrium constants from the Boltzmann distribution will be used to illustrate its importance. This will then be extended to a statistical understanding of Internal energy and heat capacity at low and high temperatures. Dulong and Petit’s law. Heat capacities of gases. Gibbs free energy of formation, extensivity and partial molar quantities, solubility products; Helmholtz and Gibbs energies, standard molar Gibbs energies; 

Soft matter will cover an introduction to colloids, surfactants, micelles, microemulsions and particle suspensions. The use of thermodynamics to understand their properties will be illustrated through the effect of surfactants on surface tension; thermodynamic models of micellisation and critical micelle concentration. This will lead into the free energy change for micellisation; liquid/liquid and solid/liquid dispersions, free energy changes and qualitative understanding through molecular interaction energies and potential energy diagrams. 

Kinetics will be involved with steady-state and equilibrium approximations; enzyme kinetics; chain reactions. Polymerisation, photochemistry and non-linear systems will also be discussed. The importance of surface kinetics in understanding adsorption and desorption from solid surfaces will also be covered and used to understand data from experimental temperature programmed desorption results in conjunction with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) characterisation. 

CH5202: Structure, bonding and reactivity in compounds of the p and d-block elements

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5202
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Ian Fallis
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Jan Class Test N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Spring Exam 3

CH5203: Further Organic and Biological Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5203
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Yi-Lin Wu
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on the concepts introduced in year 1 and provides a coherent mechanistic overview of key organic functional groups, including both their synthesis and reactivity. After an overview of advanced carbonyl group chemistry, the description of the synthesis and reactivity of aromatic, heteroaromatic and heterocyclic compounds––common chemical building blocks for materials with societal importance––follows. The final section of the module presents an introduction to stereochemical control in organic synthesis, i.e. controlling the 3-dimensional arrangements of atoms in molecules.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Recognise and explain the general structure and reactivity of a range of saturated and unsaturated organic compounds, including alkenes, carbonyls, aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds.
  2. Apply the fundamental principles by which a reaction can be chemo-, regio- or stereoselective, and the energetic basis for selectivity in a range of organic transformations.
  3. Use the curly arrow convention for reaction mechanisms to predict and rationalise the outcome of organic reactions.
  4. Use mechanistic reasoning based on known reaction pathways to deduce the likely mechanisms of unknown but similar reactions.
  5. Design the synthesis of a stereospecific or heterocyclic compound using material covered in year-1 organic chemistry and the syllabus contents of this module.

How the module will be delivered

  1. Recognise and explain the general structure and reactivity of a range of saturated and unsaturated organic compounds, including alkenes, carbonyls, aromatic and heteroaromatic compounds.
  2. Apply the fundamental principles by which a reaction can be chemo-, regio- or stereoselective, and the energetic basis for selectivity in a range of organic transformations.
  3. Use the curly arrow convention for reaction mechanisms to predict and rationalise the outcome of organic reactions.
  4. Use mechanistic reasoning based on known reaction pathways to deduce the likely mechanisms of unknown but similar reactions.
  5. Design the synthesis of a stereospecific or heterocyclic compound using material covered in year-1 organic chemistry and the syllabus contents of this module.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills

  • On completion of the module, a student should be able to apply logical thinking to the planning of organic synthesis. Specifically, a student can choose appropriate strategies, reactants, reagents, and reaction conditions based on the integrated principles learned in years 1 and 2;
  • Appreciate the link between theoretical concepts and practical chemistry.

Transferrable and intellectual skills

  • Extrapolate from fundamental principles to more complex and unseen examples;
  • Form and use qualitative arguments to discuss the observed phenomena based on logical reasoning.

How the module will be assessed

Formative Assessment: The assessments provide timely opportunities for students to review and apply principles learned in this module to tackle problem-solving exercises. They take place in the form of in-class workshops and small-group tutorials; feedback will be provided either orally or in written form.

Summative Assessment: Written examination will comprise problems based on the lecture materials that are expanded to include previously unseen molecules and reactions. These assessments let students show that they have mastered the intellectual and module-specific learning outcomes. The marking will be emphasised on the reasonable description of the reactivity of functional groups, the ability to deduce the outcome and mechanism of multi-step synthesis, and the stereochemical control based on the three-dimensional shape of molecules. The January test is an opportunity to receive feedback on students’ progress towards the learning outcomes.


Opportunities for reassessment are permitted, provided students have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by their programme. Students permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination during the Resit Examination Period (approximately in August) before the start of the following academic session. The format of the reassessment will be identical to the original one. The reassessment will be a synoptic examination counting for 100% of the module for students who fail this module on their first attempt.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Jan Class Test N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Further Organic Chemistry 3

Syllabus content

Autumn Semester

Carbonyl Chemistry 3: Further examples of enols and enolate chemistry: crossed aldol, Knoevenagel and related condensations. Mannich reaction. Dianion chemistry. Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates (as silyl enol ether formation). The Wittig reaction and its variants. Enolate-type chemistry of sulfoxides, sulfones and sulfoximines. Reductive amination reactions.

Alkene Chemistry 2: Hydroboration and epoxidation of alkenes. Ozonolysis of alkenes. Dihydroxylation and oxidative cleavage of diols.

Rearrangements: Carbocation rearrangements. The pinacol and semi-pinacol rearrangement. Migration to electron-deficient nitrogen and oxygen (Baeyer-Villiger, Beckmann, Curtius and related rearrangements – Hofmann, Lossen, Schmidt).

Conjugation: Conjugate addition to alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compounds. Organocuprates and malonate-type nucleophiles (including Robinson-type annulation reactions). Baylis-Hillman reaction.

Aromatic Chemistry 2: Nucleophilic aromatic substitution (SNAr). Diazonium salts (Sandmeyer reactions). Formation and reactivity of benzyne.

Spring Semester

Aromatic Heterocycle Reactivity: Difference in basicity and reactivity of pyridine, pyrrole, indoles and imidazoles. Electrophilic substitution in heteroaromatic systems. Nucleophilic substitution of halogenated heteroaromatic systems. C-Metalated heterocycles.

Aromatic Heterocyclic Synthesis: Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis of aromatic heterocyclic systems – pyridine, pyrimidine, pyrrole, furan, oxazole, thiazole, imidazole and some of their benzo-fused analogues, with explicit connections to carbonyl chemistry. Non-aromatic heterocycle synthesis using the en(oid) reagents and Diels-Alder strategy.

Ring-forming Reactions: Conformational and orbital effects in ring-forming reactions.

Molecular Origins of Stereoselectivity: Introduction of fundamental criteria for stereoselective reactions. Energy profiles for reactions that can proceed via diastereomeric transition states. Substrate-controlled stereoselective reactions: Reduction of cyclohexanones, epoxidation/cyclopropanation of cyclic allylic alcohols. Cram/Felkin-Anh model for stereoselective addition to carbonyls. Zimmerman-Traxler transition states for diastereoselective aldol reactions (relating to enolate geometry)

CH5206: Communicating Chemistry: Key skills for chemists

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5206
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills acquired by successful completion of the Year 1 modules CH5108 and CH5110. Students will have opportunities to enhance their employability, by increasing their expertise in a variety of areas, such as: data retrieval, analysis and presentation; team working; information technology, and communication. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Locate available sources for retrieval of scientific information, and utilise a variety of methods for its extraction and presentation
  2. Effectively explain aspects of chemistry to both expert and non-expert audiences (for instance, in an employment interview).
  3. Present scientific information in a variety formats to audiences with a range of scientific literacy

How the module will be delivered

11 x 2-hour lecture/workshops. These will be a mixture of lecture type presentations and workshop events. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills

  • Ability to analyse a topic in order to prepare for an oral, written, or visual presentation;
  • Use of critical analysis to choose and present material of an appropriate level for a given audience.

Chemistry specific skills

  • Use of chemistry specific drawing and visualisation software to present diagrammatic data
  • Use of chemistry specific databases to retrieve chemical information

Transferable skills

  • Search electronic sources for technical information;
  • Prepare and present an impactful and informative presentation;
  • Work with a small team to prepare and present a poster;
  • Write an extended essay on a given topic;
  • Manage time efficiently and work in groups to accomplish tasks

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via three tasks, a group poster, a written presentation, and a non-technical oral presentation. All assessments will address all learning outcomes, though at different levels.

The poster and talk will involve an element of peer assessment. There will also be a series of tasks during the module which will be used to provide formative feedback.



If a student fails this Module, they will be able to submit a single synoptic written assessment during the resit exam period.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Presentation 25 Group poster presentation N/A
Written Assessment 50 Written assessment N/A
Presentation 25 Oral Presentation N/A

Syllabus content

Data-base searching e.g. Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Sci-finder.

Chemistry resources on the Internet.

Use of a reference manager program.

Use of chemical drawing software.

Correct referencing and acknowledgement; avoidance of plagiarism.

Using critical analysis to choose appropriate topics for presentations (visual, written and oral).

Translation of complex scientific information and communicating it effectively, taking into account the audience and context.

Verbal and visual presentation skills, to be used in a group poster and a short talk.

Written presentation skills, including the identification and communication of key messages.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the communication of science in different contexts (eg. print, video media, posters).

Career reflection, management and interview skills (to be taught with assistance from Careers Service).

CH5207: Introduction to the chemistry of life

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5207
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Matthew Tredwell
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module deals with the organic chemistry of biology and introduces carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and metabolism. The basic molecules of life will be introduced, and their roles discussed in the context of their physical properties, shape and reactivity. General principles of organic chemistry will be used to identify patterns of reactivity and how this influences the properties of the compounds discussed. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Draw the different representations of carbohydrates to identify stereochemical elements and predict reaction outcomes. 

  • Draw the structures of proteinogenic amino acids, di-, and polypeptides at varying pH. 

  • Explain the interactions between amino acids in relation to the different protein structure levels. 

  • Relate structure and reactivity of compounds to their role in the chemistry of life. 

  • Predict curly-arrow mechanisms for biological transformations by applying fundamental principles of organic chemistry. 

  • Solve equations relating to changes in Gibbs free energy. 

  • Use electronic resources such as ChemDraw and databases to generate alternative identifiers for the molecules of life.  

How the module will be delivered

17 x 1 hour lectures will deliver the core course content, addressing all of the learning outcomes. 

2 x 1 hour formative workshops, 1 small-group and 1 large group tutorial will enhance knowledge of key learning outcomes through problem solving. 



Skills that will be practised and developed

a) Rationalise reaction mechanisms of biological molecules using the curly arrow formalism of organic chemistry; 

b) Suggest biochemically relevant reactivity of previously unseen molecules using the principles of organic chemistry; 

c) Predict when a cofactor will be required for a biochemical transformation; 

d) Use electronic and printed resources to search for and retrieve relevant information; 

e) Report solutions to problems in writing. 



How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will give students an opportunity to consolidate the factual module content and to practice applying this to solving problems 

Summative assessment: An examination (80%) will assess the learning outcomes through solving of mechanistic and structural chemical problems and calculations. The relevance of these results should be used to explain biological processes and methods of chemical analysis. Information searching and retrieval skills in the context of the learning outcomes will be assessed through a workshop exercise (20%). 



Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2 h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess.       % Contrib.         Title                                                    Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Examination              80                       Introduction to the Chemistry of Life   2 hours       Jun

Workshop                  20                       Summative Workshop                                            Apr 

Re-sit examination   100                      Introduction to the Chemistry of Life  2 hours        Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Workshop N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Introduction to the chemistry of life exam 2

Syllabus content


Structure of aldose and ketose sugars. Pyranose and furanose forms of sugars, alpha and beta anomers and the anomeric effect. Representation of carbohydrates as Fischer, Haworth, “zig-zag” and Mills projections. Structure of glycosides and their chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis, tests for reducing sugars. 

Structural and signalling roles played by carbohydrates in biology. 


Gibbs Free Energy changes and roles of ATP in driving biochemical reactions in context of glycolysis. Role of NAD+/NADH and other cofactors in redox reactions. Reactivity of thioesters and key reactions such as hydrolysis. 

Stages of glycolysis and the mechanisms of the key biological transformations. 

Citric Acid Cycle 

Synthesis of acetyl-CoA by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and the role of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). 

Intermediates in the citric acid cycle and the mechanisms of the chemical transformations. Outline of the electron-transport chain and ATP synthesis. 

Amino Acids 

Structure and stereochemistry of alpha amino acids and the side chains of the proteinogenic amino acids. 

Side chain functional groups, polarity, pKa and charge at pH 7. 

Ability of side chains to engage interactions (hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, ionic bonding). 

Proteins and Peptides 

Condensation of amino acids to dipeptides and poly-peptides and proteins, and (briefly) the biological significance of these molecules and polypeptide analysis. 

Role of thiamine pyrophosphate and pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) in amino acid biosynthesis. 

Reading and Resource List:

Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 8th edition, David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, W. H. Freeman, ISBN-13: 978-1-31-922800-2 

Organic Chemistry, 2nd Ed, J Clayden, N Greeves, S Warren, Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0199270293 

Biochemistry, 9th Edition, Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer, W. H. Freeman, ISBN-13: 978-1-31-911465-7  

The Organic Chemistry of Biological Pathways, 2nd Ed, J. E. McMurry, T. P. Begley, MacMillan, 2016. ISBN-13: 978-1-936221-56-1 


CH5208: Applications of Molecular Spectroscopy

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5208
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Simon Pope
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module develops the use, interpretation, analysis and application of molecular spectroscopies. The application of these techniques to deduce the molecular structures of a wide variety of compounds will be described. Primary focus will be on the application of UV-visible absorption and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies, although the module will build on a knowledge of mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. This module will also provide some of the theoretical framework which supports laboratory practicals and subtopics in physical chemistry. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe the underlying physical principles behind modern spectroscopic techniques; 

  • Describe the qualitative and quantitative information provided by 1D and 2D NMR, and UV-vis spectroscopies; 

  • Discuss, analyse and interpret the appearance of UV-vis, 1D and 2D NMR spectra and relate to the relevant structures and physical properties of molecular species; 

  • Identify and demonstrate strategies for the prediction of spectroscopic properties from given molecular structures; 

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in 22 x 1 hr lectures, supplemented by 8 x 1 hr workshops. Three staff will teach on the module which is split roughly into UV-vis spectroscopy (1/3) and NMR spectroscopy (2/3).  

Formative workshops are all in person and will provide problem solving experience on all aspects of the module and are regularly spaced across the module from the start. In most cases problems and exercises will be shared prior to the session. A summative workshop (take home exercise) will develop skills relating to the critical analysis of spectroscopic data to deduce a molecular structure of an unknown compound, and the prediction of spectral data from a given structure.   

A tutorial will develop skills in problem solving relating to spectroscopy. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  • understanding relationship between molecular structure and spectral properties 

  • critical analysis of different types of spectroscopic and analytical data 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  • understand the fundamental principles of UV-vis and NMR spectroscopies 

  • be able to interpret UV-vis and NMR data and relate to molecular structure 

  • be able to sketch and label NMR spectra 

  • understand modern applications  and uses of techniques 

Transferable skills 

  • problem solving  

  • interpretation and manipulation of data sets 

How the module will be assessed


Summative assessment: workshop is a take home exercise on unseen problems. Firstly, spectral data is given and students must critically analyse to deduce the molecular structure of an unknown compound. Secondly, a structure of a compound is given and the students must sketch and label the predicted NMR spectrum of the compound. The summative workshop therefore assesses problem solving skills and application of knowledge. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their depth of knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems.  



Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess      % Contrib.      Title                                                         Duration    Approx. date of Assess

EXAU                     80                     Applications of molecular spectroscopy  2 hours      Jan 

CW                         20                    Written assessments                                                  Nov/Dec 

EXRE                    100                   Applications of molecular spectroscopy   2 hours      Jun 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Workshop N/A
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Molecular Spectroscopy 2

Syllabus content

NMR Spectroscopy 

Revision of key concepts (coupling, resonant frequencies); 

1D NMR spectra , I = ½ (including 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P, 103Rh, 29Si); 

Decoupled spectra; 


Satellites (i.e. non-100% abundant nuclei); 

Chemical vs magnetic inequivalence in inorganic and organic systems; 

Magnitude of coupling constants; 

Fluxionality (Berry mechanism, coalescence temperature); 

Prediction and analysis of NMR spectra for given molecular compounds; 

Coupling constants; 

The Karplus relationship; 

Second order coupling; 

The Nuclear Overhauser Effect; 

Exchange reactions and peak shape; 

Monitoring reactions; 

Applications of 2D NMR (COSY, HMQC/HSQC, NOESY/ROESY); 

Quadrupolar nuclei; 


UV-vis spectroscopy  

Selection rules and revision of Beer Lambert law; 

Spectrometer basics; sample types 

Appearance of bands; Franck-Condon; from potential diagrams to spectra (vibronic structure) 

Jablonski energy level diagrams 

Types of electronic transition: π-π*, n-π*, CT; MLCT, LMCT (d-d, f-f briefly) 

Relationship of electronic transitions to molecular structures of aromatic molecules; 

Influence of conjugation and substituents on absorption properties; 

Influence of pH on absorption properties; 

Comparison of charge transfer species in aromatic organics and metal complexes; 

Solvent dependence (positive and negative solvatochromism) of CT transitions; 

Charge transfer complexes in donor acceptor mixtures; 

Modern applications of UV-vis spectroscopy 


Essential Reading and Resource List:

References to the primary literature will be given throughout and students will be expected to utilise WoK to access supporting information to the lecture notes. 

Background Reading and Resource List:

Atkins – Physical Chemistry 

Banwell – Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy 

Brisdon – Inorganic Spectroscopic Methods (Oxford Primer) 

Hore – NMR (Oxford Primer) 

Iggo – NMR Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry (Oxford Primer) 



CH5210: Further Chemistry Laboratories

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5210
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Mark Elliott
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Laboratory chemistry is central to a thorough appreciation for the subject as a whole. This module delivers practical and interpretation skills spanning the whole range of chemistry. Experiments covering the areas of organic, biological, inorganic, physical, analytical chemistry and spectroscopy will be carried out. The experimental outputs (samples, datasets, spectra) will be interpreted and analysed. Experimental results will be linked with the appropriate theory and mechanism to deliver a coherent and holistic view of the subject. 

Various pre-lab activities, including some teaching of spectroscopy and chromatography, will support the in-lab and related activities. 

There will be an emphasis on safety and correct working practice. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Undertake a range of synthetic chemistry transformations and physical chemistry investigations using appropriate laboratory equipment in a safe manner. These experiments are typically more involved than those in CH5110. 

Understand the importance of an experiment in terms of the skills being developed, and to relate the experimental output to the underlying theory. 

Present and critically evaluate experimental data in a structured and rigorous manner. 

Identify deficiencies in experimental data, and propose new experiments that will address any such deficiencies. 


How the module will be delivered

Prior to each laboratory session, students will be required to engage with online resources to fully prepare them to undertake the practical work and to demonstrate an appreciation of safety. 

Students will carry out a structured series of experiments, working closely with experienced demonstrators who will be responsible for the supervision and assessment/feedback on the experiment. 

Following each experiment or group of experiments, discussion and feedback sessions will be held so that students can develop and practice key skills relating to the understanding and interpretation of experimental data. 

Content that is closely allied with experimental work, specifically spectroscopy and chromatography, will be delivered to further cement the link between experiment and theory. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual Skills 

  • You will learn to select and apply techniques and experimental designs that are used across the breadth of chemistry. 

Chemistry-Specific Skills 

  • You will carry out experimental work in synthetic chemistry, preparing chemicals which are then purified using common procedures. 

  • You will assess the structure, purity and physico-chemical properties of compounds using a range of analytical and spectroscopic methods. 

Transferable Skills 

  • You will prepare rigorous reports that describe the conduct, findings and conclusions of experimental work. 

  • You will accurately record measurements and observations from experiments. 

  • You will use appropriate software (including specific chemical drawing and analysis software) to produce reports of a high standard. 



How the module will be assessed


Formative feedback will be delivered on all aspects during the laboratory sessions by academic supervisors and demonstrators. At the end of each experiment, experimental data and/or samples will be evaluated for summative assessment, with immediate feedback given. The overall quality of working and output will contribute to the ‘Lab Work’ component of assessment. 

Formative feedback will be delivered during a session after completion of each experiment by all groups. This will then feed into two submissions of data interpretation and analysis, one per semester. 

At two points in the module, you will submit an extended experimental write-up, as part of a portfolio of assessment, covering one synthetic chemistry and one instrumental chemistry experiment. Experiments will be written up in a style designed to develop professional standards of reporting. Each of these portfolios will be summatively assessed, with feedback on the first portfolio able to be used to improve the second portfolio. All learning outcomes will be covered, with a focus on learning outcome 2. 

Students are required to pass each individual component of this module. All assessments will contribute to the delivery of all learning outcomes. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Students who do not pass the ‘Practical Work’ component of this module will be required to resit as an internal student during the next academic session. 

Students who do not pass one or more of the ‘Portfolio’ components will be provided with a resit opportunity over the summer following the academic session. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess     Contrib.  Title              Duration    Approx. date of Assess.   Qualifying Mark 

PSA                       60                  Lab Work                        Oct-May                              40 

CW                        40                  Lab Write Ups                 Nov-May                             40 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical Skills Assessment 60 Lab work N/A
Written Assessment 40 Lab write ups N/A

Syllabus content

All aspects are mandatory. 

Application of synthetic chemistry techniques to the preparation, purification and characterization of a range of organic and inorganic compounds (e.g., organometallic compounds, coordination compounds). 

Experimental determination of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of reactions, colloidal and surface processes (spectrophotometric and potentiometric methods). Presentation of data and application of theory to determine parameters. 

Use of basic computational chemistry software for the exploration of chemical structure and reactivity. 

Application of spectroscopic data (UV, IR, NMR) for assigning structure and stereochemistry. 


CH5225: Communicating Chemistry: Key Skills for Medicinal Chemists

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5225
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Angelo Amoroso
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

In this module students will learn how to efficiently and effectively search for and retrieve information within the vast chemical literature. Students will gain skills in presenting experimental procedures, chemical data and concepts both in writing and orally to diverse audiences. They will gain experience with the digital tools that are available for communication through different media. Students will have opportunities to enhance their employability, by developing their team working, proficiency in information technology and articulating their skills to potential employers. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to


1. Locate, retrieve and evaluate chemical information from books, journals and specialised databases. 

2. Articulate chemical concepts, information and skills proficiency to both expert and non-expert audiences through oral presentation, writing and digital media. 

3. Work in a team to accomplish a presentation task on time. 


How the module will be delivered

11 x 1-hour lectures and workshops. These will be a mixture of lecture type presentations and workshop events. Additional online resources will also be provided. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  • Ability to analyse a topic in order to prepare for an oral, written, or visual presentation 

  • Use of critical analysis to choose and present material of an appropriate level for a given audience. 

Medicinal chemistry specific skills 

  • Use of chemistry specific databases to retrieve chemical information 

  • Use of chemistry specific drawing and visualisation software to present diagrammatic data 

Transferable skills 

  • Search electronic sources for technical information 

  • Prepare and present an impactful and informative presentation 

  • Select an appropriate communication style and media for a particular audience 

  • Work with a small team to prepare and present a poster 

  • Write an extended essay on a given topic 

  • Manage time efficiently and work in groups to accomplish tasks 

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via three tasks, a group poster, a written literature review essay, and a non-technical oral presentation. The poster and talk will involve an element of peer assessment.  



If a student fails this Module, they will be able to submit a single synoptic written assessment during the resit exam period. 

Type of assessment                 Title                                        Duration         Approx. date of Assessment 

Written Assessment                50    Literature Review Essay        1500 words 

Presentation                           30     Oral Presentation                   10 min 

Presentation                           20     Group Poster Presentation     N/A 


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 50 Literature Review Essay N/A
Presentation 30 Oral Presentation N/A
Presentation 20 Group Poster Presentation N/A

Syllabus content

Data-base searching eg. Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Sci-finder. 

Use of a reference manager program. 

Use of chemical drawing software. 

Correct referencing and acknowledgement; avoidance of plagiarism. 

Using critical analysis to choose appropriate topics for presentations (visual, written and oral). 

Translation of complex scientific information and communicating it effectively, taking into account the audience and context. 

Verbal and visual presentation skills, to be used in a group poster and a short talk. 

Written presentation skills, including the identification and communication of key messages. 

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the communication of science in different contexts (e.g. print, video media, posters). 

Career reflection, job application and interview skills (to be taught with assistance from Student Futures). 

CH5230: Practical Skills in Medicinal Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5230
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader DR Heulyn Jones
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will give students an introduction into modern practical skills in medicinal chemistry. This will include hands-on training in often-used reactions and set-ups in the field as well as handling of biological macromolecules. In addition, the participants will have the chance to use of state-of–the-art equipment, such as flow reactors, an automatic chromatographic purification system and a scale-up reaction vessel. Medicinal chemistry concepts, such as 3-D shape complementarity, Structure Analysis Relationship (SAR) analysis and physicochemical properties will be interwoven into the module, using the appropriate software. The participants will use medicinal chemistry concepts to take responsibility of which compounds to synthesise next and how to save a chemical series by targeted chemical modification of the lead compound. Students will be instructed in methods essential for data acquisition and reporting to professional standards. There will be the opportunity to critically evaluate published, peer reviewed research. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

1. Safely carry out a range of reactions of organic and biological molecules using state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. 

2. Make independent decisions on which compounds should be made next and how on a typical medicinal chemistry project based on logical medicinal chemistry concepts. 

3. Present experimental procedures, data and interpretations in a precise, concise and professional manner. 

4. Critically evaluate and draw conclusions from scientific information from synthetic and biological experiments and published sources. 

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered through blended learning. Online resources will supplement hands-on learning in the teaching laboratory: 

  • Online laboratory manuals will allow participants to plan experimental work beforehand in a safe and timely manner and also introduce key medicinal chemistry concepts (learning outcomes 1, 2) 

  • Participants will carry out twelve synthetic experimental experiments, four biological experiments with an additional two computational experiments being delivered live online (learning outcomes 1 – 4) 

  • Participants will take part in a journal club where they will critique a publication in an oral presentation. 

Skills that will be practised and developed


  • Carry out COSHH and risk assessments to ensure safe practice prior to experimental work. 

  • Performing scientific calculations critical for proper reagent preparation. 

  • Essential practical skills in synthetic chemistry and handling proteins and nucleic acids  

  • Operating a flow reactor, automatic purification system and scale-up reaction vessel 

  • Identify and assess the purity of reaction products using modern analytical and spectroscopic methods 

  • Problem-solving to save a chemical series from a common fault by fine-tuning of a basic centre. 

  • Thinking in 3-D by learning how to draw, minimise the energy of and overlay molecules in silico  

  • Analyse and spot SAR trends with regards to activity and lipophilicity 

  • Using software packages in the field of medicinal chemistry and statistics 

  • Time management 

  • Critical analysis of published works 

  • Prepare concise and accurate scientific reports of experimental data and procedure 

  • Communication through group discussion and reporting to professional standards 

How the module will be assessed

There are 2 points of assessment in this module:  

Practical skills portfolio (80%)  

Students will compile a portfolio where they will be required to evidence the following aspects of practice: 

Consistent attendance and active engagement in practical sessions. 

Proficiency in safely performing standard techniques in synthesis and analysis. For some experiments this may include an assessment of the quality of physical samples according to appearance, 1H NMR spectroscopic and LC/MS analysis. 

Operating common equipment in the medicinal chemistry laboratory.   

Recording of experimental procedures and outcomes in a professional style that would enable reproduction of the experiment. 

Reporting of analytical data in the style of a chemistry journal. 

Interpretation of analytical data to deduce or confirm chemical structure. 

Use of software for statistical analysis and graphical presentation of numerical data. 

Use of software of calculation and visualisation of 3-D structure and molecular properties. 

Decision making and planning what compounds to make and how by applying medicinal and synthetic chemistry principles. 

Mechanistic interpretation of chemical reactions. 

Problem solving using a combination of medicinal chemistry concepts and appropriate software to overcome challenges in biological activity and synthesis.  

A reflective commentary describing skills development, signposting the evidence of the above skills and discussing what might have been done differently to improve experimental outcomes. 

Formative feedback on the portfolio will be provided at the end of autumn semester. 

Journal Club (20%) 

Students will be individually assessed in the form of a short presentation in a ‘Journal club’-style workshop. Each student will present a critical evaluation of a peer reviewed published paper. 


An attendance register will be kept at laboratory sessions. Students who do not pass the ‘Practical Skills Portfolio” component of this module due to lack of attendance at laboratory sessions will be required to resit as an internal student during the next academic session. If students have attended laboratory sessions, students will be permitted to revise and resubmit their portfolio during the resit period. 

Since the journal club consists of a group discussion, the student will not be able to resit this assignment in its original form. Instead, in the summer, they will be asked to provide a written critique of an assigned journal article and then discuss it with the appropriate staff member. 


Type of assessment      Title                                    Duration         Approx. date of Assessment 

PO                                80    Practical skills portfolio      6000 words     May 

PR                                20    Journal club                       3 h                  Jan

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Portfolio 80 Practical Skills Portfolio N/A
Presentation 20 Journal Club N/A

Syllabus content

Practical experience with laboratory equipment for synthetic organic chemistry and purification, including handling air-sensitive reagents. 

Synthetic and purification techniques will be illustrated using a variety of reactions that are commonly employed in medicinal chemistry which may include Pd-catalysed C-C coupling and organometallic reactions, SNAr reactions, amide couplings, heterocycle-forming condensation reactions, reductive aminations, late-stage fluorination and protecting group chemistry. 

Fundamental mechanistic principles of common synthetic reactions in medicinal chemistry and their place in synthetic strategy. 

Principles of operation of laboratory equipment for synthesis and testing of drugs candidates. 

Use of apparatus including flow reactors, an automatic chromatographic purification system and a scale-up reaction vessel. 

Practical skills in pipetting and buffer making. 

Polymerase Chain Reaction – theory and practice. 

Gel electrophoresis and blotting – practical technique and data interpretation. 

Use of computational chemistry software for prediction of molecular shape, physicochemical properties (in silico 3-D shape complementarity, calculation of pKa and lipophilicity) and analysis of structure-activity relationships. 

Use of software for statistical analysis, graphing and data presentation.  

Literature search/critiquing and evaluating a scientific paper. 

Essay writing skills and referencing. 


CH5231: Physical Chemistry in Drug Design

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5231
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will set out the essential concepts of physical chemistry that underpin key aspects of medicinal chemistry. This will include descriptions of intermolecular forces and their modelling in computer software to describe the interactions between drugs and their targets as well as the properties and behaviour of drugs in relevant systems, such as the body and in formulation.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Discuss the origin and importance of intermolecular interactions, including hydrogen bonding, dispersion, electrostatics and induction and how they influence the properties of drugs. 

  • Evaluate drug-protein interactions, protein-protein interactions, solubility and other pharmaceutical parameters in terms of molecular interactions and thermodynamics. 

  • Apply kinetic descriptions to processes of pharmacological relevance such as enzyme kinetics and pharmacokinetics. 

  • Compare different approaches to modelling the intra- and intermolecular forces using molecular mechanics and assess which approach is most applicable to a challenge in medicinal chemistry. 

How the module will be delivered

Content will largely be delivered through 22 x 1h lectures, addressing all learning outcomes. These will be supplemented by workshops and tutorials that will selectively address learning outcomes with an emphasis on problem solving and forging links between topics  

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying concepts from fundamental physical chemistry to understand the behaviour of drugs and their biomolecular targets. Students will develop a detailed understanding of kinetics, thermodynamics and intermolecular forces and how these are related to observed phenomena.  

The module will also involve a large element of problem solving based around real examples of medicinal chemistry. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Workshops and tutorials will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will prepare students to tackle problem-solving exercises in the examination. 

Summative assessment: A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. An online quiz will allow students to demonstrate their ability to solve medicinal chemical problems. The online quiz will focus on the students’ ability to use and interpret numerical data representing physical properties to predict pharmacological properties of drugs. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 


Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2 h) during the Resit Examination Period. 

Type of assess         Contr    Title                                                                 Duration        Approx. date of Assess

Exam                          80               Physical Chemistry for Medicinal Chemists      2 hours           May/June

Online quiz                 20               Summative online quiz                                     1 hour

Resit                          100              Resit                                                                2 hours          August

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Summative Online quiz N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Physical Chemistry in Drug Design 2

Syllabus content

Intra- and intermolecular forces:  

  • dispersion forces, electrostatic interactions, hydrogen bonding, halogen bonding, & hydrophobic effect.  

Molecular interactions and pharmaceutical parameters as consequences of intra- and intermolecular forces. 

  • Aqueous solubility, lipophilicity, effects of protonation state and pKa, logP, c-logP, logD, PEGylation for increasing aqueous solubility, group additivity approaches to estimate pharmaceutical parameters; 

  • Hunter’s hydrogen-bonding model for molecular interactions; 

  • Small-molecule-protein interactions, protein-protein interactions 

  • Drugs and physiology, volume of distribution, cell membrane is an aqueous-lipophilic-aqueous type barrier, serum albumin as carrier protein;  

  • QSAR: Structure – function relationships; 

  • Drug administration routes; 

  • Molecular interactions in drug formulation; 

Modelling the intra- and intermolecular forces with molecular mechanics:  

  • Born-Oppenheimer, functional forms for bonded and non-bonded, parameters and specific forcefields for medicinal chemistry 

  • Applications of molecular mechanics: conformational searching, drug-receptor docking, introduction to molecular dynamics. 


  • Recap of concepts: enthalpy, entropy, free energy, equilibrium constants;  

  • thermodynamics of protein structure and folding;  

  • Cold and hot denaturation; 

  • thermodynamics of drug-receptor and protein-protein interaction;  

  • techniques for determination of thermodynamics quantities. 




  • Recap of concepts: 0th, 1st, 2nd order reactions, Arrhenius model;  

  • Enzyme kinetics: Michaelis-Menten model, cooperativity, inhibition and activation, complex reactions;  


  • ADMET: adsorption, distribution, volume distribution, metabolism, excretion, toxicity and bioavailability  

  • Overview of pathways of drug excretion and degradation (e.g. CYP450 degradation); 

  • Use of prodrugs to achieve desired properties;  

  • half life of drug in body. 

CH5240: Enterprising Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5240
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Angelo Amoroso
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will provide Chemistry students with the business skills necessary to turn opportunities that emerge from their chemistry knowledge into a successful enterprise.  Working with experts from Cardiff Business School, module participants will explore different facets of business such as marketing, strategy and operations management, to provide them with an organisational framework and the business knowhow needed to make their entrepreneurial aspirations a reality.  Particular attention will be paid to the particular challenges of chemistry related enterprises such how rigorous health and safety practices can underpin a successful approach to business.   




On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Critically evaluate and analyse different business models, by identifying key business strategies and their effectiveness. 

  • Examine the interrelationship between, and impact of, key business principles such as marketing, operations management, (digital technologies) and financial awareness. 

  • Recognise and apply key components of a successful business plan through the design of an effective business plan. 

  • Effectively communicate, orally and in writing, key business principles and strategies to a diverse audience with varying stakeholder interests and needs. 

How the module will be delivered

This module will be shared via a series of short lectures and expert insights from successful entrepreneurs.  Case studies will be used to illustrate best practice examples from business and students – they will synthesise these cases in group activities. Some of the sessions will include guest speakers who run their own business.  Group discussions will follow guest speakers to ensure that key learning points are identified. The concept of the business plan will be introduced early in the programme and will be referred to at different points throughout the programme where relevant.  

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will understand how they can run their own business and will appreciate the difficulties involved. 

They will comprehend all of the different elements of business that they need to consider in order 

They will reflect on the skills that they are learning in their chemistry degree and how these can be used to create their own business.  

They will hone the ability to succinctly describe their business idea both verbally, via presentation, and in written form, via the creation of their business plan.  

They will understand how to express their business ideas so that they are easily understood by a variety of different stakeholders such as financiers, customers and suppliers.  

How the module will be assessed


  • Distinguish between successful and unsuccessful business practices 

Formative assessment through group work flip chart exercises  

  • Appreciate key principles of productive marketing practices 

Formative assessment through interpretation of case studies 

  • Discover the core tenets of successful business strategy 

Formative assessment via mentimeter 

  • Summarise important operations management principles 

Formative assessment of groups feeding back their summaries following operations management session 

  • Understand basic finance knowledge required to create a business plan 

Summative assessment via business plan 

  • Evaluate the importance of considering incorporating digital within your approach to business 

Summative assessment via presentation and business plan 

  • Demonstrate their understanding of the important components of successful business through the completion of a comprehensive business plan – summative assessment via business plan 

  • Ability to communicate your business idea to a range of different stakeholders 


Should they fail the module they will be able to submit a recorded version of their individual presentation. Should they fail the business plan element, following extra guidance from a module coordinator, students can make adjustments needed to their business plan and can resubmit.  


Type of assessment        Title                                                                                  Duration (if applicable)    Approx. date of Assessment 

Presentation                  40    Communication of student’s business idea and plan       20 mins 

Written                           60    Business Plan (1500 words) 



Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Presentation 40 Communication of students business idea and plan N/A
Written Assessment 60 Business Plan N/A

Syllabus content

The programme of activity has been designed to provide a comprehensive introduction into all of the necessary components of running your own business. Proposed topics include: 

1. Introduction, oversight and assessment explanation   

Setting the scene – why having different routes for your career is advantageous, benefits of being a business owner and examples of successful chemist entrepreneurs 

2. Vision, Mission and Brand 

This session will explore the importance of setting a vision for the business and being authentic to your mission and brand. 

3. Strategy and Innovation 

This session will share the important role that strategy plays in setting your direction and how it is essential to consider building innovation as a central spine to your strategic intent.  

4. Understanding Customers 

This session will discuss how you can better understand customers in order to refine your business offer and grow your market.  It will discuss the difference between the voice of the customer and developing a customer mindset. 

5. Marketing 

This session builds on the theme of understanding customers and examines core principles of good marketing practice. Looking at examples of brilliant marketing, students will be encouraged to think about which marketing concepts and principles will help them in their business.  

6. Leadership  

Great leadership is the difference between mediocre businesses and fantastic ones.  This session will explore key personality traits of successful leaders and will discuss concepts and techniques that can be deployed to engender great leadership. 

7. Teamworking 

This critical skill is an essential part of successful businesses, even those that just contain one employee. The need to work with, listen to and flex your approach in order to achieve a variety of different business outcomes is essential. This session will illustrate key team working principles and will encourage the students to explore them.  

8. Digitalisation 

21st Century businesses must consider technology and digitisation. This session will share examples of companies that successfully embrace digitalisation to commercial effect and will ask the students to consider how they can ensure technology is appropriately incorporated into their business 

9. Sustainability 

Another essential topic is to ensure that businesses appropriately consider environmental and social responsibility (ESR). This session will provide students with the latest thinking in this area and will help them to incorporate ESR within their business strategy and plan 

10. Financial Management 

This session will provide the fundamentals of business accounting needed to construct a viable business plan. 

11. Assessment session – presentation of business plan to the group  

CH5250: Macromolecules as Drug Targets

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5250
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module discusses the structure and chemistry of proteins, principles of protein function, receptors, enzymes, the structure and chemistry of DNA and RNA, transcription and translation. Principles of enzyme catalysis and kinetics, and the effect of inhibitors will be discussed. Concepts for interference with biochemical pathways in medicinal chemistry will be presented throughout the module. The concepts of agonists and antagonists will be introduced, including models for describing these quantitatively. Specific examples of some of the main classes of drug targets and the mechanism of action of drugs that target them will be described. Students will learn about the design concepts for drugs against the different classes of target.  


On completion of the module a student should be able to

1. Discuss the chemical, structural and functional properties of nucleic acids and proteins and how these can be exploited as drug targets. 

2. Quantitatively evaluate experimental data and relate this to the underlying biological processes. 

3. Design drugs through application of an understanding of biomacromolecule structure, function and molecular interactions;  

4. Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases, experiments). 

How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across two semesters, equating to approximately two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes related to knowledge and understanding. 

Workshops (2 x 1 h formative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills. 

Coursework (summative) will involve searching, retrieval and critical analysis of data/information from the literature and/or databases. 

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow provide opportunities students to students in meeting all learning outcomes. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from functional group chemistry and mechanistic organic chemistry to understand how the structure of proteins and nucleic acids permit them to perform their biological function. This will be demonstrated through the drawing of curly-arrow pushing mechanisms. The principles of design of drugs that bind to these macromolecules through non-covalent and covalent interactions to modulate their biological function will be developed. In addition to this area of problem solving, students will also gain familiarity with interpreting and presenting data, such as enzyme kinetics, visualising biomolecular structures and retrieval of information from databases. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. Tutorials will be marked via Learning Central, and additional oral feedback provided during the tutorial sessions. This will prepare you to tackle problem-solving exercises in the examination. 

Summative assessment: A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of proteins and nucleic acids as drug targets, the principles of how drugs interact with these, and an ability to process and interpret experimental data relating to drug-target interactions. The coursework will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to use electronic and printed resources to locate relevant data/information, to critically review literature knowledge and report the findings/conclusions through an on-line exercise. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 


Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. Students who fail the coursework component will be reassessed through  


Type of assessment      Title                                                  Duration    Approx. date of Assessment 

EXSP                           80    Macromolecules as drug targets      2 h              May 

CW                              20    Coursework  On-line                                            Mar 

EXRE                          80    Macromolecules as drug targets       2 h              Aug 

CWRE                         20    Resit coursework On-line                                     Aug

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Online Coursework N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Macromolecules as Drug Targets 2

Syllabus content

Structure, biophysical properties and chemistry of nucleotides (DNA and RNA).  

Transcription and translation; mRNA and tRNA synthesis. 

The genetic code and the molecular basis of ribosomal protein synthesis. 

Overview of nucleic acid technologies – sequencing, PCR and protein expression. 

Nucleic acids as drug targets and pharmaceuticals. 

Overview of protein structure. Ramachandran plots and secondary structure. Tertiary and quaternary structure. 

Principles of protein function. 

Introduction to enzyme catalysis. Mechanisms of enzyme inhibition. Michaelis-Menten kinetics in the absence and presence of inhibitors. 

Quantification of drug efficacy in terms of kinetic parameters, EC50 and IC50. 

Examples of enzyme catalysis of relevance as targets in medicinal chemistry – kinases, serine- and metallo-proteases, monooxygenases. 

Structure and function of ion channels, GPCRs and nuclear hormone receptors. 

Role of these proteins as drug targets with examples of drugs illustrating their mode of action and the drug design principles. 

Proteins as drugs – opportunities and challenges for drug development. 



CH5253: Cemeg Organig pellhach a Chemeg Biolegol

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5253
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L5
Language of Delivery Welsh
Module Leader DR Heulyn Jones
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Mae’r modiwl yma’n adeiladu ar y cysyniadau a’u cyflwynwyd yn y flwyddyn gyntaf, ac yn darparu trawsolwg mecanyddol o sawl grŵp gweithredol pwysig, yn cynnwys eu synthesis a’u adweithedd. Ar ôl trawsolwg o gemeg y grŵp carbonyl, bydd y synthesis ac adweithedd systemau aromatig, heteroaromatig a heterogylchog, sydd yn blociau adeiladu pwysig ar gyfer yr holl deunyddiau sy’n bwysig i’n cymdeithas, yn cael eu trafod. Bydd yr adran olaf yn cyflwyno sut i reoli stereocemeg mewn synthesis organig, h.y. rheoli trefniant 3-D atomau o fewn moleciwlau.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Disgrifio mecanweithiau adwaith gan ddefnyddio saethau cyrliog i ddarogan a rhesymu canlyniad yr adweithiau organig.
  2. Disgrifio priodweddau ac adweithedd cyffredinol ystod eang o gyfansoddion dirlawn ac annirlwn, yn cynnwys alcenau, carbonylau, cyfansoddion aromatig a heteroaromatic.
  3. Deall yr egwyddorion sylfaenol sy’n dylanwadu os yw adwaith yn stereoddetholus, a’r sail egniol sy’n pennu’r stereodetholusrwydd ar gyfer sawl trawsffurfiad organig.
  4. Defnyddio priodweddau sylfaenol adweithedd cemeg organig i ddarogan a rhesymu canlyniad adweithiau cemeg organig.
  5. Defnyddio rhesymeg mecanweithiol sy’n deillio o lwybrau adweithiau hysbys i ddarogan llwybrau adweithau anhysbys ond tebyg.
  6. Cynllunio a darlunio synthesis targed cyfansoddyn heterogylchog gan ddefnyddio’r deunydd a gyflwynwyd yn CH5103 (Cemeg organig flwyddyn 1af) a deunydd y modiwl yma.

How the module will be delivered

32 x 1 awr o ddarlithiau, 12 x 1 awr o weithdai, 6 x 1 awr o diwtorialau.

Bydd darlithoedd yn ymdrin â chynnwys sydd yn berthnasol i bob canlyniad dysgu. Bydd rhain yn cael eu ategu gan waith tiwtorial, a fydd yn cynnwys adborth wedi’i deilwra i’r myfyrwyr.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Sgiliau deallusol

  • Defnyddio dull rhesymegol i gwblhau problemau cemeg organig;


Sgiliau Cemegol

  • Deall a defnyddio confensiynau ar gyfer darlunio strwythurau moleciwlaidd;
  • Darlunio mecanweithiau ar gyfer adweithiau cemeg organig a gyflwynwyd yn y sylabws;
  • Cynllunio synthesis organig, dewis strategaethau priodol, defnydd synhwyrol o adweithyddion ac amodau adwaith ar gyfer y lefel yma o gemeg;
  • Cysylltu theori ag arbrofion ymarferol.


Sgiliau trosglwyddadwy 

  • defnyddio rhesymeg i gwblhau problemau na welir o’r blaen.

How the module will be assessed

cemegol o’r deunydd a gyflwynwyd yn y darlithoedd. Bydd rhain yn cael eu hymestyn i esiamplau o foleciwlau na welwyd o’r blaen i alluogi myfyrwyr i ddangos y deallusrwydd angenrheidiol. Mae’r arholiad yn Ionawr yn galluogi’r myfyrwyr i gael adborth ar eu cynnydd yn y modiwl.


Cyfleoedd ar gyfer ail-asesiad

Bydd myfyrwyr sydd â chaniatâd gan y Bwrdd Arholi ar gyfer ail-asesiad yn y modiwl yn cael eu gofyn i gyflwyno adroddiad ysgrifenedig a chyflwyniad ar lafar wedi’u addasu yn ystod yr un flwyddyn academaidd. Bydd hwn ond yn digwydd mewn achosion lle mae asesiad gan y goruchwylydd yn dderbyniol, ond lle mae amgylchiadau esugusodol wedi effeithio ar pharatoad yr adroddiad gwreiddiol. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 20 Arholiad Dosbarth Ionawr N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Cemeg organig pellhach 3

Syllabus content

Cemeg grwpiau gweithredol pellhach (semester Hydref)

Grwpiau carbonyl Cemeg 3: Esiamplau pellhach o gemeg enolau ac enoladau: adwaith groes Aldol, cyddwysiad Knoevenagel a cyddwysiadau tebyg. Yr adwaith Mannich. Cemeg ac adweithedd deuanionig. Enoladau Cinetig a thermodeinamig (ffurfiad etherau silyl enol). Yr adwaith Wittig ac amrywiadau cyffredin. Cemeg tebyg i enoladau mewn sylffocsidau, sylffonau a sulffocsiminau. Adweithiau amineiddio rhydwythol.

Cemeg Alcen 2: Hydroboreiddio ac epocsideiddio alcenau. Osonoleiddio alceneau. Deuhydrocsyleiddio a thorriad ocsidiol deuolau.

Ad-drefniannau: Adweithiau mudo i ocsigenau a nitrogenau electron-brin (Baeyer-Villiger, Beckmann, ad-drefniannau Curtius a rhai tebyg – Hofmann, Lossen, Schmidt). Ad-drefniannau carbocationau. Ad-drefniannau pinacol a rhannol-pinacol.

Cyfunedd: Adiad gyfunol i gyfansoddion carbonyl alffa, beta-annirlawn. Niwcleoffilau organocopor a malonad (yn cynnwys yr adwaith Robinson a’u tebyg). Yr adwaith Baylis-Hillman.

Cemeg Aromatig 2: Adweithiau cyffredin ychwanegol systemau aromatig. Amnewidiad Niwcleoffil (SNAr). Dulliau hydrogeniad a rhydwythiad mewn systemau aromatig (rhydwythiad Birch). Halwynau deuasoniwm (adweithiau Sandmeyer). Ffurfiad ac adweithedd bensyn. Cyflwyniad i trawsgyplu cyfansoddion bensen gyda ffocws ar eu defnydd synthetig.

Ffurfiad ac adweithedd Cylchoalcanau/systemau aromatig a Stereodetholusrwydd (semester Gwanwyn)

Synthesis Cyfansoddion Heteroaromatig: Dadansoddiad retrosynthetig a synthesis systemau heteroaromatig – pyridin, pyrol, ffwran, ocsasol, thiasol, imidasol a rhai o’u hanalogau sydd wedi’u hasio. Pwysleisio’r cysylltiadau gyda cemeg carbonyl. Bydd hyn hefyd yn cynnwys esiamplau o systemau di-aromatig  sy’n cael eu creu drwy mecanweithiau tebyg.

Adweithedd cyfansoddion heterogylchog aromatig: Amnewid electroffilig mewn systemau aromatig, yn cynnwys yr adweithiau Vilsmeier-Haack a Pictet-Spengler. Amnewid niwcleoffilig mewn systemau heteroaromatig gyda halid. Pwysleisio’r gwahaniaeth mewn basigedd ac adweithedd pyridinau, pyrolau, indolau ac imidasolau.

Adweithio ffurfio cyfansoddion cylchog: Siapau cylchoalcanau, yn ffocwsi ar feintiau canolig, eu cydffurfiadau a’u effeithiau orbital wrth ffurfio’r cylchogyfansoddyn. Yr adwaith Diels-Alder. Cylchoadiad 1,3-deubolar gyda ambell i esiampl o systemau di-aromatig. Rheolau Baldwin.

Tarddiad Moleciwlaidd Stereodetholusrwydd: Cyflwyniad i’r meini prawf sylfaenol ar gyfer adweithiau stereoddetholus. Proffilau egni ar gyfer adweithiau sydd yn mynd drwy gyflwr trosiannol diastereomerig. Adweithiau stereoddetholus wedi’u rheoli gan y swbstrad: Rhydwythiad cylchohecsanonau, epocsideiddio/cylchopropaneiddio alcoholau alylig cylchog. Model Cram/Felkin-Anh ar gyfer adiad stereoddetholus i garbonylau. Cyflyrau trosiannol Zimmerman-Traxler ar gyfer adweithiau aldol diastereoddetholus (perthnasol i geometreg enoladau).

CH9998: Placement Year Abroad

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH9998
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 120
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

BSc students on placement overseas are enrolled on this module. It consists of a substantial project on a chemical sciences topic conducted at an overseas placement provider. Students will submit a written report and video that discusses their placement experience. These will be supplemented by a placement review which provides a reflective account of skills development over the course of the placement. Satisfactory performance is required for the award of the degree, and the mark awarded contributes 10% to the overall degree classification. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Describe and present the objectives, methods and outcomes of a project in oral and written form. 

• Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources. 

• Analyse a topic to give a discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues. 

• Devise and execute a complex plan of work towards a goal. 

• Analyse and interpret findings and use these to predict behaviour with which to inform future work. 

• Adapt to professional working practices in an industrial or overseas setting. 

• Contribute positively and effectively when working in a team.

How the module will be delivered

Students undertake a placement in a partner institution overseas, of 9 - 12 months duration. It consists primarily of project work supervised by a staff member at the placement provider. The project results are presented in a written report, Video presentation and Placement review. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  2. Analysis of an advanced topic, discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues; 

  3. Planning, and executing a complex activity; 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  1. searching and selecting from the literature, discussing it critically in the context of the project undertaken; 

  2. Conducting an extended project at a chemical sciences-using placement provider; 

  3. Recording of all working notes in an appropriate manner with reference to risk and hazard information where applicable; 

Transferable skills 

  1. Communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences; 

  2. Organisation and presentation of oral and written reports; 

  3. Adapt to working in an unfamiliar culture; 

  4. Learn from others in a work-based environment 


How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed via coursework including a written report of the project, a video presentation in which the student discusses the background to their project, their own role and findings, and an essay reviewing the placement. The placement review is a reflective commentary that should demonstrate skills development and an appreciation of the culture and working practices at the overseas placement provider and how these differ from the UK. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the first available Examination period after the Examining Board. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module, will need to resubmit each failed component of the module (report, video presentation and/or placement review) during the next available Examination Period. 

Type of assess   Contrib  Title                                Duration      Approx. date of Assess

Coursework         50                 Report                            N/A               July 

Coursework         20                 Video Presentation         N/A               July 

Coursework         30                 Placement Review          N/A               July 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Presentation 20 Video presentation N/A
Report 50 Placement Year Abroad- Written Report N/A
Report 30 Placement Year Abroad- Placement Review N/A

Syllabus content

The placement experience will be undertaken in the academic host approved by the placement scheme coordinator. The main feature will be a substantial project on a chemical sciences topic determined by the host. This will be carried out on a time scale appropriate for the particular placement, but is expected to take about 1200 hours of student time, including all literature work, project work, preparation of presentation and written report.  

The main report will be supplemented by a short placement review, describing the particular environment of the placement - aspects of cultural differences in the host institution and skills development during the placement. 

Regular contact will be maintained throughout, primarily through the personal tutor, with involvement by the placement coordinator as necessary. 

CH9999: Industrial Training

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH9999
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 120
Level L5
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

BSc students on placement in industry are enrolled on this module during their year out. Satisfactory performance is required for the award of the degree, and the mark awarded contributes 10% to the overall degree classification. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Describe and present the objectives, methods and outcomes of a project in oral and written form. 

• Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources. 

• Analyse a topic to give a discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues. 

• Devise and execute a complex plan of work towards a goal. 

• Analyse and interpret findings and use these to predict behaviour with which to inform future work. 

• Adapt to professional working practices in an industrial or overseas setting. 

• Contribute positively and effectively when working in a team.

How the module will be delivered

Students take this module whilst undertaking a placement industry, of minimum 9 month duration.  It consists primarily of project work supervised by the placement provider. The project results are presented in a written report, Video presentation and Placement review. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  2. Analysis of an advanced topic, discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues; 

  3. Planning, and executing a complex activity; 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  1. Searching and selecting from the literature, discussing it critically in the context of the project undertaken; 

  2. Conducting an extended project at a chemical sciences-using placement provider; 

  3. Recording of all working notes in an appropriate manner with reference to risk and hazard information where applicable; 

Transferable skills 

  1. Communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences;  

  2. Organisation and presentation of oral and written reports; 

  3. Adapt to working in an unfamiliar culture; 

  4. Learn from others in a work-based environment 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed via coursework including a written report, a video presentation of the project, and an essay reviewing the placement. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the first available Examination period after the Examining Board. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module, will need to resubmit each failed component of the module (report, video presentation and/or placement review) during the next available Examination Period. 

Type of assess      % Contrib    Title                         Duration   Approx. date of Assess

Coursework            50                 Report                      N/A            July 

Coursework            20                 Video Presentation   N/A           July 

Coursework            30                Placement Review     N/A           July 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Report 50 Written Report N/A
Presentation 20 Industrial Training-Video Presentation N/A
Report 30 Industrial Training- Placement Review N/A

Syllabus content

The placement experience will be undertaken in the industrial host approved by the placement scheme coordinator. The main feature will be a substantial project on a chemical sciences topic determined by the host. This will be carried out on a time scale appropriate for the particular placement, but is expected to take about 1200 hours of student time, including all literature work, project work, preparation of presentation and written report. For the placements, it is expected that all of the nominal 1200 hours will be spent on the project at the host, but it is recognised that the nature of the host’s work may require this to be modified and directed work related to the host’s business may take up some of the time, though a substantial independent and original project must be included. 

The main report will be supplemented by a short placement review, describing the particular environment of the placement - aspects of cultural differences in the host institution, skills development during the placement and business aspects of the company. 

Regular contact will be maintained throughout, primarily through the personal tutor, with involvement by the placement coordinator as necessary. 

CH2301: Training in Research Methods

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2301
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Caterina Bezzu
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


This is a module of practical work, designed to familiarise learners with advanced research techniques used for experiments of a synthetic and/or instrumental nature, and with professional applications of information technology. 

The module will also include exercises designed to develop critical analysis, problem-solving, oral and written communication, and to enhance students’ employability. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Use equipment appropriate to the experiments in a safe and correct way; 

  • Obtain and act upon safety and hazard information for chemicals and chemical procedures; 

  • Recognise the relationship between spectroscopic properties (NMR, IR, UV/vis and XPS) and molecular structure and symmetry; 

  • Critically assess the experimental results in relation to the chemical principle behind each experiment; 

  • Write a concise report on all results obtained; 

  • Critically review primary literature chemistry articles.   

How the module will be delivered

Approximatively 60 h (20 x 3 h) laboratory classes, plus approximatively 6 h of seminars / workshops. 

Students will undertake several tasks in synthetic, instrumental and computer laboratory. For each one, performance in the laboratory and understanding of underlying concepts will be tested by one or more written reports, submission of samples and spectra, or online tests.  


Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

a) Draw conclusions about reaction mechanisms from the combination of experimental and spectroscopic data; 

b) Relate the experimental data to the underlying theory; 

c) Analyse problems and identify the critical decisions needed in designing approaches to solutions. 

Chemistry-specific skills 

a) Prepare, isolate and purify organic and inorganic compounds using standard procedures; 

b) Manipulate air-sensitive compounds under an inert atmosphere; 

c) Prepare and isolate aqueous coordination compounds; 

d) Obtain and interpret IR and UV/vis spectra of organic and transition-metal compounds; 

e) Interpret IR and NMR spectra of organic compounds and hence assess critically the outcome of a reaction; 

f) Determine kinetic of reaction and reaction mechanism by interpreting experimental data;  

g) Use of experimental data to calculate an unknown value; 

h) Assess the risks associated with the use of chemicals and apparatus; 

i) Record experimental data in an organised manner and present a written report and oral discussion clearly and concisely; 

j) Determine the most appropriate format for presentation of experimental data; 

k) Show scientific judgement and ability to select appropriate experiments to tackle a problem. 

Transferable skills 

a) Write a concise and accurate report on a specified topic; 

b) Use appropriate software in calculation and modelling of structures and properties of substances; 

c) Analyse information critically and provide a critical report; 

d) Work more effectively in a team; 

f) Orally present solutions to problems, and argue cases for a particular outcome. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: an online test, consisting of numerical and multiple-choice answers, will be assessed formatively and will help students to ensure that they are performing and interpreting calculations correctly for the applications of information technology part of the module. 

Summative assessment: The learning outcomes will be assessed continuously on the basis of written reports, samples of compounds prepared, spectroscopic and analytical data, performance in the laboratory. Consistent attendance of practical sessions is essential.  


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period.  

Practical work cannot be repeated after the scheduled time for the module is over. Reassessment involves completing the written assessments based on the student’s own data. Students who need to repeat or do the laboratory work will be required to resit as an internal student in the next academic session.  


Type of assessment                Contrib   Title                                                     Duration    Approx. date of Assessment

Practical-Based Assessment    90                  Laboratory work and written reports   N/A             N/A 

Written Assessment                  10                  Key skills exercise                              N/A             November 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical-Based Assessment 90 Laboratory work and written reports N/A
Written Assessment 10 Key skills exercises N/A

Syllabus content


Synthetic chemistry will include the preparation of a range of compounds on small and medium scale. Reactions will involve organic, organometallic and coordination compounds, manipulation of air-sensitive compounds, and characterisation and analysis using NMR, IR, UV and other techniques as appropriate. 

Physical chemistry will involve accurate measurement of physical properties and recording, interpreting and using experimental data to calculate an unknown value.  

Application of information technology in chemistry – application of theoretical methods and calculations to probe molecular structure, bonding and reactivity.  

Key Skills - critical analysis of the primary chemical literature 


CH2306: Application of Research Methods

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2306
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module of practical work develops and applies principles and techniques learnt in CH2301. New experimental techniques appropriate to synthetic and instrumental projects will be explored and the relationship between theory and experiment will be illustrated in a number of practically based problem-solving exercises. As part of the general skills theme this module also involves a group project in which students work in teams to address aspects of a particular chemical problem. The teams write technical reports on their work and present the data to the whole class in a group discussion. Finally, students write an individual paper in the RSC Chemical Communications format presenting the findings from the class experiment. 



On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Use equipment appropriate to the experiments in a safe and correct way; 

  • Obtain and act upon safety and hazard information for chemicals. 

  • Suggest an appropriate experimental strategy to investigate a problem 

  • Work with a team to create a group report and presentation 

  • Write a scientific paper based on a number of different data sets.   

How the module will be delivered

This practical module consists of short mini-research tasks covering the areas of both synthetic and instrumental chemistry. In the synthetic laboratory, students will typically undertake five or six practical tasks and for each one, submit a literature survey and a report on their own experimental results. For the instrumental section, the students will work in small teams to investigate a specific problem set for the class, using cutting edge equipment based in research laboratories. Each team reports their findings to the class in the form of a report and presentation. Students then, individually, write up the class findings as a scientific paper. A final part of the module involves the preparation of individual video explaining some aspect of chemistry. Help is provided by the School for preparing the videos if needed. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Interpret experimental data and make deductions in the light of an existing model for a system; 

  • Put new experimental data into the context of what was already known; 

  • Assess the current state of knowledge of a system from a literature survey. 

  • Assess the risks associated with the use of chemicals and apparatus; 

  • Record experimental data in an organised manner and present a written report and oral discussion clearly and concisely; 

  • Competently carry out appropriate experiments to tackle a problem. 

  • Prepare a concise account of previous work on a topic from a survey of the literature; 

  • Write an article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal based on data derived in the laboratory and a literature survey; 

  • Prepare a video-based presentation on a chemistry topic. 


How the module will be assessed

This module will be assessed continuously on the basis of written reports, samples of compounds prepared, spectroscopic and analytical data, and performance in the laboratory.  



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Practical work cannot be repeated after the scheduled time for the module is over. Reassessment for the module will therefore involve completing the written assessments based, either on the student’s own data or on data supplied for the experiments. 


Type of assess                        Contrib.  Title                                                          Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Practical-Based Assessment   90                   Laboratory Work and Written Reports    N/A              January - March 

Presentation                            10                   Video presentation                                  N/A              April 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical-Based Assessment 90 Laboratory Work and Written Reports N/A
Presentation 10 Video presentation N/A

Syllabus content

This practical module introduces some new skills in synthetic chemistry and requires students to plan and execute the synthesis of target materials.  

The physical chemistry section of the module is a class project, which involves applying knowledge from previous modules to interpret data from a number of advanced spectroscopic and microscopic methods and work as a team to develop a model to account for the experimental data. 

The module also involves practicing your presentation skills by preparing a video of a topic of general chemical interest. 

CH2325: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2325
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a supervised research project for visiting students. This may be in any area of practical or theoretical chemistry. Visiting students need to have secured a supervisor before enrolment in the module. The project is completed by a written report. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Describe and present the objectives, methods and outcomes of a project. 

• Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources. 

• Analyse a topic to give a discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues. 

• Devise and execute a complex plan of work towards a goal. 

• Analyse and interpret findings and use these to predict behaviour with which to inform future work. 

• Contribute positively and effectively when working in a team. 

How the module will be delivered

Visiting students take this module whilst undertaking a placement in Cardiff University.  It consists primarily of project work supervised by the placement supervisor.  The results are presented in a written report. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information

  2. Analysis of an advanced topic, discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues; 

  3. planning, and executing a complex activity; 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  1. searching and selecting from the literature, discussing it critically in the context of the project undertaken;

  2. recording of all working notes in an appropriate manner with reference to risk and hazard information where applicable; 

Transferable skills 

  1. Communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences;  

  2. Organisation and presentation of oral and written reports; 

  3. Adapt to working in an unfamiliar culture; 

  4. Learn from others in a research-based environment 


How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed via coursework including a written report. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the first available Examination period after the Examining Board. 

Reassessment will consist of a further attempt at report, depending on those parts that contributed to failure on original submission. It will not normally be possible to extend or repeat experimental work as part of reassessment. 

Type of assess   Contrib  Title          Duration      Approx. date of Assess

Coursework         100               Report       N/A               N/A

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Project 100 Report N/A

Syllabus content

This module consists of a supervised research project for visiting students. This may be in any area of practical or theoretical chemistry. Students prepare a written report based on their results. This is marked by the project supervisor.   

CH2325: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2325
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Project 100 Report N/A

CH3307: Advanced Spectroscopy and Diffraction

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3307
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Kenneth Harris
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module explains how detailed information about structure, stereochemistry and the behaviour of chemical species in solution and in the solid state can be obtained by using luminescence spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, and diffraction techniques (specifically X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and electron diffraction, as well as electron microscopy). 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Luminescence Spectroscopy 

  • describe the fundamental principles of photoluminescence spectroscopy. 

  • describe the different types of electronically excited states associated with organic molecules and inorganic d- and f-block coordination complexes. 

  • describe and interpret the key physical parameters that characterize different excited states. 

  • describe the processes that contribute to non-radiative deactivation (quenching) of excited states, including energy transfer mechanisms. 

  • sketch Jablonski energy level diagrams for different classes of compound. 

  • apply knowledge of photoexcited state molecules to various applications. 

EPR Spectroscopy 

  • describe the use of the spin Hamiltonian to interpret isotropic EPR spectra. 

  • describe the interactions of magnetic dipoles, and the origin of electron Zeeman, nuclear Zeeman and hyperfine coupling. 

  • sketch energy level diagrams for electron-nuclear spin systems. 

  • predict the appearance of EPR spectra of organic radicals, including the multiplicity of resonance lines. 

  • extract spin Hamiltonian values from experimental spectra and correlate with chemical structure. 

Diffraction Techniques 

  • understand the fundamental processes involved in the interaction of X-rays, neutron beams and electron beams with solids. 

  • understand the fundamental similarities and differences between X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and electron diffraction. 

  • understand the specific types of information about solid-state structures that can be obtained from  
    X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction and electron microscopy techniques. 

  • understand the scope and limitations of X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction and electron microscopy techniques in the study of structural properties of solids. 

  • formulate the optimum experimental strategy for exploring specific aspects of solid-state structure. 

How the module will be delivered

21 Lectures, with seven lectures allocated to each of the three components of the module (Luminescence Spectroscopy, EPR Spectroscopy and Diffraction Techniques). Each lecture is held “in person” in a lecture theatre. The duration of each lecture is 50 minutes. Each lecture is recorded, with the recording made available to students on Learning Central on the same day as the lecture. 

Three Formative Workshops, with one formative workshop allocated to each of the three components of the module (Luminescence Spectroscopy, EPR Spectroscopy and Diffraction Techniques). The duration of each formative workshop is 50 minutes. Each formative workshop is held as a whole-class activity in a lecture theatre. Each formative workshop is recorded, with the recording made available to students on Learning Central on the same day as the workshop. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Interpretation and analysis of photophysical spectra and/or data, and correlation with molecular structure. 

Interpretation of EPR spectra for paramagnetic species in solution. 

Analysis of experimental data and correlation with chemical structure. 

Formulating optimum experimental strategies (involving the use of one or more of the X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction and electron microscopy techniques) for exploring specific aspects of solid-state structure. 

Ability to select appropriate techniques for determination of structure in solution or in the solid state for a range of chemical situations, and to assess the advantages/disadvantages of each technique for tackling specific structural problems. 

How the module will be assessed

Written Examination 

There is one written examination representing 80% of the total module mark. 

Format of Assessment: Students attend an “in-person” written examination held in an exam hall at a scheduled date/time within the Spring Examination Period. The exam paper contains four questions, and students are required to answer three questions. Each of the four questions comprises two half-questions from different components of the module. 

Duration of Assessment: The time allowed for students to complete the written examination is 2 hours. 

Assessment Criteria: The maximum number of marks allocated to each question is indicated on the exam paper. Students will be given a mark between zero and the maximum mark depending on the quality of their written answer. 

Pass Mark: The written examination contributes 80% of the total module mark. The pass mark for the module is based on the total mark awarded for the module (written examination plus assessed workshop) and is 40%. 

Assessed Workshop 

There is one assessed (summative) workshop representing 20% of the total module mark. 

Format of Assessment: Students are required to tackle a problem sheet containing an equal weighting of questions from each of the three components of the module, and to submit their written answers against a specified deadline. Students are typically given 7 weeks between the release of the problem sheet and the deadline for submission of their written answers. The submission deadline is typically 3 weeks after the completion of all lectures and formative workshops associated with the module. 

Assessment Criteria: The maximum number of marks allocated to each question is indicated on the problem sheet. Students will be given a mark between zero and the maximum mark depending on the quality of their written answer. 

Pass Mark: The assessed workshop contributes 20% of the total module mark. The pass mark for the module is based on the total mark awarded for the module (i.e., the combined mark of the written examination and the assessed workshop) and is 40%. 

Resit Examination 

For students who fail the overall module based on the total mark awarded for the module (i.e., the combined mark of the written examination and the assessed workshop), a resit examination is available. The format of the resit examination is the same as the written examination described above, except that the resit examination is held at a scheduled date/time within the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess            % Contrib.          Duration            Approx. date of Assessment 

Examination                  80%                     2 hours              Spring Examination Period - May/June

Assessed Workshop     20%                     Not applicable    Submission deadline is typically 3 weeks after completion of the module 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Luminescence Spectroscopy 

Fundamentals, Jablonski diagrams. Instrumentation and data acquisition. Stokes’ shift; quantum yield; lifetimes. Fluorescence versus phosphorescence. Radiative and non-radiative decay and contributions. Energy gap law. Types of organic chromophores; effects of structure on emission. Luminescent transition metal coordination complexes. Luminescent trivalent lanthanide complexes. 

EPR Spectroscopy 

Basic principles of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Origin and significance of the electron Zeeman and nuclear Zeeman effects. Derivation of simple spin Hamiltonian for system containing spin-active nuclei. Applications of EPR to characterize paramagnetic systems. Analysis and interpretation of EPR spectra of organic radicals and main group radicals, including determination of spin Hamiltonian parameters [g and A (hyperfine) values]. 

Diffraction Techniques 

Fundamentals: Properties of X-rays. Properties of electron beams. Properties of neutron beams. Production of X-rays (conventional sources and synchrotron radiation). Fundamentals of diffraction by crystalline solids. 

Applications, Scope and Limitations of Techniques: X-Ray diffraction (XRD): applications of X-ray diffraction, single-crystal versus powder X-ray diffraction, advantages of using synchrotron radiation, limitations of X-ray diffraction. Neutron diffraction (ND): applications of neutron diffraction, neutron diffraction versus X-ray diffraction. Electron diffraction and electron microscopy: electron diffraction (ED), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED). 

CH3308: Bioinorganic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3308
External Subject Code 101043
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Ian Fallis
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Many key processes in biology are enabled by metal ions such as calcium, iron, copper and zinc. In this module the biological functions of a wide range of elements are examined with a particular focus upon the functions of metal ions and their catalytic roles in biology. The module will correlate the fundamental coordination chemistry of metal ions to the wide range of redox, Lewis acidic and structural roles they play in biological structures. The roles of metal ions in selected important drugs will also be explored. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

•Describe the range of functions of metal ions in biological systems. 

•Classify metalloenzymes by reaction type and illustrate with relevant examples. 

•Explain types and classes of metal ligand interactions in metalloenzymes. 

•Classify the types of metalloproteins and co-factors that incorporate transition metal and main group ions. 

•Understand from an evolutionary perspective the need for transition metal ions in biological systems. 

•Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases). 

•Understand the mechanisms of metalloenzyme promoted chemical transformations. 

•Understand and illustrate the mode of action of metal containing drugs. 


How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback. 

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement. 

 Workshops (3 x 1 h, one formative, two summative) will be used to enhance and assess the basic knowledge from the lecture material. 

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Classification of complex bioinorganic systems; 

  • Analysis and understanding of the mechanisms in bioinorganic chemical systems; 

  • Correlation of fundamental chemical properties of the elements with their roles in biological systems. 

  • Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  • Actively reflect on own studies, achievements, and self-identity 


How the module will be assessed

Formative and Summative Assessment: The three workshops take the form of multiple-choice tests to be taken in the class. Two will be assessed summatively, and feedback provided during the workshop. Tutorials will be used as reading periods to allow students to absorb course material and raise questions. 

Summative assessment: A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. The coursework will allow students to demonstrate ability to use electronic and printed resources to locate and understand relevant information. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess.          Contrib    Title                  Duration   Approx. date of Assessment 

Exam                           80                   Report              2 hours      May/June 

Written Assessment    20                   Workshops       N/A            N/A  

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2
Written Assessment 20 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

The placement experience will be undertaken in the industrial or university host approved by the placement scheme coordinator. The main feature will be a substantial project on a chemical sciences topic determined by the host. This will be carried out on a time scale appropriate for the particular placement, but is expected to take about 800 hours of student time, including all literature work, project work, preparation of presentation and written report. For academic placements, it is expected that all of the nominal 800 hours will be spent on the project at the host. For the industrial placements, the aim is for a similar arrangement, but it is recognised that the nature of the host’s work may require this to be modified and directed work related to the host’s business may take up some of the time, though a substantial independent and original project must be included. 

The main report will be supplemented by a short placement review, describing the particular environment of the placement - aspects of cultural differences in teaching and learning methods in host university, skills development during the placement, business aspects of the company for industrial placements. 

Regular contact will be maintained throughout, primarily through the personal tutor, with involvement by the placement coordinator as necessary. 

CH3310: Heterogeneous Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3310
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Stuart Taylor
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module demonstrates the diverse applications of heterogeneous catalysis and its importance to both the modern chemical industry and protecting the environment. It will outline the essential fundamental concepts and methodologies available for studying these processes, as well as the molecular level mechanisms and principles involved in catalysis. 


Processes covered include oxidation reactions, car exhaust treatment, reducing NOx emissions from stationary sources, and acid-catalyzed reactions. The importance of heterogeneous catalysts and their applications in environmental and sustainability will be outlined and addressed. For particular applications, examples of several types of catalysts, including supported metals, metal oxides, and zeolites, will all be presented. 

We'll cover key details and catalyst characteristics, as well as the typical attributes and preparation of a heterogeneous catalyst. We will assess a catalyst's performance, provide quantitative descriptors, and discuss catalyst deactivation processes. 

We'll examine heterogeneous catalyst mechanisms and contrast the various models. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal, and Mars van Krevelen mechanisms will be addressed and experimental methods used to identify mechanism will be covered.. 

We'll go over the specifics of how heterogeneous catalysts are utilised in various reactor types, covering both laboratory and industrial scales. The various physical forms of the catalysts will also be taken into account in the context of various reactors and performance optimization. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

On successful completion of the module you should be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental principles and mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysts and outline how they are applied to a range of reactions used in modern industrial processes, new sustainable processes and environmental protection. 

  • Evaluate experimental data from performance of heterogeneous catalysts and relate this to key catalyst characteristics to establish an understanding between structure, composition and chemistry. 

  • Propose mechanisms for heterogeneously catalysed transformations covering a wide range of chemistry and recommend appropriate experimental methodology to establish the mechanism. 

  • Apply concepts of heterogeneous catalysis to propose catalysts and key functionality that are required to catalyse a specific reaction, which may be related to presented examples or an unseen transformation. 

  • Examine critically a catalytic process that is currently operated at scale, based on analysis of information from the literature prioritise the key findings to summarise factors that make the process successful. 

How the module will be delivered

You will receive course content delivered primarily using face to face lectures. The course consists of 22 lectures across the Spring semester, with approximately 2 lectures each week.  Lectures may  include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to  address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face to face lectures.  

Lecture material will be supported by three workshops. Two workshops will be formative and will take the form of face to face sessions, and these will focus on supporting problem solving based on material from lectures. A single summative workshop will focus on research into a self-selected industrial catalytic process, and you will attempt this over a timescale of several weeks using independent study. You will be required to submit a one-page narrative summary for assessment. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

You will develop chemistry specific skills, some aspects will focus on applying ideas introduced in earlier modules, these will include kinetics, thermodynamics, solid state chemistry and surface chemistry, along with some new ones. You will apply these fundamental concepts to understand heterogeneous catalysts and how they operate. Application of these fundamental principles will reinforce your skills in application to problem solving and understanding. Developing these skills in the principles of heterogeneous catalysis will allow you to start to select appropriate catalysts for specific target reactions, and appreciate how catalysts could be applied to solve pressing issues around sustainability, reaching net zero carbon targets and tackling environmental challenges. 

You will gain an appreciation of the wide applications of catalysts on a global scale, and  this is an important insight into the modern chemical and processing industries, providing you with a competitive advantage when interacting with industry. 

The module develops a number of your transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval, prioritisation and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability. 


How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a written examination and a workshop piece of coursework. 

A two hour closed book written exam will test your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and your ability to apply the techniques and concepts covered to problems solving that are related to familiar and unseen examples.  

The summative workshop coursework will consist of 1 workshop. This will allow you to demonstrate your ability to use widely available scientific resources to locate relevant information and to critically review literature knowledge through the preparation of a short written report. Marks will reflect the extent to which you have met the module learning outcomes, and you will be provided with detailed marking criteria. You will receive feedback on your work well before the written exam. 

Your learning will also be supported by two formative workshops, and feedback provided either orally or in written form after the face to face session. There will be a focus on supporting problem solving based on applying knowledge and understanding of heterogeneous catalysis. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment format will be a 2 hour closed book examination paper. 


Type of assess          Contrib.    Title                                     Duration           Approx. date of Assess

Exam paper                80                    Heterogeneous Catalysis   2 hours              Spring exam period 

Written assessment    20                    Coursework                        N/A                    Feb-Mar 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Heterogeneous Catalysis 2
Written Assessment 20 Heterogeneous Catalysis N/A

Syllabus content

The module will begin by covering the basic fundamental aspects and applications of heterogeneous catalysis, including the effects of catalysts on reaction rates and product distribution, requirements for practical catalysts, and the design of catalysts with attention to active phases, supports and promoters. 

Approaches to catalyst preparation will be covered, and several techniques used to characterise heterogeneous catalysts will be introduced. These will include temperature-programmed methods to monitor adsorption, oxidation, reduction and desorption processes. Surface area and porosimetry by nitrogen physisorption and active metal surface area determination by chemisorption. The application of transmission and scanning electron microscopy to understand the structure of catalysts at the microscopic scale will be included. 

Principles and application of heterogeneous catalysts will be augmented by many examples. These will include catalysts for (i) water gas shift; (ii) refining processes; (iii) production and use of syngas, and catalytic routes to ammonia and methanol; (iv) atmospheric pollution control, with particular reference to the 3-way vehicle exhaust catalyst and selective catalytic reduction for stationary NOx emission control. 

The types of reactors used to apply heterogeneous catalysts will be introduced and the important features will be discussed. Two classes will be covered, (i) gas/solid reactors, and (ii) gas/liquid/solid reactors, the physical forms of the catalysts employed in the different reactors will be explained. The role of the catalytic reactor in an overall chemical process will be presented. 

Quantitative aspects of catalyst performance will be explained, covering gas hourly space velocity, conversion, product selectivity, rates of reaction and some kinetic parameters. 

Some examples of different catalysts will be covered by in-depth case studies for environmental protection applications. These will be the three-way catalytic converter for control of petrol vehicle emissions and controlling NOX emissions from stationary sources. Other different types of heterogeneous catalysts, like those that are applied to biorenewable and sustainable processes, will also be presented. Examples are zeolites, supported metals and metal oxides,  These examples will present a number of different catalytic mechanisms, and will include Langmuir-Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal and Mars-van Krevelen types, experimental methodologies to distinguish between these mechanisms will be investigated. The relationships between experimental catalyst activity data and catalyst structure will be discussed in the context of catalyst mechanism. 

Mechanisms of catalyst deactivation will be explored and illustrated with various examples. 

Essential Reading and Resource List  

M. Bowker, The Basis and Applications of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Oxford Chemistry Primers, 1998, ISBN 0198559585 

Background Reading and Resource List  

J. M. Thomas, W. J. Thomas, Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, ISBN: 978-3-527-29239-4 

CH3315: Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3315
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module outlines 1) the techniques and approaches of physical organic chemistry that are be used to study mechanisms of organic, bioorganic and catalytic reactions and 2) MO theory as applied to the analysis of organic reactions, including in pericyclic reactions. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose a reasonable and falsifiable reaction mechanism for a reaction based on interpretation of physical and/or structural data. 

  • Propose experiments and predict outcomes of experiments designed to falsify proposed reaction mechanisms. 

  • Critically evaluate publications reporting studies of reaction mechanisms and orally report on the findings. 

  • Predict or rationalise the outcome of pericyclic processes, including periselectivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity based on analysis of molecular orbital interactions. 

How the module will be delivered


The module is taught using a combination of online recordings, interactive workshop-style lectures, a workshop and a presentation session as detailed in the weekly module map. The online recordings present the required theory and students are required to watch the recordings before the corresponding interactive workshop-style lectures. The interactive lectures then apply the theory as presented in the recordings to exam-style problem-solving exercises. The workshop is used to explain what is required from the coursework and to allow students to form groups for their presentations. During the presentation session, students will deliver their summatively assessed group presentation. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Student will practise and develop skills in 1) discussing how reaction mechanisms become accepted theory through the evaluation of kinetic and mechanistic data and how such mechanisms are falsifiable theories; 2) deciding which experimental techniques are most appropriate for solving problems in organic reaction mechanisms; 3) defending a scientific proposal using data; 4) working as a group to develop a presentation; 5) delivering an oral presentation on a mechanistic study; 6) discussing the outcome of pericyclic reactions in terms of molecular orbital interactions. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed through a group presentation and an exam. 

The summatively assessed group presentation assesses the student’s ability to critically evaluate publications reporting studies of reaction mechanisms and orally report on the findings, to work as a group to develop a presentation and to deliver an oral presentation on a mechanistic study. The marking criteria are the group’s ability in linking data to mechanism (a clear demonstration of how mechanism is supported by results from experiments is expected), in critical analysis (comments on quality of data and suggestions for future work are expected) and in quality of presentation (quality of slides, sequence of material & structure of presentation, coherence of presentation are assessed). The group is awarded a group mark from which individual marks are decided through peer marking, so that the average of the individual marks corresponds to the group mark.  

The exam assesses the student’s ability to propose a reasonable and falsifiable reaction mechanism for a reaction based on interpretation of physical and/or structural data; propose experiments and predict outcomes of experiments designed to falsify proposed reaction mechanisms; predict or rationalise the outcome of pericyclic processes, including periselectivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity based on analysis of molecular orbital interactions. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

A resit exam and a resit presentation will be offered if required. The resit presentation is an individual presentation instead of a group presentation.  


Type of assess         Contrib.    Title                                                                       Duration                     Approx. date of Assess.

Exam - Spring           80                    Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry  2 hours                        Summer exam period 

Group presentation   20                    Presentation                                                         10 minutes per group   Week 23 


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 20 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Kinetics techniques in mechanistic studies: experimental methods for the acquisition of kinetic data; data analysis, curve fitting, statistics and error analysis; simple rate laws; analysis of kinetic data in terms of reaction mechanisms; complex rate laws; numerical integration techniques

Determination and interpretation of activation parameters in mechanistic studies: Gibbs energies and standard states; Δ‡Hø, Δ‡Sø and Δ‡V and their interpretation

General & specific acid and base catalysis in mechanistic studies: pH rate profiles; equations and data analysis; mechanisms leading to general/specific acid/base catalysis 

Linear free energy relationships in mechanistic studies: Brønsted plots; Hammett plots 

Use of isotopes in mechanistic studies: isotopic labelling; cross-over experiments; primary kinetic isotope effects; solvent isotope effects 

Proposing reasonable reaction mechanisms: application of the techniques above to proposing reasonable reaction mechanisms 

MO theory as applied to non-pericyclic organic reactions: The application of MO theory to various organic reactions; stereoelectronic effects. 

MO theory as applied to pericyclic reactions: cycloadditions (including Diels-Alder and dipolar cycloadditions); symmetry-allowed and symmetry-forbidden reactions, regioselectivity, stereoselectivity; sigmatropic rearrangements; 1,n hydride shifts, Cope and Claisen rearrangements; electrocyclic reactions; photochemical processes; synthetic strategies involving pericyclic processes 

CH3316: Homogeneous Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3316
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Paul Newman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will focus on aspects of homogeneous catalysis to include the derivation of catalytic cycles, identification of key reactions steps and highlight reactions of industrial relevance. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

Please enter the learning outcomes of the Module here. The learning outcomes set out what a typical student should know, understand or be able to do by the end of the Module of study. Guidance on writing learning outcomes can be found on the Institutional Expectations intranet pages.

  • Construct catalytic cycles using fundamental organometallic reaction steps. 

  • Demonstrate how empirical data can be used to construct a catalytic cycle or identify key steps in the cycle. 

  • Explain chemo- regio- and stereo-selectivity and apply to catalytic mechanism. 

  • Understand how knowledge of mechanism can lead to process optimisation. 

  • Understand the importance of the support ligand(s) and how they can be designed for function. 

How the module will be delivered

The course consists of 22 x 1-hour face-to-face lectures during the Spring semester, with approximately 3 lectures a week for 7-8 weeks.  Lectures may include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face-to -ace lectures.  

Lecture material will be supported by two workshops. These are formative and will take the form of face-to-face sessions, and these will focus on supporting problem solving based on material from lectures. These formative workshops will provide you with guidance and support for the assessed coursework and examination A single summative coursework assessment will be released after the final lecture. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Whilst studying this Module, students will practise and develop a number of skills.  Not all of these will be assessed formally and included as learning outcomes.  This section should contain a concise summary of these, including academic, subject-specific and more generic ‘employability’ skills which support the University’s graduate attributes 

Interpretation of kinetic data to support catalytic mechanism.  

Appreciation of the importance of the support ligand(s) and their design. 

Designing experiments to prove/disprove turnover limiting steps. 

Use of spectroscopic data to support catalytic mechanism. 

Designing ligands for improved or novel catalytic performance. 

Problem solving. 

Although much of the above are course specific, the problem solving aspect is transferable and includes analysis/interpretation of data which is important for employability. 

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a two hour written examination and a piece of coursework. 

The exam will require a demonstration of key concepts developed during the course especially the ability to apply techniques and concepts to unseen problems related to the material covered.  

The summative coursework will allow you to demonstrate your ability to demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and apply them to unseen or partially seen material. This will be a mixture of multiple choice and open questions. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assess.    % Contrib.   Title                                  Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Exam                     80                  Homogeneous catalysis  2 hours        Spring exam period 

Coursework           20                  Coursework                     Open           April 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Homogeneous Catalysis N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Homogeneous Catalysis 2

Syllabus content

Reactions of metal-alkene, metal-CO and metal-alkyl complexes relevant to homogeneous catalysis and a discussion of mechanisms (hydrogenation, transfer hydrogenation, hydrogen-borrowing, Wilkinson’s substrate scope, Crabtree’s catalyst), carbonylation (hydroformylation, Monsanto, Eastman), metathesis, asymmetric catalysis). Use of kinetic and/or spectroscopic data for the deduction of catalytic cycles and/or key vatalytic steps. Sustainability and catalyst design. Hard and soft Lewis acid catalysis. Co-operative catalysis. 

CH3317: Engineering Biosynthesis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3317
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


This module concerns the engineering of biosynthetic pathways for synthesis of organic chemicals for use as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, flavours/fragrances and fuels. Biosynthesis enables sustainable manufacture of complex molecules in multistep routes using fermentation from renewable feedstocks under benign conditions. The combination of synthetic chemistry with biosynthesis provides an efficient avenue to novel compounds for screening as drugs. The strategies and challenges for production of organic chemicals through biosynthetic pathways will be described and illustrated with examples drawn from the biosynthesis of different classes of secondary metabolite. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose intermediates and reaction pathways for the biosynthesis of a given metabolite.  

  • Choose strategies to engineer enzymes and metabolic pathways to produce a compound of a given structure. 

  • Retrieve, interpret and communicate data, findings and procedures relating to biosynthesis from journals and databases. 


How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester) where the principles of biosynthesis of different classes of secondary metabolite will be introduced including case studies of engineering from the literature. In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative activities.  

Workshops (two formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving and literature searching skills. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will practice applying the concepts of synthetic organic chemistry to enzyme catalysed biosynthetic pathways. Students will develop skills in proposing appropriate starting materials and enzymes to synthesise a given target structure. 

Chemistry specific skills will include: 

  • Assignment of metabolites to a particular pathway, and proposal of biosynthetic intermediates and transformations;   

  • Apply strategies for modifying a biosynthetic pathway to increase yields or produce novel products;  

  • Predicting the outcome of biosynthetic processing of an unnatural substrate;   

  • Choosing appropriate synthetic substrates for biosynthetic pathways to generate novel compounds.   

Transferable skills:  

  • Searching databases to find relevant chemical literature; 

  • Synthesising and summarising information from multiple sources; 

  • Proposing solutions to problems based on incomplete information;  

  • Presenting chemical arguments in written form. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will give students an opportunity to revise the factual module content and to practice applying it to deduce and propose biosynthetic pathways.


Summative assessment: A summatively assessed workshop in the form of a written report will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to use electronic resources to locate relevant information in the literature to provide the context for solution of a problem in biosynthetic engineering. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the ability to explain biosynthetic pathways, propose pathways for production of previously unseen compounds, propose and interpret experiments in biosynthesis. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 


Type of assess     Contrib.    Title                                       Duration        Approx. date of Assess.

EXSP                    80%                 Engineering Biosynthesis      2 hours          May 

CW                       20%                  Coursework                           500 words     Apr

EXRE                   100%                Engineering Biosynthesis      2 hours          Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Engineering Biosynthesis N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Engineering Biosynthesis 2

Syllabus content

Rationale for engineering pathways in primary and secondary metabolism for sustainable production of complex organic chemicals. 

Biosynthetic pathways for common classes of secondary metabolite, with examples drawn from polyketides, terpenoids, alkaloids and non-ribosomal peptides. 

Strategies for modifying enzyme selectivity and activity – rational design, screening, directed evolution approaches.  

Case studies of engineering metabolite biosynthesis. 

Reconstituting metabolic pathways in new hosts (choice of host - considerations such as precursor availability, toxicity of intermediates, compartmentalisation, PTMs of pathway enzymes, accessory proteins).  

Efficiently creating molecular diversity by combining synthetic chemistry with biosynthesis (mutasynthesis) and combinatorial biosynthesis. 


CH3325: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3325
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a supervised research project. This may be in any area of practical or theoretical chemistry, including educational and literature review projects. Supervisors are allocated following student preference as far as possible. Students prepare a written report and video presentation based on their results. These are marked by two examiners. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Describe and present the objectives, methods and outcomes of a project in oral and written form. 

• Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources. 

• Analyse a topic to give a discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues. 

• Devise and execute a complex plan of work towards a goal. 

• Analyse and interpret findings and use these to predict behaviour with which to inform future work. 

• Contribute positively and effectively when working in a team. 

How the module will be delivered

Independent research investigation, supervised by a member of academic staff or their nominee from research group. 

132 (44 × 3 h) timetabled hours of supervised or independent investigation. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  2. Analysis of an advanced topic, discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues; 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  1. Searching and selecting from the literature, discussing it critically in the context of the project undertaken; 

  2. Independently conducting an extended investigation based on a chemistry topic;  

  3. Recording of all working notes in an appropriate manner with reference to risk and hazard information where applicable; 

Transferable skills 

  1. Communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences;  

  2. Identify and articulate own skills, knowledge and understanding confidently and in a variety of contexts 


How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed and on the basis of engagement/performance during the project and via coursework, including a written report and a video presentation of the project. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the first available Examination period after the Examining Board. 

Reassessment will consist of a further attempt at report and/or oral presentation, depending on those parts that contributed to failure on original submission. It will not normally be possible to extend or repeat experimental work as part of reassessment. 


Type of assess                        Contrib     Title                                                           Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Dissertation                              50                    Written Report                                           N/A              May 

Presentation                             30                    Video Presentation                                    N/A             May 

Practical-Based Assessment   20                     Intellectual and/or Practical Contribution  N/A             May 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 50 Written Report N/A
Presentation 30 Video Presentation N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Intellectual and/or Practical Contribution N/A

Syllabus content

This module consists of a supervised research project. This may be in any area of practical or theoretical chemistry, including educational and literature review projects. Supervisors are allocated following student preference as far as possible. Students prepare a written report and video presentation based on their results. These are marked by two examiners.    


CH3375: Prosiect

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3375
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L6
Language of Delivery Welsh
Module Leader DR Heulyn Jones
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Mae’r modiwl hon yn cynnwys prosiect ymchwil wedi’i oruchwylio. Gall hyn fod mewn unryw faes o gemeg, ac mae’n cynnwys prosiectau addysgiadol a phrosiectau am adolygiadau pwnc. Bydd goruchwylwyr yn cael eu dyrannu yn ôl dewisiadau’r myfyrwyr lle’n bosib. Bydd myfyrwyr yn paratoi adroddiad ysgrifennedig a chyflwyniad fideo wedi’i selio ar eu canlyniadau. Bydd rhain yn cael eu marcio gan ddau arholwr. Bydd y goruchwylio, adroddiadau a’r arholi yn cael eu gwneud yn y Gymraeg.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. Cynllunio a chwblhau ymchwiliad nofel mewn pwnc o unryw ran o gemeg ymarferol neu ddamcaniaethol; 
  2. Dewis ffynhonnell o’r llenyddiaeth gwyddonol a’i roi mewn cyd-destun y prosiect, gan gynnwys asesiad critigol o’r gwaith blaenorol; 
  3. Nodi’r canlyniadau mewn modd addas, gan gyfeirio tugat at risg a pherygl lle’n briodol; 
  4. Cyflwyno’r canlyniadau yn ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar; 
  5. Cynllunio a chreu adroddiad manwl mewn ffurf addas ar bob agwedd o’r prosiect. 

How the module will be delivered

132 (44 × 3 awr) o oriau wedi’u hamserlenni i ymchwiliad annibynnol dan oruchwyliad. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Sgiliau deallusol

  • Dadansoddi pwnc dwys, trafod ac asesu’r rhwysterau pwysig; 
  • Cynllunio a chwblhau gweithgaredd cymhleth; 

Sgiliau cemegol  

  • Chwilio a dewis o’r llenyddiaeth gwyddonol, ei drafod yn gritigol yng nghyswllt y prosiect; 
  • Cwblhau ymchwiliad estynedig ar y pwnc cemegol; 
  • Nodi’r canlyniadau mewn modd addas, gan gyfeirio tugat at risg a pherygl lle’n briodol; 

Sgiliau trosglwyddadwy  

  • Dadansoddi corff sylweddol o wybodaeth;  
  • Trefnu a pharatoi adroddiadau; 
  • Cyflwyno adroddiad ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar. 

How the module will be assessed

Bydd y modiwl yn gael ei asesu ar sail cyflwyniad fideo, adroddiad ysgrifenedig a pherfformiad/ymgysylltiad drwy gydol y prosiect. 


Cyfleoedd ar gyfer ail-asesiad: 

Bydd myfyrwyr sydd â chaniatâd gan y Bwrdd Arholi ar gyfer ail-asesiad yn y modiwl yn cael eu gofyn i gyflwyno adroddiad ysgrifenedig a chyflwyniad ar lafar wedi’u addasu yn ystod yr un flwyddyn academaidd. Bydd hwn ond yn digwydd mewn achosion lle mae asesiad gan y goruchwylydd yn dderbyniol, ond lle mae amgylchiadau esugusodol wedi effeithio ar pharatoad yr adroddiad gwreiddiol. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 50 Adroddiad ysgrifenedig N/A
Presentation 30 Cyflwyniad Fideo N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Cyfraniad deallusol ac ymarferol N/A

Syllabus content

Mae’r modiwl yma’n cynnwys prosiect ymchwil wedi’i oruchwylio. Gall hwn fod mewn unryw faes o gemeg, boed yn ymarferol, ddamcaniaethol, yn cynnwys prosiectau yn ymwneud â addysg a phrosiectau sy’n adolygu’r llenyddiaeth. Bydd goruchwylwyr yn cael eu penodi ar sail dewis y myfyriwr, lle’n bosib. Bydd myfyrwyr yn paratoi adroddiad ysgrifenedig a chyflwyniad fideo ar ganlyiadau’r prosiect. Bydd rhain yn cael eu mario gan ddau arholwr.   

CH4302: Advanced Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4302
External Subject Code 101389
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will build upon concepts introduced at level 5 and develop them to address more advanced bonding schemes for metal-ligand and metal-metal interactions. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative spectroscopic and magnetic properties of octahedral, tetrahedral and lower symmetry co-ordination complexes will be discussed, thus allowing a detailed analysis of the electronic state of the metal centre.  

The final part of the module deals specifically with organotransition metal chemistry, covering structure and bonding, reaction mechanisms, and catalysis.  


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe the nature of orbital interactions in metal-ligand and metal-metal examples  

  • Be aware of spectroscopic and magnetic methods available to probe the nature and properties of metal containing complexes.  

  • Demonstrate an awareness of the potential applications of metal complexes.  

  • and predict properties resultant from the orbital overlap.  

  • Predict the physical properties resultant from the orbital overlap in varying complexes   

  • Interpret physical data and justify observations by predicting structure and/or by using models of orbital overlap  

  • Recognise bonding/structure relationships in transition metal-mediated reactions.  

  • Apply knowledge to unseen ligand types and predict behaviour.  

  • Be aware of the underlying physical processes affecting spectroscopic observations.   

  • Relate measured quantities to structure for unseen molecules. Explain observed trends and predict behaviour.   

How the module will be delivered

A blend of face-to-face lecture material delivery with on-line learning activities, learning support and feedback. 

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes.  

Workshops (2 x 2 h, one formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to the retrieval and analysis of data.  

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes.  


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on developing student’s abilities to analyse the nature of the bonding with a transition metal complex. By assigning oxidation state and metal centre geometry, an appropriate MO diagram may be produced. Students will develop an understanding of ligand nature and their interaction with the metal centre. Effects on the reactivity of the complex (redox or chemical bond formation) will be discussed.  

Metal-metal orbital interactions may be discussed, allowing the further development of the students understanding of multiple bonding.   

Students will develop the necessary skills to identify the appropriate physical techniques to analyse and assess the bonding (and magnetic) interactions in transition metal complexes.  

Specifically, the student will have the required skills to be able to:  

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  2. Actively reflect on own studies, achievements, and self-identity 

  3. Analyse the structure of unseen organometallic complexes and predict their potential behaviour with respect to redox reactions or the activation of small organic molecules.  

  4. Use crystal field theory and other symmetry derived arguments to derive MO diagrams for low symmetry complexes and M-M bonding.  

  5. Investigate and assign the geometry of novel co-ordination complexes; To quantify the ligand field splitting and racah B and so determine the nature of new ligands.   

  6. Investigate and assign the nature of magnetic interactions in magnetically non-dilute materials; To know how to measure J, understand its meaning and be able to rationalize the results.  


How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first workshop will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will prepare the student in tackling problem-solving exercises in the examination.  

Summative assessment: The second workshop will be assessed summatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess                    %  Contrib.     Title                 Duration     Approx. date of Assessment 

Exam - Autumn Semester    80                     Exam                2  hours     January

Written Assessment             20                     Coursework      2  hours      n/a 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Advanced Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 20 Advanced Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry N/A

Syllabus content

The syllabus will draw from a range of topics, chosen to exemplify orbital interactions and resulting physical and chemical properties. These topics will allow the development of the student’s ability to utilise spectroscopic methods to investigate the nature of the materials. These topics may include:  

Structure and bonding in organometallic chemistry  

Description of bonding models for π-acceptor and π-donor ligands, including CO, alkenes (Dewar Chatt Duncanson model), NO+, RO-and NR2-; Physical evidence and consequences of bonding, applications of infrared spectroscopy.  

Other σ-bonding ligands, e.g. H-, and alkyl ligands.  

Metal carbonyl complexes, preparation, properties and structure.  

Bonding and structure in metal alkene complexes including conjugated anionic and polyalkene ligands and influences upon reactivity.  

Metal carbon multiply bonded systems, carbene (Fischer type) and alkylidene/alkylidyne (Schrock type) compounds. Examination of bonding models for these systems and relationships with experimentally observed reactivity.  

Transition metal hydrides and dihydrogen complexes.  

Spectroscopic techniques of study of organometallic compounds (e.g. NMR etc.).  

Mechanistic organometallic chemistry  

Classic reaction pathways of organometallic compounds, introduction to catalytic cycles  

Oxidative additions, reductive eliminations, migratory insertions, hydrogen migrations.  

Reactions of metal-alkene, metal-CO and metal-alkyl complexes relevant to homogeneous catalysis and a discussion of mechanisms (e.g. polymerisation, metathesis, cross-coupling, asymmetric catalysis).  

UV-vis Spectroscopy  

Assigning transitions and calculating Δ and racah B for d1-d9 HS and d6 LS.  

Line width and signal intensity in d-d transition. 


Orbital contributions:  

Nature of A and E term complexes and TIP;  

Nature of T terms: Kotani plots and their derivation.  

Magnetic properties of lower symmetry complexes:TBP, trigonal and trigonal prismatic.  

Organometallic examples.  

Elucidation of geometry utilising magnetic data.  

Effect of paramagnetism on NMR; contact shift; shift reagents; Evans’ method.  

Non-dilute systems.  

Multimetallic systems.  

Exchange mechanisms: for design or for rationalising systems.  

Exchange integral: measuring for d9 systems.  

Complexes with co-ordinated radicals:  

Innocent and non-innocent ligands.  

Examples considering magnetic, electrochemical and EPR properties.  


CH4303: Advanced Synthetic Strategies

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4303
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Mark Elliott
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on previous organic chemistry modules (CH5103, CH5203) to show how the reactions covered can be applied to the synthesis of complex synthetic targets. 

A number of modern synthetic transformations are introduced at this level. 

The concept of retrosynthetic analysis is formally introduced, to show how the synthesis of a target molecule can be rationally designed. In order to accomplish this, a selection of previously-covered reactions will be presented again with a focus on their strategic application. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Have a broad understanding of synthetic chemistry transformations, as evidenced by an ability to identify nucleophilic and electrophilic sites and to recognise plausible bond-forming steps.

Identify sensible approaches to target molecules of significance and moderate complexity. 

Appreciate the relevance of modern synthetic approaches (including transition metal catalysis, stereoselectivity, protecting groups) to complex target synthesis. 

Perform a retrosynthetic analysis and forward synthesis for a given target molecule, and to describe the approach using appropriate terminology. 

How the module will be delivered

Learning activities will be a blend of traditional lectures (22 h) containing problem-solving formative components. Answers to given problems will be covered during lectures and/or provided videos/supplementary resources.

Three workshops will be delivered, with a focus on developing problem-solving skills. The first two of these will be formative, with feedback provided. The final one will be summatively assessed. 

Tutorials (2 x 1 h) will also be delivered to allow further opportunities for informal student feedback to be provided. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to practice the retrosynthetic analysis of synthetic targets of biological/medicinal importance. This will include an increased appreciation for the stereochemical outcome of organic transformations. 


How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment will take place throughout the lecture sessions, with staff facilitating peer discussion. In this way, students will be able to monitor their own progress. Formative workshops will build on this, with feedback given to prepare students for summative assessment. 

A summative workshop will assess the student’s understanding of fundamental chemical reactivity as applied to relevant synthetic targets. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit a synoptic examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess     % Contrib.    Title                                             Duration      Approx. date of Assess.

Class test              20                   Workshop                                                         November 

Exam                     80                   Advanced Synthetic Strategies   2 hours         January 

Resit Exam           100                  Advanced Synthetic Strategies   2 hours         August 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Advanced Synthetic Strategies 2
Written Assessment 20 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Retrosynthetic analysis 

Introduction to disconnections and the logic of synthesis 

C-X disconnections – alcohols, halides, ethers, sulfides and amines and 1,2- & 1,3-difunctionalised compounds 

C-C disconnections and synthesis using carbonyl group, including alkene synthesis, enolate alkylation selectivity 

Synthesis of 1,3-, 1,4- and 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds 

Use of protecting groups when chemoselectivity issues arise 

Manipulation of double bonds, ring opening, ring expansion and ring formation techniques 

Pericyclic reactions 

Electrocyclic reactions, Cycloadditions, Sigmatropic rearrangements (Diels-Alder reaction, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, Claisen rearrangement etc.) 

Palladium-catalysed coupling methods 

Disconnection for the synthesis of polyunsaturated systems 

Selected applications in synthesis, with emphasis on the retrosynthetic features and stereoselective synthesis 

Precursor synthesis where appropriate 


Definition and emphasis on catalyst types for both ring closure (ene-ene, ene-yne and yne-yne) and cross metathesis; experimental methods; brief mention of utility in polymer synthesis and total synthesis

CH4304: Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4304
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Platts
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module describes fundamental concepts in quantum and statistical mechanical description of molecules and solids. Starting from solution of the Schrödinger equation for model systems, quantum mechanical methods for approximate description of molecular electronic structure, and their applications, will be discussed. Statistical mechanics will be based around the definition of partition functions, and will employ such definitions in discussion of thermodynamics and kinetics. Extension of quantum mechanics to the solid state will lay the basis for band theory description of the electronic structure of metals, semi-conductors and insulators. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Demonstrate awareness of methods for description of electronic structure of molecules and solids. 

Describe means to relate molecular to macroscopic properties using the techniques of statistical mechanics. 

Evaluate results of electronic structure calculations, critically assess their performance and extract chemically relevant properties. 

Calculate thermodynamic and kinetic properties of molecular systems from knowledge of molecular properties. 

Understand and predict key properties of materials based on a band structure description of their electronic structure. 

Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases, experiments/calculations). 


How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to approximately two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. 

Workshops will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to the retrieval and analysis of data. 

Tutorials will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from fundamental physical chemistry to understand how modern descriptions of the electronic structure of molecules and solids are constructed and applied to reach a unified picture of molecular properties. Students will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of molecules and materials are related to their electronic structure, and how these properties are related to observed macroscopic behaviour. The module will also involve a large element of problem solving using both numerical and algebraic techniques, based around real examples of theoretical methods. 

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. A single piece of coursework will allow students to demonstrate knowledge of key concepts and apply that knowledge to chemical problems. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess.            %  Contrib.  Title                                                                                            Duration    Approx. date of Assess.

Exam                             80                  Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids   2 hrs          Jan 

Written assessment       20                  Intellectual and/or Practical Contribution                                   N/A            Nov 

Reassessment              100                Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids    2 hrs          Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids 2
Written Assessment 20 Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids N/A

Syllabus content

Quantum mechanics: Schrödinger equation, Born-Oppenheimer approximation; Exact solutions for model problems; electron spin and the Pauli principle; Coulomb and exchange energies; Variation theorem, approximate wavefunctions and energies; LCAO approximation, Slater determinants and basis sets; Hartree-Fock and self-consistent field approach; Electron correlation: Post-HF and density functional theory methods; potential energy surfaces and chemical properties.

Statistical mechanics: Review of basic concepts, probability, kinetic theory of gases, microstates, Boltzmann distribution; Definition of partition functions for translational, rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom Thermodynamics from partition functions: internal energy, entropy and heat capacity; role of partition functions in rate constants derived from transition state theory. 

Band theory: Band structure and its relationship to the electronic structure of solids; Band structure at interfaces; Periodic quantum chemistry approach for theoretical analysis of solid-state structure; Bloch functions for wavefunctions for periodic systems; Reciprocal space and use of sampling to determine approximate band structures. 

CH4305: Macromolecules of Life

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4305
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the structure, chemistry and analysis of proteins and nucleic acids. The module illustrates how fundamentals of chemical structure and reaction mechanisms can be applied to the physical and functional properties of proteins and nucleic acids. Real-life applications in medicine and industry will be outlined. Students will learn about the range of analytical and structure determination techniques that can be applied to biological macromolecules. The principles of modern methods for DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing will be elucidated. Principles of enzyme catalysis and kinetics will be discussed, together with an overview of the roles played by cofactors. The processes of transcription and translation will be described with an overview of how molecular biology enables production of new proteins.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Explain the roles of macromolecules in the chemistry of life. 

• Predict and explain the function and reactivity of biological macromolecules in terms of chemical structure and reaction mechanism. 

• Select experimental strategies to synthesise and analyse biological macromolecules. 


How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). Lectures will include worked problems representative of exam questions.

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will give the opportunity to practice solving problems and interpretating experimental observations. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from functional group chemistry and mechanistic organic chemistry to understand how the structure of proteins and nucleic acids permit them to perform their biological function. Student will learn how to select appropriate techniques for synthesis and analysis of biological macromolecules. Students will also gain familiarity with computer-based methods for searching, retrieving and visualising protein and nucleic acid sequences and structures from on-line databases. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Lectures will include the opportunity to attempt problems based on exam questions with immediate feedback provided in oral form. Students will be provided with problems to attempt in advance of the tutorials. Feedback will be provided orally during the tutorial. This will prepare students to tackle problem-solving exercises in the examination and professional practice.

Summative assessment: A written exam (2 h) will test students’ ability to demonstrate their knowledge of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the concepts covered to unseen problems. The coursework (on-line workshop) will allow students to demonstrate the ability to use electronic resources to locate and visualise relevant information in biological chemistry. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess.    Contrib.       Title                                     Duration       Approx. date of Assess.

EXAU                    80                       Macromolecules of Life       2 hours          Jan 

CW                        20                      Workshop                             2 hours          Dec 

EXRE                    100                    Macromolecules of Life        2 hours          Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Macromolecules of Life 2
Written Assessment 20 Macromolecules of Life N/A

Syllabus content

Overview of protein structure; Ramachandran plots and secondary structure; Tertiary and quaternary structure; Protein structure prediction; Introductory NMR and mass spectrometric characterization of proteins. 

Principles of protein function; Binding and catalysis. Myoglobin and hemoglobin; Physical basis of enzyme catalysis including the role of cofactors, Michaelis-Menten kinetics; Mechanisms of enzyme inhibition; Simple examples of enzyme-catalyzed transformations. 

Structure, biophysical properties and chemistry of nucleotides (DNA and RNA); DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing; DNA-based technologies and their applications. 

Transcription and translation; mRNA and tRNA synthesis; The genetic code and the molecular basis of ribosomal protein synthesis. 

CH4309: Placement Experience

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4309
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 80
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module is taken by MChem students on placement abroad or in industry. The main feature will be a substantial project on a topic determined by the placement provider. Placements will be approved by the School placement coordinator. This will be carried out on a timescale appropriate for the particular placement, with duration no less than 9 months and up to 12 months. The main report will be supplemented by a short placement review, describing the particular environment of the placement. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Describe and present the objectives, methods and outcomes of a project in oral and written form. 

• Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources. 

• Analyse a topic to give a discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues. 

• Devise and execute a complex plan of work towards a goal. 

• Analyse and interpret findings and use these to predict behaviour with which to inform future work. 

• Adapt to professional working practices in an industrial or overseas setting. 

• Contribute positively and effectively when working in a team. 

How the module will be delivered

Students take this module whilst undertaking a placement abroad or in industry.  It consists primarily of project work supervised by the placement provider.  The results are presented in a written report, and also in a seminar at Cardiff University.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  2. Analysis of an advanced topic, discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues; 

  3. Planning, and executing a complex activity; 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  1. Searching and selecting from the literature, discussing it critically in the context of the project undertaken; 

  2. Conducting an extended project at a chemical sciences-using placement provider; 

  3. Recording of all working notes in an appropriate manner with reference to risk and hazard information where applicable; 

Transferable skills 

  1. Communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences;  

  2. Organisation and presentation of oral and written reports; 

  3. Adapt to working in an unfamiliar culture; 

  4. Learn from others in a work-based environment 


How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed via coursework including a written report, a video presentation of the project, and an essay reviewing the placement. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the first available Examination period after the Examining Board. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module, will need to resubmit each failed component of the module (report, video presentation and/or placement review) during the next available Examination Period. 


Type of assess      Contrib.    Title                           Duration    Approx. date of Assess

Coursework         65                      Report                       N/A             July 

Coursework         25                      Video Presentation    N/A            July 

Coursework         10                      Placement Review    N/A             July 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Report 65 Placement Experience N/A
Presentation 25 Placement Experience N/A
Written Assessment 10 Placement Experience- Placement Review N/A

Syllabus content

The placement experience will be undertaken in the industrial or university host approved by the placement scheme coordinator. The main feature will be a substantial project on a chemical sciences topic determined by the host. This will be carried out on a time scale appropriate for the particular placement, but is expected to take about 800 hours of student time, including all literature work, project work, preparation of presentation and written report. For academic placements, it is expected that all of the nominal 800 hours will be spent on the project at the host. For the industrial placements, the aim is for a similar arrangement, but it is recognised that the nature of the host’s work may require this to be modified and directed work related to the host’s business may take up some of the time, though a substantial independent and original project must be included. 

The main report will be supplemented by a short placement review, describing the particular environment of the placement - aspects of cultural differences in teaching and learning methods in host university, skills development during the placement, business aspects of the company for industrial placements. 

Regular contact will be maintained throughout, primarily through the personal tutor, with involvement by the placement coordinator as necessary. 

CH4311: Advanced Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry for Distance Learners

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4311
External Subject Code 101389
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


This module will build upon concepts introduced at level 5 and develop them to address more advanced bonding schemes for metal-ligand and metal-metal interactions. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative spectroscopic and magnetic properties of octahedral, tetrahedral and lower symmetry co-ordination complexes will be discussed, thus allowing a detailed analysis of the electronic state of the metal centre.  

The final part of the module deals specifically with organotransition metal chemistry, covering structure and bonding, reaction mechanisms, and catalysis.  


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe the nature of orbital interactions in metal-ligand and metal-metal examples  

  • Be aware of spectroscopic and magnetic methods available to probe the nature and properties of metal containing complexes.  

  • Demonstrate an awareness of the potential applications of metal complexes.  

  • and predict properties resultant from the orbital overlap.  

  • Predict the physical properties resultant from the orbital overlap in varying complexes   

  • Interpret physical data and justify observations by predicting structure and/or by using models of orbital overlap  

  • Recognise bonding/structure relationships in transition metal-mediated reactions.  

  • Apply knowledge to unseen ligand types and predict behaviour.  

  • Be aware of the underlying physical processes affecting spectroscopic observations.   

  • Relate measured quantities to structure for unseen molecules. Explain observed trends and predict behaviour.

How the module will be delivered

Students will study this module remotely, whilst undertaking a placement abroad or in industry. They will be provided with learning resources, including electronic versions of lectures delivered in Cardiff, and required to complete regular assignments. 

Content will be delivered using recorded lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, recorded lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes.  

Workshops (formative and summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to proposed mechanisms, data retrieval and analysis. Submission of workshops and return of marks and feedback will be performed on-line. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on developing student’s abilities to analyse the nature of the bonding with a transition metal complex. By assigning oxidation state and metal centre geometry, an appropriate MO diagram may be produced. Students will develop an understanding of ligand nature and their interaction with the metal centre. Effects on the reactivity of the complex (redox or chemical bond formation) will be discussed.  

Metal-metal orbital interactions may be discussed, allowing the further development of the students understanding of multiple bonding.   

Students will develop the necessary skills to identify the appropriate physical techniques to analyse and assess the bonding (and magnetic) interactions in transition metal complexes.  

Specifically, the student will have the required skills to be able to:  

  1. Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  2. Actively reflect on own studies, achievements, and self-identity 

  3. Analyse the structure of unseen organometallic complexes and predict their potential behaviour with respect to redox reactions or the activation of small organic molecules.  

  4. Use crystal field theory and other symmetry derived arguments to derive MO diagrams for low symmetry complexes and M-M bonding.  

  5. Investigate and assign the geometry of novel co-ordination complexes; To quantify the ligand field splitting and racah B and so determine the nature of new ligands.   

  6. Investigate and assign the nature of magnetic interactions in magnetically non-dilute materials; To know how to measure J, understand its meaning and be able to rationalize the results.  

How the module will be assessed

Students will undertake a series of online assignments throughout the year, which will allow them to demonstrate their ability to judge and critically review relevant information. 

Formative assessment: an online workshop will be made available and assessed formatively, during the beginning of the module. Online feedback will be provided after the workshop’s submission deadline. This will prepare the student in tackling problem-solving exercises.  

Summative assessment: There are three online workshops that will be assessed summatively, and online feedback will be provided after each workshop’s submission deadline. 

The workshops will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period.  


Type of assess.    Contrib    Title              Duration   Approx. date of Assessment 

Coursework           100                Workshop      2  hours  

Reassessment      100                Workshop      2 hours


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry for Distance Learners N/A

Syllabus content

The syllabus will draw from a range of topics, chosen to exemplify orbital interactions and resulting physical and chemical properties. These topics will allow the development of the student’s ability to utilise spectroscopic methods to investigate the nature of the materials. These topics may include:  

Structure and bonding in organometallic chemistry  

Description of bonding models for π-acceptor and π-donor ligands, including CO, alkenes (Dewar Chatt Duncanson model), NO+, RO-and NR2-; Physical evidence and consequences of bonding, applications of infrared spectroscopy.  

Other σ-bonding ligands, e.g. H-, and alkyl ligands.  

Metal carbonyl complexes, preparation, properties and structure.  

Bonding and structure in metal alkene complexes including conjugated anionic and polyalkene ligands and influences upon reactivity.  

Metal carbon multiply bonded systems, carbene (Fischer type) and alkylidene/alkylidyne (Schrock type) compounds. Examination of bonding models for these systems and relationships with experimentally observed reactivity.  

Transition metal hydrides and dihydrogen complexes.  

Spectroscopic techniques of study of organometallic compounds (e.g. NMR etc.).  

Mechanistic organometallic chemistry  

Classic reaction pathways of organometallic compounds, introduction to catalytic cycles  

Oxidative additions, reductive eliminations, migratory insertions, hydrogen migrations.  

Reactions of metal-alkene, metal-CO and metal-alkyl complexes relevant to homogeneous catalysis and a discussion of mechanisms (e.g. polymerisation, metathesis, cross-coupling, asymmetric catalysis).  

UV-vis Spectroscopy  

Assigning transitions and calculating Δ and racah B for d1-d9 HS and d6 LS.  

Line width and signal intensity in d-d transition. 


Orbital contributions:  

Nature of A and E term complexes and TIP;  

Nature of T terms: Kotani plots and their derivation.  

Magnetic properties of lower symmetry complexes:TBP, trigonal and trigonal prismatic.  

Organometallic examples.  

Elucidation of geometry utilising magnetic data.  

Effect of paramagnetism on NMR; contact shift; shift reagents; Evans’ method.  

Non-dilute systems.  

Multimetallic systems.  

Exchange mechanisms: for design or for rationalising systems.  

Exchange integral: measuring for d9 systems.  

Complexes with co-ordinated radicals:  

Innocent and non-innocent ligands.  

Examples considering magnetic, electrochemical and EPR properties.  


CH4313: Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids for Distance Learners

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4313
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Platts
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module describes fundamental concepts in quantum and statistical mechanical description of molecules and solids. Starting from solution of the Schrödinger equation for model systems, quantum mechanical methods for approximate description of molecular electronic structure, and their applications, will be discussed. Statistical mechanics will be based around the definition of partition functions, and will employ such definitions in discussion of thermodynamics and kinetics. Extension of quantum mechanics to the solid state will lay the basis for band theory description of the electronic structure of metals, semi-conductors and insulators. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Demonstrate awareness of methods for description of electronic structure of molecules and solids. 

Describe means to relate molecular to macroscopic properties using the techniques of statistical mechanics. 

Evaluate results of electronic structure calculations, critically assess their performance and extract chemically relevant properties. 

Calculate thermodynamic and kinetic properties of molecular systems from knowledge of molecular properties. 

Understand and predict key properties of materials based on a band structure description of their electronic structure. 

Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases, experiments/calculations). 


How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to approximately two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests.  

Workshops will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to the retrieval and analysis of data. 



Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from fundamental physical chemistry to understand how modern descriptions of the electronic structure of molecules and solids are constructed and applied to reach a unified picture of molecular properties. Students will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of molecules and materials are related to their electronic structure, and how these properties are related to observed macroscopic behaviour. The module will also involve a large element of problem solving using both numerical and algebraic techniques, based around real examples of theoretical methods. 

How the module will be assessed

Assessment of this module is solely through coursework, allowing students to demonstrate knowledge of key concepts and apply knowledge to chemical problems. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assessment    Contrib   Title                                                                                                                              Duration      Approx. date of Assess

Written assessment      100                Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids for Distance Learners  N/A               N/A 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids for Distance Learners N/A

Syllabus content

Quantum mechanics: Schrödinger equation, Born-Oppenheimer approximation; Exact solutions for model problems; electron spin and the Pauli principle; Coulomb and exchange energies; Variation theorem, approximate wavefunctions and energies; LCAO approximation, Slater determinants and basis sets; Hartree-Fock and self-consistent field approach; Electron correlation: Post-HF and density functional theory methods; potential energy surfaces and chemical properties.

Statistical mechanics: Review of basic concepts, probability, kinetic theory of gases, microstates, Boltzmann distribution; Definition of partition functions for translational, rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom Thermodynamics from partition functions: internal energy, entropy and heat capacity; role of partition functions in rate constants derived from transition state theory. 

Band theory: Band structure and its relationship to the electronic structure of solids; Band structure at interfaces; Periodic quantum chemistry approach for theoretical analysis of solid-state structure; Bloch functions for wavefunctions for periodic systems; Reciprocal space and use of sampling to determine approximate band structures. 

CH4314: Macromolecules of Life for Distance Learners

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4314
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the structure, chemistry and analysis of proteins and nucleic acids. The module illustrates how fundamentals of chemical structure and reaction mechanisms can be applied to the physical and functional properties of proteins and nucleic acids. Real-life applications in medicine and industry will be outlined. Students will learn about the range of analytical and structure determination techniques that can be applied to biological macromolecules. The principles of modern methods for DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing will be elucidated. Principles of enzyme catalysis and kinetics will be discussed, together with an overview of the roles played by cofactors. The processes of transcription and translation will be described with an overview of how molecular biology enables production of new proteins. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Explain the roles of macromolecules in the chemistry of life. 

• Predict and explain the function and reactivity of biological macromolecules in terms of chemical structure and reaction mechanism. 

• Select experimental strategies to synthesise and analyse biological macromolecules. 


How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered using recorded lectures (22 h across two semesters, equating to approximately one lecture per week). Lectures will include worked problems representative of exam questions. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from functional group chemistry and mechanistic organic chemistry to understand how the structure of proteins and nucleic acids permit them to perform their biological function. Students will learn how to select appropriate techniques for synthesis and analysis of biological macromolecules. Students will also gain familiarity with computer-based methods for searching, retrieving and visualising protein and nucleic acid sequences and structures from on-line databases. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Example problems based on examination questions will be covered during lectures. Students will have access to tutorial problems and an answer guide with which to check their solutions. Students may attempt an on-line workshop as a formative exercise and will receive feedback.

Summative assessment: There will be a summative workshop in autumn semester that will cover topics from the first half of the lectures, and a spring semester workshop covering topics from the second half. These will be open-book non-timed exercises and will require students to search for data on-line, visualise it and solve problems. 

  A timed (2 h) open-book exercise at the end of spring semester will test students’ ability to apply the knowledge and concepts from the syllabus to unseen problems. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will complete an additional piece of coursework during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess       Contrib    Title                                       Duration      Approx. date of Assess

CW                          100                 Workshops                                                May 

CW                          100                 Macromolecules of Life          2 hours        Aug 






Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Macromolecules of Life for Distance Learners N/A

Syllabus content

Overview of protein structure; Ramachandran plots and secondary structure; Tertiary and quaternary structure; Protein structure prediction; Introductory NMR and mass spectrometric characterization of proteins. 

Principles of protein function; Binding and catalysis. Myoglobin and hemoglobin; Physical basis of enzyme catalysis including the role of cofactors, Michaelis-Menten kinetics; Mechanisms of enzyme inhibition; Simple examples of enzyme-catalyzed transformations. 

Structure, biophysical properties and chemistry of nucleotides (DNA and RNA); DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing; DNA-based technologies and their applications. 

Transcription and translation; mRNA and tRNA synthesis; The genetic code and the molecular basis of ribosomal protein synthesis. 

CH5301: Advanced Practical Training for Medicinal Chemists

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5301
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 20
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Matthew Tredwell
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will expand upon the practical skills in medicinal chemistry introduced in the second year. Key C-C and C-X bond forming reactions (for example Wittig, SNAr, generation and reaction of organolithium compounds, trifluoromethylation) will be introduced along with further Pd-catalysed couplings that are essential in medicinal chemistry. Key skills to safely and reliably handle air sensitive reagents and reactions will be developed, alongside a deeper understanding of the kinetic and thermodynamic control of reaction products. Additional seminars will cover relevant topics, such as good manufacturing practice and medical imaging. Exposure to liquid chromatography, automated purification systems and computational chemistry software will prepare the participants for their future careers in the field.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

1. Safely and effectively synthesise compounds using air and moisture sensitive reagents and catalysts. 

2. Predict and explain reaction outcomes with reference to reaction mechanism, kinetic and thermodynamic factors. 

3. Present experimental work in a concise and consistent manner and critically assess both synthetic and biological results. 

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered through blended learning. Online resources will supplement hands-on learning in the teaching laboratory: 

  • Online laboratory manuals will allow participants to plan experimental work beforehand in a safe and timely manner and also introduce key medicinal chemistry concepts  

  • Participants will carry out ten synthetic  experiments with an additional two computational experiments being delivered live online  

  • The write-ups for the experimental work will be split into four reports. Prior to each submission, a 1 h session will be held to clearly explain the expectations for the reports 

Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Carrying out COSHH assessments to ensure safe practice prior to experimental work 

  • Essential practical synthetic chemistry skills  

  • Safely manipulating air sensitive reagents and reactions 

  • Operating automated purification and liquid chromatography systems  

  • Identifying and assessing the purity of reaction products using modern analytical and spectroscopic methods 

  • Preparing concise and accurate scientific reports of experimental data 

  • Calculating the lipophilicity and pKa values of molecules in-silico 

  • Predicting reaction outcomes from mechanism and pathways 

  • The use of several software packages used in the field of medicinal chemistry 

  • Time management.  

How the module will be assessed

There are 2 points of assessment in this module:  

  1. Practical skills (60%)  

Feedback on practical work and COSH assessments will be delivered by experienced laboratory demonstrators. Quality of each participant’s reaction product samples will be assessed by appearance, 1H NMR spectroscopic and LC/MS analysis. Consistent attendance of practical sessions is essential.   

  2. Experimental write-up (40%)  

The remaining assessment will compromise of four experimental write-ups, which will include additional questions to broaden understanding of related area. The write-ups will be assessed with regards to: concise scientific writing style, analysis of spectroscopic and LC-MS data, ability to problem solve using a combination of medicinal chemistry concepts and appropriate software.  


Students who do not pass the ‘Practical Work’ component of this module will be required to resit as an internal student during the next academic session. 

Type of assessment       Title                              Duration             Approx. date of Assessment 

Practical skills                60    Experimental work      14 experiments  

Experimental write up    40    Experimental reports   4 reports  


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical Skills Assessment 60 Experimental Work (14 experiments) N/A
Written Assessment 40 Coursework - Experimental write-up (4 reports) N/A

Syllabus content

Principles and operation of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment for reactions and purification. 

Experimental techniques for safely carrying out a range of reactions involving air and moisture sensitive reagents and/or catalysts. Typical reactions could include Wittig, SNAr, generation and reaction of organolithium compounds, trifluoromethylation, Pd catalysed couplings. 

Applications of all the aforementioned reactions in drug discovery and development. 

Classes of Pd cross-coupling reactions and their application in synthesis. 

Optimising reactions through investigation and consequent understanding of mechanism, kinetics and thermodynamics. 

Presentation of experimental work in a concise and consistent manner. 

Critical assessment of data and conclusions from synthetic and biological experiments. 

Computational determination of the lipophilicity and ionisation state of molecules. 

CH5306: New Modalities in Drug Discovery

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5306
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will explore trends and developments in drug discovery that are attempting to move beyond rule-of-five small molecule drugs that target protein binding pockets. The limitations of traditional small molecule approaches to drugs and their targets will be described, and the rationale for pursuing novel structural classes, modes of action and previously undruggable targets will be discussed with reference to recent examples. Opportunities for efficient strategies for design and screening of compounds will be explored, and the challenges associated with pharmacokinetics, formulation and manufacture highlighted.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Exemplify current research towards drugs that do not conform to the typical structures and modes of action of action of small molecules and biologics. 
  • Relate the structures of new modality drugs to their molecular mechanism of action. 

  • Compare the synthesis, screening, formulation and manufacture of new modality drugs to conventional small molecules and biologics. 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of lectures with face- to -face small group learning support and feedback. 

The module is delivered as 18 one-hour lectures in combination with four one-hour workshops. During the workshops, groups of students will prepare a presentation on a novel compound class or target that they have researched from the literature. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Subject-specific skills

Identifying molecular characteristics of potential drug targets that make development of conventional small molecule drugs challenging. 

Recognising and proposing molecular interactions that can be employed to direct drugs against challenging targets. 

Identifying the structures of the main classes of non-small molecule drug currently under development and predicting how these engage with their target to generate a biological response. 

Proposing synthesis and screening strategies for compounds with new modalities, predicting where challenges  might arise with pharmacokinetics, formulation and manufacturing and propose solutions to these problems. 

Transferable skills

Searching, retrieving, synthesising and evaluating the literature. 

Group working. 

Presenting information orally and in writing. 


How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The development of a group presentation delivered during one of the workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided orally during the workshop session. This will prepare you to tackle problem-solving exercises in the examination and to deliver scientific presentations. 

Summative assessment: The coursework will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to understand, summarise and critique research reported in the literature through the preparation of a written account. A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. 


The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 

Type of assessment         Title                                                  Duration        Approx. date of Assessment 

EXSP                            80      New modalities in drug discovery     2 h                   May 

CW                                20     Coursework                                       500 words       March 

EXRE                            80     New modalities in drug discovery      2 h                  Aug 

CWRE                           20     Coursework                                       500 words       Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Written Coursework N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 New Modalities in Drug Discovery 2

Syllabus content

Molecular characteristics of conventional small molecule and biological drugs and their targets. Limitations of small molecules and biologicals. Drugability of targets. 

Peptides and peptidomimetics – cyclic peptides, stabilised hairpins, helices and foldamers. 

Targeting proteins for degradation – PROTACs 

Oligonucleotides and their analogues. Chemical structures, target and modes of action (antisense, siRNA, gene editing). Delivery challenges. 

Conjugates – oligonucleotide/peptide/carbohydrate/small molecule conjugates. 

Illustrations will be selected from drugs that have recently been approved or are under development, and emerging concepts under research in academic and industrial laboratories.   


CH5312: Advanced Synthetic Strategies for Distance Learners

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5312
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Thomas Wirth
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module builds on previous organic chemistry modules (CH5103, CH5203) to show how the reactions covered can be applied to the synthesis of complex synthetic targets. 

A number of modern synthetic transformations are introduced at this level. 

The concept of retrosynthetic analysis is formally introduced, to show how the synthesis of a target molecule can be rationally designed. In order to accomplish this, a selection of previously-covered reactions will be presented again with a focus on their strategic application. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

Have a broad understanding of synthetic chemistry transformations, as evidenced by an ability to identify nucleophilic and electrophilic sites and to recognise plausible bond-forming steps. 

Identify sensible approaches to target molecules of significance and moderate complexity. 

Appreciate the relevance of modern synthetic approaches (including transition metal catalysis, stereoselectivity, protecting groups) to complex target synthesis. 

Perform a retrosynthetic analysis and forward synthesis for a given target molecule, and to describe the approach using appropriate terminology. 


How the module will be delivered

Recorded lectures (22 h) will be delivered to students via Panopto. These will contain problem-solving formative components which students will be able to access. Answers to given problems will be provided in lecture recordings and/or provided videos/supplementary resources. 

Three workshops will be delivered, with a focus on developing problem-solving skills. The first of these will be formative, with feedback provided. The final two will be summatively assessed. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to practice the retrosynthetic analysis of synthetic targets of biological/medicinal importance. This will include an increased appreciation for the stereochemical outcome of organic transformations. 


How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment will take place by provision of suitable problems during lecture videos, and provision of answers/associated discussion in the same/subsequent lecture videos. In this way, students will be able to monitor their own progress. A formative workshop will build on this, with feedback given to prepare students for summative assessment. 

Two summative workshops will assess the student’s understanding of fundamental chemical reactivity as applied to relevant synthetic targets. 

An online assessment (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit a synoptic online assessment (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess.   Contrib.  Title                                                                                  Duration    Approx. date of Assessment 

CW                      100                 Advanced Synthetic Strategies for Distance Learners                       Jan-May 

CW                      100                 Advanced Synthetic Strategies                                           2 hr          August 


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Synthetic Strategies for Distance Learners N/A

Syllabus content

Retrosynthetic analysis 

Introduction to disconnections and the logic of synthesis 

C-X disconnections – alcohols, halides, ethers, sulfides and amines and 1,2- & 1,3-difunctionalised compounds 

C-C disconnections and synthesis using carbonyl group, including alkene synthesis, enolate alkylation selectivity 

Synthesis of 1,3-, 1,4- and 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds 

Use of protecting groups when chemoselectivity issues arise 

Manipulation of double bonds, ring opening, ring expansion and ring formation techniques 

Pericyclic reactions 

Electrocyclic reactions, Cycloadditions, Sigmatropic rearrangements (Diels-Alder reaction, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, Claisen rearrangement etc.) 

Palladium-catalysed coupling methods 

Disconnection for the synthesis of polyunsaturated systems 

Selected applications in synthesis, with emphasis on the retrosynthetic features and stereoselective synthesis 

Precursor synthesis where appropriate 


Definition and emphasis on catalyst types for both ring closure (ene-ene, ene-yne and yne-yne) and cross metathesis; experimental methods; brief mention of utility in polymer synthesis and total synthesis 



CH5325: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH5325
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 40
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Michaela Serpi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a supervised project in an area of medicinal chemistry. This may be practical chemistry, computational chemistry, a literature review, or combination of these. Supervisors are allocated following student preference as far as possible. Projects may build on the laboratory and/or computational techniques introduced in preceding practical modules but training will be provided in any unfamiliar specialised techniques that are required during the project. Scientific communication skills will be practiced through preparation of a written report and video presentation. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Plan and safely carry out an original project in an area of medicinal chemistry; 

  • Create and manage records of methods, observations and data; 

  • Source and critically analyse literature to place the project in the context of preceding work; 

  • Present the project context, methods and outcomes in oral and written form according to professional standards. 

How the module will be delivered

According to the needs of individual projects, hands-on training will be provided in any essential laboratory or computational techniques. All students will receive training in documenting and reporting their project work. The project will consist of 132 (44 × 3 h) timetabled hours of supervised independent investigation. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  • analysis of an advanced topic, discussion and critical assessment of the significant issues; 

  • planning, and executing a complex activity; 

Chemistry-specific skills 

  • searching and selecting from the literature, discussing the literature critically in the context of the project undertaken; 

  • independently conducting a project based on a chemical topic; 

  • recording of all working notes in an appropriate manner, including reference to risk and hazard information, where applicable; 

Transferable skills 

  • planning and delivering an extended project on time; 

  • analysis of a large body of information; 

  • presentation of oral and written reports. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed on the basis of a video presentation, a written report, and engagement/performance during the project. 


Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will be asked to submit a revised written report and video presentation prior to the start of the next session if the assessment by the supervisor is satisfactory. If the assessment by the supervisor is unsatisfactory, students will be required to repeat the module during the next academic session. 

Type of assessment       Title                                                              Duration          Approx. date of Asses

DIS                               50     Written report                                               8,000 words 

PR                                30     Video presentation                                       15 min 

PCEX                           20     Intellectual and/or practical contribution 



Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 50 Written Report N/A
Presentation 30 Video Presentation N/A
Practical Skills Assessment 20 Intellectual and/or practical contribution N/A

Syllabus content


This module consists of an original supervised project in an area of medicinal chemistry. The supervisor will be allocated according to student preferences where possible. The project may involve amongst other things, synthetic chemistry, biological testing, computational modelling, coding, data processing, literature review and analysis or a combination of these areas. Hands-on training will be provided in specialised laboratory, computational or data analysis techniques according to the requirements of individual projects. Students will have the opportunity to apply their project management, team working and communication skills during their project. 


CH8302: Advanced Organometallic and Coordination chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8302
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Angelo Amoroso
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will build upon concepts introduced at level 5 and develop them to address more advanced bonding schemes for metal-ligand and metal-metal interactions. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative spectroscopic and magnetic properties of octahedral, tetrahedral and lower symmetry co-ordination complexes will be discussed, thus allowing a detailed analysis of the electronic state of the metal centre. 

The final part of the module deals specifically with organotransition metal chemistry, covering structure and bonding, reaction mechanisms, and catalysis. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Describe the nature of orbital interactions in metal-ligand and metal-metal examples 
  • Be aware of spectroscopic and magnetic methods available to probe the nature and properties of metal containing complexes. 
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the potential applications of metal complexes. 
  • and predict properties resultant from the orbital overlap. 


  • Predict the physical properties resultant from the orbital overlap in varying complexes  
  • Interpret physical data and justify observations by predicting structure and/or by using models of orbital overlap 
  • Recognise bonding/structure relationships in transition metal mediated reactions. 


  • Apply knowledge to unseen ligand types and predict behaviour. 
  • Be aware of the underlying physical processes affecting spectroscopic observations.  
  • Relate measured quantities to structure for unseen molecules. Explain observed trends and predict behaviour.  

How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hocformative tests. This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes. 

Workshops (2 x 1 h, two formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to the retrieval and analysis of data. 

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on developing student’s abilities to analyse the nature of the bonding with a transition metal complex. By assigning oxidation state and metal centre geometry, an appropriate MO diagrams may be produced. Students will develop an understanding of ligand nature and their interaction with the metal centre. Affects on reactivity of the complex (redox or chemical bond formation) will be discussed. 

Metal-metal orbital interactions may  be discussed, allowing the further development of the students understanding of multiple bonding.  

Students will develop the necessary skills to identify the appropriate physical techniques to analyse and assess the bonding (and magnetic) interactions in transition metal complexes. 

Specifically, the student will have the required skills to be able to: 

  1. Analyse the structure of unseen organometallic complexes and predict their potential behavior with respect to redox reactions or the activation of small organic molecules. 
  2. Use crystal field theory and other symmetry derived arguments to derive MO diagrams for low symmetry complexes and M-M bonding. 
  3. Investigate and assign the geometry of novel co-ordination complexes; To quantify the ligand field splitting and racah B and so determine the nature of new ligands.  
  4. Investigate and assign the nature of magnetic interactions in magnetically non-dilute materials; To know how to measure J, understand its meaning and be able to rationalize the results. 

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Organometallic and Coordination chemistry N/A

Syllabus content

The syllabus will draw from a range of topics, chosen to exemplify orbital interactions and resulting physical and chemical properties. These topics will allow the development of the student’s ability to utilise spectroscopic methods to investigate the nature of the materials. These topics may include: 

Structure and bonding in organometallic chemistry 

Description of bonding models for π-acceptor and π-donor ligands, including CO, alkenes (Dewar Chatt Duncanson model), NO+, RO-and NR2-; Physical evidence and consequences of bonding, applications of infrared spectroscopy. 

Other σ-bonding ligands, e.g. H-, and alkyl ligands. 

Metal carbonyl complexes, preparation, properties and structure. 

Bonding and structure in metal alkene complexes including conjugated anionic and polyalkene ligands and influences upon reactivity. 

Metal carbon multiply bonded systems, carbene (Fischer type) and alkylidene/alkylidyne (Schrock type) compounds. Examination of bonding models for these systems and relationships with experimentally observed reactivity. 

Transition metal hydrides and dihydrogen complexes. 

Spectroscopic techniques of study of organometallic compounds (e.g. NMR etc.). 

Mechanistic organometallic chemistry 

Classic reaction pathways of organometallic compounds, introduction to catalytic cycles 

Oxidative additions, reductive eliminations, migratory insertions, hydrogen migrations. 

Reactions of metal-alkene, metal-CO and metal-alkyl complexes relevant to homogeneous catalysis and a discussion of mechanisms (e.g. polymerisation, metathesis, cross-coupling, asymmetric catalysis). 

Metal-metal bonding 

Syntheses, structures and metal-metal bonding in transition metal dimers, trimers and larger clusters. 

Describe interactions in multiple metal-metal bonds. 

Electronic properties of stacked platinum complexes (e.g. Magnus’s salt) and anisotropic conduction. 

Mixed-valence species 

Robin-Day classification 

Study of redox processes by cyclic voltammetry; IVCT and π- π*, evaluating electronic coupling. 

UV-vis Spectroscopy 

Assigning transitions and calculating Δ and racah B for d1-d9 HS and d6 LS. 

Line width and signal intensity in d-d transition. 


Orbital contributions: 

Nature of A and E term complexes and TIP; 

Nature of T terms: Kotani plots and their derivation. 

Magnetic properties of lower symmetry complexes:TBP, trigonal and trigonal prismatic. 

Organometallic examples. 

Elucidation of geometry utilising magnetic data. 

Effect of paramagnetism on NMR; contact shift; shift reagents; Evans’ method. 

Non-dilute systems. 

Multimetallic systems. 

Exchange mechanisms: for design or for rationalising systems. 

Exchange integral: measuring for d9 systems. 

Complexes with co-ordinated radicals: 

Innocent and non-innocent ligands. 

Examples considering magnetic, electrochemical and EPR properties. 

CH8303: Advanced Synthetic Strategies (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8303
External Subject Code 101389
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Thomas Wirth
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module shows: 1) how a target synthesis may be designed using retrosynthetic analysis; and 2) how modern reactions can be applied to the synthesis of target organic molecules.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • understand the use of transition metal catalysts in organic synthesis with emphasis on stereoselective transformations;
  • perform a retrosynthetic analysis and propose a forward synthesis for any given target molecule;
  • design synthetic routes for target molecules based on an understanding of chemical reactivity and knowledge of organic reactions as taught in modules CH4103 and CH4203;
  • design syntheses of target organic molecules, including the use of protective groups as required for compatibility of reactivity.

How the module will be delivered

22 x 1 h Lectures, 3 x 1 h Workshops, 2 x 1 h Tutorials

Skills that will be practised and developed

Advanced organic synthesis methods: The student will practice retrosynthetic analyses in a complex setting.

Development of the skill to include advances oxidation strategies (Epoxidations, dihydroxylations) in total syntheses and retrosyntheses.

Development of stereochemical thinking by practicing asymmetric oxidations.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Synthetic Strategies (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Retrosynthetic analysis

Introduction to disconnections and the logic of synthesis

C-X disconnections – halides, ethers, sulphides and amines and 1,2- & 1,3-difunctionalised compounds

C-C disconnections and synthesis using carbonyl group, including alkene synthesis, enolate alkylation selectivity

Synthesis of 1,3-, 1,4- and 1,5-dicarbonyl compounds

Use of protecting groups when chemoselectivity issues arise

Manipulation of double bonds, ring opening, ring expansion and ring formation techniques


Pericyclic reactions

Electrocyclic reactions, Cycloadditions, Sigmatropic rearrangements (Diels-Alder reaction, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, Claisen rearrangement etc.)


Palladium-catalysed coupling methods

Disconnection for the synthesis of polyunsaturated systems

Definitions of Heck, Suzuki-Miyaura, Kumada, Negishi and Sonogashira methods

Catalytic cycle summary and key differences within these

Perspective on utility, practicalities etc.

Selected applications in synthesis, with emphasis on the retrosynthetic features and stereoselective synthesis

Precursor synthesis where appropriate



Definition and emphasis on catalyst types for both ring closure (ene-ene, ene-yne and yne-yne) and cross metathesis; experimental methods; brief mention of utility in polymer synthesis and total synthesis


Modern oxidative transformations

Epoxidations (Sharpless Asymmetric Epoxidation, Jacobsen Epoxidation)

Dihydroxylation; AD-mix; related osmylation methods; synthetic utility (examples).

CH8304: Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8304
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Platts
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module describes the fundamental concepts in quantum and statistical mechanical description of molecules and solids. Starting from solution of the Schrödinger equation for model systems, quantum mechanical methods for approximate description of molecular electronic structure, and their applications, will be discussed. Statistical mechanics will be based around the definition of partition functions, and will employ such definitions in discussion of thermodynamics and kinetics. Extension of quantum mechanics to the solid state will lay the basis for of band theory description of the electronic structure of metals, semi-conductors and insulators.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing(these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):


  • Demonstrate awareness of methods for description of electronic structure of molecules and solids.
  • Describe means to relate molecular to macroscopic properties using the techniques of statistical mechanics.


Acting(Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):


  • Evaluate results of electronic structure calculations, critically assess their performance and extract chemically relevant properties.
  • Calculate thermodynamic and kinetic properties of molecular systems from knowledge of molecular properties.
  • Understand and predict key properties of materials based on a band structure description of their electronic structure.


Being(Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):


Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases, experiments/calculations).

How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hocformative tests. This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes.


Workshops (3 x 1 h, two formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to the retrieval and analysis of data.


Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from fundamental physical chemistry to understand how modern descriptions of the electronic structure of molecules and solids are constructed and applied to reach a unified picture of molecular properties. Students will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of molecules and materials are related to their electronic structure, and how these properties are related to observed macroscopic behaviour. The module will also involve a large element of problem solving using both numerical and algebraic techniques, based around real examples of theoretical methods.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Quantum and Statistical Mechanics of Molecules and Solids (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Quantum mechanics: Schrödinger equation, Born-Oppenheimer approximation; Exact solutions for model problems; electron spin and the Pauli principle; Coulomb and exchange energies; Variation theorem, approximate wavefunctions and energies; LCAO approximation, Slater determinants and basis sets; Hartree-Fock and self-consistent field approach; Electron correlation: Post-HF and density functional theory methods; potential energy surfaces and chemical properties.


Statistical mechanics: Review of basic concepts, probability, kinetic theory of gases, microstates, Boltzmann distribution; Definition of partition functions for translational, rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom Thermodynamics from partition functions: internal energy, entropy and heat capacity; role of partition functions in rate constants derived from transition state theory.


Band theory: Band structure and its relationship to the electronic structure of solids; Band structure at interfaces; Periodic quantum chemistry approach for theoretical analysis of solid state structure; Bloch functions for wavefunctions for periodic systems; Reciprocal space and use of sampling to determine approximate band structures.

CH8305: Macromolecules of Life (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8305
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Nigel Richards
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the structure, chemistry and analysis of proteins and nucleic acids. The module illustrates how fundamentals of chemical structure and reaction mechanisms can be applied to the physical and functional properties of proteins and nucleic acids. Real-life applications in medicine and industry will be outlined. Students will learn about the range of analytical and structure determination techniques that can be applied to biological macromolecules. The principles of modern methods for DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing will be elucidated. Principles of enzyme catalysis and kinetics will be discussed, together with an overview of the roles played by cofactors. The processes of transcription and translation will be described with an overview of how molecular biology enables production of new proteins.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

• Explain the roles of macromolecules in the chemistry of life. 

• Predict and explain the function and reactivity of biological macromolecules in terms of chemical structure and reaction mechanism. 

• Select experimental strategies to synthesise and analyse biological macromolecules. 


How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). Lectures will include worked problems representative of exam questions.

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will give the opportunity to practice solving problems and interpretating experimental observations. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from functional group chemistry and mechanistic organic chemistry to understand how the structure of proteins and nucleic acids permit them to perform their biological function. Student will learn how to select appropriate techniques for synthesis and analysis of biological macromolecules. Students will also gain familiarity with computer-based methods for searching, retrieving and visualising protein and nucleic acid sequences and structures from on-line databases. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: Lectures will include the opportunity to attempt problems based on exam questions with immediate feedback provided in oral form. Students will be provided with problems to attempt in advance of the tutorials. Feedback will be provided orally during the tutorial. This will prepare students to tackle problem-solving exercises in the examination and professional practice.

Summative assessment: An open book exercise will test students’ ability to demonstrate their knowledge of the syllabus content, retrieve electronic resources and their ability to apply the concepts covered to unseen problems. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will undertake resit coursework during the Resit Examination Period. 

Type of assess   Contribution  Title                 Duration   Approx. date of Assess

CW                      100                        Workshop        2 h             May 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Macromolecules of Life (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Overview of protein structure; Ramachandran plots and secondary structure; Tertiary and quaternary structure; Protein structure prediction; Introductory NMR and mass spectrometric characterization of proteins. 

Principles of protein function; Binding and catalysis. Myoglobin and hemoglobin; Physical basis of enzyme catalysis including the role of cofactors, Michaelis-Menten kinetics; Mechanisms of enzyme inhibition; Simple examples of enzyme-catalyzed transformations. 

Structure, biophysical properties and chemistry of nucleotides (DNA and RNA); DNA synthesis, amplification and sequencing; DNA-based technologies and their applications. 

Transcription and translation; mRNA and tRNA synthesis; The genetic code and the molecular basis of ribosomal protein synthesis. 

CH8307: Advanced Spectroscopy and Diffraction (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8307
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Kenneth Harris
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module explains how detailed information about structure, stereochemistry and the behaviour of chemical species in solution and in the solid state can be obtained by using luminescence spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and diffraction techniques (specifically X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and electron diffraction, as well as electron microscopy).

On completion of the module a student should be able to

1.     describe the fundamental principles of luminescence spectroscopy, EPR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction and electron microscopy;

2.     describe the different types of electronically excited states associated with organic and inorganic molecules;

3.     describe and interpret the key physical parameters that characterize different excited states;

4.     describe the processes that contribute to non-radiative deactivation (quenching) of excited states, including energy transfer mechanisms;

5.     understand different classifications of luminescence such as bioluminescence, chemoluminescence and electroluminescence;

6.     apply knowledge of excited state molecules to various applications such as chemosensors and photodynamic therapy;

7.     describe the use of the spin Hamiltonian to interpret EPR spectra in solution and in the solid state;

8.     explain the major features of EPR spectra, and their correlations with structure;

9.     predict the appearance of EPR spectra of organic radicals and simple paramagnetic metal complexes;

10.   interpret isotropic and anisotropic EPR spectra, and assign structures;

11.   understand the fundamental processes involved in the interaction of X-rays, neutron beams and electron beams with solids;

12.   describe the fundamental similarities and differences between X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and electron diffraction;

13.   understand the types of information about solid state structures that can be obtained from X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and electron diffraction techniques;

14.   understand the basis of electron microscopy techniques;

15.   appreciate the specific areas of application of X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction and electron diffraction techniques;

16.   formulate the optimum experimental strategy for exploring specific aspects of solid-state structure.

How the module will be delivered

22 Lectures(each lecture of one hour duration, with an approximately equal number of lectures for each of the three components of the module: Luminescence Spectroscopy, EPR Spectroscopy and Diffraction techniques).


3 Tutorials(each tutorial is a whole-class tutorial of one hour duration, with one tutorial allocated to each of the three components of the module: Luminescence Spectroscopy, EPR Spectroscopy and Diffraction Techniques). The tutorial sessions are non-assessed.


1 Assessed Workshop(the assessed workshop comprises a problem sheet for students to tackle at home, and to be submitted against a specified deadline which will be on a date after all the lectures and tutorials have been completed; the assessed workshop will include questions from all three components of the module: Luminescence Spectroscopy, EPR Spectroscopy and Diffraction Techniques).

Skills that will be practised and developed

Interpretation of EPR spectra for paramagnetic species in solution and in the solid state.

Formulating optimum experimental strategies (involving the use of one or more of the X-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction or electron microscopy techniques) for exploring specific aspects of solid-state structure.

Ability to select appropriate techniques for determination of structure in solution or in the solid state for a range of chemical situations, and to assess the advantages/disadvantages for each particular purpose.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Spectroscopy and Diffraction (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

The module is sub-divided into the following three components, which have essentially equal weight:


Luminescence Spectroscopy

Selection rules; quantized description; Jablonski diagrams.

Stokes shift; quantum yield; lifetimes.

Fluorescence; phosphorescence.

Types of chromophores; effect of structure on emission; donor-acceptor.

Energy transfer: Dexter versusFörster.

Quenching pathways: O2; photoinduced electron transfer.

Applications to coordination complexes: TM; lanthanides.

Chemosensors; imaging; LEDs; PDT.

Chemoluminescence; bioluminescence; electroluminescence.


EPR Spectroscopy

Basic principles of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR).

Origin and significance of the electron Zeeman and nuclear Zeeman effects.

Derivation of simple spin Hamiltonian for a two spin system (S= ½, I= ½).

Interaction of the electron with its environment – anisotropy and symmetry effects in EPR spectra.

Applications of EPR to characterize paramagnetic systems.

Analysis and interpretation of EPR spectra of organic radicals in solution, as well as main group radicals and transition metal ions in frozen solution.

Interpretation of spin Hamiltonian parameters gand A(hyperfine) values.


Diffraction Techniques



Properties of X-rays.

Properties of electron beams.

Properties of neutron beams.

Production of X-rays and other radiation (conventional sources and synchrotron radiation).

Fundamentals of diffraction by crystalline solids.


Applications, Scope and Limitations of Techniques:

X-Ray diffraction (XRD): applications of X-ray diffraction, single-crystal versuspowder X-ray diffraction, advantages of using synchrotron radiation, limitations of X-ray diffraction.

Neutron diffraction (ND): applications of neutron diffraction, neutron diffraction versusX-ray diffraction.

Electron diffraction and electron microscopy: electron diffraction (ED), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), low energy electron diffraction (LEED).

CH8308: Bioinorganic Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8308
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Ian Fallis
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Many key processes in biology are enabled by metal ions such as calcium, iron, copper and zinc. In this module the biological functions of a wide range of elements are examined with a particular focus upon the functions of metal ions and their catalytic roles in biology. The module will correlate the fundamental coordination chemistry of metal ions to the wide range of redox, Lewis acidic and structural roles they play in biological structures. The roles of metal ions in selected important drugs will also be explored.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing (these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):

  • Describe the range of functions of metal ions in biological systems.
  • Classify metalloenzymes by reaction type and illustrate with relevant examples.
  • Explain types and classes of metal ligand interactions in metalloenzymes.

Acting (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Classify the types of metalloproteins and co-factors that incorporate transition metal and main group ions.
  • Understand from an evolutionary perspective the need for transition metal ions in biological systems.

Being (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):


  • Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases).
  • Understand the mechanisms of metalloenzyme promoted chemical transformations.
  • Understand and illustrate the mode of action of metal containing drugs.

How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes.


Workshops (3 x 1 h, one formative, two summative) will be used to enhance and assess the basic knowledge from the lecture material.


Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes.

Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Classification of complex bioinorganic systems;
  • Analysis and understanding of the mechanisms in bioinorganic chemical systems;
  • Correlation of fundamental chemical properties of the elements with their roles in biological systems.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Bioinorganic Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

All elements are mandatory


•           Inorganic’ Elements in biology, summary and overview

•           Amino acids, peptides and nucleic acids as ligands

•           Coordination chemistry of biological molecules

•           Roles, choice, transport, and storage of metal ions

•           Metalloenzymes - classification

•           Entatic State Hypothesis

•           Synthetic Analogue Approach

•           Catalytic antibodies - ferrochelatase

•           Non-redox enzymes (hydrolases, phosphatases)

•           Dioxygen – generation, uptake transport and storage, Fe and Cu; heme catalysts

•           Electron transport

•           Fe/S & non-heme Fe and redox

•           Photosynthesis - Ca/Mn, Mg – light harvesting and water splitting, Plastocyanins, Azurins

•           Protective enzymes – SODs, catalase, peroxidase

•           Bioorganometallic Chemistry-B12, CO

•           Hydrolases, hydrogenases, nitrogenases, reductases

•           Structural roles of metals in biology

•           Biomineralisation

CH8310: Heterogeneous Catalysis (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8310
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Stuart Taylor
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module illustrates the wide range of heterogeneous catalysis and its relevance to industry and environmental matters, describes the mechanisms involved in catalysis at the molecular level, and illustrates the techniques available for the study of these processes.

The role of heterogeneous catalysts and their uses in environmental and chemical manufacturing applications will be described and discussed, processes will include oxidation reactions, car exhaust treatment and acid catalysed reactions. Examples of different types of catalysts, such as supported metals, metal oxides and zeolites, will all be introduced for specific applications.

The typical properties and preparation of a heterogeneous catalyst will be presented, along with important features and catalyst characteristics. Performance of a catalyst will be evaluated and quantitative descriptors introduced, as will catalyst deactivation.

Mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysts will be considered, and the different models advanced to account for heterogeneously catalysed reactions will be introduced. These include Langmuir-Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal and Mars van Krevelen models.

Details of how catalysts are used in different reactors will be presented, and the importance of these will be discussed. The different physical forms of the catalysts will also be considered in the context of different reactors.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing (these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):

  • Demonstrate awareness of the application of heterogeneous catalysts for a range of modern processes and reactions.
  • Demonstrate understanding of structure, function and activity of heterogeneous catalysts.
  • Describe the fundamental principles and mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysts.

Acting (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Evaluate experimental data from performance of heterogeneous catalysts and relate this to catalyst characteristics.
  • Propose mechanisms for heterogeneously catalysed transformations covering a wide range of chemistry.
  • Propose key catalyst characteristics to effectively catalyse a wide range of reactions.

Being (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Critically assess data relating to catalyst performance, communicating key concepts and characteristics, and suggest potential catalysts for unseen reactions.

How the module will be delivered

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures may  include some worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes under the ‘Knowing’ heading, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the ‘Acting’ learning outcomes.

 Workshops (3 x 1 h, two formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving skills related to the retrieval and analysis of information and data.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas introduced in earlier modules, these will include kinetics, thermodynamics, solid state chemistry and surface chemistry. These fundamental concepts will be applied to understand heterogeneous catalysts and how they operate. Application of these fundamental principles will reinforce student’s skills in their application and understanding. Understanding the basic principles of heterogeneous catalysis will allow the student to start to select appropriate catalysts for specific target reactions, and appreciate how catalysts could be applied for vital industrial and environmental reactions.

An appreciation of the wide applications of catalysts on a global scale will be gained, and this is an important insight into the modern chemical and processing industries, providing students with a competitive advantage when interacting with industry.

The module develops a number of transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Heterogeneous Catalysis (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

The module will begin by covering the basics and applications of catalysis, effects of catalysts on reaction rates and product distribution, requirements for practical catalysts, and the design of catalysts with attention to active phases, supports and promoters.

Examples include catalysts for (i) oxidation, including catalytic combustion; (ii) water gas shift; (iii) refining processes; (iv) removal of sulfur from fuels; (v) production and use of syngas, and catalytic routes to ammonia and methanol; (vi) pollution control with particular reference to car exhaust catalysts.

The types of reactors used to apply heterogeneous catalysts will be introduced and the important features will be discussed.

A number of examples of different catalysts will be covered in case studies for a wide range of applications. An example will be the three-way catalytic converter for control of vehicle emissions Different types of heterogeneous catalysts, like zeolites, supported metals and metal oxides will be covered. These examples will present a number of different catalytic mechanisms and will include the types Langmuir-Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal and Mars-van Krevelen.

A number of techniques used to characterise heterogeneous catalysts will be introduced.

CH8315: Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8315
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module outlines 1) MO theory as applied to the analysis of organic reactions, including in pericyclic reactions, 2) the techniques and approaches of physical organic chemistry that are be used to determine mechanisms of organic, bioorganic and catalytic reactions as well as the properties of reaction intermediates, even when they may not be directly observable.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing (these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):


  • classify pericyclic processes
  • apply molecular orbital theory in the analysis of organic reactivity
  • describe the underlying physical basis for, and applications of, physical organic chemistry
  • apply retrosynthetic analysis to problems featuring pericyclic processes.
  • propose reaction intermediate(s) and products for pericyclic reactions;


Acting (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • determine the outcome of pericyclic processes, including periselectivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity
  • propose a reasonable and falsifiable reaction mechanism for a reaction based on physical data and/or MO analysis.
  • evaluate whether a reaction mechanism is reasonable or not through an analysis in terms of frontier molecular orbital theory and through interpretation of kinetic and mechanistic data;


Being (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • critically discuss techniques for acquiring kinetic data
  • retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from the literature
  • integrate previously acquired knowledge of reactivity patterns in organic chemistry with experimental and computational data to solve problems of organic reaction mechanisms
  • propose experiments and predict outcomes of experiments designed to falsify proposed reaction mechanisms

How the module will be delivered

The module is delivered as 22 one-hour lectures in combination with three one-hour workshops. During the workshops, groups of students will prepare a presentation on a research paper reporting kinetic and/or mechanistic studies. The workshop mark will be for the presentation.

Skills that will be practised and developed

On completion of the module the student will be able to 1) discuss how reaction mechanisms become accepted theory through the continuous evaluation of kinetic and mechanistic data and how such mechanisms are falsifiable theories; 2) decide which experimental techniques are most appropriate for solving problems in organic reaction mechanisms; 3) understand how the techniques of physical organic chemistry can find application in solving problems in neighbouring disciplines, such as biological chemistry and catalysis; 4) statistically analyse numerical data; 5) defend a scientific proposal using data. 6) Deliver an oral presentation on a mechanistic study.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

MO theory as applied to Non-Pericyclic Organic Reactions: The application of MO theory to various organic reactions; stereoelectronic effects.


MO theory as applied to Pericyclic Reactions: Cycloadditions (including Diels-Alder and dipolar cycloadditions); symmetry-allowed and symmetry-forbidden reactions, regioselectivity, stereoselectivity; sigmatropic rearrangements; 1,n hydride shifts, Cope and Claisen rearrangements; Electrocyclic reactions; Photochemical processes; Synthetic strategies involving pericyclic processes


Kinetics techniques in mechanistic studies: Experimental methods for the acquisition of kinetic data; Data analysis, curve fitting, statistics and error analysis; Simple rate laws; Analysis of kinetic data in terms of reaction mechanisms; Complex rate laws; Numerical integration techniques


Determination and Interpretation of Activation Parameters in mechanistic studies: Gibbs energies and standard states; ΔHø‡, ΔSø and ΔVø‡ and their interpretation


General & Specific Acid and Base Catalysis in mechanistic studies: pH rate profiles; Equations and data analysis; Mechanisms leading to general/specific acid/base catalysis


Linear Free Energy Relationships in mechanistic studies: Brønsted plots; Hammett plots

Use of isotopes in mechanistic studies: Isotopic Labelling; Cross-over Experiments; Primary kinetic isotope effects; Solvent isotope effects

Proposing reasonable reaction mechanisms: Application of the techniques above to proposing reasonable reaction mechanisms

From mechanism to engineering and back: Reaction scale up using kinetic and thermodynamic data; use of modern technology for kinetic, mechanistic and reaction optimisation studies; flow chemistry in kinetic studies; pH stat; feedback loops; automated reaction optimisation; AI in reaction optimisation.

CH8316: Homogeneous Catalysis (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8316
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Paul Newman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will give an overview of homogeneous catalysis, and will contain material from organometallic chemistry (catalytic cycles of selected key catalytic reactions, relating the catalytic mechanisms to fundamental organometallic concepts), including industrially-relevant reactions. An overview of reaction kinetics, with a specific focus on how they can be applied to catalytic reactions, will be provided, along with material relating to chemo- and stereoselectivity.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Construct catalytic cycles using fundamental organometallic reaction steps. 
  • Understand how p-block metals can be used to effect catalytic transformations. 
  • Understand how to measure and analyse kinetic data that relate to catalytic reactions. 
  • Relate kinetic data to the underlying catalytic mechanism. 
  • Propose mechanistic details by interpreting experimental data. 
  • Explain chemical- and regio-selectivity in terms of a catalytic mechanism. 

How the module will be delivered

22 x 1 h Lectures, 3 x 1 h Workshops (2 formative, 1 summative) 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Analysis of experimental data to obtain an understanding of chemical reactions. 

Interpretation of experimental data. 

Derivation of kinetic equations based upon catalytic cycles. 

Construction of catalytic cycles. 

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Homogeneous Catalysis (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Mechanistic organometallic chemistry 

Reactions of metal-alkene, metal-CO and metal-alkyl complexes relevant to homogeneous catalysis and a discussion of mechanisms (hydrogenation (transfer hydrogenation, H borrowing, Wilkinson’s substrate scope, Crabtree’s catalyst), carbonylation (hydroformylation, Monsanto, Eastman), metathesis, asymmetric catalysis). Kinetics of catalysis applied to the above-mentioned catalytic cycles.

CH8317: Engineering Biosynthesis (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8317
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L6
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the engineering of biosynthetic pathways for synthesis of organic chemicals for use as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, flavours/fragrances and fuels. Biosynthesis enables sustainable manufacture of complex molecules in multistep routes using fermentation from renewable feedstocks under benign conditions. The combination of synthetic chemistry with biosynthesis provides an efficient avenue to novel compounds for screening as drugs. The strategies and challenges for production of organic chemicals through biosynthetic pathways will be described and illustrated with examples drawn from the biosynthesis of different classes of secondary metabolite.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose intermediates and reaction pathways for the biosynthesis of a given metabolite.  

  • Choose strategies to engineer enzymes and metabolic pathways to produce a compound of a given structure. 

  • Retrieve, interpret and communicate data, findings and procedures relating to biosynthesis from journals and databases. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester) where the principles of biosynthesis of different classes of secondary metabolite will be introduced including case studies of engineering from the literature. In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative activities.  

Workshops (two formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving and literature searching skills. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will practice applying the concepts of synthetic organic chemistry to enzyme catalysed biosynthetic pathways. Students will develop skills in proposing appropriate starting materials and enzymes to synthesise a given target structure. 

  Chemistry specific skills will include: 

  • Assignment of metabolites to a particular pathway, and proposal of biosynthetic intermediates and transformations;   

  • Apply strategies for modifying a biosynthetic pathway to increase yields or produce novel products;  

  • Predicting the outcome of biosynthetic processing of an unnatural substrate;   

  • Choosing appropriate synthetic substrates for biosynthetic pathways to generate novel compounds.   

  Transferable skills:  

  • Searching databases to find relevant chemical literature; 

  • Synthesising and summarising information from multiple sources; 

  • Proposing solutions to problems based on incomplete information;  

  • Presenting chemical arguments in written form. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will give students an opportunity to revise the factual module content and to practice applying it to deduce and propose biosynthetic pathways. 

Summative assessment: A summatively assessed workshop in the form of an open-book exercise will test the ability to explain biosynthetic pathways, find information, propose pathways for production of previously unseen compounds, propose and interpret experiments in biosynthesis. 


The reassessment will take place during resit examination period. The reassessment will take the same form as the original assessment. 

Type of assess  Contribution  Title                                   Duration  Approx. date of Assessment 

CW                    100                         Coursework 1000 words                     May 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Engineering Biosynthesis (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Rationale for engineering pathways in primary and secondary metabolism for sustainable production of complex organic chemicals. 

Biosynthetic pathways for common classes of secondary metabolite, with examples drawn from polyketides, terpenoids, alkaloids and non-ribosomal peptides. 

Strategies for modifying enzyme selectivity and activity – rational design, screening, directed evolution approaches.  

Case studies of engineering metabolite biosynthesis. 

Reconstituting metabolic pathways in new hosts (choice of host - considerations such as precursor availability, toxicity of intermediates, compartmentalisation, PTMs of pathway enzymes, accessory proteins).  

Efficiently creating molecular diversity by combining synthetic chemistry with biosynthesis (mutasynthesis) and combinatorial biosynthesis.

CH2401: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 40
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module is only available to exchange students.  A student taking this module will gain experience of original research, and have the opportunity to put into safe practice the previous training in techniques and methods of chemistry, and to produce a dissertation to a professional standard including review of appropriate literature.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. describe in detail the chemistry of the chosen topic, including background information from the literature and new results;
  2. explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills

On completion of the module the student will be able to show a detailed and advanced mastery of a specific topic at the research frontier level.

Chemistry –specific skills

On completion of the module the student will be able to:

  1. plan and carry out an original investigation in a topic from any part of practical or theoretical chemistry;
  2. select source literature and place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work;
  3. record all working notes in an appropriate manner, with reference to risk and hazard where applicable;
  4. plan and compose a detailed report in standard format on all aspects of the project;


Transferable skills

On completion of the module the student will be able to present and defend a case following detailed study.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Project 100 Report N/A

CH2401: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH2401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 40
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

How the module will be delivered

The student will undertake a project in a research laboratory under the supervision of a member of academic staff.  The results will be presented in a written report.

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed on the basis of performance in the laboratory, a written report.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Project 100 Report N/A

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over a single semester, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report.

Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas.

CH3401: Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Platts
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a supervised research project spread over two semesters, selected from a portfolio prepared by members of staff from their own research interests. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report which will be examined orally. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project to a specialist or lay audience. 

Carry out experiments and/or simulations as directed by an academic supervisor. 

Devise experiments and/or simulations, carry them out and analyse their outcome either in-lab or in-silico. 

Work safely and efficiently on research level tasks. 

Disseminate results in both report and oral format.  

Research the literature to further research aims and design experimental protocols. 

Describe in detail the chemistry of the chosen topic, including background information from the literature and new results. 

Work with independence whenever possible.  

How the module will be delivered

Independent investigation, both in research laboratories and library, supervised by a member of academic staff or their nominee from research group.  

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills 

On completion of the module the student will be able to: 

1. Plan and carry out an original investigation in a topic from any part of practical or theoretical chemistry; 

2. Select source literature and place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work; 

3. Record working notes in an appropriate manner, with reference to risk and hazard where applicable; 

4. Plan and compose a detailed report in standard format on all aspects of the project; 

5. Present a lecture about the work and answer questions; 

6. Defend the report in oral examination. 

Transferable skills 

On completion of the module the student will be able to present and defend a case following detailed study. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed on the basis of performance in the laboratory, a written report, an oral presentation and an oral (viva voce) examination. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


Reassessment will consist of a further attempt at report, oral presentation and/or oral examination, depending on those parts that contributed to failure on original submission. It will not normally be possible to extend or repeat experimental/theoretical work as part of reassessment. 

Type of assess                         Contrib.      Title                                                           Duration    Approx. date of Assess

Dissertation                               40                      Written Report                                           N/A             May 

Practical-Based Assessment    20                      Intellectual and/or Practical Contribution  N/A             May 

Presentation                              20                     Oral Presentation                                      N/A              May 

Oral/Aural Assessment             20                      Oral Examination                                      N/A             May 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 40 Written Report N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Intellectual and/or Practical Contribution N/A
Presentation 20 Oral Presentation N/A
Oral/Aural Assessment 20 Oral Examination N/A

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over two semesters, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report which will be examined orally. Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas. 

CH3402: Frontiers in Ligand Design and Coordination Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3402
External Subject Code 101043
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Benjamin Ward
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


This module will focus on the structure and design of ligands in the development of functional metal complexes.  Three areas will be covered, representing a cross section of pertinent problems in this area, these will be a) the development of catalysts based upon s and f block metals; b) the study of ligand dynamics and their influence on the structure and activity of metal complexes; and c) the stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of p-block elements.  The module will cover the synthesis of targeted ligand precursors, the coordination chemistry of these ligands, and their influence on specific types of reactivity.  Attention will be given to the analysis of structure-activity relationships.

On completion of the module a student should be able to



  • Show an awareness of the electronic properties of the s, p, d, and f block metals.
  • Show an awareness of how ligand structure influences the structure of metal complexes.
  • Appreciate the reactivity of metal complexes, and how this can be influenced by changes in the supporting ligands.
  • Identify structure-activity relationships in coordination complexes, particularly focussing on ligand structure and coordination geometry vs. reactivity.


  • Relate the electronic structure of metals to the observed reactivity of metal complexes.
  • Understand the properties of ligands, and how design features can be used to control the properties of metal complexes.
  • Understand the dynamic nature of many metal complexes, and relate this to observed reactivity patterns.

Discipline-Specific Skills

  • Appreciate and understand how metal complexes can be employed as homogeneous catalysts;
  • Understand the fundamental organometallic reactions that underpin homogeneous catalysis;
  • Understand how experimental data and spectroscopic methods can be used to deduce the catalytic cycle.

How the module will be delivered


A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

This module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 4 1-hour class tutorials, and consists of three distinct blocks, each covering a different aspect of advanced ligand design and coordination chemistry. Each block will consist of lectures supported by an assessed piece of coursework.  The three blocks will mirror the three sections described above: (a) the development of catalysts based upon s and f block metals; (b) the study of ligand dynamics and their influence on the structure and activity of metal complexes; and (c) the stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of p-block elements .

Skills that will be practised and developed


Ability to analyse and review the details of ligand design and coordination chemistry, and relate these concepts to physical and chemical properties.

How the module will be assessed


The module will be assessed by a combination of coursework (20%) and written examination (80%). Coursework will be broken down into 3 short, problem-based pieces of work covering each of the three sub-topics.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content


The applications of ligand design and coordination chemistry to a range of areas, including catalysis and bioinorganic chemistry, with an emphasis on the ability of controlling the properties and reactivity of metal complexes by ligand design.

The properties of d0metals in polymerisation catalysis

A detailed mechanistic understanding of the properties and reactivity of d0metal alkyl and alkyl cations will be discussed.  These complexes have most widely studied in the context of alkene polymerisation, and this type of reactivity will be used to exemplify the reactivity of d0complexes.  The level of detail moves on from that covered in Year 3, encompassing the catalyst structures required for the production of stereospecific polymers.  This area will also cover the use of lanthanides in polymerisation catalysis, as well as the polymerisation of cyclic esters, commonly used as biodegradable polymers.

Heterofunctionalisation catalysis

The role of d0metal complexes as catalysts for a range of organic transformations will be discussed, with particular focus on hydroamination, hydrogenation, hydrosilylation, hydrophosphination, and hydroboration.  A particular focus will be given to looking at the mechanisms of these reactions, for which there are less reaction steps possible (e.g. oxidative addition is precluded).

The applications of alkaline earth metals in catalysis

The advent of the alkaline earth metals, particularly Mg and Ca, for catalytic processes will be discussed, including their role in hydroamination, hydrosilylation, and hydrogenation catalysis.  The scope and limitations, as well as catalytic reaction mechanisms will be covered.

N-heterocyclic carbenes

- Introduction to N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHC) as ligands and their complexes with transition metals, providing knowledge of the routes to their synthesis as well as on their structure, reactivity and electronic/steric properties. The scope and advantages of metal NHC compounds and their application in catalysis.

Cyclometalated compounds

- Cyclometalated metal complexes (with C,N, C,N,N, and C,N,C ligands) with emphasis on the synthesis and reactivity, as well as on ligand design to fine tune their chemico-physical properties. Examples of Au(III) cyclometalated complexes synthesis and applications.

p-Block organometallics

Introduction to p-block organometallics, including structure and reactivity

Introduction to frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs), and their role in catalysis

CH3403: Bio-imaging Applications of Coordination Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3403
External Subject Code 101043
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Simon Pope
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module consists of three main topics associated with the application of inorganic coordination compounds to biological and biomedical imaging: optical, magnetic resonance and radioimaging will be covered. The module will provide a technical background to each of the imaging modalities and then focus upon the use and application of metal coordination compounds in each discipline. Aspects of synthesis, spectroscopic characterisation and molecular design will be described, and the ability to rationalise the relationship between complex structure and function (including the biological context) will be a fundamental focus. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin fluorescence imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and radioimaging techniques. 

  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different imaging techniques 

  • Discuss the physical concepts that drive the ligand design and choice of metal ion for a given imaging application 

  • Describe the synthetic chemistry pathways to the target ligands and complexes 

  • Interpret spectroscopic data and correlate to the molecular form and design 

  • Identify strategies for metal complex biocompatibility and stability in vitro and in vivo 

  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of molecular form and relate to the function in a bioimaging context 

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in ten two-hour lectures, supplemented by three 1-hour class tutorials. Three staff will teach delivering the three subtopics.  

Formative workshop will provide problem-solving experience on the radioimaging part of the module and will take the place of multiple choice questions that provide a framework for practicing calculations. A summative workshop will require critical analysis and literature work based on the remaining two-thirds of the topics.   


Skills that will be practised and developed

An ability to rationalise ligand structure, metal complex physical properties, biocompatibility and subsequent applications to a given imaging technique. Molecular design and application will be developed. 

The analysis of the primary literature and an ability to scientifically critique published material will also be developed. Independent critical thinking and problem solving will supplement a of the state of the art. 


How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment: workshop is a take-home assessment that requires engagement and analysis of the primary literature on a responsive bimodal imaging agent – it is a word count limited written report. This will assess a student’s ability to use electronic data bases and locate relevant information and critically review the primary literature. This will assess a student’s knowledge of molecular design and a deep understanding of the physical parameters that describe physical properties, and dictate the biological application.  

A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their deep knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems.  



Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess     % Cont    Title                                                                            Duration   Approx. date of Assess

EXAU                    80             Bio-imaging applications of coordination chemistry   2 hours      Jan 

CW                        20            Written assessments                                                                     Nov/Dec 

EXRE                    100          Bio-imaging applications of coordination chemistry    2 hours       Jun 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Bio-imaging Applications of Coordination Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 20 Written Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Optical imaging using Luminescence  

Background on confocal fluorescence microscopy for cellular imaging 

Background on photophysics – Stokes shift, Jablonski diagrams, time resolved vs steady state measurements,  quenching pathways, types of emission, tuning emission through ligand design. 

Types of TM-based luminophore including descriptions of ligand design, synthesis, photophysics and applications to imaging and biocompatibility 


                  - d6 Ru(II), Re(I), Ir(III) complexes 


Discussion of variants for organelle targeting and structure/function relationships. 


Types of lanthanide(III)-based luminophore including descriptions of ligand design, synthesis, photophysics and applications to imaging and biocompatibility 


                  - visible emission using Eu(III) and Tb(III) 

                  - near-IR emission using Nd(III) and Yb(III) 


Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Contrast Agents 


Background on magnetic resonance imaging. The history and the basic principles of the experiment. 

Background on the fundamental properties and design of T1 and T2 contrast agents. 

Types of complexes used for T1 contrast- lanthanide, transition metal and organic molecules. 

Types of complexes used for T2 contrast- lanthanides and transition metal clusters. 

Using CEST and PARACEST for imaging. 

Assessing new contrast agents –solubility, stability and the NMRD. 

Dual mode imaging and the theranostic approach. 


Gamma Radio-Imaging via SPECT and PET  


Background to gamma imaging – physical basis of the techniques, data capture and imaging 
Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) 
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) - 
general properties of PET/SPECT isotopes, half-lives, imaging resolution, biological matching 

Background to functional imaging vs. structural imaging – 
organ perfusion imaging, inflammation imaging, bone imaging (SPECT) 
biologically active PET probes (FDG, F-DOPA, etc.) 

Ligand design for SPECT and PET isotopes and metal complexes – 
Tc complexes for SPECT 
Ga, Cu, Zr, Y complexes in PET 


Background Reading and Resource List:

Principles of Fluorescence Microscopy, J.R. Lakowicz 

Handbook of Radiopharmaceuticals, Eds Welch, Redvanly (Wiley)  

References to the primary literature will be given throughout and students will be expected to utilise WoK to access supporting information to the lecture notes. 


CH3404: Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3404
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Thomas Wirth
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a range of examples exposing the students to sophisticated methods in stereoselective synthesis. Building on required previous modules such as CH4303, advanced methods for stereocontrol in total synthesis, preparation of enantiomerically pure drug molecules, development of stereoselective reactions as well as the introduction of various enabling technologies will be the main focus of this module. Throughout, the ability to extract stereochemically relevant information from complex syntheses will be a major focus. 



On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Appreciate the range of synthetic methods available to prepare enantiomerically pure molecules. 

  • Know the strategies and reagents required to generate and implement new stereochemical elements within target-oriented syntheses. 

  • Identify key problems in both small scale academic synthesis and large scale industrial synthesis of stereochemically pure compounds. 

  • Identify different reaction technology equipment and summarise the key criteria to consider before using it. 

  • Understand the principles and strategies of stereoselective alkene functionalization. 

  • Understand main principles in the use of enabling technologies and related industrial issues together with application to target molecules. 

  • Recognize where organocatalysis can be applied in synthesis and which strategies in this area are available. 

  • Explain when alternative tools and techniques may offer significant benefit to a desired reaction outcome. 


How the module will be delivered

10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 2 1-hour class tutorials .

Skills that will be practised and developed

Ability to analyse stereochemical problems and provide synthetic meaningful solutions. 

Assess and solve problems in asymmetric synthesis together with their theoretical background and any strengths or weaknesses associated with them. 

Identification of chemical problems which can be solved by involving enabling technologies. 


How the module will be assessed

Written exam and Workshop.

The workshop and the written exam will focus on different topics due to the timing of these events. They will enable the students to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes. 

Marking criteria will involve the validity of the provided answers and the ability of the student to handle unknown material. 

Further details (dates) are found in the assessment map. 



All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess   %  Contrib   Title                         Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Exam                  80                   Written Exam          2 hours        January

Workshop           20                   Written Workshop   2 x 1 hour 






Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products 2
Written Assessment 20 Written Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Alkene Functionalisations 

Introduction to advanced asymmetric synthesis. Stereoselective functionalisations of double bonds: Briefly revising Sharpless AE and ADH, Jacobsen (year 3), then introduction of other electrophilic reagents including selenium- and iodine-based compounds.  Applications in total synthesis and the synthesis of bioactive compounds will be discussed. 

Enabling Tools for Organic Synthesis 

As synthesis moves in to the modern era so too does the way in which chemists can conduct chemistry. This part of the course introduces the technical considerations needed for using existing and futuristic synthesis tools such as microwave reactors, photochemical reactors, electrochemistry and continuous flow chemistry. Important factors are being considered when conducting reactions using these methods, there will also be a strong focus on the types of synthetic chemistry suited to these modes. 


Organocatalysis is defined as the use of a sub-stoichiometric amount of an organic molecule to accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction. This part will serve as an introduction to the diverse and exciting field of organocatalysis and will specifically cover: a historical perspective; benefits and limitations; catalyst synthesis; covalent and non-covalent organocatalytic activation modes; selectivity (regio-, diastereo- and enantiocontrol); applications within industry; applications towards the synthesis of biologically active compounds. 


CH3406: Molecular Modelling

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3406
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Peter Knowles
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


This module exposes students to the range of computational methods that can be applied to diverse chemical problems, from the structure and property of molecules to chemical thermodynamics, kinetics and reactivity. Methods for describing molecules, ranging from quantum chemical and molecular orbital methods for relatively small molecules to atomistic simulation of larger, more complex systems will be discussed. Throughout, the ability to extract chemically relevant properties from molecular modelling experiments will be a major focus.  




On completion of the module a student should be able to

By the end of this module, you will be able to... 

  • Explain the fundamentals of theories underpinning the range of modelling methods available to tackle chemical problems.  

  • Design appropriate feasible methodology for the modelling of a given chemical problem, drawing on knowledge of particular methods, errors and computational costs. 

  • Identify the key results obtained from calculations and interpret these with regard to the physics/chemistry of the problem.  

  • Critically evaluate computation schemes presented in primary chemical literature. 

  • Analyse and evaluate the errors in modelling schemes.  

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face-to-face learning support and feedback. 

20 x 1 h lectures, 4 x 1 h tutorials. Lectures will deliver the core course content, addressing all learning outcomes. Formative tutorials will selectively address learning outcomes, with emphasis on problem solving and forging links between topics. 

The module does not contain a practical component, or instruction in the use of particular software elements, but instead develops understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts through discussion of examples of application to chemical problems. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Selection of appropriate research methodology for a given problem. 

  • Analysis and presentation of the key outcomes from primary literature. 

  • Identification of theoretical concepts demonstrated in given data. 

How the module will be assessed

The module is assessed through two components: a 2-hour exam in the January exam period (80%), and a take-home assignment during the teaching period (20%). 

The take-home assignment gives opportunity for students to demonstrate understanding of concepts and methods presented, and their ability to analyse the rationale and outcomes of a piece of primary literature. Feedback is provided. 

The examination consists of a variety of questions which test a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of concepts, and their ability to deploy those concepts on unseen problems.  The portfolio of question parts is constructed so that some parts can be answered with a basic level of knowledge and understanding, and other parts support the demonstration of deeper understanding and capability.  The overall balance of these aspects is designed such that candidates can demonstrate satisfaction of the learning outcomes at a basic level and receive the pass mark. 

A number of elements of formative course work are provided in addition, in order to give the opportunity to deepen understanding through application, with feedback through a combination of interactive tutorials and written comments. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session.


Type of assess                  Contrib  Title                                 Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Take-home assignment      20                 In-course assessment                        December

Exam                                  80                 Molecular Modelling        2 hours       January exam period

Resit Exam                        100                Molecular Modelling        2 hours       August exam period 






Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Molecular Modelling 2
Written Assessment 20 Problem-based assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Schrödinger equation, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, potential energy surface. Topography of potential energy surfaces. Parameterised forms for bonded interactions and non-bonded interactions. Application to varied chemical systems. 

Correlated wavefunction and density-functional methods; electromagnetic properties; excited states; intermolecular interactions.  

Fundamentals of Molecular Dynamics; time propagation algorithms; periodic boundary conditions; radial distribution functions; thermodynamics of ensembles; examples of applications. 

Hartree-Fock and Density-Functional theories for periodic solids; molecular and dissociative adsorption; reactivity and principles of microkinetic modelling. 

CH3407: Advanced Materials

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3407
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module aims to develop an understanding of the synthesis, characterization, simulation and applications of specific advanced materials in the modern chemical environment.  

The course will cover semiconductor materials; material surfaces and nanoparticles; colloidal systems in industry and healthcare; heterogeneous catalysis with nanoparticles and bulk catalysts; and the modelling, synthesis and characterisation of these advanced materials. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

On successful completion of the module you should be able to:

  • Systematically understand how different methods for synthesising and formulating advanced materials can impact on their performance in different applications.  

  • Evaluate and predict key properties of materials based on modelling and characterisation data. 

  • Analyse experimental/characterisation/modelling data for different advanced materials to probe the material properties and establish an understanding between structure, composition, and chemistry. 

  • Critically assess literature relating to advanced materials properties and applications. 



How the module will be delivered

You will receive course content delivered primarily using face to face lectures. The course consists of 10 x 2 hour lectures during the Spring semester, with approximately 3 lectures a week for 3-4 weeks.  Lectures may include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face to face lectures.  

Lecture material will be supported by four formative workshops that will focus on problem solving based on material from lectures and discussions around the course content. These formative workshops will provide you with guidance and support for the assessed coursework and examination.  



Skills that will be practised and developed

You will develop chemistry specific skills, focussed on applying ideas from fundamental physical and inorganic chemistry to understand how these can be applied to the use of advanced materials for different applications.  

You will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of materials can be controlled by tuning the synthesis procedure and how advanced characterisation methods can be used to help derive structure activity relationships.  

The module develops several transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval, critical thinking, and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability. 

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a written examination and a written piece of coursework. 

A two-hour closed book written exam will test your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and your ability to apply the techniques and concepts covered to problems solving that are related to familiar and unseen examples.  

The summative coursework will allow you to demonstrate your ability to review and evaluate research from the literature through the preparation of a short written report (2 pages). You will be able to choose between papers relating to colloids, nanoparticles and catalysis for the coursework and will need to identify how different characterization techniques can be used to gain understanding of materials. You will receive feedback on your work well before the written exam. 

Your learning will also be supported by the formative workshops, and feedback provided either orally or in writing during and after the sessions. There will be a focus on supporting problem solving based on applying knowledge and understanding of materials properties for different applications. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assess     % Contrib   Title                                              Duration         Approx. date of Assess

EXAU                    80                 Advanced Materials                     2 hours            Autumn Examination period 

CW                        20                 Coursework assignment                                     November/December 

EXRE                    100               Advanced Materials                    2 hours            Resit Examination period 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Advanced Materials 2
Written Assessment 20 Written Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Colloidal systems: This part of the module will focus on structure-activity relationships in colloidal systems relevant to important applications in industry and healthcare, plus advanced methods used for their characterisation. Topics will include: advanced characterisation techniques, structure activity relationships in surfactants, polymer solutions, polymer particle interactions, polymer surfactant interactions and supporting case studies. 

Synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts: This part of the module will focus on the synthesis of catalysts and supports. It will include case studies of different catalyst systems. Different synthesis methods will be introduced such as sol-gel, hard and soft templating, antisolvent precipitation to prepare bulk catalysts and supports. Methods of preparing supported catalysts will also be covered including impregnation, deposition-precipitation and the use of pre-formed sols. 

Design advanced materials: This part of the module will focus on the fundamental properties of advanced materials. It will include review of the properties of semiconductors, and the impact of defects on applications, includling light-emitting diodes, transistors, and ionic transport; the properties of extended surfaces on geometric, energetic and electronic properties; the properties of mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles; and explaining nanoparticle-support interactions and how these, as well as environment, can modify the structural and electronic properties and change the functionality of an advanced material. 

CH3411: Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3411
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor David Willock
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will cover the synthesis, characterisation and simulation of the catalytic materials that find applications in the Green Chemistry and energy sectors. The current trend in chemistry to reduce our dependence on fossil sources of carbon for chemicals and fuels is giving rise to a whole new set of challenges in catalysis. This module will introduce the mechanistic pathways used to transform renewable resources into useful chemicals and identify the characteristics of the catalysts required. We will also survey the synthesis of catalysts and the applications for these materials. The module will emphasize how careful characterisation and simulation approaches can give a structure/activity level of understanding in heterogeneous catalysis that helps to design and optimise catalytic materials.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Appreciate the range of methodologies used in synthesising heterogeneous catalytic material including pre- and post-treatments applied to enhance/control catalytic activity. 

  • Describe the control of surface features, material phases and compositions that can be achieved using a variety of synthetic approaches. 

  • Interpret data from the characterisation methods used for heterogeneous catalytic materials and discuss the information which each method provides and reflect on the overall picture obtained by combining data from different approaches. 

  • Discuss the mechanisms of sample catalytic target reactions in the Green Chemistry and energy sectors. 

  • Work with kinetic rate equations to interpret catalytic data giving conversion and selectivity as a function of time. 

  • Describe in situ measurements that are used to scope out elementary surface reactions during catalysis. 

  • Understand the main computational chemistry approaches used in the simulation of catalytic materials and catalysed reactions. 

  • Appreciate the use of computer simulation in establishing the electronic and geometric features of active sites on catalyst surfaces. 

  • Understand how computer simulation is applied to map out reaction energetics for key steps in heterogeneously catalysed reactions. 

  • Analyse example computational data from the literature on mechanisms of interest for Green Chemistry. 

  • Relate computational and experimental information on catalytic system structure and performance. 

How the module will be delivered

The module content will be delivered via face-to-face activities lectures and discussion workshops. The material will also be supported by formative self- assessment tests introduced at regular points in the delivery schedule.  

The module will consist of 24 hours of lecture and 4 hours of discussion workshops and worked example problems.  

The week-by-week delivery schedule and timing of summative and formative tasks will be described in the module map.   

Skills that will be practised and developed


Students will have the opportunity to develop their critical analysis and problem-solving skills, dealing with data from a variety of methods to come to a rounded understanding of catalyst structure, materials properties and mode of operation in key catalytic processes. They will also apply these skills to analyse examples drawn from the scientific literature. 

These skills will be used to encourage independent critical thinking. The formative and summative assessments will allow for collaborative working when researching literature data enabling discussion of ideas between peers.  

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessments will include: 

A formative assignment will be used to give experience of drawing data from literature sources and use ideas from the module to interpret that data in terms of sustainability. Full engagement with the self-assessment exercise will prepare students for the summative assessment components of the module. 

Summative assessment will consist of a single piece of written work combining a number of literature sources. The marking scheme will assess the student’s understanding of the material in the literature sources and their ability to critically assess the way that a proposed process conforms to the concepts of Green Chemistry.  



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess                 Contrib.  Title                                                                                    Duration         Approx. date of Assess

Summative assignment    20                  Critical assessment processes used in Green Chemistry  1 hr                 November 

Exam                                80                  Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry                             2 hr                June 

Resit Exam                      100                 Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry                             2 hr                August 


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 20 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content


The module will cover the synthesis of catalytic materials for Green Chemistry and energy sectors. The principals of Green Chemistry will be reviewed with current literature examples of industrial processes that have been superseded by more sustainable chemistry. The common metrics of atom economy and E-factor will be discussed in detail and students given the opportunity to evaluate these factors for example processes. The characterisation methods used to measure properties such as the solid phases present, the effective surface area of catalysts and spectroscopic inspection of working catalysts will be addressed. The main approaches to the computer simulation of catalytic materials will also be introduced, with examples that integrate with the theme of Green Chemistry drawn from the literature. Reaction schemes will be presented and discussed based on calculated potential energy surfaces and the insights these given into the catalytic processes they represent. The overall aim of the module is to demonstrate how materials characterisation and simulation can help to inform a mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis for key reactions in Green Chemistry.  


CH3412: Supramolecular Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3412
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Louis Luk
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The objective of this module is to understand the nature and magnitude of the intermolecular dynamic interactions that enable novel applications in organic chemistry, chemical biology, materials science and nanotechnology. The current trend in modern chemistry is to go beyond the classical molecular approach, analysing the driving force for the association between molecules and/or ions that are induced by non-covalent bonding interactions in solution, solid-state and at interfaces. A deeper understanding of such molecular organizations in both artificial and biological systems will result in engineered systems that can be transformed into technological-relevant applications. By surfing through the most important examples along with the key characterization techniques and contemporary engineering approaches, we will illustrate that supramolecular architectures with exquisite complexity can be achieved from simple molecular components. 

The basic principles of supramolecular chemistry will be discussed through illustrating examples of molecular cages, surface self-assembled networks and metal-organic frameworks, and their applications in sensing and storage. The nature of supramolecular interactions involving nucleic acid and protein as well as their applications, spanning form small molecule synthesis, artificial enzyme design and antibody-drug conjugate creation, will also be discussed. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Identify the involvement of supramolecular chemistry in organic chemistry, chemical biology, material science and nanotechnology; 

  • Outline experimental approaches that are used to study molecular interactions; 

  • Explain how supramolecular chemistry has been used in industries and medicines; 

  • Propose logical solutions to unfamiliar problems by applying fundamental supramolecular chemistry concepts; 

  • Retrieve, interpret and communicate data, findings and procedures relating to supramolecular chemistry from journals and databases. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h) where the principles of supramolecular chemistry will be introduced including case studies from the literature. In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative activities. Workshops (one formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving and literature-searching skills. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to build their knowledge in supramolecular chemistry and data analysis skills through independent learning activities (developing a scientific proposal) alongside the lectures presenting the required material. Students will have the opportunity to develop their critical analysis and problem solving skills, dealing with data and information from a variety of methods and sources to come to a rounded understanding of the key processes, methods and materials involved in supramolecular chemistry. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will give students an opportunity to revise the module content and to apply it to deduce and propose solution for supramolecular chemistry-based questions . 

Summative assessment: A summatively assessed workshop in the form of an oral presentation will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to use electronic resources to locate relevant information in the literature to provide a plausible proposal for a contemporary research topic. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the ability to predict intermolecular interactions as well as propose and interpret experiments in supramolecular chemistry. 



Opportunities for re-assessment are only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 


Type of assess      Contrib    Title                                              Duration           Approx. date of Assess

Spring Exam          80%                Supramolecular Chemistry           2 h                    May 

CW                         20%               Coursework Oral presentation      (10-12 mins)     Late Mar – Early Apr 

Resit Exam            100%              Supramolecular Chemistry            2 h                    Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 20 Written Assignment N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Supramolecular Chemistry 2

Syllabus content

  • Basic concepts in self-assembly and self-organization, including a systems chemistry approach, thermodynamics and kinetics of host-guest processes along with the main characterization techniques;  

  • Complexation of neutral molecules in aqueous solution and their technological applications - sensors and drug delivery; Template effects & molecular self-assembly approach towards nanostructures in solutions (including molecular cages and inorganic nanotubes), on surfaces (2D networks and topology considerations);  

  • Non-covalent interactions involving aromatic rings; hydrogen-, halogen- and chalcogen-bonding interactions;  

  • Dynamic covalent bonds & supramolecular polymers;  

  • Experimental techniques and methods used to understand both nanoscale and ultrafast chemistry critical to many supramolecular processes and materials;  

  • Molecular machines, from catenanes and rotaxanes to more complex multi-station multi-stimuli responsive supramolecular systems;  

  • Basic concepts of molecular recognition in biology, including cell architecture, biomolecular interactions, structure of essential building units, lipids, DNA/RNA, protein, sugar; natural Ion channels, including peptide-based ion change, cation/anion complexation, cross-membrane ion channel;  

  • Supramolecular chemistry in biotechnological applications (e.g. designer enzyme, antibody drug conjugate, DNA-templated synthesis)  

CH3451: Prosiect

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH3451
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery Welsh
Module Leader DR Heulyn Jones
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Mae’r modiwl hon yn cynnwys prosiect ymchwil wedi’i oruchwylio sydd yn cael ei gwblhau dros ddau semester, ac yn cael eu dewis o bortffolio ymchwil aelodau staff yr adran. Bydd y gwaith yn cwynnwys astudiaethau newydd, adolygiad o’r llenyddiaeth gyfredol ac adroddiad o’r prosiect ymchwil bydd yn cael ei arholi ar lafar. Bydd y goruchwylio, adroddiadau a’r arholi yn cael eu gwneud yn y Gymraeg.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Gwybod (dyma bethau bydd rhaid i’r myfyrwyr wybod i basio’r modiwl)

  • Esbonio’r cemeg sydd wrth wraidd y prosiect a ddewisiwyd
  • Cwblhau arbrofion dan oruchwyliaeth y goruchwylydd academaidd.

Gwneud (bydd perfformiad yn y maes hyn yn galluogi myfyrwyr i ennill marc uwch na’r angen ar gyfer pasio’r modiwl)

  • Dyfeisio arbrofion, eu cwblhau a’u dadansoddi.
  • Cyflwyno’r canlyniadau mewn adroddiad ysgrifenedig ac ar lafar. 

Arweithio (bydd perfformiad yn y maes yma yn galluogi myfyrwyr i ennill marc uwch na’r angen ar gyfer pasio’r modiwl)

  • Ymchilio i’r llenyddiaeth gwyddonol i ymestyn nodau ymchil ac i ddarlunio protocolau arbrofol.
  • Disgrifio’n fanwl cemeg y pwnc a ddewisiwyd, gan gynnwys gwybodaeth cefndirol o’r llenyddiaeth wyddonol a chanlyniadau o’r newydd.
  • Gweithio’n annibynnol lle bynnag posib.

How the module will be delivered

396 (18 awr yr wythnos dros 22 wythnos) o oriau wedi’u hamserlenni i ymchwiliad annibynnol dan oruchwyliaeth aelod o staff academaidd.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Sgiliau deallusol

Ar gwblhad y modiwl, bydd y myfyriwr yn gallu dangos deallusrwydd manwl a dwys o’r pwnc penodol bydd ar ymyl y ffin lefel ymchwil.

Sgiliau cemegol  

Ar gwblhad y modiwl, bydd y myfyriwr yn gallu:

  1. Cynllunio a chwblhau ymchwiliad gwreiddiol o’r pwnc, boed yn gemeg ymarferol neu ddamcaniaethol;
  2. Chwilio a dewis o’r llenyddiaeth gwyddonol, ei drafod yn gritigol yng nghyswllt y prosiect gan asesu’n critigol y gwaith blaenorol yn y maes;
  3. Nodi’r canlyniadau mewn modd addas, gan gyfeirio tugat at risg a pherygl lle’n briodol;
  4. Cynllunio a chreu adroddiad manwl mewn ffurf addas ar bob agwedd o’r prosiect;
  5. Cyflwyno darlith ar yr ymchwil gan gynnwys ateb cwestiynau a ofynnir;
  6. Amddiffyn yr adroddiad mewn arholiad ar lafar.

Sgiliau trosglwyddadwy 

Ar gwblhad y modiwl, bydd y myfyriwr yn gallu cyflwyno ac amddiffyn yr ymchwil yn dilyn ymchwiliad manwl.

How the module will be assessed

Bydd y modiwl yn cael asesu ar sail berfformiad yn y labordy, yr adroddiad ysgrifenedig a’r cyflwyniad ar lafar (viva voce).

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 40 Adroddiad ysgrifenedig N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Cyfraniad deallusol ac ymarferol N/A
Presentation 20 Cyflwyniad ar lafar N/A
Oral/Aural Assessment 20 Arholiad ar lafar N/A

Syllabus content

Mae’r modiwl yma’n cynnwys un prosiect ymchwil wedi’i oruchwylio dros ystod ddau semester mewn unrhyw faes addas o fewn cemeg (lle bo’n bosib). Bydd y gwaith yn cynnwys astudiaethau newydd, adolygiad o’r llenyddiaeth wyddonol a chwblhad adroddiad o’r prosiect a fydd yn cael ei asesu ar lafar. 

Bydd pynciau fel arfer yn cynnwys gwaith ymarferol yn y labordy, ond mae prosiectau damcaniaethol yn bosib, mewn meysydd addas.

CH4405: Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4405
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

In this module, the application of biophysical and computational techniques to study interactions in biological and medicinal chemistry research will be discussed. Students will appreciate what information can be gained from each technique and learn how to plan experiments and interpret the resulting data. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to study interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules. 

  • Decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to obtain structural information for interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules. 

  • Interpret the results from biophysical and computational techniques. 

  • Critically assess the validity of results from biophysical and computational techniques on the basis of an understanding of the physical basis of these techniques. 


How the module will be delivered

The module is taught using a combination of online recordings, 10 two-hour interactive workshop-style lectures, and  2 x one-hour tutorials, as detailed in the weekly module map. The online recordings present the required theory and students are required to watch the recordings before the corresponding interactive workshop-style lectures. The interactive lectures then apply the theory as presented in the recordings to exam-style problem-solving exercises. The module also includes a summatively assessed open-book exam-style in-class workshop. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Student will practise and develop skills in 1) discussing how biomolecular interaction mechanisms become accepted theory through the evaluation of biophysical and computational data and how such interaction mechanisms are falsifiable theories; 2) deciding which experimental techniques are most appropriate for solving problems in biophysical chemistry; 3) defending and falsifying a scientific proposal using data. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed through an open-book class test and an exam. 

The summatively assessed open-book class test assesses the student’s ability to decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to study interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to obtain structural information for interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; interpret the results from biophysical and computational techniques; critically assess the validity of results from biophysical and computational techniques on the basis of an understanding of the physical basis of these techniques. The open-book class test also serves as a practice exam. 

The exam assesses the student’s ability to decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to study interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to obtain structural information for interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; interpret the results from biophysical and computational techniques; critically assess the validity of results from biophysical and computational techniques on the basis of an understanding of the physical basis of these techniques. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessments take the same format as the original assessments. 


Type of assess             Contrib     Title                                                                       Duration      Approx. date of Assess.

Autumn Exam                80                  Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry    2 hours        May/June

Open-book class test     20                 Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry     2 hours         Week 11 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 80 Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 20 Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry N/A

Syllabus content

All content is mandatory.  

Spectroscopic techniques 

Principles of UV-visible, fluorescence, FRET, circular dichroism, vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopies as used in biophysical studies. The use of temperature-dependent spectroscopy to obtain thermodynamic data. Data acquisition and interpretation. 

Solution calorimetric techniques 

DSC and ITC. Data acquisition and interpretation. 

Other techniques 

Further biophysical techniques, including surface plasmon resonance (SPR); SPR instrumentation; SPR methods for determining equilibrium constants and kinetics; biolayer interferometry; SwitchSENSE; Mass spectrometry for study of biomolecules; electrochemical techniques and other modern techniques in biophysical chemistry. 

Data analysis 

Applications of biophysical techniques to the study of biomolecular structure and interactions, including data analysis and estimation of error margins. 

Structure-based methods 

Computer-based methods for docking small molecule ligands into protein binding sites; Introduction to developing and validating scoring functions to determine qualitative ligand binding free energies. 

Computing the energies of protein/ligand complexes using empirical force field methods; Molecular dynamics simulations and computer-based conformational sampling methods to obtain quantitative estimates of ligand binding free energies. 

Introduction to X-ray crystallography and cryogenic electron microscopy for acquiring atomic details of biomolecular structures and their complexes with small molecule ligands; overview of 1D and multi-dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods to determine the structure of biomolecules and protein/ligand complexes. 

CH4408: Modern Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4408
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jennifer Edwards
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module demonstrates fundamental concepts in catalysis and expands on these to demonstrate how modern catalysis addresses major chemical and environmental challenges. These challenges include 

  • Environmental air and water protection (through control of VOC and CO air emissions and chemical/biological remediation of wastewater), 

  • Using catalysis to provide clean energy (through the development of sustainable non-fossil fuel sources, and processes underpinning clean hydrogen generation), 

  • Upgrading low-value and waste products to provide alternative, non-fossil pathways to commodity and fine chemicals, 

  • Alternative sustainable pathways for hydrogen peroxide synthesis, and integration of parallel oxidation processes to generate high oxidation products in a more sustainable way, 

  • Fine and bulk chemical synthesis of chemicals crucial for modern living, 

  • Replacing supply-limited precious metal catalysts by less rare materials, 

The basic principles of catalysts synthesis will be covered, and the importance of complementary catalyst characterisation methods (to identify the active site) will be highlighted. Information on the physical properties of the catalyst will be used to demonstrate catalysts mechanisms. The content will draw strongly on the complementary fields of nanoscience, solid-state chemistry, surface science, organometallic chemistry, and synthetic organic chemistry.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

On successful completion of the module you should be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental principles of structure, function and activity of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts in modern catalytic processes, 

  • Evaluate experimental data from catalysts performance experiments and relate this to physical and chemical information describing catalyst structure and then use this to propose a catalytic mechanism solution , 

  • Apply concepts of homogeneous catalysis to propose hypotheses and detailed reaction mechanisms for homogeneous modern catalytic reactions, 

  • Describe how ligand design enables better chemo-, regio- and stereo-control in homogeneous catalysis 

  • Propose original catalytic solutions to emerging real-world problems and suggest potential catalysts for unseen problems. 


How the module will be delivered

You will receive course content delivered primarily using face to face lectures. The course consists of 10 x 2 hour lectures during the Spring semester, with approximately 3 lectures a week for 3-4 weeks.  Lectures may include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to  address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face to face lectures.  

Lecture material will be supported by two workshops. These are formative and will take the form of face to face sessions, and these will focus on supporting problem solving based on material from lectures. These formative workshops will provide you with guidance and support for the assessed coursework and examination A single summative coursework assessment will be released after the final lecture. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

You will develop chemistry specific skills, focussed on applying ideas from fundamental physical and inorganic chemistry to understand how these can be applied to provide solutions in modern catalysis applications. 

You will apply these fundamental concepts to understand heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts and how they operate. You will assess physical and chemical characteristics (determined from characterisation techniques) to determine how the key catalyst features relate to activity and use this to propose catalyst mechanisms. 

You will develop skills in translational catalytic application by understanding the wider content that emerging modern chemical challenges present, and developing and adapting established catalysis processes to address them. 

Developing these skills in the principles of heterogeneous catalysis will allow you to start to select appropriate catalysts for specific target reactions, and appreciate how catalysts could be applied to solve pressing issues around sustainability, reaching net zero carbon targets and tackling environmental challenges. 

The module develops a number of your transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval, prioritisation and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability. 


How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a written examination and a written piece of coursework. 

A two hour closed book written exam will test your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and your ability to apply the techniques and concepts covered to problems solving that are related to familiar and unseen examples.  

The summative coursework will allow you to demonstrate your ability to review and evaluate research from the literature through the preparation of a short written report (2 pages). You will be able to choose between 2 questions relating to homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis and will need to identify how original, peer reviewed research articles can be used to address the specific problem outlined. You will receive feedback on your coursework well before the written exam. 

Your learning will also be supported by the formative workshops, and feedback provided either orally or in writing during and after the sessions. There will be a focus on supporting problem solving based on applying knowledge and understanding of modern catalyst approaches for unseen, emerging applications. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment format will be a 2 hour closed book examination paper. 


Type of assess            % Contrib   Title                                  Duration          Approx. date of Assess

Exam paper                  80                 Modern Catalysis            2 hours             Spring exam period 

Written assessment      20                 Coursework                     N/A                  Feb-Mar 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Modern Catalysis 2
Written Assessment 20 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

The syllabus will cover 3 main themes: 

(i)           Catalysts for environmental protection -  This part of the module concentrates mainly on catalytic treatment of emissions from stationary sources. This will also focus on the removal of biological and chemical contaminants from water (in both industrial and domestic settings). This theme also focusses on clean energy, with green carbon sources discussed, and the hydrogen economy (and the catalytic processes that provide it) emphasised.  There is further emphasis on the fundamental underlying aspects of the chemistry, in respect to catalyst preparation, microscopic, macroscopic and surface structure, and probing the catalytic mechanism. 

(ii)        Homogeneous catalysis in the 21stcentury  - This part of the module considers how established homogeneous catalytic systems can be improved in terms of both cost and environmental impact.  In particular, application of the principles of ‘green catalysis’ will be emphasised with regard to the nature of the catalyst, the chemical process itself and greener alternatives to established materials. 

(iii)        Grand challenges for catalysis –Fundamental catalyst studies can be translated to technology and process improvements, where lab scale discoveries are exploited on a commercial level, improving process efficiency using less toxic catalyst materials. Examples of novel and more sustainable production routes of fine and commodity chemicals will be explored. The processing of waste streams (with emphasis on non-fossil source) to value added chemicals will be illustrated. Integration of heterogeneous catalysis processes into chemical synthesis routes to provide less energy intensive chemical synthesis will be demonstrated. 

Essential Reading and Resource List 

 ‘Handbook of Green Chemistry – Green Catalysis’: Vol. 1 Homogeneous Catalysis; Vol. 2 Heterogeneous Catalysis, eds. P. Anastas and R.H. Crabtree, Wiley VCH, 2009 

“Grand challenges for catalysis in the Science and Technology Roadmap on Catalysis for Europe: moving ahead for a sustainable future” P. Lanzafame, S. Perathoner, G. Centi, S. Gross, E.J.M. Hensen,, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017, 75182-5194. 

CH4409: Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH4409
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


Spectroscopy is one of the central pillars of chemistry, providing essential information on the reactants, products and critically, intermediates, involved in every chemical reaction studied. In this module, we discuss applications of spectroscopy across a very broad range of fields with a particular emphasis on interfacial and atmospheric processes where Cardiff has particular expertise. The module describes some aspects of the cutting edge of research being undertaken in the School and discusses the unique tools being exploited at Cardiff to investigate these areas. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe a range of experimental methods for determining surface structural and spectroscopic information.  

  • Explain the basic concepts underpinning a range of surface sensitive techniques and use that knowledge to understand experimental data generated by the techniques.  

  • Describe the difference between electron microscopy techniques, including scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. 

  • Critically evaluate why electron microscopy and aberration-correction is required for atomic-resolution imaging. 

  • Apply understanding of spectroscopic techniques in the electron microscope to determine composition and oxidation state of sample data. 

  • Describe Wood’s system of surface structure notation and demonstrate its application in new situations. 

  • Explain why there are problems inherent in obtaining information from surfaces under ambient conditions, and of the techniques being employed to address these problems. 

  • Interpret data acquired from a range of surface sensitive spectroscopies and microscopies 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 3 one-hour formative class tutorials. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

The module aims to create an awareness of the special problems of studying the nanoscale and the interface region and the tools that re available to address those problems. Students will be trained to identify the special circumstances of spectroscopy in these fields, to recognise the information that can be obtained and the best choice of tools to gather that data and finally in the methods that can be used to extract useful information from the data the different microscopies and spectroscopies produce. 

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will consist of two parts: 

  • One two-hour exam consisting of four compulsory questions reflecting the three elements of the course. 

  • One piece of written coursework which will take approximately 2 hours to complete and will consist of a set of questions from across the module syllabus.  

Formative Assessment 

  • For each of the three segments of the course, a worksheet of questions will be issued and discussed at a scheduled “tutorial” allowing students the chance to assess their competence. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assess     % Contrib.   Title                                                                            Duration       Approx. date of Assess

Spring Exam          80                 Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods     2 hours         May 

CW                         20                Workshop                                                                                        Feb-March

Resit Exam            100               Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods     2 hours         Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 80 Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods 2
Written Assessment 20 Written Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Fundamental principles of interface spectroscopy and microscopy 

  • Fundamental limitations of spectroscopy at interfaces and methods of addressing them 

  • Advanced experimental methods for exploring interface science 

  • Surface structures and conventions for describing them 

  • Experimental methods for exploring surface structure 

  • Use of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy for understanding material structure. 

  • EELS and EDXS for determining composition and oxidation state. 

  • Factors influencing resolution of electron microscopy. 

  • The unique advantages and applications of synchrotron light sources for probing interface environments 

  • XPS, XAFS and real-time “operando” measurements applied to metallic and oxide catalytic surfaces in situ 

CH7401: One Semester Project for Exchange Students

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH7401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

How the module will be delivered

The student will undertake a project in a research laboratory under the supervision of a member of academic staff.  The results will be presented in a written report.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

CH7401: One Semester Project for Exchange Students

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH7401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module is only available to exchange students.  A student taking this module will gain experience of original research, and have the opportunity to put into safe practice the previous training in techniques and methods of chemistry, and to produce a dissertation to a professional standard including review of appropriate literature.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  1. describe in detail the chemistry of the chosen topic, including background information from the literature and new results;
  2. explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills

On completion of the module the student will be able to show a detailed and advanced mastery of a specific topic at the research frontier level.

Chemistry–specific skills

On completion of the module the student will be able to:

  1. plan and carry out an original investigation in a topic from any part of practical or theoretical chemistry;
  2. select source literature and place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work;
  3. record all working notes in an appropriate manner, with reference to risk and hazard where applicable;
  4. plan and compose a detailed report in standard format on all aspects of the project.

Transferable skills

On completion of the module the student will be able to present and defend a case following detailed study.

How the module will be assessed

Assessment will be based both on performance in the laboratory and the quality of the written report.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over a single semester, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report.

Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas.

CH8401: Long Project for Exchange Students

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 120
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module is only available to exchange students.  A student taking this module will gain experience of original research, and have the opportunity to put into safe practice the previous training in techniques and methods of chemistry, and to produce a dissertation to a professional standard including review of appropriate literature.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

a) describe in detail the chemistry of the chosen topic, including background information from the literature and new results;

b) explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project.

How the module will be delivered

The student will undertake a project in a research laboratory under the supervision of a member of academic staff.  The results will be presented in a written report.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills

The student will be able to show a detailed and advanced mastery of a specific topic at the research frontier level.

Chemistry –specific skills

The student will be able to:

a) plan and carry out an original investigation in a topic from any part of practical or theoretical chemistry;

b) select source literature and place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work;

c) record all working notes in an appropriate manner, with reference to risk and hazard where applicable;

d) plan and compose a detailed report in standard format on all aspects of the project.

Transferable skills

The student will be able to present and defend a case following detailed study.

How the module will be assessed

Assessment will be based both on performance in the laboratory and the quality of the written report.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over a full academic year, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report. Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas.

CH8402: Frontiers in Ligand Design and Coordination Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8402
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Benjamin Ward
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will focus on the structure and design of ligands in the development of functional metal complexes.  Three areas will be covered, representing a cross section of pertinent problems in this area, these will be a) the development of catalysts based upon s and f block metals; b) the study of ligand dynamics and their influence on the structure and activity of metal complexes; and c) the stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of p-block elements.  The module will cover the synthesis of targeted ligand precursors, the coordination chemistry of these ligands, and their influence on specific types of reactivity.  Attention will be given to the analysis of structure-activity relationships.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Show an awareness of the electronic properties of the s, p, d, and f block metals.
  • Show an awareness of how ligand structure influences the structure of metal complexes.
  • Appreciate the reactivity of metal complexes, and how this can be influenced by changes in the supporting ligands.
  • Identify structure-activity relationships in coordination complexes, particularly focussing on ligand structure and coordination geometry vs. reactivity.


  • Relate the electronic structure of metals to the observed reactivity of metal complexes.
  • Understand the properties of ligands, and how design features can be used to control the properties of metal complexes.
  • Understand the dynamic nature of many metal complexes, and relate this to observed reactivity patterns.

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 4 1-hour class tutorials, and consists of three distinct blocks, each covering a different aspect of advanced ligand design and coordination chemistry. Each block will consist of lectures supported by an assessed piece of coursework.  The three blocks will mirror the three sections described above: (a) the development of catalysts based upon s and f block metals; (b) the study of ligand dynamics and their influence on the structure and activity of metal complexes; and (c) the stoichiometric and catalytic reactions of p-block elements .

Skills that will be practised and developed

Ability to analyse and review the details of ligand design and coordination chemistry, and relate these concepts to physical and chemical properties.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Frontiers in Ligand Design and Coordination Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

The applications of ligand design and coordination chemistry to a range of areas, including catalysis and bioinorganic chemistry, with an emphasis on the ability of controlling the properties and reactivity of metal complexes by ligand design.

The properties of d0metals in polymerisation catalysis

A detailed mechanistic understanding of the properties and reactivity of d0metal alkyl and alkyl cations will be discussed.  These complexes have most widely studied in the context of alkene polymerisation, and this type of reactivity will be used to exemplify the reactivity of d0complexes.  The level of detail moves on from that covered in Year 3, encompassing the catalyst structures required for the production of stereospecific polymers.  This area will also cover the use of lanthanides in polymerisation catalysis, as well as the polymerisation of cyclic esters, commonly used as biodegradable polymers.

Heterofunctionalisation catalysis

The role of d0metal complexes as catalysts for a range of organic transformations will be discussed, with particular focus on hydroamination, hydrogenation, hydrosilylation, hydrophosphination, and hydroboration.  A particular focus will be given to looking at the mechanisms of these reactions, for which there are less reaction steps possible (e.g. oxidative addition is precluded).

The applications of alkaline earth metals in catalysis

The advent of the alkaline earth metals, particularly Mg and Ca, for catalytic processes will be discussed, including their role in hydroamination, hydrosilylation, and hydrogenation catalysis.  The scope and limitations, as well as catalytic reaction mechanisms will be covered.

N-heterocyclic carbenes

- Introduction to N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHC) as ligands and their complexes with transition metals, providing knowledge of the routes to their synthesis as well as on their structure, reactivity and electronic/steric properties. The scope and advantages of metal NHC compounds and their application in catalysis.

Cyclometalated compounds

- Cyclometalated metal complexes (with C,N, C,N,N, and C,N,C ligands) with emphasis on the synthesis and reactivity, as well as on ligand design to fine tune their chemico-physical properties. Examples of Au(III) cyclometalated complexes synthesis and applications.

p-Block organometallics

Introduction to p-block organometallics, including structure and reactivity

Introduction to frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs), and their role in catalysis

CH8403: Bio-imaging Applications of Coordination Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8403
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Simon Pope
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module consists of three main topics associated with the application of inorganic coordination compounds to biological and biomedical imaging: optical, magnetic resonance and radioimaging will be covered. The module will provide a brief technical background to each of the imaging modalities and then focus upon the use and application of metal coordination compounds in each. Aspects of synthesis, spectroscopic characterisation and molecular design will be described, and the ability to rationalise the relationship between complex structure and function (including the biological context) will be a fundamental focus.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • know the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin optical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and radioimaging via SPECT and PET techniques.
  • understand the concepts that drive the ligand design and choice of metal ion for a given imaging application
  • know the synthetic pathways to the target species, and spectroscopic techniques required for elucidating the key physical properties of the imaging agents.
  • know the key methodologies for ensuring biocompatibility and complex stability in vitro and in vivo.


  • understand how spectroscopic techniques can be used to underpin the design of imaging agents.
  • understand the pros and cons of different classes of metal complex species to a given imaging technique
  • appreciate the biological implications and restrictions associated with the different imaging modalities.

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 4 1-hour class tutorials, and consists of three distinct blocks, each covering a different imaging modality and the type of metal complex that can be applied to it.  A series of lectures will introduce these topics. Three workshops will be used to introduce students to the state-of-the-art via the primary literature.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Ability to rationalise ligand structure, metal complex physical properties, biocompatibility and subsequent applications to a given imaging technique.

The engagement with the primary literature and an ability to scientifically critique published material will be developed.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Bio-imaging Applications of Coordination Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Optical imaging using Luminescence

Background on confocal fluorescence microscopy for cellular imaging

Background on photophysics – Stokes shift, Jablonski diagram, time resolved vs steady state measurements,  quenching pathways, types of emission, tuning emission through ligand design.

Types of TM-based lumophore including descriptions of ligand design, photophysics and applications to imaging and biocompatibility

                  - d6 Ru(II), Os(II), Re(I), Ir(III)

                  - d8 Pt(II)

                  - d10 Au(I)

Types of Ln(III)-based lumophore including descriptions of ligand design, photophysics and applications to imaging and biocompatibility

                  - visible emission using Eu(III) and Tb(III)

                  - near-IR emission using Nd(III) and Yb(III)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Contrast Agents

Background on magnetic resonance imaging. The history and the basic principles of the experiment.

Background on the fundamental properties and design of T1 and T2 contrast agents.

Types of complexes used for T1 contrast- lanthanide, transition metal and organic molecules.

Types of complexes used for T2 contrast- lanthanides and transition metal clusters.

Using CEST and PARACEST for imaging.

Assessing new contrast agents –solubility, stability and the NMRD.

Dual mode imaging and the theranostic approach.

Gamma Radio-Imaging via SPECT and PET

Background to gamma imaging – physical basis of the techniques, data capture and imaging
Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) -
general properties of PET/SPECT isotopes, half lives, imaging resolution, biological matching

Background to functional imaging vs. structural imaging –
organ perfusion imaging, inflammation imaging, bone imaging (SPECT)
biologically active PET probes (FDG, F-DOPA, etc.)

Ligand design for SPECT and PET isotopes and metal complexes –
Tc complexes for SPECT
Ga, Cu, Zr, Y complexes in PET

CH8404: Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8404
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Thomas Wirth
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a range of examples exposing the students to sophisticated methods in stereoselective synthesis. Building on previous knowledge, advanced methods for stereocontrol in total synthesis, preparation of enantiomerically pure drug molecules, development of stereoselective rearrangement processes as well as the introduction of various enabling technologies will be the main focus of this module. Throughout, the ability to extract stereochemically relevant information from complex syntheses will be a major focus.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Appreciate the range of synthetic methods available to prepare enantiomerically pure molecules.
  • Know the strategies and reagents required to generate and implement new stereochemical elements within target-oriented syntheses.
  • Identify key problems in both small-scale academic synthesis and large scale industrial synthesis of stereochemically pure compounds.
  • Identify different reaction technology equipment and summarise the key criteria to consider before using it.


  • Understand the principles and strategies of stereoselective alkene functionalization.
  • Understand main principles in the use of enabling technologies and related industrial issues together with application to target molecules.
  • Recognize where organocatalysis can be applied in synthesis and which strategies in this area are available.
  • Explain when alternative tools and techniques may offer significant benefit to a desired reaction outcome.

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 4 1-hour class tutorials, and consists of three blocks, each covering a different aspect of asymmetric synthesis. An initial set of lectures will be used to revise already known principles and reactions and introduce novel methods that can be used to tackle certain problems in asymmetric synthesis together with their theoretical background and any strengths or weaknesses associated with them. These will be followed by three units in which such methods are applied to chemical problems.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Ability to analyse stereochemical problems and provide synthetic solutions.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Alkene Functionalisations

Introduction to advanced asymmetric synthesis. Stereoselective functionalisations of double bonds: Briefly revising Sharpless AE and ADH, Jacobsen (year 3), then introduction of other electrophilic reagents including selenium- and iodine-based compounds.  Applications in total synthesis and the synthesis of bioactive compounds will be discussed.

Enabling Tools for Organic Synthesis

As synthesis moves in to the modern era so too does the way in which chemists can conduct chemistry. This part of the course introduces the technical considerations needed for using existing and futuristic synthesis tools such as microwave reactors, photochemical reactors, electrochemistry and continuous flow chemistry. Important factors are being considered when conducting reactions using these methods, there will also be a strong focus on the types of synthetic chemistry suited to these modes.


Organocatalysis is defined as the use of a sub-stoichiometric amount of an organic molecule to accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction. This part will serve as an introduction to the diverse and exciting field of organocatalysis and will specifically cover: a historical perspective; benefits and limitations; catalyst synthesis; covalent and non-covalent organocatalytic activation modes; selectivity (regio-, diastereo- and enantiocontrol); applications within industry; applications towards the synthesis of biologically active compounds.

CH8405: Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8405
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

In this module, the application of physical techniques and artificially modified biomolecules to problems in structure and mechanism in biological chemistry research will be discussed. Students will appreciate what information can be gained from each technique and learn how to plan experiments and interpret the resulting data for probing structure, dynamics and reactivity.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • decide which experimental techniques are most appropriate for solving problems in biological chemistry;
  • understand how chemical, physical and biological techniques can be combined to address complex problems;
  • understand how biophysical techniques are used to study interactions between biomacromolecules, and between small molecules and biomacromolecules;
  • decide which (bio)physical techniques are appropriate for the study of interactions.
  • interpret the results of biophysical interaction studies;
  • discuss previous knowledge of photo-chemistry in a biological context;
  • understand how to use NMR and X-ray crystallography to get structural information for protein-protein interactions and protein-small molecule interactions;
  • have an insight in enzyme catalytic mechanisms based on enzyme structure.  

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 3 1-hour class tutorials, covering different aspects of organic and biological chemistry. A series of lectures will introduce the methods that can be used to tackle problems in this area, analytical techniques involved and the theoretical background as well as any strengths or weaknesses associated with them. This will be further broadened and deepened in the class tutorials.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Solution of problems by application of knowledge from different areas of chemistry, physics and biology.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Spectroscopic techniques

Principles of UV/Vis, fluorescence, FRET, circular dichroism, vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopies as used in biophysical studies. The use of temperature-dependent spectroscopy to obtain thermodynamic data. Data acquisition and interpretation.

Solution calorimetric techniques

DSC and ITC. Data acquisition and interpretation.

Other techniques

Further biophysical techniques, including surface plasmon resonance (SPR); SPR instrumentation; SPR methods for determining equilibrium constants and kinetics; biolayer interferometry; SwitchSENSE; Mass spectrometry for study of biomolecules; electrochemical techniques and other modern techniques in biophysical chemistry.

Data analysis

Applications of these techniques to the study of biomolecular structure and interactions, including data analysis and estimation of error margins.

Application of 1D and multi-dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) for molecular interactions; Introduction to X-ray crystallography for acquiring atomic details of biomolecular structures; computation based on reliable structure information. Introduction to protein engineering; rationale for engineering proteins and introduction to protein engineering strategies; mutagenesis, protein libraries. 

CH8406: Molecular Modelling (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8406
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Peter Knowles
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module exposes students to the range of computational methods that can be applied to diverse chemical problems, from the structure and property of molecules to chemical thermodynamics, kinetics and reactivity. Methods for describing molecules, ranging from quantum chemical and molecular orbital methods for relatively small molecules to atomistic simulation of larger, more complex systems will be discussed. Throughout, the ability to extract chemically relevant properties from molecular modelling experiments will be a major focus.

On completion of the module a student should be able to


  • Appreciate the range of modelling methods available to tackle chemical problems.
  • Know the fundamentals of theories underpinning such methods.
  • Identify the key results obtained from calculations, and interpret these with regard to the physics/chemistry of the problem.


  • Realise the strengths and limitations of various modelling methods for tackling chemical problems.
  • Understand the scope of particular methods, appreciate the errors involved and how to estimate and control such errors
  • Appreciate the trade-off between accuracy and computational resources.

How the module will be delivered

This module consists of four distinct blocks, each covering a different aspect of molecular modelling, delivered through five hours of lectures, and supplemented by class tutorials.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Ability to analyse and critically assess various approaches to computational simulation of chemical systems.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Molecular Modelling (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

A selection of applications across the spectrum of molecular modelling techniques, including the structure and properties of molecules and their potential energy surfaces, chemical energetics and thermodynamics, chemical reactivity and kinetics.

Molecular Electronic Structure

Correlated wavefunction and density-functional methods; electromagnetic properties; excited states; intermolecular interactions

Model Force Fields

Parameterised forms for bonded interactions; functional forms and methods for parameterisation; specifics for non-bonded interactions: charges, multipoles, Leonard-Jones & Buckingham potentials; application to organic and inorganic systems

Electronic Structure for Catalysis Applications

Hartree-Fock and Density-Functional theories for periodic solids; molecular and dissociative adsorption

Molecular Dynamics

Fundamentals of Molecular Dynamics; Born-Oppenheimer, Ehrenfest and Car-Parrinello dynamics; time propagation algorithms; periodic boundary conditions; radial distribution functions; thermodynamics of ensembles; examples of applications

CH8407: Advanced Materials (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8407
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module aims to develop an understanding of the synthesis, characterization, simulation and applications of specific advanced materials in the modern chemical environment.

The course will cover modelling nanoparticles; colloid systems in industry and healthcare; heterogeneous catalysis with nanoparticles and bulk catalysts; and the synthesis and characterisation of these advanced materials.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing(these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):

  • Demonstrate awareness of different methods for synthesising advanced materials
  • Describe different techniques that can be for advanced materials characterization
  • Explain the influence of the structure on the properties of different advanced materials.
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of molecular modelling in probing material properties.
  • Demonstrate some appreciation for the important factors in formulating a new colloidal product and understand the functional limitations on materials used for drug delivery compared to alternative applications.

Acting(Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Identify the key methods for the characterisation of advanced, including their applicability and limitations.
  • Understand and predict key properties of materials based on characterisation data.
  • Predict the effect different external factors will have on the structure and properties of advanced materials.

Being(Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Link synthetic methods for advanced materials with their properties and activity for different processes.
  • Link desired observables with appropriate simulation methods.
  • Design characterization plans to determine key performance indicators for advanced materials.

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 10 × 2 hour lectures that will introduce the topics laid out in the syllabus that address the “Knowing” Learning Outcomes, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement of the “Acting” and “Being” Learning Outcomes.

Students will be expected to supplement these lectures with independent research of texts, specialist reviews and peer-reviewed literature.

Tutorials (4 × 1 h) will be used to supplement the lecture material, go through worked examples, enhance problem-solving skills and develop the skills necessary to achieve the “Acting” and “Being” Learning Outcomes.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry-specific skills will be focused on applying ideas from fundamental physical and inorganic chemistry to understand how these can be applied to advanced materials for different applications. Students will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of materials can be controlled by tuning the synthesis procedure and how advanced characterisation methods can be used to help derive structure activity relationships. The module will also involve a large element of problem solving.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Advanced Materials (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Colloidal systems: This part of the module will focus on structure-activity relationships in colloidal systems relevant to important applications in industry and healthcare, plus advanced methods used for their characterisation. Topics will include: advanced characterisation techniques, structure activity relationships in surfactants, polymer solutions, polymer particle interactions, polymer surfactant interactions and a case study – colloids in drug delivery.

Synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts: This part of the module will focus on the synthesis of catalysts and supports. It will include case studies of different catalyst systems. Different synthesis methods will be introduced such as sol-gel, hard and soft templating, antisolvent precipitation to prepare bulk catalysts and supports. Methods of preparing supported catalysts will also be covered including impregnation, deposition-precipitation and the use of pre-formed sols.

Modelling nanoparticles:This part of the module will focus on nanoparticles and how they can be modelled. It will include mono and bimetallic nanoparticles, nanoparticle-support interactions and how these modify the structural and electronic properties and how the environment can change the functionality of nanoparticles.

CH8408: Modern Catalysis (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8408
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jennifer Edwards
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of lectures and class tutorials that will develop many of the fundamental concepts in catalysis, and show how they can be applied to some of the major challenges in chemistry, including:

·       Environmental protection (through control of NOx, VOC and CO emissions)

·       Using catalysis to generate clean energy

·       Upgrading low-value and waste products

·       Fine and bulk chemical synthesis

·       Replacing supply-limited precious metal catalysts by less rare materials

The content will draw strongly on the complementary fields of nanoscience, solid-state chemistry, surface science, organometallic chemistry, and synthetic organic chemistry. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Relate catalyst structure to surface reactivity

·       Explain relevant theory such as electronic metal-support interaction

·       Compose hypotheses and propose detailed reaction mechanisms for homogeneous reactions

·       Demonstrate understanding of bimetallic catalysis systems, and how these affect substrate conversion and product selectivity

Appreciate and understand how ligand design enables better chemo-, regio- and stereo-control in homogeneous catalysis

·       Propose original catalytic solutions to real-world problems

More specifically:

Knowing (these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):

  • Demonstrate awareness of the application of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts for a range of modern processes and reactions.
  • Demonstrate understanding of structure, function and activity of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts.
  • Describe the fundamental principles and mechanisms of various catalysts.

Acting (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Evaluate experimental data from catalyst performance and relate this to catalyst characteristics.
  • Propose mechanisms for a range of catalysed transformations covering a wide range of chemistry.
  • Propose key catalyst characteristics to effectively catalyse a wide range of reactions that are important for modern processes.

Being (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

Critically assess data relating to catalyst performance, communicating key concepts and characteristics, and suggest potential catalysts for unseen reactions.

How the module will be delivered

This module consists of 10 lectures (each 2 hours) and 4 interactive sessions (1 hour class tutorials).  The lectures will cover the 4 main themes that are listed under Syllabus Content.  The class tutorials will comprise analysis of research publications.   

Skills that will be practised and developed

The skills acquired will prepare the student for the application of the principles of ‘green catalysis’.

  • Catalyst evaluation: Assessing the advantages and limitations of emergent catalysts and catalytic technologies
  • Catalyst design: Selecting the components of high-performance catalysts that can be regenerated and recycled
  • Process optimisation: Proposing strategies for optimising the performance (rate, selectivity, durability) of catalysts and catalytic reactors

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Modern Catalysis (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

The syllabus will cover 3 main themes:

(i)           Catalysts for environmental protection -  This module concentrates mainly on treatment of emissions from stationary sources, as well as water purification. There is particular emphasis on the fundamental aspects of the chemistry, in respect to catalyst preparation, microscopic, macroscopic and surface structure, and probing the catalytic mechanism.

(ii)        Homogeneous catalysis in the 21stcentury  - This part of the module considers how established homogeneous catalytic systems can be improved in terms of both cost and environmental impact.  In particular, application of the principles of ‘green catalysis’ will be emphasised with regard to the nature of the catalyst, the chemical process itself and greener alternatives to established materials.

(iii)        Grand challenges for catalysis –Fundamental catalyst studies can be translated to technology and process improvements, where lab scale discoveries are exploited on a commercial level, improving process efficiency using less toxic catalyst materials. Examples of novel production routes of fine chemicals, and processing of waste streams to value added chemicals will be illustrated. 

CH8409: Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8409
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Spectroscopy is one of the central pillars of chemistry, providing essential information on the reactants, products and critically, intermediates, involved in every chemical reaction studied. In this module, we discuss applications of spectroscopy across a very broad range of fields with a particular emphasis on interfacial and atmospheric processes where Cardiff has particular expertise. The module describes some aspects of the cutting edge of research being undertaken in the School and discusses the unique tools being exploited at Cardiff to investigate these areas.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • use properties of electronic potential energy surfaces to explain dynamical outcomes of chemical reactions
  • be able to describe and understand basic scenarios in which the Born-Oppenheimer approximation breaks down, and how that effects reaction outcomes
  • be able to detail several experimental techniques for probing gas phase spectroscopy and reaction dynamics
  • appreciate the fundamental principles of interface spectroscopy & microscopy
  • describe surface structures and discuss methods of determining them
  • interpret data acquired from a range of surface sensitive spectroscopies and microscopies
  • understand how synchrotron radiation is generated and the significance of using tuneable wavelengths of light from the synchrotron.
  • understand various enhanced mechanisms of Raman spectroscopy applied to adsorbates.
  • know the surface selection rules and their uses.

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 4 one-hour class tutorials.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Please see Learning Outcomes.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

Gas phase spectroscopy and dynamics

  • Potential energy surfaces governing the outcomes of ground state reaction dynamics
    • To and from the Polanyi rules
  • Potential energy surfaces governing the outcomes of excited state dynamics
    • Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
  • Spectroscopic probes for gas phase chemical reaction dynamics
    • The advantages offered by the simplicity of gas phase measurements
    • Advanced spectroscopic techniques for state-selective chemical detection
    • Increasing the complexity to reduce the uncertainty
  • Extensions to the solution phase and beyond…
    • Can we extend what we know into more complex environments?

Fundamental principles of interface spectroscopy and microscopy

  • Fundamental limitations of spectroscopy at interfaces and methods of addressing them
  • Advanced experimental methods for exploring interface science
  • Surface structures and conventions for describing them
  • Experimental methods for exploring surface structure
  • The unique advantages and applications of synchrotron light sources for probing interface environments
  • EXAFS, and real-time “operando” measurements applied to metallic and oxide catalytic surfaces in situ

Vibrational spectroscopy at surfaces and interfaces

  • Fundamentals of Raman spectroscopy, including its advantages for probing heterogeneous catalytic processes
  • Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for overcoming conventional limitations, including resonance-enhanced, surface-enhanced and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopies
  • Case studies of Raman spectroscopy in heterogeneous catalysis: collection of in situ data; mechanistic studies; restructuring phenomena; probing aqueous phase chemistry

CH8411: Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8411
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor David Willock
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will cover the synthesis, characterisation and simulation of the catalytic materials that find applications in the Green Chemistry and energy sectors. The current trend in chemistry to reduce our dependence on fossil sources of carbon for chemicals and fuels is giving rise to a whole new set of challenges in catalysis. We will survey the synthesis of catalysts and applications that these materials are put to. We will also show how careful characterisation and simulation approaches can give a structure/activity level of understanding in heterogeneous catalysis that helps to design and optimise catalytic materials.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Understand the range of methodologies used in synthesising heterogeneous catalytic material including pre- and post-treatments applied to enhance/control catalytic activity.
  • Describe the control of surface features, material phases and compositions that can be achieved using a variety of synthetic approaches.
  • Understand the characterisation methods used for heterogeneous catalytic materials and discuss the information which each method provides.
  • Discuss the mechanisms of sample catalytic target reactions in the Green Chemistry and Energy sectors.
  • Describe in situ measurements that are used to scope out elementary surface reactions during catalysis.
  • Appreciate the use of computer simulation in establishing the electronic and geometric features of active sites on catalyst surfaces.
  • Understand how computer simulation is applied to map out reaction energetics for key steps in heterogeneously catalysed reactions.

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered through 10 x 2 hr lectures and 4 class tutorials leading into self-learning activities to enhance student understanding and skills in the areas covered by the module. Students will have the opportunity to explore these aspects through independent learning activities alongside the lectures presenting the required material.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to develop their critical analysis and problem solving skills, dealing with data from a variety of methods to come to a rounded understanding of catalyst structure, materials properties and mode of operation in key catalytic processes.

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

The module will cover the synthesis of catalytic materials for Green Chemistry and energy sectors. The characterisation methods used to measure properties such as the solid phases present, the effective surface area of catalysts and spectroscopic inspection of working catalysts will be addressed. The overall aim of the module is to demonstrate how materials characterisation and simulation can help to inform a mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis for key reactions.

CH8412: Supramolecular Chemistry (Study Abroad)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH8412
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Louis Luk
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The objective of this module is to reach an understanding of the nature and magnitude of the intermolecular dynamic interactions that provide the driving force for the association between molecules and/or ions induced by covalent and non-covalent bonding interactions in solution, solid-state and at interfaces. The current trend in modern chemistry is to go beyond the classical molecular approach to provide a deeper understanding of molecular organization at different scales in both artificial and biological systems. We will survey the most important engineering approaches toward the preparation of complex matter along with the main characterization techniques and exploitation approaches for engineering technological-relevant applications. By surfing through the most important examples, we will also show how careful programming of the simple molecular components one can reach higher level of complexity with such a structure/activity level of understanding to design functional supramolecular architectures featuring applications in organic chemistry, chemical biology, materials science and nanotechnology.

Once the basic principles have been covered, the course will move on to a discussion of principles and examples of solution, surface and solid-state self-assembled molecular species and extended molecular frameworks. Specifically, molecular cages, surface self-assembled networks and metal-organic frameworks will be covered, with examples of their sensing and storage applications, before moving on to increasingly complex molecular logic-gates and molecular machines that begin to mimic biological systems in their function.

Additionally, this course will go through the concepts of how nature exploits supramolecular chemistry to perform crucial biological events, such as nucleic acid- and protein- depending function and ion transport. Important biotechnological applications based on self-assembled peptides/DNA, streptavidin:biotin and antibody will be discussed.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Discuss the role of supramolecular chemistry in organic chemistry, chemical biology, materials science and nanotechnology.
  • Explain non-covalent interactions, molecular recognition and self-assembly.
  • Write short descriptions of some of the applications of supramolecular chemistry, including in dynamic covalent chemistry, materials chemistry (e.g. soft materials), biological systems and the construction of nanoscale entities.
  • Describe in situ measurements that are used to study molecular interactions.
  • Display extended comprehension of key chemical concepts and an in-depth understanding of complex matter.
  • Adapt and apply fundamental methodology to the solution of unfamiliar problems and to technology relevant applications.
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of advances at the forefront of the chemical science discipline interfacing with different disciplines.

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered through 10 x 2 hr lectures and 4 hours workshops (two hours including presentation of a research idea, one hour of discussion and one hour for feedback) leading into self-learning activities to enhance student understanding and skills in the areas covered by the module. Students will have the opportunity to explore these aspects through independent learning activities (writing a scientific proposition along) alongside the lectures presenting the required material.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to develop their critical analysis and problem solving skills, dealing with data from a variety of methods to come to a rounded understanding of catalyst structure, materials properties and mode of operation in key catalytic processes. 

How the module will be assessed

The module is summatively assessed via in course assessments.

There is no examination for this module.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Supramolecular Chemistry (Study Abroad) N/A

Syllabus content

The module will cover the principles of molecular recognition:

Basic concepts in self-assembly and self-organization, thermodynamics and kinetics of host-guest processes along with the main characterization techniques (Lectures 1&2); complexation of neutral molecules in aqueous solution and their technological applications - sensors and drug delivery (Lecture 3); non-covalent interactions involving aromatic rings (Lecture 4); hydrogen-, halogen- and chalcogen-bonding interactions (Lecture 5&6); dynamic covalent bonds (Lecture 7); supramolecular polymers (Lecture 8); Template effects & molecular self-assembly approach towards nanostructures in solutions (including molecular cages and inorganic nanotubes), on surfaces (2D networks and topology considerations) and in the solid-state (Lectures 9&10); basic concepts of crystal engineering; MOFs (and COFs), gas storage, separation and sensing applications (Lecture 11-12); applications of molecular recognition in logic gates, including medical diagnostics, colorimetric and luminescent sensors (Lecture 13); molecular machines, from simple catenanes and rotaxanes to more complex multi-station multi-stimuli responsive supramolecular systems, finishing with conceptual and functional links with biological supramolecular chemistry (Lecture 14); basic concepts of molecular recognition in biology, including cell architecture, biomolecular interactions, structure of essential building units, lipids, DNA/RNA, protein, sugar (Lectures 15&16); natural Ion Channels, including peptide-based ion change, cation/anion complexation, cross-membrane ion channel (Lectures 17&18); biotechnological applications (e.g. artificial enzyme design, live cell imaging, cellular import/drug delivery) based on the concepts of supramolecular chemistry; particular examples include DNA-directed synthesis, streptavidin:biotin, self-assembled peptides and antibodies technology and anti-virus drug development (Lectures 19&20).

CH9401: Short Project for Exchange Students

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH9401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module is only available to exchange students.  A student taking this module will gain experience of original research, and have the opportunity to put into safe practice the previous training in techniques and methods of chemistry, and to produce a dissertation to a professional standard including review of appropriate literature.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

a) describe in detail the chemistry of the chosen topic, including background information from the literature and new results;

b) explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project.

How the module will be delivered

The student will undertake a project in a research laboratory under the supervision of a member of academic staff.  The results will be presented in a written report.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills

The student will be able to show a detailed and advanced mastery of a specific topic at the research frontier level.

Chemistry –specific skills

The student will be able to:

a) plan and carry out an original investigation in a topic from any part of practical or theoretical chemistry;

b) select source literature and place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work;

c) record all working notes in an appropriate manner, with reference to risk and hazard where applicable;

d) plan and compose a detailed report in standard format on all aspects of the project.

Transferable skills

The student will be able to present and defend a case following detailed study.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over a single semester, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report. Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas.

CH9401: Short Project for Exchange Students

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CH9401
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 30
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Athanasia Dervisi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

How the module will be assessed

Assessment will be based both on performance in the laboratory and the quality of the written report.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

CHT008: Research Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT008
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Dissertation Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a supervised research project selected from a portfolio prepared by members of staff from their own research interests. In addition to new research work (either within research laboratories or in silico in the case of computational projects), the work will include a literature survey, preparation of a project dissertation and an oral presentation. The dissertation and presentation will be examined orally. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Please enter the learning outcomes of the Module here. The learning outcomes set out what a typical student should know, understand or be able to do by the end of the Module of study. Guidance on writing learning outcomes can be found on the Institutional Expectations intranet pages.

  • Carry out experiments and/or simulations within a team as directed by an academic supervisor and their senior research team members. 

  • Comprehensively explain and critique the chemistry underlying the chosen project to a specialist or lay audience. 

  • Work safely, efficiently and independently on research level tasks. 

  • Critically evaluate current and recent literature/advanced scholarship in the area and employ this to innovate and devise new experiments and/or simulations as the project evolves. 

  • Disseminate results in both report and oral format and defend their work and decision making to peers who have critically evaluated the work. 




How the module will be delivered

Independent investigation, in research laboratories, in silico and in university library resources, supervised by a member of academic staff or their nominee from the relevant research team. 

Cohort level support will be provided in the form of seminars and workshops in essential skills, including Health and Safety (including COSHH), widely used spectroscopic techniques (e.g. NMR spectroscopy), academic writing and presentation. 

Students will be invited to and expected to attend the School’s weekly research seminars. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry specific skills 

  • Plan, innovate and carry out an original investigation into their allocated area of practical and/or theoretical chemistry. 

  • Independently and with self-direction, select primary source literature, place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work. 

  • Record working notes in a professional and appropriate manner, with reference to risks and hazards where applicable. 

  • Plan and compose a detailed report in the standard format required for the research area , allowing a later researcher to repeat the work and understand the context and current level of theory which underpinned this work. 

  • Present a precisely timed lecture on their research work and answer critical questions at advanced scholarship level in an oral examination. 

Transferrable skills 

  • On completion of the module, the student will be able to professionally present their advanced scholarship to a lay audience in both written and oral form and demonstrate their comprehensive understanding and defend proposals and conclusions when questioned. 

  • Students will gain experience in mid- to long term project planning and delivery. 


How the module will be assessed

This module will be assessed on the basis of four criteria: 

  1. performance in the laboratory and/or in computational based research 

  1. a written research report,  

  1. an oral presentation 

  1. an oral (viva voce) examination. 


Criterion 1 will be assessed by the research supervisor and will be justified according to the students attendance/effort and ability to innovate/intellectually contribute to the work independently. 

Criteria 2-4 will be assessed by two examiners appointed from the experts within the area existing within the school academic staff. 


Students can demonstrate their ability to carry out experiments and/or simulations through their experimental section and through answering practical-based questions in the viva. 

Comprehension and critical thinking will be assessed in both the viva and the oral presentation. 

The ability to work safely, efficiently and independently will be shown mostly in the intellectual and practical contribution mark from the supervisor but will also can be examined in the viva. 

Ability to effectively disseminate work will be showcased by the student in the oral presentation and report. 


Assessment Criteria 

For guidance, here is a summary of what is expected for the award of marks in each decade. 

80 or more: An outstanding performance: excellent in all respects 

Contains evidence that the work was fully understood and that experimental methods were comprehensively implemented. Initiative is exhibited in the design or application of approaches and/or techniques in the laboratory, and/or data analysis. High quality work in the laboratory. Appropriate analytical methods are used and fully understood, including the concepts underlying statistical interpretation. The report must contain a very well argued, very well focused and penetrating discussion of the results, which are presented effectively in tables, diagrams, etc. Limitations are explicitly taken into account at all stages of the investigation. Insight and originality is present, and the conceptual framework of the study is apparent in the discussion and conclusion. There is evidence of extensive, relevant background reading. A thorough appreciation of the nature and importance of the results are indicated in a very strong conclusion and polished abstract. May approach publishable standard. 

Marks above 85% are exceptional and rarely awarded. 

70 – 79: An excellent performance in most respects 

Shows evidence of a high level of understanding of the conceptual framework with appropriate background reading. High quality work in the laboratory. Uses appropriate methods of analysis, the limitations of which are fully understood. Calculations are accurate and statistical analysis and concepts are fully understood. Discussion of the results is convincingly argued in the context of the problem with evidence of a very good ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Exhibits a comprehensive grasp of the material, considers almost all of the salient points and has a very strong conclusion. Standard of presentation is high.  

The minimum of 72% will be used for projects which are clearly first class. 

60 – 69:  A good to very good performance 

Shows sound knowledge and understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of the work, which is complete. Good laboratory work. Mostly accurate but may contain occasional errors in calculations or of fact or interpretation. Methods are substantially correct. Weaknesses may be evident in: theoretical understanding, technical understanding, statistical analysis. Contains a serious attempt to link the results to the aims or problem considered with at least some appreciation of the limitations of the results. Most aspects of the interpretation are covered although fewer salient points in greater depth may be acceptable. Full implications of results may not be grasped. Weaknesses may be evident in the ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. May be flaws in a generally good presentation. Strengths in content and organisation are characteristic rather than strengths in insight or originality.  

Normally, the modal mark is expected to be in the lower 60s. 

50 – 59: An adequate to competent performance 

Shows a reasonable knowledge and understanding of the aims and experimental work required for the project, most of which is complete. Laboratory work is undistinguished. Methods are substantially correct. Analyses may not have been pursued rigorously and there may be a failure to discuss results in sufficient depth or to relate them back to the aims. Important points of interpretation are missed or misunderstood. There may be occasional serious errors of judgement. Flaws in organisation and presentation are likely. Conclusion and abstract may be weak. 

40 – 49: A weak to deficient performance 

Shows a limited grasp of the project beyond the more obvious experimental requirements, not all of which may have been completed. Laboratory work may be poor. Errors may occur in the application of methods and inaccuracies in the results. Serious omissions or conceptual flaws are present in the interpretation. Discussion of results may be superficial. Conclusion and abstract may be weak and repetitive. The report may be incomplete and/or contain several flaws in presentation. 

The minimum of 42% will be used for a clear pass. 

30 – 39: A poor performance 

Lacks understanding of the project but most of the laboratory work is complete. Extensive errors may have been made in following instructions, both in the laboratory and in writing up the report. Results may be incomplete or interpreted sparsely or spuriously. Discussion of results may be short or absent. There is, however, evidence of some relevant knowledge. Conclusions may be short and insubstantial. Abstract may not give a clear idea of the content of the report. Presentation may be flawed. 

20 – 29: A very poor performance 

Contains serious flaws in several respects, such as: incomplete or, missing sections of work, excessive brevity in describing and interpreting results, fundamental errors and misunderstandings throughout, extremely poor presentation. 

19 or less: An exceptionally poor performance 

Shows few signs of the work having been taken seriously. 

Zero is reserved for non-submission. 

Note that these guidelines apply to both the project report and performance in the lab. 

Any academic or competence standards which may limit the availability of adjustments or alternative assessments for disabled students should be clearly stated in line with guidance provided in the Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session or in the following academic session should further practical work be required. 

Reassessment will consist of a second attempt at report, oral presentation and/or oral examination, depending on which parameters were failed in the first attempt.  In extreme cases it may be necessary to repeat the laboratory work in the following academic year. 


Type of assess                         % Contrib   Title                                                            Duration   Approx. date of Assess.

Dissertation                               40                  Written Report                                           N/A            September 

Practical based assessment     20                   Intellectual and practical contribution        n/a            September 

Presentation                              20                  Oral Presentation                                       20 min      October 

Oral/Aural Assessment             20                  Oral Examination                                        40 min      October 











Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 40 Written Report N/A
Presentation 20 Oral Presentation N/A
Oral/Aural Assessment 20 Oral Examination N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Supervisor's Report N/A

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over two semesters, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report which will be examined orally. Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas. 

CHT008: Research Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT008
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Dissertation Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module aims to introduce students to working in an active research environment, allowing them to apply the knowledge gained in the taught portion of the programme to a problem of current interest. Practical skills such as project planning, literature searching, scientific writing, and presentation will form a large part of the module, along with a deeper understanding of the particular subject matter involved.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing(these are things that students will need to be able to do to pass the module)

  • Explain the chemistry underlying the chosen project
  • Carry out experiments as directed by an academic supervisor.

Acting(performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

  • Devise experiments, carry them out and analyse the outcome of experiments either in-lab or in-silco.
  • Disseminate results in both report and oral format. 

Being(performance in this area will enable students to obtain more than a basic pass)

·      Research the literature to further research aims and design experimental protocols.

·      Describe in detail the chemistry of the chosen topic, including background information from the literature and new results.

·      Work with independence whenever possible.

How the module will be delivered

Students will undertake a research project in an area of current interest under the supervision of a member of academic staff, and present their findings orally and in writing.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Skills in experimental work, project planning, literature searching, scientific writing, and presentation.

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed by a combination of an oral examination (20%), a dissertation (40%), an oral presentation (20%), and the supervisor's report (20%).

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 40 Written Report N/A
Presentation 20 Oral Presentation N/A
Oral/Aural Assessment 20 Oral Examination N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Supervisor's report N/A

Syllabus content

Literature review on background and related current work; Project planning, including overall goals and individual milestones and timings.

Familiarisation with specific laboratory and/or computational techniques required for project; Application to preliminary problems, and assessment of viability of project goals and timing.

Application to full scale research problems; Recording, analysis, and interpretation of results.

Review of project goals and milestones in the light of initial results; Re-draft of project plan

Drafting, revision, and final presentation of dissertation; Oral presentation of results, with question & answer session; Outline of proposal for subsequent research.

CHT008: Research Project

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT008
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 60
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Dissertation Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a supervised research project selected from a portfolio prepared by members of staff from their own research interests. In addition to new research work (either within research laboratories or in silico in the case of computational projects), the work will include a literature survey, preparation of a project dissertation and an oral presentation. The dissertation and presentation will be examined orally. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Please enter the learning outcomes of the Module here. The learning outcomes set out what a typical student should know, understand or be able to do by the end of the Module of study. Guidance on writing learning outcomes can be found on the Institutional Expectations intranet pages.

  • Carry out experiments and/or simulations within a team as directed by an academic supervisor and their senior research team members. 

  • Comprehensively explain and critique the chemistry underlying the chosen project to a specialist or lay audience. 

  • Work safely, efficiently and independently on research level tasks. 

  • Critically evaluate current and recent literature/advanced scholarship in the area and employ this to innovate and devise new experiments and/or simulations as the project evolves. 

  • Disseminate results in both report and oral format and defend their work and decision making to peers who have critically evaluated the work. 




How the module will be delivered

Independent investigation, in research laboratories, in silico and in university library resources, supervised by a member of academic staff or their nominee from the relevant research team. 

Cohort level support will be provided in the form of seminars and workshops in essential skills, including Health and Safety (including COSHH), widely used spectroscopic techniques (e.g. NMR spectroscopy), academic writing and presentation. 

Students will be invited to and expected to attend the School’s weekly research seminars. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Chemistry specific skills 

  • Plan, innovate and carry out an original investigation into their allocated area of practical and/or theoretical chemistry. 

  • Independently and with self-direction, select primary source literature, place it within the context of the project, with critical assessment of preceding work. 

  • Record working notes in a professional and appropriate manner, with reference to risks and hazards where applicable. 

  • Plan and compose a detailed report in the standard format required for the research area , allowing a later researcher to repeat the work and understand the context and current level of theory which underpinned this work. 

  • Present a precisely timed lecture on their research work and answer critical questions at advanced scholarship level in an oral examination. 

Transferrable skills 

  • On completion of the module, the student will be able to professionally present their advanced scholarship to a lay audience in both written and oral form and demonstrate their comprehensive understanding and defend proposals and conclusions when questioned. 

  • Students will gain experience in mid- to long term project planning and delivery. 


How the module will be assessed

This module will be assessed on the basis of four criteria: 

  1. performance in the laboratory and/or in computational based research 

  1. a written research report,  

  1. an oral presentation 

  1. an oral (viva voce) examination. 


Criterion 1 will be assessed by the research supervisor and will be justified according to the students attendance/effort and ability to innovate/intellectually contribute to the work independently. 

Criteria 2-4 will be assessed by two examiners appointed from the experts within the area existing within the school academic staff. 


Students can demonstrate their ability to carry out experiments and/or simulations through their experimental section and through answering practical-based questions in the viva. 

Comprehension and critical thinking will be assessed in both the viva and the oral presentation. 

The ability to work safely, efficiently and independently will be shown mostly in the intellectual and practical contribution mark from the supervisor but will also can be examined in the viva. 

Ability to effectively disseminate work will be showcased by the student in the oral presentation and report. 


Assessment Criteria 

For guidance, here is a summary of what is expected for the award of marks in each decade. 

80 or more: An outstanding performance: excellent in all respects 

Contains evidence that the work was fully understood and that experimental methods were comprehensively implemented. Initiative is exhibited in the design or application of approaches and/or techniques in the laboratory, and/or data analysis. High quality work in the laboratory. Appropriate analytical methods are used and fully understood, including the concepts underlying statistical interpretation. The report must contain a very well argued, very well focused and penetrating discussion of the results, which are presented effectively in tables, diagrams, etc. Limitations are explicitly taken into account at all stages of the investigation. Insight and originality is present, and the conceptual framework of the study is apparent in the discussion and conclusion. There is evidence of extensive, relevant background reading. A thorough appreciation of the nature and importance of the results are indicated in a very strong conclusion and polished abstract. May approach publishable standard. 

Marks above 85% are exceptional and rarely awarded. 

70 – 79: An excellent performance in most respects 

Shows evidence of a high level of understanding of the conceptual framework with appropriate background reading. High quality work in the laboratory. Uses appropriate methods of analysis, the limitations of which are fully understood. Calculations are accurate and statistical analysis and concepts are fully understood. Discussion of the results is convincingly argued in the context of the problem with evidence of a very good ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Exhibits a comprehensive grasp of the material, considers almost all of the salient points and has a very strong conclusion. Standard of presentation is high.  

The minimum of 72% will be used for projects which are clearly first class. 

60 – 69:  A good to very good performance 

Shows sound knowledge and understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of the work, which is complete. Good laboratory work. Mostly accurate but may contain occasional errors in calculations or of fact or interpretation. Methods are substantially correct. Weaknesses may be evident in: theoretical understanding, technical understanding, statistical analysis. Contains a serious attempt to link the results to the aims or problem considered with at least some appreciation of the limitations of the results. Most aspects of the interpretation are covered although fewer salient points in greater depth may be acceptable. Full implications of results may not be grasped. Weaknesses may be evident in the ability to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. May be flaws in a generally good presentation. Strengths in content and organisation are characteristic rather than strengths in insight or originality.  

Normally, the modal mark is expected to be in the lower 60s. 

50 – 59: An adequate to competent performance 

Shows a reasonable knowledge and understanding of the aims and experimental work required for the project, most of which is complete. Laboratory work is undistinguished. Methods are substantially correct. Analyses may not have been pursued rigorously and there may be a failure to discuss results in sufficient depth or to relate them back to the aims. Important points of interpretation are missed or misunderstood. There may be occasional serious errors of judgement. Flaws in organisation and presentation are likely. Conclusion and abstract may be weak. 

40 – 49: A weak to deficient performance 

Shows a limited grasp of the project beyond the more obvious experimental requirements, not all of which may have been completed. Laboratory work may be poor. Errors may occur in the application of methods and inaccuracies in the results. Serious omissions or conceptual flaws are present in the interpretation. Discussion of results may be superficial. Conclusion and abstract may be weak and repetitive. The report may be incomplete and/or contain several flaws in presentation. 

The minimum of 42% will be used for a clear pass. 

30 – 39: A poor performance 

Lacks understanding of the project but most of the laboratory work is complete. Extensive errors may have been made in following instructions, both in the laboratory and in writing up the report. Results may be incomplete or interpreted sparsely or spuriously. Discussion of results may be short or absent. There is, however, evidence of some relevant knowledge. Conclusions may be short and insubstantial. Abstract may not give a clear idea of the content of the report. Presentation may be flawed. 

20 – 29: A very poor performance 

Contains serious flaws in several respects, such as: incomplete or, missing sections of work, excessive brevity in describing and interpreting results, fundamental errors and misunderstandings throughout, extremely poor presentation. 

19 or less: An exceptionally poor performance 

Shows few signs of the work having been taken seriously. 

Zero is reserved for non-submission. 

Note that these guidelines apply to both the project report and performance in the lab. 

Any academic or competence standards which may limit the availability of adjustments or alternative assessments for disabled students should be clearly stated in line with guidance provided in the Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session or in the following academic session should further practical work be required. 

Reassessment will consist of a second attempt at report, oral presentation and/or oral examination, depending on which parameters were failed in the first attempt.  In extreme cases it may be necessary to repeat the laboratory work in the following academic year. 


Type of assess                         % Contrib   Title                                                            Duration   Approx. date of Assess.

Dissertation                               40                  Written Report                                           N/A            September 

Practical based assessment     20                   Intellectual and practical contribution        n/a            September 

Presentation                              20                  Oral Presentation                                       20 min      October 

Oral/Aural Assessment             20                  Oral Examination                                        40 min      October 











Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 40 Written Report N/A
Presentation 20 Oral Presentation N/A
Oral/Aural Assessment 20 Oral Examination N/A
Practical-Based Assessment 20 Supervisor's Report N/A

Syllabus content

This module consists of one supervised research project spread over two semesters, in any suitable area of chemistry. The work will include new studies, a literature survey, and preparation of a project report which will be examined orally. Topics will normally involve practical laboratory work, but projects with a large theoretical component are also possible, in appropriate areas. 

CHT203: Heterogeneous Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT203
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Stuart Taylor
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module demonstrates the diverse applications of heterogeneous catalysis and its importance to both the modern chemical industry and protecting the environment. It will outline the essential fundamental concepts and methodologies available for studying these processes, as well as the molecular level mechanisms and principles involved in catalysis. 

Processes covered include oxidation reactions, car exhaust treatment, reducing NOx emissions from stationary sources, and acid-catalyzed reactions. The importance of heterogeneous catalysts and their applications in environmental and sustainability will be outlined and addressed. For particular applications, examples of several types of catalysts, including supported metals, metal oxides, and zeolites, will all be presented. 

We'll cover key details and catalyst characteristics, as well as the typical attributes and preparation of a heterogeneous catalyst. We will assess a catalyst's performance, provide quantitative descriptors, and discuss catalyst deactivation processes. 

We'll examine heterogeneous catalyst mechanisms and contrast the various models. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal, and Mars van Krevelen mechanisms will be addressed and experimental methods used to identify mechanism will be covered.. 

We'll go over the specifics of how heterogeneous catalysts are utilised in various reactor types, covering both laboratory and industrial scales. The various physical forms of the catalysts will also be taken into account in the context of various reactors and performance optimization. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

On successful completion of the module you should be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental principles and mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysts and outline how they are applied to a range of reactions used in modern industrial processes, new sustainable processes and environmental protection. 

  • Evaluate experimental data from performance of heterogeneous catalysts and relate this to key catalyst characteristics to establish an understanding between structure, composition and chemistry. 

  • Propose mechanisms for heterogeneously catalysed transformations covering a wide range of chemistry and recommend appropriate experimental methodology to establish the mechanism. 

  • Apply concepts of heterogeneous catalysis to propose catalysts and key functionality that are required to catalyse a specific reaction, which may be related to presented examples or an unseen transformation. 

  • Examine critically a catalytic process that is currently operated at scale, based on analysis of information from the literature prioritise the key findings to summarise factors that make the process successful. 

How the module will be delivered

You will receive course content delivered primarily using face to face lectures. The course consists of 22 lectures across the Spring semester, with approximately 2 lectures each week.  Lectures may  include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to  address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face to face lectures.  

Lecture material will be supported by three workshops. Two workshops will be formative and will take the form of face to face sessions, and these will focus on supporting problem solving based on material from lectures. A single summative workshop will focus on research into a self-selected industrial catalytic process, and you will attempt this over a timescale of several weeks using independent study. You will be required to submit a one-page narrative summary for assessment. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

You will develop chemistry specific skills, some aspects will focus on applying ideas introduced in earlier modules, these will include kinetics, thermodynamics, solid state chemistry and surface chemistry, along with some new ones. You will apply these fundamental concepts to understand heterogeneous catalysts and how they operate. Application of these fundamental principles will reinforce your skills in application to problem solving and understanding. Developing these skills in the principles of heterogeneous catalysis will allow you to start to select appropriate catalysts for specific target reactions, and appreciate how catalysts could be applied to solve pressing issues around sustainability, reaching net zero carbon targets and tackling environmental challenges. 

You will gain an appreciation of the wide applications of catalysts on a global scale, and  this is an important insight into the modern chemical and processing industries, providing you with a competitive advantage when interacting with industry. 

The module develops a number of your transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval, prioritisation and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability. 

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a written examination and a workshop piece of coursework. 

A two hour closed book written exam will test your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and your ability to apply the techniques and concepts covered to problems solving that are related to familiar and unseen examples.  

The summative workshop coursework will consist of 1 workshop. This will allow you to demonstrate your ability to use widely available scientific resources to locate relevant information and to critically review literature knowledge through the preparation of a short written report. Marks will reflect the extent to which you have met the module learning outcomes, and you will be provided with detailed marking criteria. You will receive feedback on your work well before the written exam. 

Your learning will also be supported by two formative workshops, and feedback provided either orally or in written form after the face to face session. There will be a focus on supporting problem solving based on applying knowledge and understanding of heterogeneous catalysis. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment format will be a 2 hour closed book examination paper. 

Type of assess              Contr    Title                                       Duration     Approx. date of Assess.

Exam paper                 80                 Heterogeneous Catalysis       2 hours        Spring exam period (May/June)

Written assessment     20                 Coursework                           N/A               Feb-Mar 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Heterogeneous Catalysis 2
Written Assessment 30 Heterogeneous Catalysis N/A

Syllabus content

The module will begin by covering the basic fundamental aspects and applications of heterogeneous catalysis, including the effects of catalysts on reaction rates and product distribution, requirements for practical catalysts, and the design of catalysts with attention to active phases, supports and promoters. 

Approaches to catalyst preparation will be covered, and several techniques used to characterise heterogeneous catalysts will be introduced. These will include temperature-programmed methods to monitor adsorption, oxidation, reduction and desorption processes. Surface area and porosimetry by nitrogen physisorption and active metal surface area determination by chemisorption. The application of transmission and scanning electron microscopy to understand the structure of catalysts at the microscopic scale will be included. 

Principles and application of heterogeneous catalysts will be augmented by many examples. These will include catalysts for (i) water gas shift; (ii) refining processes; (iii) production and use of syngas, and catalytic routes to ammonia and methanol; (iv) atmospheric pollution control, with particular reference to the 3-way vehicle exhaust catalyst and selective catalytic reduction for stationary NOx emission control. 

The types of reactors used to apply heterogeneous catalysts will be introduced and the important features will be discussed. Two classes will be covered, (i) gas/solid reactors, and (ii) gas/liquid/solid reactors, the physical forms of the catalysts employed in the different reactors will be explained. The role of the catalytic reactor in an overall chemical process will be presented. 

Quantitative aspects of catalyst performance will be explained, covering gas hourly space velocity, conversion, product selectivity, rates of reaction and some kinetic parameters. 

Some examples of different catalysts will be covered by in-depth case studies for environmental protection applications. These will be the three-way catalytic converter for control of petrol vehicle emissions and controlling NOX emissions from stationary sources. Other different types of heterogeneous catalysts, like those that are applied to biorenewable and sustainable processes, will also be presented. Examples are zeolites, supported metals and metal oxides,  These examples will present a number of different catalytic mechanisms, and will include Langmuir-Hinshelwood, Eley-Rideal and Mars-van Krevelen types, experimental methodologies to distinguish between these mechanisms will be investigated. The relationships between experimental catalyst activity data and catalyst structure will be discussed in the context of catalyst mechanism. 

Mechanisms of catalyst deactivation will be explored and illustrated with various examples. 

Essential Reading and Resource List  

M. Bowker, The Basis and Applications of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Oxford Chemistry Primers, 1998, ISBN 0198559585

Background Reading and Resource List  

J. M. Thomas, W. J. Thomas, Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, ISBN: 978-3-527-29239-4 


CHT206: Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT206
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module outlines 1) the techniques and approaches of physical organic chemistry that are be used to study mechanisms of organic, bioorganic and catalytic reactions and 2) MO theory as applied to the analysis of organic reactions, including in pericyclic reactions. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose a reasonable and falsifiable reaction mechanism for a reaction based on interpretation of physical and/or structural data. 

  • Propose experiments and predict outcomes of experiments designed to falsify proposed reaction mechanisms. 

  • Critically evaluate publications reporting studies of reaction mechanisms and orally report on the findings. 

  • Predict or rationalise the outcome of pericyclic processes, including periselectivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity based on analysis of molecular orbital interactions. 

How the module will be delivered

The module is taught using a combination of online recordings, interactive workshop-style lectures, a workshop and a presentation session as detailed in the weekly module map. The online recordings present the required theory and students are required to watch the recordings before the corresponding interactive workshop-style lectures. The interactive lectures then apply the theory as presented in the recordings to exam-style problem-solving exercises. The workshop is used to explain what is required from the coursework and to allow students to form groups for their presentations. During the presentation session, students will deliver their summatively assessed group presentation. 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Student will practise and develop skills in:

1) discussing how reaction mechanisms become accepted theory through the evaluation of kinetic and mechanistic data and how such mechanisms are falsifiable theories;

2) deciding which experimental techniques are most appropriate for solving problems in organic reaction mechanisms;

3) defending a scientific proposal using data;

4) working as a group to develop a presentation;

5) delivering an oral presentation on a mechanistic study;

6) discussing the outcome of pericyclic reactions in terms of molecular orbital interactions. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed through a group presentation and an exam. 

The summatively assessed group presentation assesses the student’s ability to critically evaluate publications reporting studies of reaction mechanisms and orally report on the findings, to work as a group to develop a presentation and to deliver an oral presentation on a mechanistic study. The marking criteria are the group’s ability in linking data to mechanism (a clear demonstration of how mechanism is supported by results from experiments is expected), in critical analysis (comments on quality of data and suggestions for future work are expected) and in quality of presentation (quality of slides, sequence of material & structure of presentation, coherence of presentation are assessed). The group is awarded a group mark from which individual marks are decided through peer marking, so that the average of the individual marks corresponds to the group mark.  

The exam assesses the student’s ability to propose a reasonable and falsifiable reaction mechanism for a reaction based on interpretation of physical and/or structural data; propose experiments and predict outcomes of experiments designed to falsify proposed reaction mechanisms; predict or rationalise the outcome of pericyclic processes, including periselectivity, regioselectivity and stereoselectivity based on analysis of molecular orbital interactions. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

A resit exam and a resit presentation will be offered if required. The resit presentation is an individual presentation instead of a group presentation.  


Type of assess                     Contrib    Title                                                                         Duration                     Approx. date of Assessment 

Exam - Spring Semester       70                  Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry     2 hours                       Summer exam period 

Group presentation               30                  Presentation                                                            10 minutes per group  Week 23 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Presentation 30 Group Presentation N/A

Syllabus content

Kinetics techniques in mechanistic studies: experimental methods for the acquisition of kinetic data; data analysis, curve fitting, statistics and error analysis; simple rate laws; analysis of kinetic data in terms of reaction mechanisms; complex rate laws; numerical integration techniques

Determination and interpretation of activation parameters in mechanistic studies: Gibbs energies and standard states; Δ‡Hø, Δ‡Sø and Δ‡V and their interpretation 

General & specific acid and base catalysis in mechanistic studies: pH rate profiles; equations and data analysis; mechanisms leading to general/specific acid/base catalysis 

Linear free energy relationships in mechanistic studies: Brønsted plots; Hammett plots 

Use of isotopes in mechanistic studies: isotopic labelling; cross-over experiments; primary kinetic isotope effects; solvent isotope effects 


Proposing reasonable reaction mechanisms: application of the techniques above to proposing reasonable reaction mechanisms 

MO theory as applied to non-pericyclic organic reactions: The application of MO theory to various organic reactions; stereoelectronic effects. 

MO theory as applied to pericyclic reactions: cycloadditions (including Diels-Alder and dipolar cycloadditions); symmetry-allowed and symmetry-forbidden reactions, regioselectivity, stereoselectivity; sigmatropic rearrangements; 1,n hydride shifts, Cope and Claisen rearrangements; electrocyclic reactions; photochemical processes; synthetic strategies involving pericyclic processes 

CHT214: Biocatalysis I: Modern Approaches to Biocatalysts

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT214
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Biocatalysis is an interdisciplinary subject that sits at the cutting edges of chemistry, biology and the sustainable production of industrially important chemicals. There will be a focus in this module on biocatalysts that are naturally occurring or engineered enzymes, which can catalyse transformations with high levels of regioselectivity and stereoselectivity. 

This module will first remind students of the structure of fundamental building blocks of life (primarily proteins and nucleic acids), as a prelude to understanding how the enzymes needed for biocatalysis are produced in large amounts. In addition, some basic principles of enzyme kinetics and catalytic mechanism will be revised. We will then bring the students up to speed on the state-of-the-art in nucleic acid synthesis, amplification and sequencing. 

Students will be introduced to current methods of biotechnology for the production and manipulation of proteins that have applications spanning research, green manufacturing and biopharmaceuticals. Problems with existing methods will be discussed and strategies for their solution will be presented. 

Finally, students will be shown the molecular basis for biocatalytic applications of a series of enzymes, such as proteinases, with an emphasis on methods for evaluating and controlling the stereochemical outcome of these transformations. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Have a critical awareness of the place biocatalysis has within the biotechnology and chemistry toolkit; having a comprehensive understanding of its advantages and disadvantages relative to other catalytic techniques. 

  • Have a systematic knowledge of methods for preparation of enzymes for biocatalysis and hence have the critical awareness necessary to propose appropriate production strategies for wild type and engineered biocatalysts. 

  • Have a comprehensive and systematic understanding of biocatalytic process including catalytic enzyme mechanism and cofactor regeneration associated with using enzymes outside of cells. 

  • Evaluate and propose novel methods for the asymmetric generation of organic molecules using the toolkit of biocatalysis presented herein, when challenged with unseen problems. 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face-to-face small group learning support and feedback. 

The module will be delivered in 6 × 2-hour lectures and 2 × 2-hour workshops. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Whilst studying this Module, students will practise and develop a number of skills.  Not all of these will be assessed formally and included as learning outcomes.  This section should contain a concise summary of these, including academic, subject-specific and more generic ‘employability’ skills which support the University’s graduate attributes 

Experience in project planning and problem-solving in the field of biocatalysis using isolated and purified enzymes. 

Communication of concepts, original proposals and conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences. 

Independently undertaking further learning and professional development to stay abreast of advances in the field.

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (70%) will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. An assessed workshop (30%) through a submitted coursework assignment will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to solve problems, and to judge and critically review relevant information from the primary scientific literature and provide practice for the examination. A prior formative coursework problem sheet will give students practice in this assessment after the first half of the delivered lecture material. 

Any academic or competence standards which may limit the availability of adjustments or alternative assessments for disabled students should be clearly stated in line with guidance provided in the Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment for students requiring resit will take place in the summer resit period and consist of 100% exam which will enable all students to demonstrate their understaning of all learning outcomes. 


Type of assess     Contrib    Title                                            Duration                       Approx. date of Assess

CW                       30%                 Workshop problem sheet          1 week to complete        Nov/Dec  - Autumn semester 

Spring Exam         70%                Examination                               2 h                                 Jan 

Resit Exam           100%              Resit examination                      2 h                                  Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 30 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

Protein and RNA chemistry 

Protein and nucleic acid structure and function. 

Enzyme catalysis 

Thermodynamics of protein folding and substrate binding. Active site structure and the molecular basis of catalysis, including the use of co-factors. The Michaelis-Menten model of enzyme kinetics 

Recombinant DNA technology 

Tools for the manipulation of DNA (endonucleases, ligases, DNA polymerases). Methods of DNA synthesis, amplification, and sequencing 

Obtaining enzymes in bacterial expression systems 

Isolation and purification of recombinant proteins. Modification of proteins by site-directed mutagenesis. 

Advanced topics in biocatalysis, use of enzymes to catalysis asymmetric organic transformations: 

Lipases, esterases and proteinases. Epoxide hydrolases. Dehydrogenases. Use of enzymes in organic solvents. Cofactor chemistry and recycling strategies. Kinetic resolution and dynamic kinetic resolution.

CHT216: Colloquium

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT216
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Double Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module trains students in searching, retrieving, managing and subsequent analysis and critical discussion of current scientific literature in a specialised area of research. The module will develop written communication skills through the preparation of a written literature review report in one of the standard formats (e.g. RSC and ACS). The module will also develop oral communication skills. Each student works on their own specialised chemical topics and these topics are typically aligned with the topic of the student’s Part II project. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Collect, manage and critically review a body of scientific literature in a specialised area of knowledge. 

  • Critically evaluate the published interpretations of data and generate alternative interpretations where appropriate. 

  • Develop and support a professional opinion in a specialised area of knowledge using scientific literature. 

  • Report (in writing and orally) chemical information at a professional standard. 

How the module will be delivered

The module is delivered through two 2-hour workshops on handling scientific literature. Further support on reviewing scientific literature and delivering presentations is provided through a wide range of material for self study as required in learning modules on Learning Central.  

Supervision during the preparation of a written report and a presentation will be provided by the member of staff proposing the topic of the literature study. A minimum of three meetings between the student and the project supervisor is anticipated (one to discuss the topic of the review, one to discuss an early draft of the literature review and one to discuss a late draft of the literature review). These meetings will enable and support student learning of complex and specialised knowledge and skills, but the student is expected to develop the autonomous learning processes associated with the preparation of critical literature reviews.

Skills that will be practised and developed

  1. Finding scientific literature relevant to a specialised chemistry topic 

  2. Critically reviewing a body of scientific literature on a specialised chemistry topic 

  3. Writing critical review reports  

  4. Presenting findings in public and engaging in public discussion 


How the module will be assessed

The presentation and the report will allow the student to: (1) demonstrate his/her ability to judge and critically review a significant body of existing literature in a specialised area of research; (2) present results from a study of the scientific literature in both written and oral form. The assessment criteria are provided to students on Learning Central in the form of the marking forms used by the markers. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

The format of the reassessment is the same as the format of the original assessments. 


Type of assess   Contr  Title                                                                                                                                                        Duration               Approx. date of Assessment 

Dissertation         50              Written Review A written critical review of the scientific literature in a specialised area of chemistr     10-12 pages          End of spring semester 

Presentation        50             Oral Presentation Individual Oral Presentation                                                                                       20+5 format.          End of spring semester 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 50 Written report N/A
Presentation 50 Oral Presentation N/A

Syllabus content

  • Application of information technology in chemistry 

  • Writing of reports in one of the standard formats in chemistry 

  • Plagiarism and its potential consequences 

  • Oral presentation and scientific discussion 

  • The module consists of a literature review of a specialised area of knowledge, resulting in a written report and an oral presentation. Students are allocated a supervisor and agree a topic which can be in any area of the student’s MSc programme but must be focussed on chemical aspects of the selected topic. 

CHT217: Catalyst Design Study

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT217
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module provides students with the opportunity to work in small teams to design a new catalyst system for a given problem. Students must use their knowledge and the literature to understand the current state of the art and why an alternative catalyst may be needed. The study will be assessed by the production of a detailed report and an oral/poster presentation.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Identify catalysis concepts underpinning solutions to a complex open-ended problem.
  • Identify and critically evaluate information from multiple sources.
  • Make appropriate assumptions and estimate relevant quantities.
  • Propose a project solution that shows due consideration of the physical, social, political, economic, environmental, technological and regulatory contexts.
  • Demonstrate an ability to work in groups under time pressure.
  • Report orally and in writing to different stakeholders.

How the module will be delivered

This module provides students with the opportunity to work in small teams to design a new catalyst system for a given problem. Students must use their knowledge and the literature to understand the current state of the art and why an alternative catalyst may be needed. The study will be assessed by the production of a detailed report and an oral/poster presentation.

The module CHT216 (Colloquium) will provide essential background work on how to use the literature for the purposes of this study and so is an essential co-requisite module.

Skills that will be practised and developed

This is a research, design and problem-solving module in which students are expected to integrate initiative and creativity with a detailed subject knowledge of catalysis.

Specifically, students are expected to:


  • Identify existing knowledge and learning needs to address the challenge
  • Demonstrate independent learning ability
  • Plan and manage their time and a variety of tasks in order to meet deadlines
  • Communicate clearly through report writing and briefing documents
  • Work effectively as part of a group and in consultation with specialists
  • Clearly communicate intentions, processes and solutions the problem through visual, oral and written presentation to professional and academic audiences.

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed through an individual report taking the form of a written project proposal (around 15 typed A4 pages, including figures and references) and a group oral/poster presentation (45 minutes). Reports and presentations will be assessed by staff for originality of ideas, soundness of methods, feasibility of project plan, structure and clarity, quality of presentation. 




The module will be reassessed through additional written coursework and/or presentations over the summer. Reassessment coursework will consist of resubmission of a project proposal. Resitting students will not normally be allocated a new problem, and other members of a student’s group would not be expected to contribute unless they were also being reassessed.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Dissertation 60 Written Report N/A
Presentation 30 Oral Presentation N/A
Presentation 10 Poster presentation N/A

Syllabus content

The scientific and technical subject matter will be based on concepts developed during the MSc/MRes programme. Students will be expected to supplement this with their own independent literature research.

The content of the reports will be flexible depending on the problem and solution put forward. However, projects should involve consideration of several of the following:


  • Understanding existing literature related to the project
  • Selection or design of catalysts that exhibit desired properties
  • Developing synthetic routes to catalysts
  • Analytical and measurement techniques for identification and characterisation of materials
  • Sourcing and costs of raw materials, equipment, services and human resources
  • Health, safety and the environment
  • Intellectual property

CHT219: Preparation and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Catalysts

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT219
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module describes the preparation, characterisation and testing of heterogeneous catalysts. The aim of the module is to give students a fundamental understanding of the different techniques and an appreciation of how the information obtained can be used to gain insight into structure activity relationships for different heterogeneous catalysts.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing (these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):

  • Students should demonstrate awareness of the different methods for synthesising heterogeneous catalysts and the impact these have on the properties.
  • Students should demonstrate a fundamental understanding of how different characterisation methods work and the information that can be obtained for heterogeneous catalysts from each.

Acting (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Evaluate experimental data from the testing of heterogeneous catalysts to critically assess their performance.
  • Understand and interpret characterisation data to extract chemically relevant properties.

Being (Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • Critically assess characterisation data to identify unknown materials.

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 11 × 2 hour lectures that will introduce the synthetic and characterization techniques that address the “Knowing” Learning Outcomes. The lectures will include problem solving examples as to how the data generated by the different techniques can be used to provide information about heterogeneous catalysts to develop the skills necessary to achieve the “Acting” and “Being” Learning Outcomes.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of heterogeneous catalysts can be elucidated using different characterisation techniques and testing procedures and how these are related to their structure and performance.


The module will involve a large element of problem solving across a range of spectroscopic and characterisation techniques to gain fundamental information about catalysts. Students will be able to apply this new understanding to solve previously unseen problems and to identify unknown materials from characterisation data.

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment: The module will be assessed by a 2h written examination that will test the student’s knowledge gained from the lecture course (“Knowing” Learning Outcomes) and the ability to solve problems by integrating this knowledge with previously unseen information (“Acting” and “Being” Learning Outcomes).

The coursework will be a problem solving-based exercise. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above.

Formative assessment: The lectures will include problem solving examples as to how the data generated by the different techniques can be used to provide information about heterogeneous catalysts to develop the skills necessary to achieve the “Acting” and “Being” Learning Outcomes.


Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2 h) during the Resit Examination Period.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 50 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

Different methods of catalyst preparation will be introduced and their influence on the properties of the resultant materials will be explained. For supported catalysts, calculations of important concepts such as dispersion will be demonstrated as well as calculating the quantities of precursors and supports required for a particular catalyst formulation.

A number of characterisation techniques/research methods will be described, with a brief introduction to the technique, the fundamentals of how the technique works and the information that can be gained, a general discussion of their scope and limitations, applicability and relevance to catalysis research.

Data interpretation and the application of it to the understanding of catalyst properties and structure-activity relationships will be introduced for the different techniques.

Examples of techniques included in the course are:

Impregnation, sol immobilisation, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, EPR/ENDOR spectroscopy, surface area measurement, electron microscopy, temperature programmed reduction/oxidation/desorption and catalyst testing.

CHT221: Mechanism and Ligand Design in Homogeneous Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT221
External Subject Code 101389
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Benjamin Ward
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module describes the use of metal complexes in homogeneous catalysis, and will cover the deduction of mechanism from experimental data, identification of the important steps common to most catalytic cycles and subsequent methods for improving reactivity/selectivity through appropriate ligand design. Common ligand types and catalysts will be discussed highlighting advantages and disadvantages of the homogeneous approach.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Describe catalytic cycles for major homogeneous catalytic processes;
  2. Identify and understand the individual steps that make up any given catalytic cycle;
  3. Appreciate the range of metals and ligands that can be employed in homogenous catalysis;
  4. Understand the features of a ligand that are important for successful catalysis;
  5. Understand metal-ligand complementarity.

Intellectual Skills

  1. Understand how mechanisms can be derived from experimental data;
  2. Apply knowledge of the fundamental steps of homogeneous catalysis to the assessment of new reactions and/or catalysts;
  3. Draw conclusions about reaction mechanisms from the combination of experimental and spectroscopic data;
  4. Relate the experimental data to the underlying theory;
  5. Design ligands for homogeneous catalysis.

Discipline Specific Skills

  1. Appreciate and understand how metal complexes can be employed as homogeneous catalysts;
  2. Understand the fundamental organometallic reactions that underpin homogeneous catalysis;
  3. Understand how experimental data and spectroscopic methods can be used to deduce the catalytic cycle.

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback.

Twelve 1-hour lectures will be used to introduce and explain the course material of the module, which will be further discussed in two 1-hour tutorials

Two 3-hour workshops will be used to cement understanding of the course material and to give experience of handling and interpreting experimental data.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Please see Learning Outcomes.

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed by a written exam and through one or more assessed pieces of coursework that will include an oral presentation.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)

Syllabus content

  • Overview of reactions catalysed by metal complexes in solution.
  • Detailed discussion of the major homogeneous catalytic reactions to include hydrogenation, carbonylation reactions, alkene oligomerisation and polymerisation, oxidation reactions, C-C and C-X coupling, hydrocyanation and hydrosilylation, metathesis and C-H functionalisation.  Emphasis will be placed on catalytic cycles and how they are derived from appropriate experimental data; implicit in this is a complete understanding of the fundamental reaction types prevalent in these cycles such as oxidative addition, migratory insertion and reductive elimination.
  • How appropriate ligand design can be used to ‘tailor’ catalytic properties such as reactivity and selectivity.  Within this theme, the use of phosphines and N-heterocyclic carbenes as versatile ligands will be introduced and highlighted.  Ligand-metal complementarity will be explored with regard to catalyst stability.  An appreciation of how knowledge of catalytic cycles can aid better ligand design will be stressed.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of homogeneous catalysis compared to heterogeneous systems.
  • Use of chiral ligands for asymmetric synthesis.
  • The use of in situ spectroscopic analysis as an aid to determination of mechanism and interpretation of experimental results such as rate data:  discussion of how such data can be fitted to appropriate mechanisms.

CHT223: Biocatalysis II: Industrial Applications of Biocatalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT223
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Biocatalysis is an interdisciplinary subject that sits at the cutting edges of chemistry, biology and the sustainable production of industrially important chemicals. Further applications of isolated enzymes in biocatalysis will be discussed and build on examples presented in CHT214. In addition, the use of naturally occurring or engineered microorganisms (whole cell biocatalysts) to obtain a variety of useful compounds will be outlined. 

Initially, this module will advance on the material taught in CHT214 (Biocatalysis I), providing students with more examples of the molecular basis for biocatalytic applications of enzymes, with an emphasis on methods for evaluating and controlling the stereochemical outcome of these transformations. There will also be a limited discussion of how product inhibition, co-factor chemistries and the biophysical properties of enzymes influence reactor design and the feasibility of a reaction on an industrial scale. 

The second part of the course will then discuss the use of metabolically transformed microorganisms for the production of small molecules (e.g. citric acid and other amino acids) and antibiotics (e.g. penicillin and erythromycin). The principles of re-engineering the metabolic pathways present in microorganisms will be presented together with their use in optimizing the yields of target compounds. 

Finally, students will be shown how microorganisms can be used in environmental bioremediation and the conversion of biomass into high fructose corn syrup and biofuels. Problems with existing methods will be discussed and strategies for their solution will be presented. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Please enter the learning outcomes of the Module here. The learning outcomes set out what a typical student should know, understand or be able to do by the end of the Module of study. Guidance on writing learning outcomes can be found on the Institutional Expectations intranet pages.

  • Have a comprehensive knowledge of the principal types of organic transformations that can be catalysed by enzymes and/or whole-cell systems on the industrial scale. 

  • Propose appropriate asymmetric routes to novel/unseen small molecule targets employing biocatalysis and critique and propose alternatives to existing routes. 

  • Employ a comprehensive understanding of basic enzyme kinetics to the design of industrial processes faced with problems such as product inhibition. 

  • Evaluate methodologies and provide solutions for unseen problems in biocatalysis where novel, modern engineering of enzymes may be required. 

How the module will be delivered

This section describes all the teaching and learning methods that are used during the Module.  Reference should be made to how the module will be delivered e.g., face to face with elements of blended learning etc.  This should be cross-referenced with the weekly module map 

You should highlight any fieldwork, clinical placements, research, or other learning opportunities and indicate whether they are optional or required and how the learning will be assessed. 

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback. 

The module will be delivered in 6 × 2-hour lectures and 2 × 2-hour workshops.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Whilst studying this Module, students will practise and develop a number of skills.  Not all of these will be assessed formally and included as learning outcomes.  This section should contain a concise summary of these, including academic, subject-specific and more generic ‘employability’ skills which support the University’s graduate attributes 

Experience in project planning and problem-solving in the field of biocatalysis using isolated and purified enzymes applied on an industrial scale and using state-of-the-art engineering techniques such as directed evolution. 

Communication of concepts, original proposals and conclusions to specialist and non-specialist audiences. 

Independently undertaking further learning and professional development to stay abreast of advances in the field.

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (70%) will test the student’s knowledge and understanding as elaborated under the learning outcomes. An assessed workshop (30%) through a submitted coursework assignment will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to solve problems, and to judge and critically review relevant information from the primary scientific literature and provide practice for the examination. A prior formative coursework problem sheet will give students practice in this assessment after the first half of the delivered lecture material. 

Any academic or competence standards which may limit the availability of adjustments or alternative assessments for disabled students should be clearly stated in line with guidance provided in the Reasonable Adjustment Policy and Procedure 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment for students requiring resit will take place in the summer resit period and consist of 100% exam which will enable all students to demonstrate their understaning of all learning outcomes. 

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assess   Contr     Title                                     Duration                                              Approx. date of Assessment 

CW                      30                Workshop problem sheet    1 week to submit from assignment      April 

EXSP                  70                Exam                                   3 h                                                        May

EXRE                  100              Resit Exam                          3h                                                         Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 30 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

This section should provide a descriptive outline and summary of the topics to be covered during the Module. This should distinguish clearly between mandatory content and areas where students may choose between options or develop their own topics.  It should not provide a precise week by week timetable as it may be subject to change.  The use of Module Maps will provide students with weekly details. 

a) Biocatalysis versus chemical catalysis 

Understanding when to use a biocatalyst for a chemical problem.  Advantages/disadvantages of biocatalysts compared to traditional chemical reactions and hetereogeneous/homogeneous catalysis.  Mild reaction conditions, excellent stereo-, chemo- and regio- selectivity versus substrate specificity, product inhibition, lack of catalyst robustness, cofactor recycling. 

(b) Isolated enzyme systems and whole cell systems.  Free and immobilized enzymes for biocatalysis.  Water versus organic solvent. 

(c) Enzyme structure – primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. The amino acids, important side chains for reactivity.  Active site, lock and key and induced fit models. 

(d) Enzyme kinetics.  The Michaelis-Menten equation.  Product inhibition, cofactor requirements and how they relate to reactor design. 

(e) Cofactors – especially NADH in oxidoreductase enzymes.  Recycling of NADH. 

(f) Kinetic resolution and dynamic kinetic resolution. 

(g) Directed evolution for the development of bespoke biocatalysis. 

(h) Enzyme applications. 

  • Hydrolase enzymes – lipases, esterases, proteases etc. with specific examples and mechanism. 

  • Lyases – e.g. Aspartase, tyrosine-phenol lyase 

  • Isomerases – e.g. glucose isomerase 

  • Transferases – e.g. aminotransferases, PLP as cofactor 

  • Ligases 

  • Oxidoreductases – dehydrogenases, oxidases, oxygenases, peroxidases 

CHT225: Practical Catalytic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT225
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module trains students to use a variety of research methods and techniques applicable to catalysis, thus equipping them with a range of skills, which they can apply to modern laboratory and industrial scale research.

The module will comprise practical work in each of the three delineated areas of catalysis – namely heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis and biocatalysis

On completion of the module a student should be able to

Knowing(these are things that all students will need to be able to do to pass the module):

  • use equipment appropriate to the experiments in a safe and correct way;
  • obtain and act upon safety and hazard information for chemicals;
  • use and apply some of the techniques necessary for the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts;
  • use and apply simple techniques for the isolation of an enzyme from a natural source and assess its concentration;
  • prepare selected organometallic complexes and employ them as homogeneous catalysts;

Acting(Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • assess the activity of different types of catalyst isolated from various sources;
  • interpret experimental data and make deductions in the light of an existing model for a system;
  • put new experimental data into the context of what was already known;

Being(Performance in this area will enable students to achieve more than a basic pass):

  • appreciate the context of the experiments and research undertaken;
  • prepare a concise account of previous work on a topic from a survey of the literature.

How the module will be delivered

This module will be practical based and so will be delivered as a series of experiments taking place either in the School’s teaching laboratories or in some of the research laboratories.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Discipline Specific (including practical) Skills:

  1. The student will acquire new skills in the area of practical synthesis within a modern laboratory environment.
  2. There will be enhancement of previous spectroscopic knowledge through further study and experiment application.

Transferable Skills:

  1. Experience of team working;
  2. Experience of presenting and assessing data in front of a critical audience;
  3. Writing an account of research in a format suitable for publication in a peer reviewed journal.

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed by a combination of written reports and oral presentations.

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical-Based Assessment 100 PRACTICAL CATALYTIC CHEMISTRY N/A

Syllabus content

Preparation and analysis of heterogeneous catalysts – this will include a literature investigation with students giving an oral presentation of their findings.

Extraction and analysis of biocatalysts from natural and commercial sources.

Preparation and analysis of homogeneous catalysts.

CHT226: Bioinorganic Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT226
External Subject Code 101043
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Ian Fallis
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Many key processes in biology are enabled by metal ions such as calcium, iron, copper and zinc. In this module the biological functions of a wide range of elements are examined with a particular focus upon the functions of metal ions and their catalytic roles in biology. The module will correlate the fundamental coordination chemistry of metal ions to the wide range of redox, Lewis acidic and structural roles they play in biological structures. The roles of metal ions in selected important drugs will also be explored.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

•Describe the range of functions of metal ions in biological systems. 

•Classify metalloenzymes by reaction type and illustrate with relevant examples. 

•Explain types and classes of metal ligand interactions in metalloenzymes. 

•Classify the types of metalloproteins and co-factors that incorporate transition metal and main group ions. 

•Understand from an evolutionary perspective the need for transition metal ions in biological systems. 

•Retrieve and communicate data, findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases). 

•Understand the mechanisms of metalloenzyme promoted chemical transformations. 

•Understand and illustrate the mode of action of metal containing drugs. 


How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback. 

Content will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester, equating to two lectures per week). In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative tests. This will address the learning outcomes, while examples presented will show students how they may also demonstrate their achievement. 

 Workshops (3 x 1 h, one formative, two summative) will be used to enhance and assess the basic knowledge from the lecture material. 

Tutorials (2 x 1 h, formative) will allow tutors to monitor and guide the progress of students in meeting all learning outcomes. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Classification of complex bioinorganic systems; 

  • Analysis and understanding of the mechanisms in bioinorganic chemical systems; 

  • Correlation of fundamental chemical properties of the elements with their roles in biological systems. 

  • Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information 

  • Actively reflect on own studies, achievements, and self-identity 


How the module will be assessed

Formative and Summative Assessment: The three workshops take the form of multiple-choice tests to be taken in the class. Two will be assessed summatively, and feedback provided during the workshop. Tutorials will be used as reading periods to allow students to absorb course material and raise questions. 

Summative assessment: A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. The coursework will allow students to demonstrate ability to use electronic and printed resources to locate and understand relevant information. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess         Contr.   Title                  Duration     Approx. date of Assess

Exam                         70               Exam                2 hours       May/June

Written Assessment   30              Workshops        N/A            N/A  

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

The placement experience will be undertaken in the industrial or university host approved by the placement scheme coordinator. The main feature will be a substantial project on a chemical sciences topic determined by the host. This will be carried out on a time scale appropriate for the particular placement, but is expected to take about 800 hours of student time, including all literature work, project work, preparation of presentation and written report. For academic placements, it is expected that all of the nominal 800 hours will be spent on the project at the host. For the industrial placements, the aim is for a similar arrangement, but it is recognised that the nature of the host’s work may require this to be modified and directed work related to the host’s business may take up some of the time, though a substantial independent and original project must be included. 

The main report will be supplemented by a short placement review, describing the particular environment of the placement - aspects of cultural differences in teaching and learning methods in host university, skills development during the placement, business aspects of the company for industrial placements. 

Regular contact will be maintained throughout, primarily through the personal tutor, with involvement by the placement coordinator as necessary. 

CHT228: Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT228
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Thomas Wirth
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module consists of a range of examples exposing the students to sophisticated methods in stereoselective synthesis. Building on required previous modules such as CH4303, advanced methods for stereocontrol in total synthesis, preparation of enantiomerically pure drug molecules, development of stereoselective reactions as well as the introduction of various enabling technologies will be the main focus of this module. Throughout, the ability to extract stereochemically relevant information from complex syntheses will be a major focus. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Appreciate the range of synthetic methods available to prepare enantiomerically pure molecules. 

  • Know the strategies and reagents required to generate and implement new stereochemical elements within target-oriented syntheses. 

  • Identify key problems in both small scale academic synthesis and large scale industrial synthesis of stereochemically pure compounds. 

  • Identify different reaction technology equipment and summarise the key criteria to consider before using it. 

  • Understand the principles and strategies of stereoselective alkene functionalization. 

  • Understand main principles in the use of enabling technologies and related industrial issues together with application to target molecules. 

  • Recognize where organocatalysis can be applied in synthesis and which strategies in this area are available. 

  • Explain when alternative tools and techniques may offer significant benefit to a desired reaction outcome. 

How the module will be delivered

10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 2 1-hour class tutorials  

Skills that will be practised and developed

Ability to analyse stereochemical problems and provide synthetic meaningful solutions. 

Assess and solve problems in asymmetric synthesis together with their theoretical background and any strengths or weaknesses associated with them. 

Identification of chemical problems which can be solved by involving enabling technologies. 


How the module will be assessed

Written Exam, Workshop 

The workshop and the written exam will focus on different topics due to the timing of these events. They will enable the students to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes. 

Marking criteria will involve the validity of the provided answers and the ability of the student to handle unknown material. 

Further details (dates) are found in the assessment map. 



All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess    Contr   Title                        Duration       Approx. date of Assess

Exam                    70              written exam            2 hours         Jan

Workshop             30              written workshop     2 x 1 hour 


Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Asymmetric Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Natural Products 2
Written Assessment 30 Problem-based assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Alkene Functionalisations 

Introduction to advanced asymmetric synthesis. Stereoselective functionalisations of double bonds: Briefly revising Sharpless AE and ADH, Jacobsen (year 3), then introduction of other electrophilic reagents including selenium- and iodine-based compounds.  Applications in total synthesis and the synthesis of bioactive compounds will be discussed. 

Enabling Tools for Organic Synthesis 

As synthesis moves in to the modern era so too does the way in which chemists can conduct chemistry. This part of the course introduces the technical considerations needed for using existing and futuristic synthesis tools such as microwave reactors, photochemical reactors, electrochemistry and continuous flow chemistry. Important factors are being considered when conducting reactions using these methods, there will also be a strong focus on the types of synthetic chemistry suited to these modes. 


Organocatalysis is defined as the use of a sub-stoichiometric amount of an organic molecule to accelerate the rate of a chemical reaction. This part will serve as an introduction to the diverse and exciting field of organocatalysis and will specifically cover: a historical perspective; benefits and limitations; catalyst synthesis; covalent and non-covalent organocatalytic activation modes; selectivity (regio-, diastereo- and enantiocontrol); applications within industry; applications towards the synthesis of biologically active compounds.

CHT229: Advanced Techniques in Organic and Biological Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT229
External Subject Code 100422
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Niklaas Buurma
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

In this module, the application of biophysical and computational techniques to study interactions in biological and medicinal chemistry research will be discussed. Students will appreciate what information can be gained from each technique and learn how to plan experiments and interpret the resulting data. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to study interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules. 

  • Decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to obtain structural information for interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules. 

  • Interpret the results from biophysical and computational techniques. 

  • Critically assess the validity of results from biophysical and computational techniques on the basis of an understanding of the physical basis of these techniques. 

How the module will be delivered

The module is taught using a combination of online recordings, 10 two-hour interactive workshop-style lectures, and 2 one-hour tutorials, as detailed in the weekly module map. The online recordings present the required theory and students are required to watch the recordings before the corresponding interactive workshop-style lectures. The interactive lectures then apply the theory as presented in the recordings to exam-style problem-solving exercises. The module also includes a summatively assessed open-book exam-style in-class workshop.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Student will practise and develop skills in 1) discussing how biomolecular interaction mechanisms become accepted theory through the evaluation of biophysical and computational data and how such interaction mechanisms are falsifiable theories; 2) deciding which experimental techniques are most appropriate for solving problems in biophysical chemistry; 3) defending and falsifying a scientific proposal using data. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed through an open-book class test and an exam. 

The summatively assessed open-book class test assesses the student’s ability to decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to study interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to obtain structural information for interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; interpret the results from biophysical and computational techniques; critically assess the validity of results from biophysical and computational techniques on the basis of an understanding of the physical basis of these techniques. The open-book class test also serves as a practice exam. 

The exam assesses the student’s ability to decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to study interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; decide which technique, or combination of techniques, is most appropriate to obtain structural information for interactions between biomacromolecules and between biomacromolecules and small molecules; interpret the results from biophysical and computational techniques; critically assess the validity of results from biophysical and computational techniques on the basis of an understanding of the physical basis of these techniques. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessments take the same format as the original assessments. 


Type of assess               Contr.   Title                                                                         Duration   Approx. date of Assessment 

Autumn Exam                  70                Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry     2 hours      Summer exam period 

Open-Book Class Test    30                Advanced Techniques in Biophysical Chemistry     2 hours      Week 11

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Advanced Techniques in Organic and Biological Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 30 Problem-based assignments N/A

Syllabus content

All content is mandatory.  

Spectroscopic techniques 

Principles of UV-visible, fluorescence, FRET, circular dichroism, vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopies as used in biophysical studies. The use of temperature-dependent spectroscopy to obtain thermodynamic data. Data acquisition and interpretation. 

Solution calorimetric techniques 

DSC and ITC. Data acquisition and interpretation. 

Other techniques 

Further biophysical techniques, including surface plasmon resonance (SPR); SPR instrumentation; SPR methods for determining equilibrium constants and kinetics; biolayer interferometry; SwitchSENSE; Mass spectrometry for study of biomolecules; electrochemical techniques and other modern techniques in biophysical chemistry. 

Data analysis 

Applications of biophysical techniques to the study of biomolecular structure and interactions, including data analysis and estimation of error margins. 

Structure-based methods 

Computer-based methods for docking small molecule ligands into protein binding sites; Introduction to developing and validating scoring functions to determine qualitative ligand binding free energies. 

Computing the energies of protein/ligand complexes using empirical force field methods; Molecular dynamics simulations and computer-based conformational sampling methods to obtain quantitative estimates of ligand binding free energies. 

Introduction to X-ray crystallography and cryogenic electron microscopy for acquiring atomic details of biomolecular structures and their complexes with small molecule ligands; overview of 1D and multi-dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods to determine the structure of biomolecules and protein/ligand complexes. 

CHT232: Key Skills for Postgraduate Chemists

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT232
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor David Willock
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will provide you with the opportunity to review chemistry topics that underpin the MSc programme that you are studying. Topics offered will include organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical concepts and analytical techniques. The topics assessed will be tailored to your personal needs and reflect the material required to help give you the basis to undertaken your MSc programme. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Strengthen their understanding of chemical concepts required at the MSc level of study. 

  • Use the ideas covered in the topics selected to analyse data from the relevant areas of chemistry. 

  • Seek out background information from a variety of resources including text books, on-line information and primary literature in relevant areas. 

  • Use information from a variety of sources to critically analyse chemical data across a number of topics. 

  • Link the background topic information provided in this module with the advanced discussion used in other modules of their MSc. 

How the module will be delivered

The module content will be delivered via face-to-face lectures that introduce key concepts in Chemistry and provides resources for further study. Each topic will provide summative assessment questions to help guide students in their independent study. 

Each student will attend 7 hours of lectures including 2 hours of general direction on the structure of the module and 5 hours of topic specific material. Students then work through independent study to solve example problems set for each topic.  

The topics taken by each student will depend on the MSc programme on which they are enrolled with some topic choice available. Each student will study 5 topics choosing some of these in consultation with their personal tutor. 

The week-by-week delivery schedule and timing of assessment tasks will be described in the module map.   

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will develop their critical analysis and problem-solving skills, dealing with data from a variety of sources to build their understanding of key chemical topics. 


These skills will be used to encourage independent critical thinking. The module will allow for collaborative working when researching background sources enabling discussion of ideas between peers.  

How the module will be assessed

The module will begin with a series of on-line tests allowing students to review their current understanding of areas of chemistry considered background knowledge for our MSc programmes. On the basis of the results of these tests and in consultation with their personal tutors students will decide which topics to take in order to support their learning. 

The summative assessment for the module will be through topic based coursework assignments in the topics selected by students. Each topic will contribute equally so that the 5 topics each student selects will contribute 20% of the module mark. The marking scheme will assess the student’s understanding of the material introduced by each topic.  



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

For students not gaining a pass mark overall new assessments will be set in topics with coursework marks under 50%. 


Type of assess             Contr.   Title                                                                           Duration  Approx. date of Assessment 

Coursework                   100              Coursework in Key Skills                                                           October - December 

Resubmission of CW     100              New assessments will be set in failed topics.                            August 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

The module provides topics to study that give background level understanding of key ideas required at the MSc level in Chemistry. These topics cover the areas of: 

1. Organic Chemistry,

2. Biological Chemistry,

3. Synthetic Chemistry,

4. Bioinorganic Chemistry,

5. Catalysis,

6. Quantum Mechanics,

7. Organometallic Chemistry,

8. Statistical thermodynamics and

9. Spectroscopy. 

All students take 5 of these topics. For MSc programmes in Biological Chemistry or Medicinal Chemistry topics 1-4 are compulsory and students can choose the fifth topic. For other MSc programmes the choice of topics is made by students in discussion with their personal tutor. 


CHT235: Analytical and Structural Techniques in Chemical Biology

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT235
External Subject Code 100948
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Louis Luk
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module provides an overview on the structural and analytical techniques that are most commonly applied in chemical biology research. Technologies used to prepare and characterise proteins, nucleic acids and low molecular weight metabolites will be discussed. Methods used in genetic engineering will also be presented. The ability to extract chemically relevant information from biomacromolecular structures will be explored.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose experimental approaches to tackle problems in chemical biology based on polypeptide and nucleic acid chemistry;  

  • Choose strategies to characterise proteins, nucleic acids and low-molecular weight molecules; 

  • Choose strategies to modify genomes; 

  • Choose appropriate structural and analytical techniques to gain answers for critical chemical biology and medicinal chemistry questions. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered primarily using lectures (12 h across one semester) where the principles of low molecular metabolites, protein and nucleic acid chemistry will be introduced including case studies from the literature. In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative activities.  

Workshops (2 x 1h formative, 1 x 3h summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving and literature searching skills. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will practice applying the concepts, from recombinant protein preparation, chemical protein synthesis to nucleic acid engineering. Students will develop skills in proposing appropriate techniques to answer chemical biology questions. 

  Chemistry specific skills will include: 

  • Proposal of polypeptide synthesis schemes; 

  • Analytical characterisations of proteins and nucleic acids;  

  • Use analytical techniques to detect and quantify proteins and nucleic acids to assess compounds activity; 

  • Assessing protein expression level by use of analytical technologies;  

  • Using enzymes to modify genome sequence of an organism and techniques used for their characterisations;  

  Transferable skills:  

  • Searching relevant experimental techniques from relevant literature; 

  • Synthesising and summarising information from multiple sources; 

  • Proposing solutions to problems based on incomplete information;  

  • Presenting chemical arguments in written and oral form. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: In this first workshop, feedback will be provided either orally or in written form based on past exam. This will give students an opportunity to revise the factual module content and to practice applying it to deduce and propose analytical and structural techniques surrounding chemical biology. 

Summative assessment:  

A summatively assessed workshop in the form of an oral presentation will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to present a novel chemical biology technique for solution of a problem in chemical biology. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the ability to outline experimental approaches for the preparation and characterisations modified polypeptides and genome and/or propose and interpret chemical biology experiments. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme. If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 


Type of assess  Contr.   Title                                                                                        Duration             Approx. date of Assessment 

EXSP                  70               Analytical and Structural Techniques in Chemical Biology    2 h                       May 

CW                      30              Oral presentation  (5-8 mins per student)                              3.5 h workshop    Late March – Early April 

EXRE                  100            Analytical and Structural Techniques in Chemical Biology    2 h                        August 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Analytical and Structural Techniques in Chemical Biology 2
Written Assessment 30 Problem-based assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Rationale for recombinant and chemical approaches for sustainable production of labelled polypeptides. 

Recombinant approaches of polypeptides, with examples drawn from hydrophobic and/or isotopically labelled polypeptides, as well as their characterisations (SDS-PAGE, HPLC, mass spectrometry) 

Chemical synthetic strategies for modified proteins including solid phase peptide synthesis, chemical ligation and orthogonal protecting group chemistry.  

Case studies of ubiquitinylated histone. 

Small molecule metabolites characterisation by use of technologies (reporter system, Western Blot, PCR).  

Efficiently enzymatic system for modification of a genome (zinc finger nuclease, Talen and CRISPR-Cas9). 

CHT237: Bio-imaging Applications of Coordination Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT237
External Subject Code 101043
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Simon Pope
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module consists of three main topics associated with the application of inorganic coordination compounds to biological and biomedical imaging: optical, magnetic resonance and radioimaging will be covered. The module will provide a technical background to each of the imaging modalities and then focus upon the use and application of metal coordination compounds in each discipline. Aspects of synthesis, spectroscopic characterisation and molecular design will be described, and the ability to rationalise the relationship between complex structure and function (including the biological context) will be a fundamental focus. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin fluorescence imaging, magnetic resonance imaging and radioimaging techniques. 

  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different imaging techniques 

  • Discuss the physical concepts that drive the ligand design and choice of metal ion for a given imaging application 

  • Describe the synthetic chemistry pathways to the target ligands and complexes 

  • Interpret spectroscopic data and correlate to the molecular form and design 

  • Identify strategies for metal complex biocompatibility and stability in vitro and in vivo 

  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of molecular form and relate to the function in a bioimaging context 

How the module will be delivered

This module will be delivered in ten two-hour lectures, supplemented by three 1-hour class tutorials. Three staff will teach delivering the three subtopics.  

Formative workshop will provide problem-solving experience on the radioimaging part of the module and will take the place of multiple choice questions that provide a framework for practicing calculations. A summative workshop will require critical analysis and literature work based on the remaining two-thirds of the topics.   

Skills that will be practised and developed

An ability to rationalise ligand structure, metal complex physical properties, biocompatibility and subsequent applications to a given imaging technique. Molecular design and application will be developed. 

The analysis of the primary literature and an ability to scientifically critique published material will also be developed. Independent critical thinking and problem solving will supplement a of the state of the art. 


How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment: workshop is a take-home assessment that requires engagement and analysis of the primary literature on a responsive bimodal imaging agent – it is a word count limited written report. This will assess a student’s ability to use electronic data bases and locate relevant information and critically review the primary literature. This will assess a student’s knowledge of molecular design and a deep understanding of the physical parameters that describe physical properties, and dictate the biological application.  

A written exam (2 h) will test the student’s ability to demonstrate their deep knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems.  



Students who are permitted by the Examining Board to be reassessed in this module during the same academic session will sit an examination (2h) during the Resit Examination Period. 


Type of assess   % Contr   Title                                                                              Duration          Approx. date of Assess

EXAU                 70               Bio-imaging applications of coordination chemistry     2 hours            Jan 

CW                     30               Written assessments                                                                            Nov/Dec 

EXRE                 100             Bio-imaging applications of coordination chemistry     2 hours            Jun 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Bio-imaging Applications of Coordination Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Optical imaging using Luminescence  

Background on confocal fluorescence microscopy for cellular imaging 

Background on photophysics – Stokes shift, Jablonski diagrams, time resolved vs steady state measurements,  quenching pathways, types of emission, tuning emission through ligand design. 

Types of TM-based luminophore including descriptions of ligand design, synthesis, photophysics and applications to imaging and biocompatibility

                  - d6 Ru(II), Re(I), Ir(III) complexes

Discussion of variants for organelle targeting and structure/function relationships. 

Types of lanthanide(III)-based luminophore including descriptions of ligand design, synthesis, photophysics and applications to imaging and biocompatibility

                  - visible emission using Eu(III) and Tb(III) 

                  - near-IR emission using Nd(III) and Yb(III) 

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Contrast Agents 

Background on magnetic resonance imaging. The history and the basic principles of the experiment. 

Background on the fundamental properties and design of T1 and T2 contrast agents. 

Types of complexes used for T1 contrast- lanthanide, transition metal and organic molecules. 

Types of complexes used for T2 contrast- lanthanides and transition metal clusters. 

Using CEST and PARACEST for imaging. 

Assessing new contrast agents –solubility, stability and the NMRD. 

Dual mode imaging and the theranostic approach. 

Gamma Radio-Imaging via SPECT and PET  

Background to gamma imaging – physical basis of the techniques, data capture and imaging 
Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) 
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) - 
general properties of PET/SPECT isotopes, half-lives, imaging resolution, biological matching 

Background to functional imaging vs. structural imaging – 
organ perfusion imaging, inflammation imaging, bone imaging (SPECT) 
biologically active PET probes (FDG, F-DOPA, etc.) 

Ligand design for SPECT and PET isotopes and metal complexes – 
Tc complexes for SPECT 
Ga, Cu, Zr, Y complexes in PET 

Essential Reading and Resource List:

Principles of Fluorescence Microscopy, J.R. Lakowicz 

Handbook of Radiopharmaceuticals, Eds Welch, Redvanly (Wiley)  

References to the primary literature will be given throughout and students will be expected to utilise WoK to access supporting information to the lecture notes. 

CHT238: Industrial Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT238
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module aims to give students a perspective on the current state of industrial heterogeneous catalysis processes.

The role of catalysts and their uses in energy and environmental applications and sustainable manufacturing applications will be described and discussed.

This module will include lectures from industrialists as well as academics to give the students an understanding of the importance of industrial catalytic processes and how these fit with commercial and societal needs.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Students should be able to demonstrate the principles underpinning the use of catalysis for industrial processes
  • Explain the requirements and processes involved in commercialising an industrial process
  • Locate, synthesise and evaluate information from multiple sources
  • Retrieve, critically evaluate and communicate orally and in writing information from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases).
  • Draw conclusions and propose hypotheses based on evaluation of the information obtained information.

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 6 × 2 hour lectures from different speakers involved in various aspects of catalysis in industry and academia. Students will have the opportunity to meet with the speakers to discuss the topic in more detail. Students will be expected to supplement these lectures with self-directed research of texts, web resources, specialist reviews and peer-reviewed literature. Students will be provided with guidance by a module tutor at two scheduled individual meetings.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will need to research and evaluate facts, ideas and opinions from multiple sources including lectures, personal discussions, specialist periodicals and books. Students will develop their ability to summarise and critically review potentially contradictory or incomplete information and opinions. Students will practice presenting complex ideas and arguments orally and through a written report to a professional standard with the use of appropriate IT.

How the module will be assessed


Students will be required to give a short oral presentation on a chosen topic related to critical reviews/themes of industrial heterogeneous catalysis and will be assessed on their choice of content, clarity, logical structure, performance and ability to answer questions. The exact topics of the presentation will be chosen by students with the guidance of the course or module tutor and will be related to the topics covered in the lectures.




The module will be reassessed through additional written coursework and/or presentations over the summer. 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 100 Industrial Catalysis- Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

Mandatory content

The course will cover a range of industrial chemical processes such as petrochemical processes, biorenewable processes, oxidation, hydrogenation and catalysis for environmental control.


Optional content

Students will be required to develop greater knowledge and understanding of selected areas for their chosen topic. The following is a representative, but non-exhaustive list of possible topics.

  1. Gold catalysts for the production of vinyl chloride monomer
  2. Catalysis for automotive applications
  3. Biofuels from biomass
  4. Steam reforming
  5. Methanol synthesis
  6. Assymetric hydrogenation

CHT239: Advanced Materials

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT239
External Subject Code 100225
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jonathan Bartley
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The module aims to develop an understanding of the synthesis, characterization, simulation and applications of specific advanced materials in the modern chemical environment.  

The course will cover semiconductor materials; material surfaces and nanoparticles; colloidal systems in industry and healthcare; heterogeneous catalysis with nanoparticles and bulk catalysts; and the modelling, synthesis and characterisation of these advanced materials. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

On successful completion of the module you should be able to:

  • Systematically understand how different methods for synthesising and formulating advanced materials can impact on their performance in different applications.  

  • Evaluate and predict key properties of materials based on modelling and characterisation data. 

  • Analyse experimental/characterisation/modelling data for different advanced materials to probe the material properties and establish an understanding between structure, composition, and chemistry. 

  • Critically assess literature relating to advanced materials properties and applications. 

How the module will be delivered

You will receive course content delivered primarily using face to face lectures. The course consists of 10 x 2 hour lectures during the Spring semester, with approximately 3 lectures a week for 3-4 weeks.  Lectures may include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face to face lectures. 

Lecture material will be supported by four formative workshops that will focus on problem solving based on material from lectures and discussions around the course content. These formative workshops will provide you with guidance and support for the assessed coursework and examination.  

Skills that will be practised and developed

You will develop chemistry specific skills, focussed on applying ideas from fundamental physical and inorganic chemistry to understand how these can be applied to the use of advanced materials for different applications.  

You will develop a detailed understanding of how properties of materials can be controlled by tuning the synthesis procedure and how advanced characterisation methods can be used to help derive structure activity relationships.  

The module develops several transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval, critical thinking, and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability. 

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a written examination and a written piece of coursework. 

A two-hour closed book written exam will test your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and your ability to apply the techniques and concepts covered to problems solving that are related to familiar and unseen examples.  

The summative coursework will allow you to demonstrate your ability to review and evaluate research from the literature through the preparation of a short written report (2 pages). You will be able to choose between papers relating to colloids, nanoparticles and catalysis for the coursework and will need to identify how different characterization techniques can be used to gain understanding of materials. You will receive feedback on your work well before the written exam. 

Your learning will also be supported by the formative workshops, and feedback provided either orally or in writing during and after the sessions. There will be a focus on supporting problem solving based on applying knowledge and understanding of materials properties for different applications. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assess     Contr.   Title                                  Duration       Approx. date of Assess.

Autumn Exam        70               Advanced Materials         2 hours          January

CW                         30              Coursework assignment                         November/December 

Resit Exam            100            Advanced Materials          2 hours           August






Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Advanced Materials 2
Written Assessment 30 Written Assignments N/A

Syllabus content

Colloidal systems: This part of the module will focus on structure-activity relationships in colloidal systems relevant to important applications in industry and healthcare, plus advanced methods used for their characterisation. Topics will include: advanced characterisation techniques, structure activity relationships in surfactants, polymer solutions, polymer particle interactions, polymer surfactant interactions and supporting case studies. 

Synthesis of heterogeneous catalysts: This part of the module will focus on the synthesis of catalysts and supports. It will include case studies of different catalyst systems. Different synthesis methods will be introduced such as sol-gel, hard and soft templating, antisolvent precipitation to prepare bulk catalysts and supports. Methods of preparing supported catalysts will also be covered including impregnation, deposition-precipitation and the use of pre-formed sols. 

Design advanced materials: This part of the module will focus on the fundamental properties of advanced materials. It will include review of the properties of semiconductors, and the impact of defects on applications, includling light-emitting diodes, transistors, and ionic transport; the properties of extended surfaces on geometric, energetic and electronic properties; the properties of mono- and bimetallic nanoparticles; and explaining nanoparticle-support interactions and how these, as well as environment, can modify the structural and electronic properties and change the functionality of an advanced material. 

CHT247: Modern Catalysis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT247
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Jennifer Edwards
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module demonstrates fundamental concepts in catalysis and expands on these to demonstrate how modern catalysis addresses major chemical and environmental challenges. These challenges include 

  • Environmental air and water protection (through control of VOC and CO air emissions and chemical/biological remediation of wastewater), 

  • Using catalysis to provide clean energy (through the development of sustainable non-fossil fuel sources, and processes underpinning clean hydrogen generation), 

  • Upgrading low-value and waste products to provide alternative, non-fossil pathways to commodity and fine chemicals, 

  • Alternative sustainable pathways for hydrogen peroxide synthesis, and integration of parallel oxidation processes to generate high oxidation products in a more sustainable way, 

  • Fine and bulk chemical synthesis of chemicals crucial for modern living, 

  • Replacing supply-limited precious metal catalysts by less rare materials, 

The basic principles of catalysts synthesis will be covered, and the importance of complementary catalyst characterisation methods (to identify the active site) will be highlighted. Information on the physical properties of the catalyst will be used to demonstrate catalysts mechanisms. The content will draw strongly on the complementary fields of nanoscience, solid-state chemistry, surface science, organometallic chemistry, and synthetic organic chemistry.  

On completion of the module a student should be able to

On successful completion of the module you should be able to:

  • Describe the fundamental principles of structure, function and activity of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts in modern catalytic processes, 

  • Evaluate experimental data from catalysts performance experiments and relate this to physical and chemical information describing catalyst structure and then use this to propose a catalytic mechanism solution , 

  • Apply concepts of homogeneous catalysis to propose hypotheses and detailed reaction mechanisms for homogeneous modern catalytic reactions, 

  • Describe how ligand design enables better chemo-, regio- and stereo-control in homogeneous catalysis 

  • Propose original catalytic solutions to emerging real-world problems and suggest potential catalysts for unseen problems. 

How the module will be delivered

You will receive course content delivered primarily using face to face lectures. The course consists of 10 x 2 hour lectures during the Spring semester, with approximately 3 lectures a week for 3-4 weeks.  Lectures may include some worked problems and informal formative questions to support principles introduced. These will help you to  address the learning outcomes and provide opportunities to apply knowledge and develop understanding.  

The lecture schedule will follow the module map published prior to the start of the module. Lectures will be recorded and will be available following the live sessions. A combination of lecture slides and additional supporting notes will be available for you prior to the face to face lectures.  

Lecture material will be supported by two workshops. These are formative and will take the form of face to face sessions, and these will focus on supporting problem solving based on material from lectures. These formative workshops will provide you with guidance and support for the assessed coursework and examination A single summative coursework assessment will be released after the final lecture.

Skills that will be practised and developed

You will develop chemistry specific skills, focussed on applying ideas from fundamental physical and inorganic chemistry to understand how these can be applied to provide solutions in modern catalysis applications.

You will apply these fundamental concepts to understand heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysts and how they operate. You will assess physical and chemical characteristics (determined from characterisation techniques) to determine how the key catalyst features relate to activity and use this to propose catalyst mechanisms.

You will develop skills in translational catalytic application by understanding the wider content that emerging modern chemical challenges present, and developing and adapting established catalysis processes to address them.

Developing these skills in the principles of heterogeneous catalysis will allow you to start to select appropriate catalysts for specific target reactions, and appreciate how catalysts could be applied to solve pressing issues around sustainability, reaching net zero carbon targets and tackling environmental challenges.

The module develops a number of your transferable skills, such as problem solving, numeracy, retrieval, prioritisation and analysis of information, all of which are important for enhancing employability. 

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will take the form of a written examination and a written piece of coursework. 

A two hour closed book written exam will test your ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and your ability to apply the techniques and concepts covered to problems solving that are related to familiar and unseen examples.  

The summative coursework will allow you to demonstrate your ability to review and evaluate research from the literature through the preparation of a short written report (2 pages). You will be able to choose between 2 questions relating to homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis and will need to identify how original, peer reviewed research articles can be used to address the specific problem outlined. You will receive feedback on your coursework well before the written exam. 

Your learning will also be supported by the formative workshops, and feedback provided either orally or in writing during and after the sessions. There will be a focus on supporting problem solving based on applying knowledge and understanding of modern catalyst approaches for unseen, emerging applications. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment format will be a 2 hour closed book examination paper. 


Type of assess          Contr.    Title                              Duration    Approx. date of Assess

Exam paper                80                Modern Catalysis         2 hours      Spring exam period (May/June)

Written assessment    20                Coursework                 N/A             Feb-Mar

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Modern Catalysis 2
Written Assessment 30 Coursework N/A

Syllabus content

The syllabus will cover 3 main themes: 

(i)           Catalysts for environmental protection -  This part of the module concentrates mainly on catalytic treatment of emissions from stationary sources. This will also focus on the removal of biological and chemical contaminants from water (in both industrial and domestic settings). This theme also focusses on clean energy, with green carbon sources discussed, and the hydrogen economy (and the catalytic processes that provide it) emphasised.  There is further emphasis on the fundamental underlying aspects of the chemistry, in respect to catalyst preparation, microscopic, macroscopic and surface structure, and probing the catalytic mechanism. 

(ii)        Homogeneous catalysis in the 21stcentury  - This part of the module considers how established homogeneous catalytic systems can be improved in terms of both cost and environmental impact.  In particular, application of the principles of ‘green catalysis’ will be emphasised with regard to the nature of the catalyst, the chemical process itself and greener alternatives to established materials. 

(iii)        Grand challenges for catalysis –Fundamental catalyst studies can be translated to technology and process improvements, where lab scale discoveries are exploited on a commercial level, improving process efficiency using less toxic catalyst materials. Examples of novel and more sustainable production routes of fine and commodity chemicals will be explored. The processing of waste streams (with emphasis on non-fossil source) to value added chemicals will be illustrated. Integration of heterogeneous catalysis processes into chemical synthesis routes to provide less energy intensive chemical synthesis will be demonstrated. 

Essential Reading and Resource List 

 ‘Handbook of Green Chemistry – Green Catalysis’: Vol. 1 Homogeneous Catalysis; Vol. 2 Heterogeneous Catalysis, eds. P. Anastas and R.H. Crabtree, Wiley VCH, 2009 

“Grand challenges for catalysis in the Science and Technology Roadmap on Catalysis for Europe: moving ahead for a sustainable future” P. Lanzafame, S. Perathoner, G. Centi, S. Gross, E.J.M. Hensen,, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017, 75182-5194. 

CHT313: Molecular Modelling

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT313
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Peter Knowles
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module exposes students to the range of computational methods that can be applied to diverse chemical problems, from the structure and property of molecules to chemical thermodynamics, kinetics and reactivity. Methods for describing molecules, ranging from quantum chemical and molecular orbital methods for relatively small molecules to atomistic simulation of larger, more complex systems will be discussed. Throughout, the ability to extract chemically relevant properties from molecular modelling experiments will be a major focus. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

By the end of this module, you will be able to... 

  • Explain the fundamentals of theories underpinning the range of modelling methods available to tackle chemical problems.  

  • Design appropriate feasible methodology for the modelling of a given chemical problem, drawing on knowledge of particular methods, errors and computational costs. 

  • Identify the key results obtained from calculations and interpret these with regard to the physics/chemistry of the problem.  

  • Critically evaluate computation schemes presented in primary chemical literature. 

  • Analyse and evaluate the errors in modelling schemes.  

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face-to-face learning support and feedback. 

20 x 1 h lectures, 4 x 1 h tutorials. Lectures will deliver the core course content, addressing all learning outcomes. Formative tutorials will selectively address learning outcomes, with emphasis on problem solving and forging links between topics. 

The module does not contain a practical component, or instruction in the use of particular software elements, but instead develops understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts through discussion of examples of application to chemical problems.

Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Selection of appropriate research methodology for a given problem. 

  • Analysis and presentation of the key outcomes from primary literature. 

  • Identification of theoretical concepts demonstrated in given data. 

How the module will be assessed

The module is assessed through two components: a 2-hour exam in the January exam period (80%), and a take-home assignment during the teaching period (20%). 

The take-home assignment gives opportunity for students to demonstrate understanding of concepts and methods presented, and their ability to analyse the rationale and outcomes of a piece of primary literature. Feedback is provided. 

The examination consists of a variety of questions which test a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of concepts, and their ability to deploy those concepts on unseen problems.  The portfolio of question parts is constructed so that some parts can be answered with a basic level of knowledge and understanding, and other parts support the demonstration of deeper understanding and capability.  The overall balance of these aspects is designed such that candidates can demonstrate satisfaction of the learning outcomes at a basic level and receive the pass mark. 

A number of elements of formative course work are provided in addition, in order to give the opportunity to deepen understanding through application, with feedback through a combination of interactive tutorials and written comments. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of asses.                  Contr.   Title                                    Duration      Approx. date of Assess

Take-home assignment     30               In-course assessment                             December 

Exam                                 70               Molecular Modelling           2 hours         January

Resit Exam                       100              Molecular Modelling           2 hours          August

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 30 Problem-based assignments N/A
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Molecular Modelling 2

Syllabus content

Schrödinger equation, Born-Oppenheimer approximation, potential energy surface. Topography of potential energy surfaces. Parameterised forms for bonded interactions and non-bonded interactions. Application to varied chemical systems. 

Correlated wavefunction and density-functional methods; electromagnetic properties; excited states; intermolecular interactions.  

Fundamentals of Molecular Dynamics; time propagation algorithms; periodic boundary conditions; radial distribution functions; thermodynamics of ensembles; examples of applications. 

Hartree-Fock and Density-Functional theories for periodic solids; molecular and dissociative adsorption; reactivity and principles of microkinetic modelling.

CHT317: Molecular Modelling for Postgraduate Chemists

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT317
External Subject Code 101050
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Stefano Leoni
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The aim of this module is to present advanced concepts of physical and theoretical chemistry and to demonstrate how molecular modelling and simulation techniques are used in modern chemical and materials research. The focus will be on applications across the chemical sciences. Potential areas of application include systems with complex electronic structure, structure and function of bio-polymers such as proteins and nucleic acids, solid-state/surface/nanoparticle chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis and (bio)catalytic reaction mechanisms, and modern applications of machine learning and AI.  


On completion of the module a student should be able to

By the end of this module you will be able to...

  • systematically understand key aspects, strengths and weakness of different molecular simulation methods for different classes of chemical problem and act autonomously in planning and implementing simulations tasks in specific scenarios; 

  • demonstrate self-direction and originality in planning simulations of chemical, bio-molecular and/or solid-state systems and comprehensively identify appropriate choices of methodology, parameter sets and data analysis approaches for chemical problems of interest; 

  • creatively plan strategies for new simulations based on literature case studies by putting together strategies based on functional elements of hitherto disjoint approaches. 

  • critically assess data results and give examples of findings and procedures from a variety of sources (literature, electronic databases and/or calculations) in a manner suitable for molecular modellers and non-specialists, by outlining core findings and relevant methodological choices and by criticising scope and impact of the main findings based on current field’s standards. 

  • demonstrate critical awareness of current problems and scope of machine learning (ML) approaches into molecular modelling, by performing specific tasks of training and prediction based on neural networks ad by contrasting outcomes with non ML-supported approaches. 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of learning activities with face-to-face small group learning support and feedback. 

Key concepts will be explained by use of structured lectures focussing on specific topics, supplemented by textbook, web-based and/or primary literature reference material as appropriate. Students will be expected to study from this material in advance of timetabled classes. Face-to-face classes will build on material from lectures, and will be based around worked problems, live and/or literature simulations and informal ad hoc formative tests. 

9 x 1 h lectures, 3 x 1 h tutorials and 3 x 2 h workshops. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills 

  • Ability to translate formal theory into effective molecular modelling strategies, for molecules and solids. 

Chemistry-specific skills

  • Ability to apply ideas from physical chemistry and molecular modelling to understand how theoretical descriptions of molecules and solids can be used in conjunction with modern software packages; 

  • Ability to modify existing numerical approaches to solve new problems or adapt to new data; 

  • Use of numerical methods to simulate the behaviour of molecular structure, properties, and reactivity;  

  • Obtaining information of chemical reactivity in molecules and solids by understanding and applying methofs of free energy calculations; 

  • Learn molecular properties by setting up suitable molecular descriptors, train and test machine learning algorithms; 

Transferable skills

  • Deploy originality in the application of acquired knowledge; 

  • Plan numerical simulation strategies autonomously to support and verify data interpretation. 

How the module will be assessed

Several ad hoc formative assessments will be used to exemplify concepts introduced in lectures, with feedback orally during or shortly after the timetabled session. A typical formative assessment will contain a revision of key coursework concepts, as well as at least one unseen problem, whose creative solution will instigate self-direction and originality in approaching molecular simulations problems.  At least one longer formative assessment will be set, based around analysis of literature or student-generated data.  

A written class test will assess the student’s ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus content, and their ability to apply the techniques/concepts covered to unseen problems. Coursework will allow students to demonstrate ability to generate and/or analyse data obtained from simulations, and to critically review literature knowledge through the preparation of a written report. Marks will reflect the extent to which students have met the module learning outcomes shown above. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess     Contr.    Title                                                                          Duration   Approx. date of Assess.

Class Test             70                 Molecular Modelling for Postgraduate Chemists     2 hours      May Exam Period 

Course Work         30                Molecular Modelling for Postgraduate Chemists                        February-March 

Resit Exam            100              Molecular Modelling for Postgraduate Chemists    2 hours       August Exam Period 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Class Test 70 Molecular Modelling for Postgraduate Chemists N/A
Written Assessment 30 Molecular Modelling for Postgraduate Chemists N/A

Syllabus content

The module will consist of several self-contained blocks that represent contemporary directions of research in computational chemistry. These topics will remain subject to variation as the field develops, and will be expanded or realigned to current trends as appropriate. 

  • Bio-molecular modelling: prediction of peptide and protein structure; homology modelling; Ramachandran maps; protein folding models. Forcefields for bio molecules; all-atom, united-atom and coarse-grained models. Modelling enzyme function: QM/MM methods; sampling techniques. Modelling of nucleic acids: challenges for DNA and RNA; quantum mechanical and forcefield methods for nucleic acids. 

  • Solid-state modelling: Periodic quantum chemistry introduced using concepts from tight binding theory.  Use of plane wave basis sets and pseudopotentials in periodic systems. The structure of metal surfaces: the nature of surface states and their effect on the density-of-states and Fermi level; activation of molecules at surfaces; quantum-mechanical simulation of surface-catalysed reactions. 

  • Dynamical properties of solids: properties of materials such as metal oxides and porous silicates, simulation of structure and spectra for precious-metal nanoparticles, reactivity of nanoparticles as a function of their composition; Application of these materials towards heterogeneous catalysis, investigation of the interaction between nanoparticles and supports, and the role of this interface in catalysis. 

  • Study of activated processes in the solid state by means of advanced molecular dynamics simulation tools; efficient free energy sampling; Structural and electronic phase transitions, chemical reactions, formation mechanisms, reactive intermediates, structure prediction and the rules behind polymorphism. 

  • Machine-learned interatomic potentials. Theoretical background and applications of AI techniques in molecular dynamics simulations. Graph Neural Networks (GNN), equivariant transformers, self-attention mechanisms. 

CHT327: Engineering Biosynthesis

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT327
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the engineering of biosynthetic pathways for synthesis of organic chemicals for use as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, flavours/fragrances and fuels. Biosynthesis enables sustainable manufacture of complex molecules in multistep routes using fermentation from renewable feedstocks under benign conditions. The combination of synthetic chemistry with biosynthesis provides an efficient avenue to novel compounds for screening as drugs. The strategies and challenges for production of organic chemicals through biosynthetic pathways will be described and illustrated with examples drawn from the biosynthesis of different classes of secondary metabolite.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose intermediates and reaction pathways for the biosynthesis of a given metabolite.  

  • Design and critically evaluate strategies to engineer enzymes and metabolic pathways to produce a compound of a given structure. 

  • Retrieve, interpret and communicate data, findings and procedures relating to biosynthesis from journals and databases. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h across one semester) where the principles of biosynthesis of different classes of secondary metabolite will be introduced including case studies of engineering from the literature. In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative activities.  

Workshops (two formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving and literature searching skills. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will practice applying the concepts of synthetic organic chemistry to enzyme catalysed biosynthetic pathways. Students will develop skills in proposing appropriate starting materials and enzymes to synthesise a given target structure. 

  Chemistry specific skills will include: 

  • Assignment of metabolites to a particular pathway, and proposal of biosynthetic intermediates and transformations;   

  • Apply strategies for modifying a biosynthetic pathway to increase yields or produce novel products;  

  • Predicting the outcome of biosynthetic processing of an unnatural substrate;   

  • Choosing appropriate synthetic substrates for biosynthetic pathways to generate novel compounds.   

  Transferable skills:  

  • Searching databases to find relevant chemical literature; 

  • Synthesising and critiquing information from multiple sources; 

  • Devising and evaluating solutions to problems based on incomplete information;  

  • Presenting chemical arguments in written form. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will give students an opportunity to revise the factual module content and to practice applying it to deduce and propose biosynthetic pathways. 

Summative assessment: A summatively assessed workshop in the form of a written report will allow the student to demonstrate his/her ability to use electronic resources to locate relevant information in the literature to provide the context for solution of a problem in biosynthetic engineering. Students should evaluate the merits of alternative solutions and suggest contingency plans. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the ability to explain biosynthetic pathways, propose pathways for production of previously unseen compounds, propose and interpret experiments in biosynthesis. 



Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 


Type of assess    Contr.  Title                                       Duration        Approx. date of Assess

Spring Exam         70%          Engineering Biosynthesis      2 h                  May 

CW                        30%         Coursework 750 words                                 Apr 

Resit Exam           100%        Engineering Biosynthesis      2 h                  Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Engineering Biosynthesis 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshop N/A

Syllabus content

Rationale for engineering pathways in primary and secondary metabolism for sustainable production of complex organic chemicals. 

Biosynthetic pathways for common classes of secondary metabolite, with examples drawn from polyketides, terpenoids, alkaloids and non-ribosomal peptides. 

Strategies for modifying enzyme selectivity and activity – rational design, screening, directed evolution approaches.  

Case studies of engineering metabolite biosynthesis. 

Reconstituting metabolic pathways in new hosts (choice of host - considerations such as precursor availability, toxicity of intermediates, compartmentalisation, PTMs of pathway enzymes, accessory proteins).  

Efficiently creating molecular diversity by combining synthetic chemistry with biosynthesis (mutasynthesis) and combinatorial biosynthesis.

CHT330: Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT330
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

Spectroscopy is one of the central pillars of chemistry, providing essential information on the reactants, products and critically, intermediates, involved in every chemical reaction studied. In this module, we discuss applications of spectroscopy across a very broad range of fields with a particular emphasis on interfacial and atmospheric processes where Cardiff has particular expertise. The module describes some aspects of the cutting edge of research being undertaken in the School and discusses the unique tools being exploited at Cardiff to investigate these areas. 


On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe a range of experimental methods for determining surface structural and spectroscopic information.  

  • Explain the basic concepts underpinning a range of surface sensitive techniques and use that knowledge to understand experimental data generated by the techniques.  

  • Describe the difference between electron microscopy techniques, including scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. 

  • Critically evaluate why electron microscopy and aberration-correction is required for atomic-resolution imaging. 

  • Apply understanding of spectroscopic techniques in the electron microscope to determine composition and oxidation state of sample data. 

  • Describe Wood’s system of surface structure notation and demonstrate its application in new situations. 

  • Explain why there are problems inherent in obtaining information from surfaces under ambient conditions, and of the techniques being employed to address these problems. 

  • Interpret data acquired from a range of surface sensitive spectroscopies and microscopies 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered in 10 two-hour lectures, supplemented by 3 one-hour formative class tutorials. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

The module aims to create an awareness of the special problems of studying the nanoscale and the interface region and the tools that re available to address those problems. Students will be trained to identify the special circumstances of spectroscopy in these fields, to recognise the information that can be obtained and the best choice of tools to gather that data and finally in the methods that can be used to extract useful information from the data the different microscopies and spectroscopies produce.

How the module will be assessed

Summative assessment will consist of two parts: 

  • One two-hour exam consisting of four compulsory questions reflecting the three elements of the course. 

  • One piece of written coursework which will take approximately 2 hours to complete and will consist of a set of questions from across the module syllabus.  

Formative Assessment 

  • For each of the three segments of the course, a worksheet of questions will be issued and discussed at a scheduled “tutorial” allowing students the chance to assess their competence. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Please provide information to the student about the opportunity for reassessment, should they fail the Module. You should explain the format that reassessment.  

If the reassessment is in a different format to the original assessment, you will need to show how it continues to meet the module level learning outcomes. 


Type of assess       Contr.   Title                                                                            Duration    Approx. date of Assess

Spring Exam            70               Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods    2 hours       May 

CW                           30              Workshop                                                                   N/A             Feb-March 

Resit Exam              100            Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods     2 hours       Aug

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods 2
Written Assessment 30 Applications of Advanced Spectroscopic Methods N/A

Syllabus content

Fundamental principles of interface spectroscopy and microscopy 

  • Fundamental limitations of spectroscopy at interfaces and methods of addressing them 

  • Advanced experimental methods for exploring interface science 

  • Surface structures and conventions for describing them 

  • Experimental methods for exploring surface structure 

  • Use of scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy for understanding material structure. 

  • EELS and EDXS for determining composition and oxidation state. 

  • Factors influencing resolution of electron microscopy. 

  • The unique advantages and applications of synchrotron light sources for probing interface environments 

  • XPS, XAFS and real-time “operando” measurements applied to metallic and oxide catalytic surfaces in situ 

CHT333: Supramolecular Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT333
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Louis Luk
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

The objective of this module is to understand the nature and magnitude of the intermolecular dynamic interactions that enable novel applications in organic chemistry, chemical biology, materials science and nanotechnology. The current trend in modern chemistry is to go beyond the classical molecular approach, analysing the driving force for the association between molecules and/or ions that are induced by non-covalent bonding interactions in solution, solid-state and at interfaces. A deeper understanding of such molecular organizations in both artificial and biological systems will result in engineered systems that can be transformed into technological-relevant applications. By surfing through the most important examples along with the key characterization techniques and contemporary engineering approaches, we will illustrate that supramolecular architectures with exquisite complexity can be achieved from simple molecular components. 

The basic principles of supramolecular chemistry will be discussed through illustrating examples of molecular cages, surface self-assembled networks and metal-organic frameworks, and their applications in sensing and storage. The nature of supramolecular interactions involving nucleic acid and protein as well as their applications, spanning form small molecule synthesis, artificial enzyme design and antibody-drug conjugate creation, will also be discussed. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Identify the involvement of supramolecular chemistry in organic chemistry, chemical biology, material science and nanotechnology; 

  • Outline experimental approaches that are used to study molecular interactions; 

  • Explain how supramolecular chemistry has been used in industries and medicines; 

  • Propose logical solutions to unfamiliar problems by applying fundamental supramolecular chemistry concepts; 

  • Retrieve, interpret and communicate data, findings and procedures relating to supramolecular chemistry from journals and databases. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered primarily using lectures (22 h) where the principles of supramolecular chemistry will be introduced including case studies from the literature. In addition, lectures will include worked problems and informal ad hoc formative activities. Workshops (one formative, one summative) will be used to enhance and assess problem-solving and literature-searching skills. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to build their knowledge in supramolecular chemistry and data analysis skills through independent learning activities (developing a scientific proposal) alongside the lectures presenting the required material. Students will have the opportunity to develop their critical analysis and problem solving skills, dealing with data and information from a variety of methods and sources to come to a rounded understanding of the key processes, methods and materials involved in supramolecular chemistry. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: The first two workshops will be assessed formatively, and feedback provided either orally or in written form. This will give students an opportunity to revise the module content and to apply it to deduce and propose solution for supramolecular chemistry-based questions . 

Summative assessment: A summatively assessed workshop in the form of an oral presentation will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to use electronic resources to locate relevant information in the literature to provide a plausible proposal for a contemporary research topic. 

A written exam (2 h) will test the ability to predict intermolecular interactions as well as propose and interpret experiments in supramolecular chemistry. 


Opportunities for re-assessment are only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 


Type of assess    Contr   Title                                          Duration        Approx. date of Assess.

Spring Exam        70%            Supramolecular Chemistry       2 h                  May 

CW                       30%           Coursework Oral presentation  (10-12 mins)  Late Mar – Early Apr 

Resit Exam          100%          Supramolecular Chemistry       2 h                  Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Presentation 30 Oral Presentation N/A
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Supramolecular Chemistry 2

Syllabus content

  • Basic concepts in self-assembly and self-organization, including a systems chemistry approach, thermodynamics and kinetics of host-guest processes along with the main characterization techniques;  

  • Complexation of neutral molecules in aqueous solution and their technological applications - sensors and drug delivery; Template effects & molecular self-assembly approach towards nanostructures in solutions (including molecular cages and inorganic nanotubes), on surfaces (2D networks and topology considerations);  

  • Non-covalent interactions involving aromatic rings; hydrogen-, halogen- and chalcogen-bonding interactions;  

  • Dynamic covalent bonds & supramolecular polymers;  

  • Experimental techniques and methods used to understand both nanoscale and ultrafast chemistry critical to many supramolecular processes and materials;  

  • Molecular machines, from catenanes and rotaxanes to more complex multi-station multi-stimuli responsive supramolecular systems;  

  • Basic concepts of molecular recognition in biology, including cell architecture, biomolecular interactions, structure of essential building units, lipids, DNA/RNA, protein, sugar; natural Ion channels, including peptide-based ion change, cation/anion complexation, cross-membrane ion channel;  

  • Supramolecular chemistry in biotechnological applications (e.g. designer enzyme, antibody drug conjugate, DNA-templated synthesis)  

CHT342: Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT342
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor David Willock
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module


This module will cover the synthesis, characterisation and simulation of the catalytic materials that find applications in the Green Chemistry and energy sectors. The current trend in chemistry to reduce our dependence on fossil sources of carbon for chemicals and fuels is giving rise to a whole new set of challenges in catalysis. This module will introduce the mechanistic pathways used to transform renewable resources into useful chemicals and identify the characteristics of the catalysts required. We will also survey the synthesis of catalysts and the applications for these materials. The module will emphasize how careful characterisation and simulation approaches can give a structure/activity level of understanding in heterogeneous catalysis that helps to design and optimise catalytic materials.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Appreciate the range of methodologies used in synthesising heterogeneous catalytic material including pre- and post-treatments applied to enhance/control catalytic activity. 

  • Describe the control of surface features, material phases and compositions that can be achieved using a variety of synthetic approaches. 

  • Interpret data from the characterisation methods used for heterogeneous catalytic materials and discuss the information which each method provides and reflect on the overall picture obtained by combining data from different approaches. 

  • Discuss the mechanisms of sample catalytic target reactions in the Green Chemistry and energy sectors. 

  • Work with kinetic rate equations to interpret catalytic data giving conversion and selectivity as a function of time. 

  • Describe in situ measurements that are used to scope out elementary surface reactions during catalysis. 

  • Understand the main computational chemistry approaches used in the simulation of catalytic materials and catalysed reactions. 

  • Appreciate the use of computer simulation in establishing the electronic and geometric features of active sites on catalyst surfaces. 

  • Understand how computer simulation is applied to map out reaction energetics for key steps in heterogeneously catalysed reactions. 

  • Analyse example computational data from the literature on mechanisms of interest for Green Chemistry. 

  • Relate computational and experimental information on catalytic system structure and performance. 

How the module will be delivered

The module content will be delivered via face-to-face activities lectures and discussion workshops. The material will also be supported by formative self- assessment tests introduced at regular points in the delivery schedule.  

The module will consist of 24 hours of lecture and 4 hours of discussion workshops and worked example problems.  

The week-by-week delivery schedule and timing of summative and formative tasks will be described in the module map.   

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will have the opportunity to develop their critical analysis and problem-solving skills, dealing with data from a variety of methods to come to a rounded understanding of catalyst structure, materials properties and mode of operation in key catalytic processes. They will also apply these skills to analyse examples drawn from the scientific literature. 

These skills will be used to encourage independent critical thinking. The formative and summative assessments will allow for collaborative working when researching literature data enabling discussion of ideas between peers.  

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessments will include: 

A formative assignment will be used to give experience of drawing data from literature sources and use ideas from the module to interpret that data in terms of sustainability. Full engagement with the self-assessment exercise will prepare students for the summative assessment components of the module. 

Summative assessment will consist of a single piece of written work combining a number of literature sources. The marking scheme will assess the student’s understanding of the material in the literature sources and their ability to critically assess the way that a proposed process conforms to the concepts of Green Chemistry.  


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess                    Contr.    Title                                                                                      Duration   Approx. date of Assessment 

Summative assignment       30                 Critical assessment processes used in Green Chemistry   1 hr             November 

Exam                                   70                 Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry                               2 hr           June 

Resit Exam                         100                Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry                              2 hr            August 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Catalytic Materials for Green Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

The module will cover the synthesis of catalytic materials for Green Chemistry and energy sectors. The principals of Green Chemistry will be reviewed with current literature examples of industrial processes that have been superseded by more sustainable chemistry. The common metrics of atom economy and E-factor will be discussed in detail and students given the opportunity to evaluate these factors for example processes. The characterisation methods used to measure properties such as the solid phases present, the effective surface area of catalysts and spectroscopic inspection of working catalysts will be addressed. The main approaches to the computer simulation of catalytic materials will also be introduced, with examples that integrate with the theme of Green Chemistry drawn from the literature. Reaction schemes will be presented and discussed based on calculated potential energy surfaces and the insights these given into the catalytic processes they represent. The overall aim of the module is to demonstrate how materials characterisation and simulation can help to inform a mechanistic understanding of heterogeneous catalysis for key reactions in Green Chemistry. 

CHT351: Drug Discovery Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT351
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Professor Thomas Wirth
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module aims to give students an overview of the methods used by medicinal chemists for synthesis of molecules in drug discovery programmes. Common reactions used in drug discovery for preparation of molecules for structure activity relationship (SAR) studies will be presented. Technologies used to support high-throughput and parallel organic synthesis and purification will be described. Design of experiments, hit/lead identification and reaction screening will be introduced. Students will have the opportunity to propose strategies for efficient synthesis of novel molecules with a desired biological activity. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe catalysts and reaction mechanisms for commonly used transformations in medicinal organic chemistry; 

  • Devise strategies for efficient preparation of series of related compounds for structure-activity relationship studies; 

  • Devise laboratory scale synthetic routes to novel biologically active organic molecules; 

  • Critically comment upon the challenges encountered medicinal chemistry to generate hit and lead compounds for further development; 

  • Apply reactions of carbon atom functionalisation (Pd-catalysis, oxidation, reduction) in drug discovery; 

  • Apply reactions of nitrogen atom functionalisation (amide formation, multicomponent reaction, heterocycle formation) in drug discovery. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 12 1-hour lectures that will introduce the topics laid out in the syllabus. Students will be expected to supplement these lectures with independent research of texts, specialist reviews and peer-reviewed literature and to discuss their findings in 2 × 1 hour formative tutorials. There will be workshops where students will be introduced to synthetic chemistry problems in a drug discovery context, followed by written submission of coursework. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

  • Search and consult the literature and databases 

  • Extract relevant information, critically evaluate findings 

  • Apply this new understanding to solve previously unseen problems 

  • Develop written communication skills 

  • Use of information technology for retrieving, manipulating and presenting chemical information 


How the module will be assessed

Written Exam, Workshop 

The workshop and the written exam will focus on different topics due to the timing of these events. They will enable the students to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes. 

Marking criteria will involve the validity of the provided answers to set questions and the ability of the student to handle unknown material connected to the course content. 

Further details (dates) are found in the assessment map. 


All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Type of assess   % Contrib  Title                           Duration  Approx. date of Assessment 

Exam                   70               Written Examination 

Workshop           30               Written Workshop

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Drug Discovery Chemistry 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

  1. Sources of compounds for drug discovery: natural products, compound collections, existing drugs;

  2. Reactions for drug discovery chemistry: palladium catalysed cross couplings, acylation, alkylations, sulfonamide formation, SNAr, reductive amination and multicomponent reactions; hydrogenation, amide formation; heterocyclic compounds synthesis, reactivity and properties; 

  3. Introduction to structure activity relationships; 

  4. Drug discovery process.

CHT352: Techniques in Drug Discovery

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT352
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr David Miller
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the techniques used for discovering ‘hit’ compounds, taking these forward to leads, and compound optimisation. The module will describe both experimental and in silico techniques. Methods of quantifying physico-chemical properties of compounds will be explored and related to compounds’ activity. Receptor binding assays and modelling of drug-receptor interactions will be presented. The module will introduce the student to a variety of key concepts in medicinal chemistry for predicting, measuring and optimising the biological activities of novel compounds.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the physical basis of drug-receptor interactions and apply this knowledge to explain how drugs exhibit agonistic and antagonistic effects. 

  • To evaluate and critique experimental assays for determination of drug mode of action including quantitative and qualitiative information that may be obtained. 

  • Display a systematic understanding of the parameters used to describe the physico-chemical properties of compounds. 

  • Use structure activity relationships in concert with physico-chemical properties to predict activities of novel/unseen compounds and apply this to propose new drug molecule designs. 

  • Critically evaluate compound structures for drug-like and lead-like properties using industry standard rules. 

  • Display a comprehensive understanding and critical evaluation of the fundamental techniques for computational drug discovery. 

How the module will be delivered

A blend of on-line learning activities with face to face small group learning support and feedback. 

The module will consist of a 6 × 2 hour lectures that will introduce the topics laid out in the syllabus. Students will be expected to supplement these lectures with independent research of texts, specialist reviews and peer-reviewed literature and to discuss their findings in 2 × 1 hour formative tutorials. Computational chemistry material will be delivered in a 3 hour workshop including a working demonstration of a computational problem. There will be 2 × 2 hour workshops where students will be introduced to unseen problems in small molecule drug discovery, followed by an assessed workshop which will be a group oral presentation activity.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will be expected to search and consult the literature and databases, to extract relevant information, to synthesise and critically evaluate their findings, and to apply this new understanding to solve previously unseen problems under time pressure. Students will be expected to generate, interpret and present quantitative data. Students will have the opportunity develop their communication skills in written and oral form, and to make use of information technology for retrieving, manipulating and presenting numerical and chemical information. 

How the module will be assessed

The module will be assessed by a written examination that will tests the student’s knowledge gained from the lecture course and the ability to solve problems by integrating this knowledge with previously unseen information. Workshop coursework will assess the ability to integrate the material discussed in lectures with information retrieved from the literature to propose solutions to open ended problems. Students will be expected to demonstrate their competence in the learning outcomes through submission of written coursework and transferrable skills such as teamwork and oral presentations in the assessed workshop. 

Formative workshops will be presented and students will expected to complete these 1 week after submission. Feedback will be returned and allow students to assess their progress against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria. 

The examination will sample all the module learning outcomes.   

A summatively assessed workshop in the form of an oral presentation will allow the student to demonstrate their ability to disseminate a current drug discovery technique for solution of a problem in medicine in language that can be understood by an educated lay person. 




Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


The resit will consist of a 2 h examination that will be weighted to 100% of the module mark and sample all of the module learning outcomes.


If the student has failed the assessed workshop component the student will be given the opportunity to resit that portion of the module (100% of module mark). 


Type of assess   % Contr Title                                 Duration         Approx. date of Assess

CW                      30           Group presentation          5-10 min          December 

Spring Exam       70            Examination                    2 h                   Jan (Autumn exam period) 

Resit Exam        100           Examination                    2 h                   Aug 

CW Resit           100           Presentation                    5-10 min         Aug

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Techniques in Drug Discovery 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

  1. Concepts of receptors, agonists antagonists, partial and inverse agonists. Classification of agonists/antagonists and enzyme inhibitors; 

  2. Pharmacodynamics. Quantitative models for receptor binding and antagonism; 

  3. Functional and receptor binding assays (e.g. scintillation proximity assay, SPR); 

  4. Ion channel assays (fluorescence, electrophysiology); 

  5. Descriptors of physico-chemical properties of compounds, pKa, logP, logD, polar surface area etc. 

  6. Structure activity relationships and QSAR; 

  7. Pharmacophores and (bio)isosteres; 

  8. Lipinski rules, rule of 3, ligand efficiency; 

  9. Molecular modelling in drug discovery - homology modelling, virtual screening, docking; 

  10. Fragment based drug discovery. 

CHT353: Drug Targets

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT353
External Subject Code 100423
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Nigel Richards
Semester Autumn Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module presents an overview of strategies for selecting targets for drug dscovery, as well as the essential biochemistry for understanding the mechanism of action by which major classes of drugs act in a variety of human diseases. Topics include targets for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, various types of cancer, and other disorders such as depression, chronic pain and obesity. Students will also gain an appreciation of current trends in, and emerging targets for, drug discovery. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Perform quantitative biophysical calculations, including those related to acids/bases; 

  • Be able to describe differences in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;  

  • Define the functional roles of key organelles in eukaryotic cells; 

  • Understand the structural elements of proteins; 

  • Apply the Michaelis-Menten equation to model the effects of enzyme inhibitors; 

  • Write curly-arrow mechanisms for enzyme-catalysed reactions; 

  • Understand the molecular interactions involved in ligand binding and specificity; 

  • Be able to identify drug targets with therapeutic value; 

  • Be able to identify drug targets that can prevent cell wall biosynthesis; 

  • Be able to understand how commonly used antibiotics kill bacteria; 

  • Be able to describe how bacteria develop antibiotic resistance; 

  • Describe the life cycle of common viruses;  

  • Understand how commonly used drugs kill viruses; 

  • Understand the concept and design of prodrugs for cell delivery; 

  • Understand the cell cycle and its relationship to cancer;  

  • Understand how commonly used drugs kill cancer cells; 

  • Be able to describe how kinases develop resistance; 

  • Be able to recognise emerging targets for new classes of anticancer agents; 

  • Be able to solve quantitative problems related to drug binding; 

  • Be able to carry out independent research; 

  • Be able to communicate findings using written reports and oral presentations 

How the module will be delivered

The module will be delivered in 6 x 2-hour face-to-face lectures and 2 x 1-hour discussion workshops covering assigned papers from the primary literature. Students will be able to obtain learning support and feedback by appointment with staff teaching the module, and from on-line materials such as answer keys and optional reading. As members of a project team, students will carry out independent study on commonly used drugs and their biological targets. Students will prepare an independently written report, and participate in a lecture presentation of group findings. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Participation in the group project will provide students with an opportunity to:

  • Work positively and effectively when working in a team; 

  • Develop self-motivation, and positively influence others in meeting agreed responsibilities; 

  • Be respectful of the roles of others and acknowledge the limits of their own skills/experience; 

  • Communicate complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences 

  • Contribute to discussions, and present their ideas with impact; 

  • To Identify, define and analyse complex issues and ideas, exercising critical judgement in evaluating sources of information; 

  • To demonstrate intellectual curiosity and engage in the pursuit of new knowledge; 


Participation in the formative assessment, and reading the assigned papers, will provide students with an opportunity to: 


  • Apply creative, imaginative and innovative thinking to solve problems; 

  • Investigate problems and offer effective solutions, reflecting on and learning from successes and failures; 

  • Deliver, accept and act on constructive feedback; 

  • Identify own skills, knowledge and understanding confidently and in a variety of contexts; 

  • Understand the economic and commercial reasons for the selection of drug targets; 

  • Engage with new ideas, opportunities and technologies, building knowledge and experience to make informed decisions about the future 

How the module will be assessed

A written exam (70%) will test knowledge and understanding of the course material, as elaborated under the learning outcomes. A formative assessment (topic-based problem sheets) will allow development of the ability to solve quantitative and conceptual problems related to the lecture material, and provide practice for the written examination. A group project to review the target and mechanism of action of widely used drugs will provide practice in obtaining and critically reviewing information from the primary scientific literature. Communication skills will be assessed by a written project report (25%) and a short oral presentation (5%) on this topic.  


Re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credits than allowed by the resit rules adopted by CHEMY. If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by CHEMY.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Reassessment will be based entirely on performance in the written examination. The reassessment will be in an identical format to the original assessment, enabling students to demonstrate their understanding of all learning outcomes. 


Type of assess    Contr.   Title                                                      Duration      Approx. date of Assess

CW                        0                Problems (formative)                             7 days          Weeks 6-9 

CW                        25              Written report (summative) Weeks 7-10 

CW                        5                Short presentation (summative) Week 11 

Spring Exam         70               Examination                                           2 hours         January 

Resit Exam           100             Resit examination                                  2 hours          August 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Autumn Semester 70 Drug Targets 2
Written Assessment 30 Workshops N/A

Syllabus content

Cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure 

Enzymes: protein structure; simple kinetic analysis; molecular basis of catalysis; inhibition 

Ligand/receptor interactions: intermolecular interactions; role of water in ligand binding and specificity; quantitative description of ligand binding 

Drug targets: nature of known drug targets; methods to validate proteins and nucleic acids as drug targets; emerging targets 

Cell Wall Biosynthesis: enzymology of cell wall assembly; penicillins; vancomycin 

Protein Synthesis: structure of ribosomes; chemistry of gene translation; macrolides 

Nucleic Acid Metabolism: sulphonamides; fluoroquinolones 

Drug Resistance: beta-lactamase; membrane transporters  

DNA viruses: herpes simplex; inhibiting DNA replication; prodrugs 

RNA viruses: influenza virus; haemagglutinin; neuraminidase 

Retroviruses: human immunodeficiency virus; reverse transcriptase; HIV protease 

Cell Cycle: regulation of cell division; signalling pathways; cytoskeleton 

Nucleic Acid Metabolism: DNA replication terminators; cross-linking and intercalating agents 

Cytoskeleton: tubulin polymerisation inhibitors 

Receptor signalling: receptor tyrosine kinases; protein kinases; Ras and related GTPases

CHT354: Drug Development from Laboratory to Clinic

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT354
External Subject Code 100423
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr James Redman
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module concerns the process by which drug leads are progressed through to clinical trials, regulatory approval and marketing. The module will introduce students to the mechanisms by which drugs are delivered to their site of action and their fates in the human body. The process of testing of drug candidates in vitro and in vivo in animals and humans will be described. The issues surrounding production of larger quantities of drug in sufficient quality for clinical work will be introduced. Students will also gain an appreciation of the environmental, commercial and regulatory aspects of drug development. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Propose and interpret assays for drug lead optimisation, candidate selection and progression. 

  • Identify biological, commercial, environmental and regulatory issues in the development and manufacture of a drug and propose solutions. 

  • Retrieve, critically evaluate, synthesise and communicate information from the drug development and manufacturing literature. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 6 × 2-hour lectures that will introduce the topics laid out in the syllabus. Students will be expected to supplement these lectures with independent research of texts, specialist reviews and peer-reviewed literature. There will be a workshop where students will consult the drug development literature and perform a problem-solving activity. 

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will develop skills in relating the molecular structure of drug candidates to biological and physical properties. Students will develop an understanding of the basis of the common assays, and their results, that are used in the pharmaceutical industry to select drug candidates for progression and subsequent formulation. Students will develop skills in critiquing and adapting small scale synthetic routes to larger scale drug production while considering safety, environmental and regulatory implications. Students will learn to extract relevant information from the literature, interpret data and make proposals to overcome challenges in drug development and manufacture. 

Students will be expected to generate, interpret and present quantitative data and to solve previously unseen problems under time pressure. Students will have the opportunity to develop their communication skills in written form while making use of information technology for retrieving, manipulating and presenting numerical and chemical information. 

How the module will be assessed

Formative assessment: A workshop will include formative problems on the later stages of drug development where students will have the opportunity to apply concepts from lectures to propose solutions to drug manufacturing challenges. 

Summative assessment: A single summatively assessed workshop will involve consulting and critiquing of the literature, data presentation, visualisation and interpretation. 

A 2 h written examination will test the student’s knowledge gained from the lecture course and the ability to solve problems by integrating this knowledge and understanding with previously unseen information. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

The reassessment will be by an examination during the resit examination period. 


Type of assess    %  Contr     Title                                                                    Duration   Approx. date of Assess.

CW                       30                Problem-based workshop 750 words Apr 

Spring Exam         70                Drug Development from Laboratory to Clinic      2 h             May 

Resit Exam          100               Drug Development from Laboratory to Clinic      2 h             Aug 

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Exam - Spring Semester 70 Drug Development from Laboratory to Clinic 2
Written Assessment 30 Problem-based workshop N/A

Syllabus content

Mandatory content: 

1. Stakeholders in drug development; 

2.  Introduction to phamacokinetics, ADMET; 

3. Drug delivery and dosing; 

4. Metabolism, phase I and phase II, prodrugs; 

5. Toxicity, adverse drug reactions - mechanism based, idiosyncratic and reactive metabolites; 

6. Assays (for example - profiling, solubility, logD, permeability, HERG, P450 induction/inhibition, genotoxicity, stability); 

7. Introduction to process chemistry - route design, reaction scale up, purification. 

8. Quality assurance, environment, sustainability and safety in drug manufacture. 

9. Introduction to clinical trials and regulation. 

CHT355: Trends in Drug Discovery

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT355
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Michaela Serpi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module aims to give students a perspective on the current state of drug discovery and how this fit within the bigger picture of healthcare and economics. Trends in disease areas, targets, clinical trials and new technologies for developing small molecule and biologics will be reviewed. Students will be introduced to the challenges facing the pharmaceutical industry in terms of productivity, intellectual property protection, profits and regulation. Business models for novel drug development novel may be scrutinised. The module will also consider the relationships between different stakeholders including patients, governments, charities and industry. 

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Describe how new technologies are being employed to increase productivity in drug discovery. 

  • Describe and explain trends in drug approvals and drugs currently in the pipeline. 

  • Discuss the activities performed during pre-clinical and clinical phases in drug development. 

  • Explain how drug discovery is influenced by financial and regulatory pressures. 

  • Discuss the roles of stakeholders in drug discovery, and the relationships between them. 

  • Describe and critically evaluate strategies to bring drugs to market faster and at lower cost. 

  • Explain the current challenges in global healthcare and suggest ways in which these may be addressed by the various stakeholders in drug discovery. 

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 6 × 1/2-hour lectures from different speakers involved in various aspects of drug discovery in industry and academia. Students will have the opportunity to meet with the speakers to discuss their presentation and line of work. Students will be expected to supplement these lectures with self-directed research of texts, web resources, specialist reviews and peer-reviewed literature. Students will be provided with guidance by a module tutor at one scheduled meeting (1 x 1h). 


Skills that will be practised and developed

Student will need to gather, evaluate and synthesise facts and opinions from multiple sources including lectures, in-person discussions, specialist periodicals and books. Students will develop their ability to summarise and critically review potentially contradictory or incomplete information and opinions. Students will practice presenting complex ideas and arguments in written and oral form to a professional standard with the use of appropriate IT.

How the module will be assessed

Students will be assessed for a written assay on a chosen topic related to critical reviews/themes of current drug discovery and will be assessed for their quality and clarity of writing, coverage of the material in the literature, critical discussion, use of references and for the structure and presentation of the essay. Students will be also required to give a short oral presentation on the same topic, and they will be assessed for their choice of content, clarity, logical structure, performance and ability to answer questions. The exact topics of the essay and presentation will be chosen by students with the guidance of the course coordinator or of a module tutor but will be expected to address different aspects of drug discovery, including technology and commerce. 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session


Type of assess        Contr   Title                                     Duration           Approx. date of Assess

Written Assessment  60             Coursework                          8-10 weeks

Presentation             40             Oral presentation                  15 min

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Written Assessment 60 Coursework N/A
Presentation 40 Oral presentation N/A

Syllabus content

Mandatory content: 

1.     Current trends and challenges in drug discovery; 

2.     Emerging themes and technologies; 

3.   Intellectual property, profit and regulation 

Optional content: 

Students will be required to develop greater knowledge and understanding of selected areas. The following is a representative, but non-exhaustive list of possible topics. 

Technologies/discoveries/emerging areas 

1.     Fragment screening methods; 

2.     Biological and macromolecular drugs – stem cell therapies, proteins (monoclonal antibodies), nucleic acids and nucleic acid analogues; 

3.     High throughput sequencing, its use in uncovering genetic basis of disease and the prospect of personalised medicine; 

4.     Alternatives to animal experiments; 

5.     Epigenetics; 

6.     Drugging protein-protein interactions; 

Disease areas 

1.     Diseases of aging, particular neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s); 

2.     The challenge of drug resistance – antibiotics and antivirals; 

3.     Vector-borne disease (malaria); 

4.     Diabetes and obesity; 

5.     Respiratory disorders 

6.     Breast cancer 

Commerce and regulation 

1.     Models for funding drug discovery e.g. rare diseases, antibiotics; 

2.     Outsourcing, contract research, virtual pharma; 

3.     Initiatives for sharing of data and compounds; 

4.     Repurposing existing drugs; 

5.     Effect of intellectual property law on activity in the pharmaceutical industry.

CHT356: Practical Medicinal Chemistry

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT356
External Subject Code 100420
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader Dr Michaela Serpi
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module will involve the synthesis, purification and characterization of chemical compounds that have the potential to be inhibitors of medicinally important enzyme targets. Students will work independently to plan and execute the synthesis of their target compounds learning how to use modern synthetic methods. Modern analytical techniques including NMR spectroscopy will be used to characterise the products. Groups will need to manage their time and resources in the laboratory and coordinate to produce a final report.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Plan a divergent synthetic strategy to efficiently obtain multiple compounds. 

  • Obtain and act upon safety and hazard information for chemicals. 

  • Perform a range of practical techniques in organic synthesis. 

  • Work as a team to efficiently execute multi-step synthesis of several compounds. 

  • Measure and interpret analytical data for small organic molecules. 

  • Purify compounds using manual and automated column chromatography 

  • Use conventional synthesis and microwave-assisted reactions

How the module will be delivered

The module will consist of 5 x 7 hours laboratory sessions. The module will be delivered in the School’s teaching laboratories. Groups of students will be provided with guidance prior entrance in the laboratory by the module tutor at a scheduled meeting (1 x 2 hours). Demonstrators will provide guidance during laboratory sessions.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Students will plan the synthesis of a series of enzyme inhibitors based on literature precedent. Students will develop practical skills in synthetic organic chemistry, analysis of organic molecules and interpretation of spectroscopic data. Students will be able to have hands on experience of cutting-edge techniques such as automated, robotic microwave reactors and automated column chromatography systems. 

The module will involve teamwork. Time management will be the students’ responsibility. Students will practice presenting complex ideas in written reports as well as informal discussions with teaching/demonstrating staff. 

How the module will be assessed

Students will be assessed for readiness to enter the laboratory by completing pre-lab assignments (which are assessed) to ensure compliance with safety and an understanding of what the experiment will involve. The learning outcomes will be assessed continuously based on written report, samples of compounds prepared, spectroscopic and analytical data, performance in the laboratory. Consistent attendance of practical sessions is essential. Students will need to collate their lab records, observations NMR spectra, TLC analysis and submit in the post-lab write-up booklet which will also contain 1 or 2 questions on reaction mechanism and specifics about equipment. The individual report will be a detailed description of the experimental work performed by an individual student. Reports will be assessed by a module tutor. Students should present their experimental description and data in line with that which would be expected in a journal (for example, ACS Journal of Medicinal Chemistry; J. Med. Chem.). 


Opportunities for re-assessment is only permitted provided you have not failed more credit than in the resit rule adopted by your programme.  If the amount of credit you have failed is more than permitted by the relevant resit rule, you may be permitted to repeat study if you are within the threshold set for the Repeat rule adopted by your programme.  You will be notified of your eligibility to resit/repeat any modules after the Examining Board in the Summer period. 

Practical work cannot be repeated after the scheduled time for the module is over. Reassessment involves completing the written assessments based on the student’s own data. Students who need to repeat or do the laboratory work will be required to resit as an internal student in the next academic session. 

All resit assessments will be held in the Resit Examination period, prior to the start of the following academic session

Type of assess                        Contrib    Title                                                        Duration        Approx. date of Assess

Practical-Based Assessment    10                  Laboratory work and Post-lab report       2-3 weeks       April

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical-Based Assessment 100 Practical Medicinal Chemistry N/A

Syllabus content

The topics will cover practical synthetic organic chemistry (preparation of a range of compounds on small and medium scale), with the use of cutting-edge synthesis tools/techniques. Compounds characterisation and analysis will include NMR, and other techniques as appropriate.  


CHT550: Application of Research Methods

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT550
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 20
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This practical work module develops and applies principles and techniques learnt at the Undergraduate level. New experimental techniques appropriate to synthetic and instrumental projects will be explored and the relationship between theory and experiment will be illustrated in practical based problem-solving exercises. The module also involves a group project where students work in teams, addressing aspects of a particular chemical problem. The teams write technical reports on their work and present the data to the whole class in a group discussion. Finally, students write an individual paper in the RSC Chemical Communications format presenting the findings from the class experiment.

A further individual task is to create a video presentation explaining to a general audience a chemical-based issue, along with a short literature review of the subject area.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Critically assess practical methodologies and have the ability to employ appropriate equipment for an experiment.
  • Have a critical awareness of COSHH data and equipment safety protocols to enable comprehensive evaluation of safety and hazard information for chemical procedures.
  • Analyse and develop an appropriate experimental strategy to investigate a problem.
  • Work with a team to create a group report and presentation.
  • Write a scientific paper based on a number of different data sets using sound judgement and evaluation.
  • Produce video sources that are informative and engaging and demonstrate self-direction and autonomous planning.  

How the module will be delivered

This practical module consists of short mini-research tasks covering the areas of both synthetic and instrumental chemistry. In the synthetic laboratory, students will typically undertake five or six practical tasks and for selected, representative tasks, submit a report on their own experimental results.

For the instrumental section, the students will work in small teams to investigate a specific problem set for the class, using cutting edge equipment based in research laboratories. Each team reports their findings to the class in the form of a report and presentation. Students then, individually, write up the class findings as a scientific paper.

A final part of the module involves the preparation of an individual video explaining some aspect of chemistry along with an accompanying short report providing written information on the background to the talk material. Help is provided by the School for preparing the videos.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills:

  1. In -depth interpretation and analysis of experimental data and deduction of properties and potentials in the light of an existing model for a system.
  2. Critically assess new experimental data into the context of what was known/available information.
  3. Assess and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding the current state of knowledge of a system from a literature survey.

Chemistry-specific skills:

  1. Evaluate and show comprehensive awareness of the risks associated with the use of chemicals and apparatus;
  2. Record experimental data in an organised manner and present a written report and oral discussion clearly and concisely;
  3. Competently carry out appropriate experiments to tackle a problem and show a critical ability to interpret results to develop new hypotheses from the data obtained.

How the module will be assessed

This module will be assessed continuously on written reports, samples of compounds prepared, spectroscopic and analytical data, and performance in the laboratory. The group presentation, group report and individual papers also contribute to the overall mark.


 Practical work cannot be repeated after the scheduled time for the module is over. Reassessment for the module will therefore involve completing the written assessments based, either on the student’s own data or on data supplied for the experiments.

Type of Assess                         % Contr.     Title                                                                  Duration(hrs)     

Practical-Based Assessment      75               Laboratory Work and Written Reports              N/A

Presentation                               25               Video presentation and literature overview      N/A

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical-Based Assessment 75 Lab Work and Written Reports N/A
Presentation 25 Video Presentation and Literature Overview N/A

Syllabus content

This practical module introduces some advanced skills in synthetic chemistry. It also involves applying knowledge from previous modules to interpret data from a number of advanced spectroscopic and microscopic methods.

CHT555: Application of Research Methods (10)

School Cardiff School of Chemistry
Department Code CHEMY
Module Code CHT555
External Subject Code 100417
Number of Credits 10
Level L7
Language of Delivery English
Module Leader PROFESSOR Philip Davies
Semester Spring Semester
Academic Year 2023/4

Outline Description of Module

This module of practical work develops and applies principles and techniques learnt in an Undergraduate programme. New experimental techniques appropriate to synthetic and instrumental projects will be explored and the relationship between theory and experiment will be illustrated in practical based problem-solving exercises. Students write an individual paper in the RSC Template format presenting the findings from their experiment.

A further individual task is to create a video presentation explaining to a general audience a chemical-based issue, along with a short literature review of the subject area.

On completion of the module a student should be able to

  • Critically assess practical methodologies and have the ability to employ appropriate equipment for an experiment.
  • Have a critical awareness of COSHH data and equipment safety protocols to enable comprehensive evaluation of safety and hazard information for chemical procedures.
  • Analyse and develop an appropriate experimental strategy to investigate a problem.
  • Write a scientific paper based on a number of different data sets using appropriate evaluations and analysis.
  • Produce video sources that are informative and engaging and demonstrate self-direction and autonomous planning.  

How the module will be delivered

This practical module consists of short mini-research tasks covering the areas of synthetic and/or instrumental chemistry. In the synthetic laboratory, students will typically undertake two or three practical tasks and submit a report on their own experimental results. For the instrumental section, the students will work in small teams to investigate a specific problem set for the class, using cutting edge equipment based in research laboratories. Each team reports their findings to the class in the form of a report and presentation. Students then, individually, write up the class findings as a scientific paper. A final part of the module involves the preparation of individual video explaining some aspect of chemistry. Help is provided by the School for preparing the videos.

Skills that will be practised and developed

Intellectual skills

  1. In-depth interpretation and analysis of experimental data and deduction of properties and potentials in the light of an existing model for a system.
  2. Critically assess new experimental data into the context of what was known/available information.
  3. Assess and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding the current state of knowledge of a system from a literature survey.

Chemistry-specific skills

  1. Evaluate and show comprehensive awareness of the risks associated with the use of chemicals and apparatus;
  2. Record experimental data in an organised manner and present a written report and oral discussion clearly and concisely;
  3. Competently carry out appropriate experiments to tackle a problem and show a critical ability to interpret results to develop new hypotheses from the data obtained.

Transferable skills

  1. Prepare a concise and critical account of advanced scholarship on a topic from a survey of the current literature;
  2. Write an article suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal based on data derived in the laboratory and a literature survey;
  3. Develop familiarity with suitable software/hardware and prepare a video-based presentation on a chemistry topic.

How the module will be assessed

This module will be assessed continuously on the basis of written reports, samples of compounds prepared, spectroscopic and analytical data, and performance in the laboratory. When applicable, the group presentation, group report and individual papers also contribute to the overall mark.


Practical work cannot be repeated after the scheduled time for the module is over. Reassessment for the module will therefore involve completing the written assessments based, either on the student’s own data or on data supplied for the experiments.

Typeof Assess                        %Contrib.   Title                                                           Duration(hrs)

Practical-Based Assessment    50                Laboratory Work and Written Reports       N/A

Presentation                             50               Video presentation                                     N/A

Assessment Breakdown

Type % Title Duration(hrs)
Practical-Based Assessment 50 Lab Work and Written Reports N/A
Presentation 50 Video Presentation N/A

Syllabus content

This practical module introduces some advanced skills in synthetic chemistry. It also involves applying knowledge from undergraduate modules to interpret data from a number of advanced spectroscopic and/or microscopic methods.

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